February 13, 2022

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Matt's POV: As I wake up the next morning after a couple more hours of sleep (the babies woke up at least 2-3 times last night), I looked to my side and smiled when I saw that Gabby was still fast asleep in bed. I loved this sight because I felt like this is exactly what she needs right now. Some time to rest, recharge and just let me take care of the kids right now. She deserves this extra amount of sleep considering she is taking care of them 24/7 right now.

Covering her up some more, I hope not to wake her up but unfortunately, my attempts to do that didn't work very well considering Gabby just turned to look at me and grabbed my hand. "Hey, how did you sleep?" Smiling at her, I rolled over onto her side and grabbed her hand. "I slept good. I just feel bad you woke up every single time the kids woke up. You couldn't probably slept longer Gabby. We both know I am fully capable of taking care of them on my own."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me as I said that before moving her hand to my chest and kissing me softly. "I know you are. I just like watching you do it because it is such a nice sight. My amazing, fireman husband showing off his soft side while taking care of our kids. It's very attractive and it's something I will never take for granted." I smiled and agreed with her before wrapping may arm around her waist and tugging her against my chest.

Smiling as I did that, Gabby then went to whisper to me. "Is there anyway I can convince you that we should just stay here today? I know it's boring but...we are alone for a little while." I nodded and agreed with her. "Tomorrow night, we get more alone time. Antonio is coming to watch the kids. By the way, remind me to text Stella today. I want to know what happened when Severide came back and whether they need us to mediate."

Shaking my head, I sighed when she said that. "Not today okay? Today is the day before Valentine's Day. Maybe we can do something fun like go for a swim in the pool or something. I mean, if you are comfortable taking the kids into the pool. I would understand Gabby if you aren't comfortable taking them into the pool yet." Gabby smiled when I said that before nodding. "In fact, I like that idea of taking them into the pool. Gives me time with you."

I smiled when she said that before nodding. "Yeah it does. But, we should go early if we want to go. I don't want the pool getting very busy." Gabby smiled and agreed with me. "Sure, that sounds great." That's when I heard my phone ring and sighed. "Listen, up to you whether I answer it or not." Gabby then bit her lip and thought about it. "Just tell me who it is first." I nodded and agreed before rolling over in bed to check who it is. I then saw it was my boss.

"Unfortunately, I have no choice but to answer this Gabby. It's Chief Hatcher." Getting up, I looked at her and sighed while going to walk away to take the call. "Chief, how can I help you this morning?" The district chief then sighed and I could tell it wasn't good news. "Your paramedic was involved in an accident last night. One of your men from second shift is in hospital. They couldn't reach you. They wanted me to let you know." I understood and sighed.

"Do you know whether they are injured so much that we require a floater and do you know what vehicle they are from?" The commissioner then responded. "They said that it was your male paramedic. Now, I am going to push this but...I am low on spare paramedics. If you could possibly get your wife to fill in tomorrow? Would that be too hard, or are you not okay with that?" I sighed when he said that. "Can we talk about that and let you know?" Hatcher agreed and understood. "Of course. Just let me know by tonight. Have a good day and happy belated birthday."

I smiled and agreed. "Thanks Chief. Have a good day." I then went to hang up and sighed as I turned to look at Gabby. "That was chief Hatcher. He just called to let me know that Noah got injured last night on shift. So...I need to figure something out." Gabby then sighed and looked at me. "When is the shift?" Walking back over to bed, I went to set my phone down before getting in bed with her. "The shift is tomorrow. And of course, they put me in a horrible position." 

Gabby was confused when I said that. "What's wrong Matt, talk to me." I sighed and went to kiss her forehead softly. "They want me to ask you to take the shift because they are low on floaters." Grabbing her hand, I went to intertwine our fingers. "But, I know your stance on it and know that is too much to ask." Gabby then went to kiss my chest and then looked at me. "We are not working tomorrow. And I am not cleared to work. Babe, I just gave birth a month ago."

I nodded and agreed. "I should've said that right away. Sorry." Gabby nodded and agreed. "Listen, give me your phone and I will call him. There's some coffee out in the entrance with the Keurig. I want a cup. Can you maybe get me one?" I sighed when she said that. "Gabby, you are breastfeeding. You sure that's a good idea? I mean, I get that you want to have some really bad but...doesn't it also counterreact with your medicine?" Gabby nodded and agreed. "Right."

I sighed and went to rub her back. "Believe me Gabby, if you could have some...I would let you. It's just not time yet. You are breastfeeding. If you change your mind on breastfeeding, I understand but you said that you want to go the distance this time around. So, I am not going to do anything that can stop you rom fulfilling that goal." Gabby then looked at me. "I am allowed a glass a day. I read it online. I promise, I am allowed a glass." I nodded and smiled at her.

Kissing the top of her head, I then went to get up. "I am going to get you a glass okay? I'll make sure to stay quiet until the babies are awake. But, you can pump if you want. I know you always get tired at one point. Might as well make me some bottles so that I don't have to wake you up." Gabby then shook her head. "Not yet. But, I do want to go to the pool with them okay? I mean, if you are okay with that." I smiled and nodded. "Sounds great. So, I'll be back in a second."

Gabby nodded and smiled as I said that. I then went to get up so that I could get her some coffee.

Chief Casey Season 2: Balancing Work, Family and FriendshipsWhere stories live. Discover now