Chapter 257

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30 Minutes Later when Antonio arrives at the firehouse:
Antonio's POV:
As I arrive at Firehouse 51, I go to enter through the door when I see that it's locked. Trying again because I think I'm feeling things, I realize it is really locked. Going to grab my phone, I decide to text my sister. 'Hey, why's the door locked?' Waiting a minute for Gabby to reply, I then see Gianna walk over to the door. "Hey Antonio, someone locked the door." I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I just texted my sister to let me in. What's happening here?" Gianna just shrugged. "We haven't been told about anything. But, your sister looks pretty worried."

I sighed when she said that. "And of course, she has Anxiety. Just great, what did Matt do?" Gianna just shrugged and walked away. That made me angry and I decided to just make my way to Matt's office. Seeing him sitting here, I walked in and just looked at him. "You promised me that you wouldn't hur my sister. So that's this about her being all worried when you know she has Anxiety?" Looking up at me from his work computer, Matt sighed. "It's not my fault. I mean it. It's about this threat that I got." I then just stared at him, shocked. "What you talking about?"

Matt sighed and went to give me his phone. "That's the message that recently appeared on the screen of my laptop. The CPD has it because it's now under investigation as a crime." Grabbing the phone, I then went to read the message that was on his screen.


Turning to look at him, I was shocked. "First, let me apologize for saying that you were to one to blame for this." Matt sighed when I said that. "Well, technically I am. Apparently, even all these years days as an alderman haven't been left behind." I sighed and agreed with him when he said that. But, I knew that he was not happy about it. "Hey, at least you caught this before something bad happened." Matt just shook his head. "Antonio, something bad has already happened." I then turned to look at him. "And you are just telling me this now?"

Matt just stared at me. "No, I told you the minute that I called you. What do you think I'm referring to?" I just looked at him, uterly confused as to what he was referring to. "I am talking about Gabby beeing worried and her mind racing to all the bad conclusions. She is scared for her life, the kid's lives and just in general. Antonio, this is ridiculous. How am I supposed to protect my family when I get these threats?" I sighed and understood what he meant. I then went to hug him and just rubbed his back. "I am on your side okay? I'm sorry for getting mad. Now, what are you doing to deal with this?" 

Matt sighed. "I already alerted the CPD, Jay and Erin are taking the case personally. They are still here in the common room. Need a break." I nodded and agreed. "Just stay there, I am going to get Jay." Matt nodded and agreed as I walked out to go see Jay and Erin sitting together. Jay was currently on the phone, just talking to someone at the office. "Mouse, just get over here. This is a friend of ours and it's also an attack on the city. This is a complicated case because it involves city computers while also threatning the lives of a public employee. A fire chief."

Walking up to him, I was about to talk to him when I heard Matteo run over to me. "Uncy Tonio!" I then smiled when he ran over to me. Picking him up in my arms, I smiled at him. "Hey little man, where's your mom?" That's when Gabby came out and looked at me. "Hey." I then went to put Matteo down and just walked over to her. Giving her a hug, I sighed as I held her close. "How are you dealing with this?" Gabby sighed when I asked her that question. "How do you think I'm doing Antonio? They are threatning my husband and my kids."

I nodded and understood. That's when I hard Matt walk over to us. "Hey Gabby, sorry I haven't been to check on you and the kids in a bit. How are you?" Walking up to her, he wrapped his arm around her and went to kiss her head. Gabby just sighed and looked at him. "I understand Matt, you need to get this resolved." Kissing her head, Matt just moved to wrap his arm around her before kissing her softly. "Still no excuse for me not being there when you need me the most. I already talked to the CFD and we are out of commission for a while."

Matt then turned to look at his men. "Severide, Hermann." Turning to look at him, they both seemed confused. "Can I speak with you both, Antonio, Jay and Erin in my office?  I want to explain what is going on with the Wi-Fi. I know you are my officers and I should've filled you in sooner. But, I needed to get CPD on the case first." Severide then got up and nodded. "Hey, of course." Matt then turned to look at Gabby. "Listen, how about you just take a breather...maybe Erin can stay with you and help you relax?"

Erin then turned to look at Gabby and nodded, while Jay smiled at the idea. "I love the idea because it keeps her calm during her pregnancy." We all agreed. Matt then walked up to Gabby and went to help her up. "Guys, I'll be right there." We all nodded and agreed, walking back to his office so we could talk.

Matt's POV: Once the guys have left, me and Gabby got close to one another so we could talk. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I just leaned my forehead against hers. "Listen, I am so sorry that I didn't tell you. I was just doing what I thought was best. I was thinking more as a chief and less as your husband. And for that, I am really sorry Gabby. Can you forgive me?" Gabby then looked at me and nodded while rubbing my arms. "Of course I can Matt. I love you." I smiled and nodded while kissing her softly. "Maybe put the kids down for a nap and relax okay?"

Gabby nodded and agreed, smiling as I walked away to talk to Jay, Antonio, Hermann and Severide.

Chief Casey Season 2: Balancing Work, Family and FriendshipsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang