Chief Casey Season 2: Balanci...

By OneChicagobyA

4.5K 11 0

Sequel to Chief Casey: Chicago's Newest Chief. For the past 9 days, Matt Casey has been learning the ropes on... More

Quick Note Re: Formatting
February 9, 2022
Chapter 183
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
February 10, 2022
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190
Chapter 191
Chapter 192
Chapter 193
Chapter 194
Chapter 195
Chapter 196
Chapter 197
Chapter 198
Chapter 199
Chapter 200
Chapter 201
Chapter 202
Chapter 203
Chapter 204
Chapter 205
Chapter 206
Chapter 207
Chapter 208
Chapter 209
Chapter 210
Chapter 211
February 11, 2022
Chapter 213
Chapter 214
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
Chapter 217
Note re: Chapter 217
Chapter 218
Chapter 219
Chapter 220
Chapter 221
Chapter 222
Chapter 223
Chapter 224
Chapter 225
Chapter 226
Chapter 227
Chapter 228
Chapter 229
Chapter 230
Chapter 231
Chapter 232
Chapter 233
Happy Birthday Matt - February 12, 2022
Chapter 235
Chapter 236
Chapter 237
Chapter 238
Chapter 239
Chapter 240
Chapter 241
Chapter 242
Chapter 243
Chapter 244
Chapter 245
Chapter 246
Chapter 247
Chapter 248
Chapter 249
Chapter 251
Chapter 252
Chapter 253
Chapter 254
Chapter 255
Chapter 256
Chapter 257
Note to Readers
Chapter 258
Chapter 259
Chapter 260
Chapter 261
Chapter 262
Chapter 263
Chapter 264
Chapter 265
Chapter 266
Chapter 267
Chapter 268
Chapter 269
Chapter 270
Chapter 271
Chapter 272
February 13, 2022
Chapter 274
Chapter 275
Chapter 276
Chapter 277
Chapter 278
Chapter 279
Chapter 280
Chapter 281
Chapter 282
Chapter 283
Chapter 284
Chapter 285
Chapter 286
Chapter 287
Chapter 288
Chapter 289
Chapter 290
Chapter 291
Chapter 292
Chapter 293
Chapter 294
Valentine's Day
Chapter 296
Chapter 297
Chapter 298
Chapter 299
Chapter 300
Chapter 301
Chapter 302
Chapter 303
Chapter 304
Quick Note Re: Name Change
Chapter 305
Chapter 307
Chapter 308
Chapter 309
Chapter 310
Chapter 311
Chapter 312
Quick Note/Time Jump
Chapter 313
Chapter 314
Chapter 315
February 15, 2022
Chapter 317
Chapter 318
Chapter 319
Chapter 320
Chapter 321
Chapter 322
Chapter 323
Chapter 324
Chapter 325
Chapter 326
Chapter 327
Chapter 328
Chapter 329
Chapter 330
Chapter 331
Chapter 332
Chapter 333
Chapter 334
Chapter 335
Chapter 336
Chapter 337
Chapter 338
Chapter 339
Chapter 340
Chapter 341
Chapter 342
Chapter 343
Chief Casey #3

Chapter 250

24 0 0
By OneChicagobyA

Hermann's POV:
When Gabby asked us all if we understand, I decided to do what I always do...speak on behalf of the entire house. I've been told that I always make great speeches so, here is my change to do make another one. "Gabby, of course we understand. And I just want to say this Matt and Gabby...if you guys need help with information on OCD, just let me and Cindy know. We know exactly how to do it. Kenny has the same stuff as you do Gabby." Matt seemed shocked when I said that. "They do?" I nodded. "Yeah, why do you think that Kenny is so smart? You really think that he gets it from his old man?"

Everybody laughed when I said the last part. "Hey!" Matt looked at me. "Hey, you walked right into that one Hermann." I nodded and agreed. "Can't disagree with the Chief." Matt smirked. "Damn straight you can't. But listen, I definitely think that it will help me and Gabby if we get information on this. Can you guys maybe just give us all the information you can give us via e-mail? Maybe we can also talk about how you deal with it...leaving Cindy home with a kid who has it without feeling guilty about it." Matt then went to grab Gabby's hand as he looked at her before rubbing it. "That's the thing, I do feel guilty."

