President Perfect // DNF

By TiaFabziWrites

227K 6.7K 17.1K

George is the perfect student, he had been a stellar student, teachers' pet and the ideal perfect son for his... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8: Coming to terms :)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: The start of the end
Chapter 11: The allegations
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter ??
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 2

9.5K 319 1.1K
By TiaFabziWrites

TW: Underage drinking, Abuse  (Let me know If there's any others please x)

The week carried on endlessly with Clay consistently annoying George during classes whilst George attempted to do the assignment. Conversation of the party that week had spread almost as fast as the news about George and Clay's interesting greeting to class that Monday. 

"So the party's tonight" George shrugs tossing the pencil across the desk in frustration. 

"Yeah" A smile immediately growing across Clays face as his eyes meet Georges. 

"Cool... Cool" George smiles dropping his eyes back to the assignment. 

"I'm gonna ask you one last time, George will you come to the party with me tonight" Clay sits up a wide smile growing as his hopeful eyes meet Georges. 

"Only if you pick me up" George scoffs rolling his eyes. 

"Deal, give me your phone" Clay giggles giddly taking his phone. 

"100th times a charm" George yawns packing up his notes as the loud bell breaks the class from their chatter. 

"See you at 9 Georgie~" Clay chuckles jogging toward Sapnap seemingly expressing his victory. After giving it much thought George decided it was about time he did something social, he wanted to be a normal teenager even if it were just for one night, his parents were gone for the weekend so he may as well take advantage of that. 

The day seemed to speed by after that, only forcing more nerves to strike through Georges stomach. The final bell rings leading hundreds of students out the doors and straight home to ready for the party that had caused non stop chat for the entire week. George tried to hype himself up about it but he ended up psyching himself out and forcing panic and nausea to absorb him. 


George had rechecked his reflection over a million times, each time storming through each and every item of clothing he owned. He had never been to a party before what was he meant to wear? He settled on black ripped jeans with a white button up shirt with a blue sweater on top. He knew he would probably end up sweating but he didn't care his looks matter more then anything. His phone buzzes signaling the blondes appearance. George grips onto his keys securing them in his pocket with his phone before making his way toward Clays car. 

"Hey Georgieeee" Clay cooes through a chuckle. 

"Shut up and drive loser" George sighs buckling his seatbelt. 

"You live awfully close to me and Sap, I'm surprised I've never met you before" 

"I moved here from England last year and I didn't exactly make my appearance known" George chuckles. 

"Explains the accent" Clay shrugs before parking outside the brightly lit and overly loud house. 

"Look at me" Clay quickly pulls Georges face to be met with his, Running his hands through Georges hair to completely mess it up


"Rule 1, Don't take drinks from anyone unless its me, Rule 2 Do not follow people into rooms if you don't know them, Rule 3 only stick around with the people I introduced you to and Rule 4 Dont pick fights, I'm really not bothered beating people up for you. If you get lost you message me understood" 

"Don't be so serious just be smart, shouldn't be to hard for you "straight" A student" 

"Whyd you put quotes on Straight?!" Clay quickly pulls out of the car, ignoring Georges protest. The conversation seemed to drop as Clay grips onto Georges wrist guiding him through the crowded house. 

Georges eyes wander around the large living space, sweaty bodies colliding as they roamed to the blaring music, a toxic and gruesome scent of conxocions clouding the air as lights shift through the air blinding everyone who seemed to be in their own world. He for one never wanted to be on that level of blackout. 

"George this is Karl and Sapnap, they're dating" Clay shrugs yelling into Georges ear. 

"NICE TO MEET YOU!" Karl screams giving a small wave. 

"AYEE MANNNNN HOW YA DOIN" Sap shouts throwing his arm over Georges shoulder. 

"I'm getting a drink, you want one?" Clay calls out, George shakes his head, Clay signals to Karl letting go of Georges hand leaving it cold. 

The hours past by slowly, George simply following Karl around as he introduced very drunk football players and friends of the group. George soon finding himself outside with Karl discussing anything and everything they can. 

"I'm a photographer for the school newspaper, that's how I met Sapnap, I had to take photos of the football team and he continuously flirt with me and eventually I said yes to a date and the rest is history" Karl chuckles finishing off his drink. 

"Thats kinda cute" George chuckles holding his full cup that Karl had gotten for him, even the smell of the concoxion made him nauseous, alcohol had never been good to him before and he wasn't about to get drunk with a bunch of strangers. 

