
By XolosNiceWrists

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Jules and Xolo were best friends since childhood until they had a major fall out, They both are trying to go... More

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Announcement 2
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579 19 18
By XolosNiceWrists

I made this chapter extra long Bc I missed last weekend and Don't worry Mary is indeed in this chapter :)

Xolo's Pov
I could not feel any cooler to be honest, just walking out that front door. Swinging the car keys around my finger and walking towards that car on the way to my call back for Cobra Kai. Oh What a day this will be.

"Chill out loser- These are your mommy's keys and your mommy's car " Jules scoffed as she snapped me out of it, noticing the smug look on my face.

"Shut the fuck up- why you gotta ruin my moment like that " I rolled my eyes as I unlocked the car. She's the loser, I'm the one driving and she'll simply be in the passenger seat, just watching. Watching as I smoothly roll  down the streets and highways of LA.

"You're right -you're right - I'm sorry. I forgot I'm supposed to be nice to you today. Your big call back and all. We can have fun in your mommy's car " she laughed as we put on our seat belts.

"What are you acting so calm about, your big call back and all. You're the one who wouldn't shut up bout it once I told you about the audition. And since when are you not nice ? Awww- You think just because you're sarcastic and you banter.you're all mean and tough huh ? Sorry to tell you but you don't  have not one mean bone in your body"I laughed at her ridiculous comment as I started the car.

She's funny, she's the nicest person I know. Not once have I seen her lose her shit on anybody. Most she's done is yell and even when she yells ,it's like a soft kind. Some minor curse words may be in there, not much. She's small and not scary at all.

"You know what I mean - I can't bother you or tease you today and what are you talking about ?I'm tough and I can be mean. I've went off on you before- I've yelled, don't you remember " she quickly tried to defend herself.

That's a lie. She did yell but she could've done way worse . She could have slapped me ,she could have blocked me , she could have actually dragged Madison and given her a real black eye if she wanted to but no she stayed calm and did a little yelling when we were such bitches to her. I deserved way worse than what I got , nicest person I know.

Anyone else would have gone ballistic or caused some sort of scene, which would be well deserved in a situation like that..

"Wait - before we go, your mom said you haven't driven this far before on your own ?" Jules stopped me before I could pull out of the parking spot. I could see a little spark of panic in her eyes. She has nothing to worry about.

"Yeah , so ? May I remind you that I have my drivers license. I am a certified driver. I know what I'm doing, we're gonna be fine. " I gave her a look of reassurance followed by a small laugh . I am truly an amazing driver.

She stared at me for a second , searching my eyes , trying to assess whether or not  she could believe the words that just came out of my mouth.

"Jesus Christ , please protect us on this road trip. May you be the one driving and not Xolo " she rambled as she looked up at the sky lite, doing the sign of the cross.

"You - you did not just do that- Are you serious ? You don't trust me that much ? Wow...the faith you have in me must be pretty low " I chuckled as my eyes searched hers.

"Look,  would it make you feel better if you saw my license officer " I sarcastically asked.

"Yes , hand it over. Let's see this license of yours. I know a lot of guys like you " she jokingly glared at me as she put her hand out just waiting.

"Wow we haven't even moved the vehicle and I'm already in trouble . Okay jeez" I furrowed my eye brows as I took my license out of my wallet and handed it to her.

She looked down at my license, examining every inch of it. Taking a few more moments to make sure she's covered every detail of that little card.

"Hmm.. Okay.. I guess I can trust this . I give you permission to move the vehicle and now after being assured of our safety, I can be excited " a smile grew on her face as she handed me back my license.

"Wow thank you so much officer for deciding that I'm worthy enough  " I shook my head as I pulled out of the parking spot

" Well sorry - I've never been driving with you. But I'm so ready , let's go! I'm so excited , we've never done this before...A road trip , just us , no parents ! "Jules exclaimed as we finally began driving.