Matt turned to look at me and bit his lip. "It's stuff you have to do so that you can get medication. The kids get their medication through the CFD insurance program that I have them covered under. If I don't go to work, then they don't get their simple as that. However, I am not sure if it's the same for Chiefs. So, I would definitely speak to your contacts at the CFD." Matt nodded and agreed with me when I said that. He then turned to look at Gabby and whispered to her. Not that I could hear it.

Matt & Gabby whisper convo:
MATT: Maybe we should invite them over sometime for supper? Catch up and get some information on OCD. Might not be a bad thing? 
GABBY: I agree, but are we going to host it or is Cindy going to come here? Might be easier. I mean, she can come anytime she wants over the next 2 days. Maybe supper tonight?
MATT: You want to get  the information as soon as possible don't you Gabby?
GABBY: (Sighs and Nods) It might help me calm down. We also need to make an appointment at the hospital to get an official diagnosis. 
MATT: Definitely, that way we can get him on medication. I want to do that soon. I know that it helps you a lot so, I know it will help him as well. Well, you too.
GABBY: What do you mean by that? It will help me too?
MATT: If he's on medication, it will help him calm down. And in turn, it will help you stay calm and relax. Might not make you as worried when it comes to him and his mental health.
GABBY: (Laughs) Matt, I'm his mom...I am always going to worry about him and his mental health. But yes, you are right that medication will definitely help. 

That's when Matt and Gabby seemed to finish their conversation. Turning to look at me, Matt smiled. "Hermann, think maybe you can invite Cindy here for supper tonight? With Gabby having makes her worry so much more. The not knowing whether or not Matteo has it. If she can talk to another mom who has a kid with the same problems as her...that might be very helpful. So, if Cindy could come...that would be great. I want to speak to you both about my decision. I want to tell her myself in case she has questions for me."

Severide then turned to look at Matt. "What decision man? Is it something that requires input from your other Captain?" Matt sighed and shook his head. "I decided to cancel the Junior Candidate program. I didn't think about the complexity and we were just going on the fly. I think we should actually figure things out about how it's going to work. And I want to wait for a while. At least until I have better standing and footing here at the CFD. Does that make sense?" I nodded when he said that. "Of course it does Chief. You are the Chief and what you says goes."

Matt's POV:
After hearing what Severide said, I smiled.  "I promise though, he still has a position here when he's graduated from the academy. I am just not ready to have him here all the time. Now, onto other things. I want to let you know that you are all due for your yearly physicals and lung exams as of March 1st!" Everybody groaned when I said that. "And Hermann and Mouch, you are due for your biennial mental health checks at the same time." They both nodded and understood. "I need records for the CFD. If anybody doesn't get them are benched from service."

That seemed to get everybody scared and made them pretty much beg to get them done. Cruz was the first to speak up. "When can we get them over with?" I laughed when they said that. "You guys need to make appointments. However, Hermann and need to make two appointments. They said that they can't do both of your exams on the same day. I gave them your schedules ahead of time and they said that Dr. Charles is busy on your days off. Just let me know when you guys book them and I will give you that time off to go do them."

Both Hermann and Mouch nodded when I said that before smiling at each other. Hermann then got up. "I am going to go call the hospital. That okay Chief?" I nodded and agreed with him. "Of course. Go ahead and do the same Mouch." They both agreed and nodded while walking away to go make their appointments. I then turned to look at Gabby and smiled as I grabbed her hand. Intertwining our fingers, I then went to kiss her softly. "I want you to make an appointment every once and a while okay? Maybe make yourself one after Matteo."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "That might be healthy and a good idea." I nodded and smiled. "I only want the best for you Gabby. That's why I am okay with you not working. I got this and I am fully supportive of you just like everybody else here." I then went to kiss her hand and smiled when I felt Ella cuddle up to me more. I then smiled while bending down to kiss her head until my mom walked over to me. "Okay listen, I get that you want to hold her on your birthday but...can grandma hold her for a while?" I nodded and agreed as I went to give her.

Once my mom had her, she went to go sit down again and I decided to get up to get some water. Grabbing a glass, I went to get the jug out of the fridge and filled mine up. That's when I heard Matteo walk up to me. "Papa, can I get some water too?" I nodded and agreed. "What's the magic word?" Matteo then smiled. "Please." I nodded and agreed as I went to grab a cup for both him and Gabby. Going to give him so water, I then smiled. "Here, go sit down with grandma. I will be right over." He nodded and agreed as he walked away. Meanwhile, I went to put some water in a cup for Gabby before walking over to her with a cup and my big water jug.

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