Brass Knuckles (Lookism x rea...

By kpop_trash_boiii

27.3K 1.2K 253

After a rough year of 7th grade [Name] Choi is sent to Korea to live with her Uncle and Cousin after countles... More

Lookism scenarios๏ฟผ
Not an update


368 27 1
By kpop_trash_boiii

Thank you guys so much for the reads, I'm honestly shocked it's gotten this many but either way I'm thankful for you all.

Location: [Name]'s apartment

Time: 00:30

The yelp that came from Enu that night was one that made [Name] bolt awake, it was the sound of a dog about to give birth and that she did in the span of 5 hours.

Enu pushed out 4 puppies on the scarf her original owner had gave her. While it was now stained the tired mother could seem to care little to none about the fabric as she laid tired while the four puppies drank milk from her.

[Name] made sure to give Enu food and water for her to replenish her energy while keeping Zues as far as she could away from the mother and pups. Though it was shocking to see how interested the large dog was towards the small animals. He seemed gentle enough but she didn't want to see what would happen if she wasn't supervising.

The sun rose not long after, [Name] was unable to sleep in that time frame so rather than dwell on loss sleep she went and helped tall Crystal with an emergency situation.

The situation? A meeting with the teachers of Jhigh.

" So any particular reason as to why you're coming instead of Crystal?" It had been over a week since [Name]'s short, chubby cousin was in school and she knew it had something to do with their cousin– who granted they both knew were the same people.
" Crystal's not coming in for a while so I don't want the school to worry because she'll be in the states while I'm doing business here." The model like woman, also named Crystal, spoke.

Why she continued to hide her double body to her cousin was a mystery. It wasn't like [Name] had no idea, rather her cousin seemed to keep it to herself and Charles. Hell, she still kept it from Gun who's constantly on her ass.

They walked onto the campus as eyes turned to the two of them, following them both physically and visually as they made it to the teacher's lounge.
" So you'll find your way out?" [Name] questioned, making Crystal nod along with a smile— a feature that seemed to be missing from the usually loud woman in front of her.
" Yeah, I'll be done soon but I'm donating lunch to your class and will probably be out soon." The girl nodded along before saying her final goodbyes as she slipped into the room.

That left [Name] to walk to class on her own. Her boba was in hand though unlike the usual purple hue it was a bright green color that looked like a jolly rancher. Her outfit was rather mute in comparison to the neon drink, a tan plaid skirt paired with a white crossed crop top and a dark green and soft pink flower designed corset.

It didn't take long for her to reach class but the moment she stepped in she heard whispers.
" Crystal hasn't been here for a few days.."
" Is it 'cuz of us?"
" Are we going to be in trouble?"
" Yui?"
" Why are you looking at me?" The woman snapped, glaring at the three bothering her while she hadn't noticed [Name]," I didn't bully her."
" Oh.. no.. Just sayin'..."

[Name] slid next to Zack, smiling at the male who looked tired beyond belief. How he could properly sleep with his broken arms and ribs was a mystery to her.

He acknowledged [Name] with a nod before turning to the conversation at the front of the room," Yah, Yui Kim... you shouldn't have done that. Treating a transfer student like that... I guess you haven't changed."

It looked like Yui's world was crashing around her," Zack?! No way! I didn't do any.."
" Yeah Zack!"
" Yui did nothing wrong!"
" Why are you being like that to Yui?"
The male entourage appeared to defend their Queen.

" Are you fucking serious?!" [Name] blurted, getting pissed slowly as Zack's rage was even worse than the woman's.
" Don't suck up to a girl or I will make you eat from a straw! Cut your balls, boys."

" Zack, are you fighting again?" Mira questioned, entering the classroom at one of the worst times as he instantly acted like Yui's supporters.
" What do you mean, Mira? No one is fighting here!" Zack defended himself while [Name] nodded along.
" Most Muhammad did was threaten to revoke ball privileges, I personally would have revoked penis but it's a matter of preference." [Name] shrugged," Plus, he can't do much with his broken arms."

Class began shortly after the verbal argument, [Name] retreated to her normal chair beside Jay who smiled at her before someone walked into the class with the teacher.

