Chapter 275

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Matt's POV: After going to get the kids for Gabby, I smiled as I went to give her Ella since she was already awake. Meanwhile, Wally was still fast asleep so...I decided to just get back in bed with him, letting him lay down on my chest and just keep sleeping there. Looking at me as she started to feed Ella, Gabby smiled at me and Wally. "He's still asleep isn't he?" I nodded and smiled when she asked me that. "Yeah, he is. He is probably going to stay asleep for a little while longer, which is good considering you are currently feeding Ella. If he's asleep, he's not hungry."

Gabby laughed and smiled when I said that. Going to grab her hand, I smiled as I intertwined out fingers. "You always find a way to make me laugh. And I love that." I smiled and nodded when she said that before going to move my hand to Wally's back. Carefully, rubbing it...I smiled as I went to kiss the top of his head while he slept on my chest. "I swear, is it just me or are our kids some of the easiest babies that you have ever taken care of?" Gabby nodded and smiled. "I mean all of them. Even Matteo was easy, well for first time parents to a newborn."

I nodded and agreed. "I still can't believe that he's turning 2 already in September. Where has the time gone?" Gabby laughed when I said that. "Well, let me see...I was pregnant so, that's 9 months. And we were in Puerto Rico, Florida and Indiana for half of Matteo's life." I then thought about it and nodded. "God, that's right. Matteo hasn't lived in Chicago much yet." Gabby nodded and sighed. "Which is probably why he is so scared here. Maybe it's less anxiety or whatever and more just nerves." I nodded and knew what she was talking about. "We can still get him diagnosed, just to be sure that it really isn't that."

Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "We going to do research today on doctors or would you rather not do that?" I thought about it and smiled. "I say we do it when the babies are napping later. I know it's going to bug you until we get him checked. So, we might as well do it sooner rather than later." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "We could also talk to Dr. Charles at Med. He's always been a great help." I smiled when she said that and nodded when I saw my phone flash again. Going to grab it, I saw it was a text message from Jay. 

'Hey, I have an update on your threat case. Can you talk?'

I sighed as I went to read it and then decided to just put it to the side because it was not the time to think about that. I am currently spending some romantic time with Gabby. "What was that babe?" I looked at her and smiled. "Nothing." Gabby then stared at me and shook her head. "Matt, I've known you long enough to know when you are lying through your teeth. So be honest with me." I sighed when she said that and grabbed my phone. "It's Jay. He just texted me that he has an update on the case about that threat I got."

Looking at me, Gabby sighed when I said that. "After we get breakfast okay? Can you get the book on your side table? I think it has the menu for room service." I nodded and agreed as I reached over to grab it while holding Wally close to me. Grabbing the book from the top drawer of my side table, I went to open it and saw the menu. I then smiled when I saw there was pancakes available. "What to just order some pancakes for breakfast or want something different? I know how much you like pancakes in the morning."

Gabby smiled when I said that before nodding. "That sounds great. It's also something that we can do quite romantically." I was confused when she said that. "What?" Gabby then smirked. "We can feed each other. Play a bit if you know what I mean." I nodded and smiled when she said that. "Oh, I know exactly what you mean and that is definitely what we are going to do this morning in bed." Leaning over to kiss her, I smiled as I held her close. "But, want me to order them before or after our bath this morning." Gabby then smirked.

"Do it now. I think I just want to cuddle for a while. That way, we don't have to ber disturbed. Also, call Jay right when you are done ordering." I nodded and agreed with her before turning my attention back to Wally and just rocking him. I then proceeded to grab the hotel phone so that I could order us some breakfast that morning. "We in agreement over the pancakes right? I don't want to order it and then have you change your mind right away." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. "Just order it okay? I want pancakes.:"

I nodded and laughed when she said that before going to pick up the phone and ordering us some pancakes for breakfast that morning.

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