"I know - no one to tell us we can't speed. No one to complain about the music we play. Speaking of , pull out the aux . it's right in that middle compartment , there " I gestured with my eyes while looking between the road and the compartment.

Our moms hate the music we play. They find it annoying because all we do is play throwback and Rap songs. In their words , there's no need to  sing it at the top of our lungs . We haven't done that in a minute. Glad to finally be able to do things like that again. Even something as small and as stupid as this.

"Ya know , I would but we don't have snacks yet. We have to get snacks . We have to . Cant have a road trip without snacks. Get the snacks - right now let's go, the nearest gas station c'mon " Jules demanded as she turned her head to me.

"Okay-alright. We're going. You're gonna be the one going in though. We have to make it quick . You don't wanna make me late for my big call back and all do you ?" I rose my eyebrows.

"No way you're gonna be late. This is too important, it's Cobra Kai ! Don't speak that into existence. Stop , bad boy. I'll be in and out" She retorted as her eyes stared at me in disgrace. Whats with her.

"What do you mean speak into existence , why you so mad " I laughed at her expression as my eyes shifted to her.

"Really ? The law of attraction , idiot. Our moms have only talked about that literally all the time. Ya know , what you think you attract? Right now you're not doing a very good job ,  you're not going to be late . We shall not allow it " She shook her head as I pulled into the gas station.  Oh yeah , our moms do talk about that a lot. Don't know how much I believe it tho. All I know is it helps to always have a positive mindset in life.

"Alright well ,why don't you go get us some snacks to help with these negative thoughts miss law of attraction " I chuckled as I handed her money.

"Gladly but I'm paying thank you very much " she looked down at my money and declined as she was about to step out of the car. Alright she wants to be like that. I instantly took the car key and locked the doors.

"What was that you were saying ?"I innocently watched as she tried to open the door and failed.

"Xolo c'mon . Unlock this door and let me pay. What's the big deal " she turned to me.

"If you pay im not telling you anything about what this call back entails and who's gonna be there. Could be daddy Ralph  or William who knows...You'll be deprived of that information if you don't take my money right now " I threatened as I put my hand back out and stared at her , the determination lingering  in my eyes . Don't know why she makes me paying such a big deal. I literally don't mind.

"But you said daddy Ralph wasn't going to be there. Wait - you were lying so our moms wouldn't go right ?! Okay fine - I'll take your money but only for the sake of daddy Ralph" she snatched my money and I gladly unlocked the doors. That's how you do it.

Ha She's gonna hate me when she finds out he won't be there. I don't know about William being there all I know is that Mary and the writers will be there. I really hope they like me. I feel kinda nervous but I'm not trying to think about it too much.

I just wanna have a fun time on this road trip , have fun displaying my amazing driving skills and maybe when we get a little closer to the place , I'll start freaking out. It's denial time for now.

Jules came rushing out of the store with the bag of junk food in her hands. Her face reading, tell  me now , tell me now. I unlocked the doors and she stepped straight in.

"Here you are sir and here's your change  " she passed it over to me as she proceeded to put on her seat belt.

"What was that -under 5 minutes ?" I laughed as my eyes shot to the rear view mirror , getting ready to pull out of the gas station.

"Well Yeah , you already know what this means.Is daddy Ralph gonna be there ?am I going to meet Ralph Macchio " she kept asking as her eyes stared into the side of my head, waiting for me to tell her already.

"Ha , No - I just wanted to get you out of the gas station fast " I laughed at her excitement. I watched as the smile on her face dropped. Ha , She really thought she was going to meet Ralph Macchio.

"I hate you !" She rolled her eyes as she punched me in the shoulder.

"Hey -hey. No hitting while I'm driving . Calm down missy " I turned my head to her , my eyes giving her a look of exaggerated concern.

"Calm down missy , so what does this call back entail then ?" She mocked me.

"Fine I'll tell you. Basically the writers of the show are going to be there and I have to perform a scene for them , I don't know what scene yet. Then if they like me , I have to do a chemistry read with some girl named Mary mouser who is already casted to play Sam Larusso. Then from there I think that's it, no Ralph macchio " I laughed.

"Oooh look at you , the writers wanna meet you. Taking time out of their busy schedule to squeeze you in and I know you'll get that chemistry read. I guess there's no Ralph but I get to meet Larusso's daughter , close enough . That's gonna be so fun " she smiled in excitement she started taking candy out of the bag.

"You're obsessed, leave the man alone. You'll never be with him he's 59 Jules, 59 " I spelled it out to her. It's never gonna happen.

"Uh - Not like he'll catch a case , Im 18. Therefore I'm legal remember?" She expressed in a duh expression, bobbling her little ass bobble head around with sass. She thinks she's so smart.

"Uhhhh- he's 59 with a wife and kids " I returned the sass , purposely mimicking her head movement. Not her being a home wrecker.

"Uh- who said they gotta know " She simply replied as she popped a sour patch kid in her mouth. She did not.

"You must be real desperate. Enough of this home wreckery , take out the aux" I shook my head at the home wrecker before me.

"Okay but im plugging my phone in first please and thank you  " she smiled as she took it out. I don't mind because we both like most of eachothers music anyways. I took this moment to slide open the sun roof window. I already know we're about to be screaming our lungs out and can't just let the  opportunity of  the wind blowing through our hair be missed . We need to get the full jam out experience.

Burnin up by the Jonas brothers began sounding through the speakers.

"You better not have forgotten this in the past 2 years " Jules threatened as she pointed at me about to to get her groove on.

"Me ? Never ! I am flabbergasted" I gasped.

"I'M HOT " I dramatically gripped the wheel  as I looked at Jules, waiting for her to say the next line. it's not even a lie I am pretty hot if I do say so myself.

"YOURE COLD "  she pointed at me.

"YOU GO AROUND " I joking rolled my eyes.

"LIKE YOU KNOW , WHO I AM " her eyes traveled up and down my body with sass.

"BUT YOU DON'T " I shook my head in exaggeration

"YOUVE GOT ME ON MY TOES " she sang as little smiles of excitement grew on our face , knowing what part of this song is coming up. We stayed in silence for a moment just staring at eachother , waiting for the amazing chorus.

"IM SLIPPIN INTO THE LAVA AND IM TRYNA KEEP FROM GOIN UNDER . BABY , WHO TURNED THE TEMPERATURE HOTTER CAUSE IM BURNING UP BURNIN UP FOR YOU BABYYYYY" we burst in unison at the top of our lungs , bopping our heads up and down, the wind blowing through our hair as we rolled down the streets of LA.

This right here is what freedom feels like , the beauty of road trips. It's just a vibe and I'm glad it's with Jules . I've missed singing and messing around with her . Normally people only like main stream music and I mean we like that too but throw backs are where it's at for us.

"Okay pass that , as much as I love listening to throw backs for the past 2 hours. it's my turn to plug in my phone, please and thank you " I held my phone out for Jules to grab.

"But wait our fav part is coming up " Jules whined with pleading eyes.

"Okay fine , I know - I know" I rolled my eyes in defeat as the part was about to come up.

"SHE CALL MY PHONE LIKE -DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA" we tilted our heads from side to side while Jules pretended to press little buttons on her phone. We've always loved this part it's just so fun. But wait it's not over yet.

"WE ON THE PHONE LIKE - DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA" we continued tilting our heads all hype.

"WE TAKING PICS LIKE DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA" We struck a little pose each time. How haven't we got into a car crash ? I don't know.

"God we haven't done this in forever " Jules laughed as the song ended.

"I know I missed it , someone to just jam out with and mess around with . I have to say your vocals are not as good as mine tho " I shook my head in disappointment.

"Oh shut up , you know that's a lie " Her eyes widening in disbelief as she laughed. She opened up a new bag of hairbo gummy bears, little does she know what's about to happen.

"You might wanna hold onto that " I smirked as I stared at the long open road before me. There are no cars in sight at the moment . Oh how I've been waiting for this.

"Whyyy?" Jules asked in confusion, I could tell there was some worry in her voice as she slowly gripped the bag, confused as to what was about to happen.

I gripped the wheel and slammed my foot  on the gas . I watched as we were surpassing the speed limit while the wind was blowing on our faces like a jet.

"Holy shit!!" Jules yelled over the wind as she held the bag of gummy bears even tighter as if her heart was about to pop out of her chest.

"This is fucking  awesome !" I shouted as I let the wind flow through my hair , shaking my head as I looked up at the sun roof. Feeling the rush of adrenaline and pure fucking freedom. If our moms were here they would be having a heart attack right about now. 

"Fucking Amazing !" Jules joined in on my excitement as she put her arms out , looking up at the sun roof , taking in all of the wind.

I took in the last few seconds of adrenaline as I reluctantly slowed down, reaching the end of the road. Jules and I spent the next 2 hours listening to rap, I finally got to plug in my phone .

We rapped in eachothers faces  to songs like Bartender and Element. Jules surprisingly 
knew all the words , what can I say? I trained her well. I'm still the best rapper though and singer, let's face it.

"This ones dedicated to you miss this your mommy's car " I sarcastically mocked Jules.

"Awww did I hurt your feelings by stating facts " she pretended to frown.


" TRYNA CATCH ME RIDIN DIRTY , TRYNA CATCH ME RIDIN DIRTY " she ignored me and continued singing while she swayed from side to side.

"And by the way no ones hatin , I just wanna drive on the way back" she smiled as she continued eating her gummy bears.

"Nope -you're a bad co pilot which means you'd be an even worse driver " I scoffed at her. It's true worst co pilot ever. I am truly disspointed.

"Excuse me ? What - I am a great Co pilot. I haven't fell asleep and left you by your lonesome with no company while you're driving. I have sung with you and provided amazing music. I have shown my excitement on this road trip and been very present. What more could one want ?! I mean I'm great " Jules bragged as she crossed her arms.

"What great co pilot let's their driver starve ? Huh ? Yeahhh - I've  been watching you eat all these snacks. Keeping them to yourself  and not once did you think hey maybe xolo wants some but he can't reach for it because I don't know maybe  he's busy driving , putting our safety first so let me feed him like the great best friend and co pilot that I am but nooo" I shook my head at her in disappointment.

I mean really who lets their co pilot starve.. I'm in great need gummy bears but I'm being deprived of them.

"Awww I'm sorry , does the baby want to be fed ? Thank you so much for looking out for our safety. I am just so so sorry. How could I do such a thing. So ashamed " I heard Jules' sarcasm as I felt gummy bears being shoved into my mouth.

"As you should feel ashamed" I spoke as I started chewing the delicious gummy bears, my mouth watering from the amazing flavor rushing to my taste buds.
We are currently 30 minutes away from the call back and my panic is starting to set in.. I don't know,  I just feel so unprepared. I don't even know what scene I'm supposed to perform for them or how this chemistry read is gonna go if I even get to the chemistry read. Mary is a complete stranger what if she doesn't like me at all and it goes terrible.

"We're so close ! I'm so excited ! Are you excited ?!" Jules gushed as she stared at the time on the gps.

"I mean yea it's exciting but I don't know.. " I sighed as I blankly stared at the road before me. Dreading the moment we'll arrive, there's just so many things going through my head at the moment.

"Xolo , what's wrong ?" She asked with concern in her voice as I felt her hand lay on my knee.

I stayed silent for a moment just thinking.

"I don't know.. I'm just worried I guess. At the audition , you know - I got time to prepare for the scene before hand and I knew what the script was , I knew it. I knew what to expect , what I was going into And this - I'm going into it blindly. I don't know what to expect ... I don't know what scene I'm doing. I just - I have no time to prepare and I'm supposed to impress the writers. They know what they want for their character , they wrote it. They have their vision for it and what if I just don't fit it.. that just makes me even more nervous and on top of that if they even do like me I'll have to do a chemistry read with a stranger that I don't know. Who was already cast by the way - so I have her to impress too because they'll take her word for it if she likes me or not. I don't know - I just really want to get this role..  I probably sound stupid but it's just lots of pressure " I ranted as I took a breath.

"Xolo " I heard her softly laugh as she looked at me.

"What - I know sound stupid okay " I sighed

"No- you're not stupid. I'm laughing because I don't why  you're worrying this much right now. Look - I know it's stressful , you don't know what you're walking into , you're not prepared for the scene but listen to me. You're going to be great . Not only because you're amazing at acting but because think about it.. You have an idea and a vibe for the character already . You know what your character is like from the last script you read. The same way you showed that in the audition and they liked you. They like you xolo and that's why you have a call back. Don't psych yourself out by being in your head. Don't take it too serious.. remember how much fun you had on parent hood ? The way you were so care free  ?" Jules smiled as she looked at me.

"Yeah.. yeah I remember I didn't think too much about being perfect or remembering my lines. I just had fun with it. I didn't care how many times I messed up. I kept trying and I wasn't so hard on myself  and eventually it would just come naturally to me" I laughed. Parent hood was amazing to film it's where I fell in love with acting. I didn't think too much about  being perfect as a kid it was just so fun for me honestly , I was so care free. I just saw acting as my passion and I mean it still is.

"Exactly so where is that little care free kid who just had fun pursuing his passion? That type of passion is what gets you places , it's what brings characters to life. Nobody wants to cast a boring sleez who just worries about fitting the character perfectly , where's the fire . Where's the life , where's the passion. You have that in you I know it because  let me tell you when we were kids and I'd go on the set of parent hood with you, I just loved watching you and I hate to admit it but I really did admire you. You're acting was amazing even as a kid and I saw the passion in your eyes when you were doing it. I had never seen you so happy. The way your face lit up and I thought you were so cool and I was jealous that you were an even better actor than me even tho we'd go to same classes together" She laughed

"No way , you were jealous ?" I laughed. there's no way Jules was so good at acting too.

"Yeah " she nodded with a soft smile. I do remember how fun it was for me as a kid and that's the whole reason why I wanted to go back into acting.. I just need to hold onto that and remember to have Fun with it. I do feel calmer after that talk with Jules.. I feel like I can breathe a little. she has always known what to say and I thank her and love her so much for it. I don't even deserve this after all I put her through she's just a really amazing person.

"I missed your support and our deep talks like this.. thank you, I feel like I can breathe a little. I just can't be in my head too much about it. I can do this " I nodded , trying to convince myself.

"Yeah you're right , you cannnn do this so stop worrying okay. You're gonna be great " she assured me as she gripped my knee. It's just so amazing and relieving when someone tells you everything's gonna be okay. She's always been that comfort person for me and I've always tried to that be for her too.

"No seriously thank you Jules. Your support means more than you know. I love you so much " I laughed in relief as I gripped her hand on my knee. She really calmed my nerves , I just have to remember what acting has always meant to me.

"Always,  I love you too loser " she gripped it back with reassuring smile.

"You ready ?" She smiled and looked up at me as we stood at the building where my call back is supposed to take place.

" let's go " I nodded. We walked in past security and waited to get into the elevator. Number 6 had a white tape next to it that read Cobra Kai. Holy shit this is about to happen.

"We'll c'mon . Press it , you know what I'll press it for you " Jules exclaimed in excitement as she reached over and pressed the button. Oh no oh no oh no we're about to arrive.

The elevator opened and there was big open area with white walls and gray carpets. There was a desk in front of us with a Man in a suit waiting there.

Jules and I took one look at eachother and walked up together. 