It was big Crystal, she came in with a box that was filled to the brim with Bulgogi Burgers, one of [Name] and Crystal's favorite foods.

" Please be nice to Crystal. Bon appetit~ I'm Crystal's sister, [Name]'s cousin, and as twins we're the same age... so enjoy the food." The beautiful woman gave a fake smile to the class, though when she looked over at some of the shocked faces of the room it turned into genuine joy.

" She is damn fine."
" They both look nothing like her."
" Fraternal twins?"

Crystal's eyes go over to Yui who sat shocked, though no one could blame her seeing as how it was shocking the two were related.

" Please don't bother Crystal~" she purred as she watched Yui turn back to the male lackies.
" Who would do that?"
" I have no idea...!"
" Don't worry about Crystal!" Long face screamed out, jumping out of his chair as he thought he looked like a hero,".. I'll look after her!"

" Oh.. um.. I guess.."
" Honestly, she'd be better off dead than in the care of Doo." [Name] sighed, making the male a bit deflated and pissed from the fact that both shot him down.

" Excuse me." A voice called from outside the door. There stood Vin Jin blushing with his phone out," ..give me your number... fuck."
" Wow, Vin is hunting digits."
" Hehe, he's the man."
" As her cousin I disagree to this completely."
" Yeah, no way!" Crystal agreed with [Name]," I don't like your sunglasses.."

" Lol!"
" Ruthless!"
" Rejected!"
" Tsk tsk tsk."
" I would say no too."
" Haha."
" Overconfident."
" ..She's so pretty."
" I have a girl crush."
" I can see how they're related."
" They both look like models."


" Hey, [Name], how are the puppies doing?" Daniel questioned [Name] as she sat across from him and Zack who had their head down on the table to rest.

It had been 3 months since the puppies were born. Granted they were still relatively small but they gave the insomniac a run for her money.

" If I wasn't loaded I would have gone broke by now." [Name] sighed, thankful for the life she had," They're a bit crazy though honestly, Enu and Zeus alone were a bit much but now four puppies that have the same energy of Zeus? It's tiring."
" Just put them up for adoption, they're three months old already." Zack insisted while [Name] instantly refuted the idea.
" How could you Ali! They're the only things that bring me mental stability! Their cuddles cure the worst depressions and relieve the most intense anxiety!" [Name] gasped dramatically but she instantly relaxed into a similar position as Zack in front of Daniel," Plus I could never separate them. Enu needs them as much as they need her, and having her around Zeus makes her much more comfortable. I could never tear apart the family they have now. If anything I just need a pet sitter so I can have a break."
" You sound like you have a solution already."
" That's where you're wrong! I don't have a sitter and I can't trust just anyone with my rays of sunshine!" [Name] sighed before having an idea," Unless... you're offering to—"
" No."
" What?! But why not?! What about you, Daniel?"
" Uh... sorry, I need all the money I can get."

The most unlikely sitter offered to watch the puppies during classes and until 9pm every day. Jay Hong, the man terrified of dogs of all shapes and sizes, was puppy sitting. Well, his butler was puppy sitting during class hours. But beyond that Jay kept his distance, only allowing himself to be in the same room as the pups if they couldn't climb up where he was or if he was behind a chair.

It gave Enu, Zeus, and [Name] a much needed break due to nonstop caring for the puppies for 3 months. The mother was beyond tired but she looked much healthier now as well.

" [Name]!" A voice yelled out in the cafeteria, it was Vasco though it wasn't that shocking to the woman," I heard you are raising five retrievers, is that true?"
" Um... I know the mom is but the puppies are a bit mixed. But yeah for the most part, why?"
" I love dogs! I have a retriever on my phone!"

Instantly the photo of a blonde dog that was most definitely not a retriever was shown to [Name] that was saved as his Lock Screen.
" Can I come see them?!"
" Sure." [Name] smiled," We can make that our date if you want? You can meet the puppies and their mom along with Zeus."
" Oh! Yes! I forgot about that! Let's do it today!" The excitement from the man made [Name] smile as she nodded along.

