I Found You {Gale/Gajevy} [Co...

By Xx_Fandom_Girl_xX

19.2K 777 87

She left two years ago, after they were together for five years. He tried using the saying, 'if you love some... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 1

790 31 1
By Xx_Fandom_Girl_xX

Just as the sun kissed the horizon, Levy finally left her parents company. She sighed and scratched at the itchy material of her dress. As soon as she made it to her room, she locked it and quickly pulled the dress off. She sighed and stretched, finally being able to breath now that she was out of that heavy silk dress. She walked over to her dresser and pulled out the bottom drawer, one her parents thought to be locked and broken.

She pulled out a shirt that was at least five times too big on her. It was black, with sliver iron accents around the edges. Levy held it to her nose and inhaled the scent, it was distinctly his. Sweat, slight smell of blood, and the almost over powering scent of iron. She picked out a pair of black pants and pulled them on after throwing the shirt on. She walked into a closet and stood on a stool in order to reach the top shelf. She pulled down a green pack, filled with gloves, wraps, food and water.

She walked over to the window and looked back at her locked door. She sighed and pushed it open, and looking down. She was on the third floor of the house, and she probably would've broken her ankles if she jumped. She sat on the sill, and reached out to grab a branch of the oak tree outside of her room. She got a decent grip on it and jumped, swinging and hitting the tree with a thud. She let go and dropped to the ground, jumping out of a roll. She stood and dusted herself off before grabbing her bag and walking out the back of the gardens.

Levy walked until she reached the old gym, and pushed the doors open. The smell of sweat, blood, and dust assaulted her nose, but she had been there so often it didn't bother her. She walked over to a punching bag, hanging from the ceiling in a corner and set her bag down. She pulled out the wraps and wrapped her hands and knuckles tightly before absolutely abusing the punching bag.

"Widen your stance." She heard in the back of her mind. He would always tell her to widen her stance. "Keep your elbows up and out. Never look down." He would say, just before he would push her, making her fall over. "Wider stance Shrimp." He said again and pulled her to her feet. She would always grumble something about the nickname, but didn't much chance to do something about it. He would always launch another attack at her, and knock her to the ground. He would chuckle before calling it a night, and walk her home.
Subconsciously, she widened her stance and did everything he always told her to. It had been almost a year since she left, moving to Magnolia so her father could start a new life for them. And her heart ached, everyday when she saw his face in the last photo they took together.

Levy walked up to the tall tree and tried to smile as he grinned at her from his spot, leaning against the tree. His smile faded when he noticed she was in a dress, not in her usual shirt and pant, as well as the distressed look on her face.

"What's wrong Shrimp?" He asked, and pulled her into a warm embrace. She shook her head and hid her face in his chest. Warm tears seeped through his shit and he pulled them down to sit on the ground, his back leaning against the tree a he ran his fingers through her hair. "What's wrong? Has something happened?" He asked quietly, pulling back enough to look at her with worry in his eyes. The look almost broke her heart in two.

"Gajeel, we need to talk." She said after taking a deep breath. "We can't see each other anymore." she said quietly, and looked away from his hurt look.

"What? Wh-why not, your father hasn't found out has he?" He asked, tightening his grip slightly on her. She shook her head.

"Yours has." She said, lowering her voice. "He came to my father last night, threatening him. He said he would destroy everything he's worked so hard to create for us." Her voice was wavering, and she was afraid she would break down.

"What? He couldn't have. He told me he was going to speak with an associate in the city." He exclaimed.

"No. He. . .He told me all the things you've done." She said, pushing away from him. "All the people you've hurt before, the people you've almost killed." She said, barely above a whisper. "The things you do, when your not with me. The bar fights, all of it." She said, growing braver. "I can't believe I ever would fall for someone like you. That I would ever let you touch and hold me." She snapped, and turned away from him, crossing her arms and fighting the tears that threatened to spill over. "I can never get back the years I spent with you. I wish I never walked into that gym, and I wish I never met you." She finished, loosing her brave tone. He was quiet for a long time after her little speech. She was about to walk away when his large fingers closed around her wrist and spun her around and crashed his lips against hers. She kissed back instantly, before pushing him away.

"Then go." He said quietly, pushing her away. He turned his face away from her, hiding the few tears running down his cheeks. "Go and get yourself someone who deserves you." He let go of her completely and turned his back away. She ran away before she could do something she would forget. She didn't mean any of it. She knew he had a rough past, she didn't care. She made up the fact his father came to her father last night. She only told him to make it easier when she moved.

"I'm sorry, Gajeel." She said, running away from him to go home, to finish packing and to cry in peace.

~~~~~~~Back To The Present~~~~~~~
"Hey, kid. It's late, shouldn't you be at home? I dunno, sleepin' or Somethin?" A gruff voice said from behind her. She shook her head and launched a kick at he bag. Whoever was behind her growled slightly and looked at the time. "It's close to two in the morning. I gotta close up, come back tomorrow." He mumbled. Levy finally stopped and sighed, brushing her hand over her cheek and felt a warm wetness. It wasn't sweat, from her two hour work out, it was her tears from the painful memory.

"Fine." She muttered and grabbed a towel from her bag and wiped her forehead and neck. She grabbed a water bottle and took a quick drink before grabbing her bag and walking out of the gym. She hadnt even bothered to unwrap her hands.

She walked home and climbed up the tree, jumping from the tree to her window. She climbed inside and sighed at the still lit candles. She walked around her room, blowing out the lights before sitting on her bed with one candle left. Looking down at her hands, Levy quickly unwrapped them and let a single tear slip and fall on her now bare hands. She slid off the bed and stuck her hand under her bed, and grasped a photo. She pulled it out and let out another tear.

"No. I promised I wouldn't cry anymore." She mumbled angrily to herself, rubbing the tears away. He looked so happy that day. It was the day they figured out they were an actual couple, despite the fact they were always going behind their parents backs. He had taken her to the fair that had rolled in that week, and has gotten powered sugar all over his face from their funnel cake. Someone had snapped a picture of her laughing at him before he pulled her close, and rubbed the sugar onto her face.
"Gajeel!" She shrieked and tried to push away.

"That's what you get for laughin at me." He grinned and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

"Well maybe you should get sugar all over your face!" She grinned brightly up at him and looked around for a napkin. He chuckled, and shook his head before reaching down and wiping his face with his shirt.

"Just use yer shirt." He said before taking a bite of the funnel cake.

"I can't do that! I am a lady, and I need a napkin." She said dignified and stuck her chin in the air, knowing that he hates when she does that. He grinned darkly before pulling her close again and kissing her passionately. When he pulled back she looked like she was in a daze, and he laughed. A true, genuine laugh that he only shared with her.

"There, all gone." He said, tapping the tip of her nose, grinning again when she puffed out her cheeks and pouted up at him, despite the bright red blush on her cheeks.

"You big oaf." She mumbled and took a bite of the funnel cake.

"Hey, your the one who started it." He said and wrapped an arm around her tiny waist and pulled her closer to him. She rolled her eyes and they finished the cake before running to stand in lines for a roller coaster.

Levy sighed and put the photo back under her bed. If her father knew she still had it, he would no doubt burn it in spite of the family which had driven them out of Oak Town. The blue haired girl climbed into bed and blew out the last candle, letting sleep take her for the night.

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