"Hello , Xolo Maridueña . You're here for the call back ?" The man asked.

"Yes " I quickly nodded.

"And you . You're here for a call back too ?" The man looked at Jules.

"Oh no - no it's just him " Jules shook her head. I wish she was it would be cool if we both got parts and could film together. I would definitely never lose sight of the fun if it was with my best fucking friend I would love it even more.

"Alright , I'll let them know you're here. just go through that glass door to your right, that's the waiting room" The man directed us.

"Thank you " we both said before walking towards that door.

We walked through the door to see a girl with wavy brunette hair sitting down on a chair.

"Hey !" Her head automatically snapped up at the sound of our footsteps.  She had a smile on her face.I'm guessing this is..

"I'm Mary " she stood up and introduced herself to us with a smile. Looking between the both of us.

"Hey , I'm Xolo " I politely smiled and leaned in for a hug.

"Hi, I'm Jules " Jules smiled at her.

"It's so nice to meet you " Mary pulled her in for a hug.

"It's so nice to meet you too, trust me. I've been dying to meet Larusso's daughter. Congrats on the role by the way " Jules laughed.

"Yeah she wouldn't shut up about it . She sorta has an unhealthy obsession with Ralph, her and our moms " I laughed as I explained to Mary. She seems really nice, I hope we'll get along if I do have that chemistry read with her.

"I mean who wouldn't Ralph is a great guy. I don't blame you . Are you here for a call back too ?" Mary asked Jules with a smile.

"Oh - no no it's just him . He's the actor here " Jules laughed as she reached for my shoulders.

"Shut up - you've always been great at acting too. She's actually really good, we went to the same acting classes together as kids . She was great " I smiled as I looked down at Jules. And I'm not lying she really was. She's so good at improv and was always good at getting into character and memorizing lines.

"Aww that's sweet. And hey you never know - there are still some roles for female characters in the show that I heard are not cast yet... it would be great to have another girl on the show. So far it's predominantly males " Mary jokingly rolled her eyes.

"That's - thats insane , I could never. I mean it would be nice but I don't know . Trust me he's the actor here and ew males " Jules rolled her eyes while they exchanged looks.

"Hello ? I'm  standing right here " I furrowed my eyebrows at them. Wowww , the disrespect.

"Relax whats your name again , Xolo ? You guys have pretty cool names by the way " Mary nodded in approval.

"Thank you thank you " I bragged.

"Wait - you look kinda familiar.. I feel like I've seen you on something before " Jules looked at Mary in confusion as we all sat down.  What- I don't recognize Mary at all..

"Are you a Disney fan by any chance ?" Mary questioned.

"Uh yes - who isn't " Jules replied in a duh tone.

"The movie frenemies ring any bell ? Savannah here at your service " Mary laughed. I've  actually never watched the movie frenemies.

"No way - yea I remember. I freaking loved that movie. I was obsessed. You didn't recognize her Xolo ? " Jules  eyes widened  in surprise.

"Na I don't think I do. You must have watched it without me. Woww " I laughed.

" thank you , it was not my best work but it was fun to film . You're so nice and yes I'm the biggest Disney fan too , wow I love you already " Mary smiled.

"You better love me too if we're gonna be doing this chemistry read " I laughed.

"Oh dont  worry I do . You got points with the cool name already and you seem genuinely nice so far. You'd be surprised how many fake and self obsessed people there are in this industry. So you better get that chemistry read , I don't wanna work with a douche bag " Mary gave an encouraging smile. Wow this just might go well.

"Hey , Xolo Mariduena ?" I saw 3 men pop out of the conference room about to walk towards us.. these must be the 3 writers..  wow this is happening.

Authors note : HEY GUYS , I'm so sorry I missed last weekend. I've been so stressed with school you have no clue I legit been doing so many papers please kill me. But what did y'all think of this chapter ? I hope it was good. I missed you.
Don't forget to Vote if you liked and want more -Ash

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