" I have a dog too." A voice butted in, it was a male apart of the architecture class," A golden retriever. Wanna see it? Now it's at the vet."
" Oh oh! Oh oh oh oh!" Vasco got excited before Jace stepped in.
" Wait! Vasco!" The detective looked over the man with three chins," You're in our dept, right? Taejoon Park, the liar. Do you even know how big a golden retriever is?"
" Like a... chihuahua?"
Technically he could be right, the puppies were chihuahua sized.
" Let's go, Vasco, don't listen to him."
" Don't be rude to fools, I'm one too." Vasco called out.
" He's not really a fool... anyways... Vasco will see you after school." Jace promised for the tattooed male.


Vasco showed up like promised, greeting [Name] at her car while she waved the male down," Hey Vasco, you ready to see some pups?"
" You bet!" The male called excitedly, getting into the passager's seat of [Name]'s car without even bothering to wait for her to get in.

They, of course, made a quick stop to get the puppies in question from Jay's house. The silent man shivering as he handed over the puppies in their brand new clothing that Jay bought for them.

[Name] couldn't tell what was more adorable, the puppies in their own separate outfits or Vasco's response to them as he practically melted from the cuteness.

Vasco had never looked happier with a light blush over his cheeks with a wide smile and bright eyes like a child on Christmas. Though it was safe to say Vasco was a child at heart.

The date was going to be simple, a puppy play date at her apartment due to Zeus being there with Enu.

Since Charles got back from America [Name] has been staying at her apartment for a reason. It was the fact that Charles didn't want to see Enu.

He never said she couldn't have her and the puppies but he only knew of the mother on the other hand.

[Name] seemed to have autopiloted to the apartment, seeing as how she was parked and just sitting there in her thoughts as Vasco received puppy kisses blissfully. The sight made her soften a bit, a smile coming to her lips as she slowly turned off the car.

It seemed as if the male was in his own world, which he was, so [Name] had to call out for the male to pay attention to bring them up to the apartment.

Once they were out of the car and in the elevator with the puppies it was almost as if Vasco was only getting more and more excited by the fact that he was going to see an older retriever and a much bigger, fluffy dog. When they actually got into the apartment and let the puppies run loose, Enu and Zeus looked almost mortified at the fact that the puppies were home earlier than usual. But when they saw the man they realized why.

" Oh my god! I love them all!" Vasco smiled childishly as he went to Zeus and gave the dog a large hug, being sure to be gentle.

Zeus was more than happy to give kisses and cuddles to the tattooed stranger but Enu was much more cautious as she went around her puppies.

" This is Zeus?"
" Yep. He's a pain in the ass and will literally crush you but he's the biggest baby ever." [Name] smiled as she sat on the couch," So what do you want to do for this date besides play with puppies?"
" I mean... How do dates work?" Vasco asked, giving the girl his child eyes as she couldn't help but blush.
" Well, depending on the date they typically talk, play games, cuddle, and such."
" What's such?" Vasco asked, joining the woman on the couch as she felt her face become hot from the question, her brain could only go to one thing and it was definitely not something she could do with Vasco.

Well, she could. After all she already kissed Daniel and Zack... And DG but that was a different occasion and scenario.

" Uh, y'know. Couple things. Hold hands, cuddle as I suggested, kissing." [Name] listed as Vasco flourished at the mention. Though he seemed to be thinking about it if anything," So.. we act like a couple?"
" Basically, yeah."

It was quiet for a moment besides the six dogs that sat around the apartment as if watching the two like a tv show.

This was the first real date she's really had, the rest were heirs and successors she didn't want to be around so this was much different than she was used to. She was with a man who she found attractive, despite a lot of people not finding him that way, and honestly the idea of a date with him wasn't bad in the slightest but she wasn't sure as to how their friendship would go from there.

If they actually hit it off, would they date? Would she even be allowed to date him? Charles would most likely have a lot to say about such an arrangement but the man wasn't here nor did she want to think about his opinion on the matter.

So rather than letting her brain dwell on it, Vasco put his hand on [Name]'s cheek. It made the both of them blush more than before, especially with the male closing the gap between them.