"I'm gonna go get a refill, be back, don't move or Clay will kill me for leaving you" Karl sighs, George raises his hands in surrender watching as Karl disappears amongst the loud and raving crowd. Minutes pass and George grows bored, slowly sipping at the grossly overbearing taste that ran down his now burning throat. Finnishing the cup he makes his way back into the raging crowd, he knew he was supposed to call or message Clay but he didn't want to seem hopeless. His mind wanders leading his feet aimlessly through the halls, he meets yet another dead end before heading back down the hall. For his first party it sure was boring, after spending hours psyching himself out he was almost disappointed. George wanders back down the hall, a heavy tug yanks his arm before he's met with a large group sat in a circle. Clay was sat beside 3 young boys he found out were Quackity, Bad and Skeppy, Sapnap and Karl were sat on a small beanbag across from them, all of which seemed familiar aside from another unknown male, he had a large figure, extremely muscular, long pink hair that was tied into a low ponytail that complimented his strong jawline and a terrifyingly intimidating grin. 

"GEORGIE!!! Come sit!" Clay calls out, he was evidently drunk through his collapsing state. 

"Wanna play"  Karl smiles pointing to the bottle that sat in the circle around the boys.

"Come on, it'll be fun" The unknown man smirks, gesturing to sit beside a very drunk Clay, George slowly walks beside him dropping to the floor, Clay immediately pulls an arm over George's shoulder, the anxious feeling evidently reduced as a few rounds passed, if the bottle landed on you, you answered a question or took a shot, George had taken a few surprising the group as he downed each shot with ease, Clay quirks a brow as George downs his 9th shot without batting an eyelid. 

"When you have parents like mine this is a staple" George shrugs chuckling slightly before dropping the plastic cup beside him, the group falls into laughter.

"Why don't we make the game more interesting" The male whose name appeared to be named Techno suggested. 

'Let's add dares?" He smirks. 

"Ok we're out" Karl and Sapnap back away, Sapnap pulling Karl further onto his lap as they observe the following group, Techno, George, Clay, Quackity, Bad and Skeppy. Tubbo and Tommy were busy elsewhere probably scheming to end the world. George had gotten to know the boys throughout the game when the others went for refills. 

George's heartbeat grew irregular as the the pent-up anxiety forced cold sweat and chills. Dares are exchanged through the group and somewhere along the way George ended up on Clay's lap forcing his rapid heartbeat to fasten more than thought possible. It was Georges turn again, the moment he feared finally came. 

"George" Techno gives a cocky grin forcing Georges eyes to meet his. 

"Yeah" George practically whispers, fidling with his hands as the group chuckles. 

"I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room" Techno shrugs. The surrounding group only consisted of the boys, the girls had left somewhere along the conversation when the boys brought up football, leaving Karl and George in their own conversation. 

"Uh- Theres only guys here..." George shrugs gesturing toward the circle who seemed to fall into laughter. 

"And that's a problem because?" Techno smirks falling back in his seat, George knew what he was trying to do, those that knew George knew his perfect reputation and grades. 

"Come on Georgie just kiss me and call it a day" Clay smirks bringing his face inches away from Georges, shock compelling him as he falls from Clays lap, his eyes never once leaving Clays.. 

"No.. I'm not playing anymore, I'm going home" George pushes himself to his feet jogging out of the room, ignoring the small snickers from the room.

"You tried, just not hot enough" Techno shrugs. That was the last thing George heard before a harsh ringing echoed through his head. It wasn't ungodly hot like it usually was in Florida, George ultimately deciding to just walk back home. His panic slowly subsided as he regains his soberness. The short walk came to an end and he was finally met with his home, the subsided panic had rejoined his system, his eyes widening as they meet the parked car in the driveway, his heart shattering and plummeting to his stomach. 

"Look who's finally back!" His mothers intimidatingly angry voice seemed to echoe, slowly fading as she continued her slurs and aggression, her hands seemed to float and merge into a blur as her tone harshened finally pushing her fists against Georges chest. 

"ARE YOU FUCKING DRUNK! GEORGE DAVIDSON THIS IS NOT YOU" She squeals, his father finally stepping in guiding the overly angry women away from him. 

"To be fair you weren't meant to be home yet" George whispers through a giggle, the alcohol had definitely replaced his anxiety with cockiness and in a family like his, that was lethal.

"Got a fucking attitude do we?" His father grumbles, gripping onto George's collar, their faces merely apart. 

"For someone so homophobic you sure are real close to me right now" George hardly finishes his remark before his father throws him to the ground, Before George could think his father jabs his first into the side of George's face, his wedding ring digging into Georges cheekbone. His vision falls hazy as droplets of blood trickle down his cheek. His mind solely focused on not blacking out until his father's knee meets his face, the blood soon coating his lips, teeth, and tongue, the taste of the bitter red liquid consuming his mouth, blood swiveled with tears combining along his face, dripping to the floor below him as his father pummels him with continuous kicks and jabs. 

"You're disgusting and weak, This isn't who we raised you to be" He sighs as he spits down on George who had tears streaming his face.

"It was a joke!" George sighs still gasping for air through coughs. His parents had left the house entirely, leaving George alone to tend to the injuries they had caused. It was nothing new for him, they had been like this from a young age, their way of correcting his faults was through the physical approach. George pushed them too far... It was his fault, he never should have gone to the party... 



Anyways, What's your thoughts!! ------------->

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :) 


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