It was almost as if time slowed down, Vasco's gaze locked onto [Name]'s as she looked at the muscular man almost shocked at his actions but she didn't stop him. When their noses brushed against each other she shivered a bit but once their lips were pressed together she couldn't think of anything else.

Vasco shockingly had soft lips, she'd expect them to be rough and chapped if anything when looking at him but it was a nice surprise. What seemed to have shocked Vasco more though was the girl kissing him back.

They moved in synchrony and any worry [Name] had melted away as if Vasco was taking it away through the kiss. What seemed to have taken longer than the introduction of their kiss was them actually parting. It lasted until they were both completely out of breath, and even then it seemed like Vasco didn't want to part from her. Though, she could easily say the same for herself as her face was hot from being flustered as they separated.

For a man who had no clue what occured on a date he knew how to kiss, way too well infact.

" Were you like... Traumatized in your childhood because there is no way you were that good for someone completely sane." [Name] panted, trying to be lighthearted as she made that joke.
" Huh..? What do you mean?"
" They say you're... Uh... Good in bed if you've experienced trauma is all..."

If Vasco could become more red he had in that moment but he didn't refute the statement as he just fully moved away from [Name]," Was that... Regarding yourself as well?"
" Well, at least now I know where I stand on the kissing scale... But yeah a bit..."

The silence couldn't be differentiated between awkward or comfortable for a moment, making [Name] apologize after a moment for what she said seeing as how the male was in thought now.
" No, it's fine... I was bullied in middle school though. That's why I have my tattoos now..."

The girl nodded along, understanding that a bit due to people covering scars with tattoos.
" [Name], what are we?"

Now that was a loaded question. They just practically made out on [Name]'s couch and he was asking this.

" Uh... Friends... Right?" [Name] questioned the both of them," I mean... I do find you attractive but I don't know about relationships on my end... My dad would have a few words and I'm so busy that the idea of a boyfriend just sounds like a chore honestly. Not that you're a chore or anything! I mean it in the sense of I do a lot in such a short amount of time that I don't know if I'd actually have time for it."
The male nodded along, understanding her words a bit but he couldn't help but let his feelings out," I find you attractive too... And friends yeah... Do you think... In time we could be more? If you become less busy..."
" Maybe." [Name] answered but she didn't know when that would be," I just... I don't want to lead you on if I do become less busy but am unable to date because of my dad and such... Look, Vasco—"
" Euntae." The male corrected her, making her blush from how intimate it felt.
" Euntae..." [Name] repeated, not fully sure on how it sounded but it seemed to flow easily from her mouth," I'm related to and friends with... Very bad people... My dad is one of those people and I don't want anyone I love get hurt... I'm worried that you will if we do ever progress... But, one day... If you're willing to wait or not— I can't hold it against you if you don't because granted I don't even have a time frame... I can try in the future if I can... The issue is I kind of led other people on as well I feel like because of this— granted you're the only one I've seriously went on a date with but I'm a bit..."
" Flirtatious?" Vasco questioned, almost shocking [Name] at him even knowing the word.
" Yeah.. That."
" So... I have competition?"
" I think what I said went over your head—"
" I'll wait!" Vasco nodded, mainly to himself," However long it takes, I'll wait... I've never really felt this way about any girl I've known... So, as long as you keep me by your side, I'll be happy. You said to Woong 'If you love someone, let them go'. And if I do love you then I will if I have to."

This was probably the smartest thing [Name] has ever heard come out of Vasco's mouth, though he obviously wasn't too sure of what he was saying it seemed.

" If you do find anyone in-between the time frame... I want you to go with them, alright?" [Name] spoke, watching the male seem sad," I'm saying this in a sense of, we can kiss and whatever you want when alone but if you find anyone who makes you feel the way that I do, I want you to go with them and not worry about me."
That he seemed to understand as he slowly nodded, though he just grabbed at her hand to hold it with his puppy like smile on his face," I don't think I will so I'll stay right here... As a friend or lover."


Heyyyy, how y'all doin—
It's been a rough month for me so I sat down and wrote a chapter.
I hope you guys like it :)

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