Chapter 335

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Matt's POV: After making my way up to bed with Gabby and the kids, I smiled when I saw Matteo climb into the bed in between where we always sat. Looking at Gabby, I smiled as I went to grab her hand. "Let's put the babies in their cribs. Then, we can have quality one-on-one time with Matteo." Gabby nodded and agreed as we both went to put Ella and Gabriel in their respective cribs so that we could spend some time with just Matteo in our bed. 

Once that was done, I smiled as I walked over to bed and looked at Matteo. Seeing he had a book with him, I smiled. "What do you have there bud?" Matteo then looked at me. "Papa read to me." I smiled when he said that and nodded. "Yes, I'll read to you." Going to get in bed with him, I smiled at Gabby. "Hey, can you just read to him for a bit? The kids are asleep so...I am going to hop in the shower." I nodded and agreed. "Go ahead. This instead of tomorrow?"

Gabby nodded and smiled. "Yeah, hope that's okay?" I nodded and agreed. "Gabby, you don't have to ask me if it's okay. Just go do what you have to do." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded as she went to grab her towel from the hook next to the bed. Kissing the top of Matteo's head, she smiled at him. "Make sure to talk to him about you know..." I nodded and agreed. "I think he already knows that he's going to uncle Tonio's tomorrow to play with Theo."

Matteo nodded and smiled when I said that. "That's okay right papa? I know you like me at the firehouse." I nodded and smiled at him. "It's okay buddy. You can always go to uncle Tonio's if you want to. It's up to you whether you want to come to the firehouse or if you want to go to see your uncle Tonio. And honestly, I think it'll be good for you. You need to hang out with kids your age more. Don't you get bored when you hang out with papa's stinky firefighter friends?"

Matteo nodded and smiled. "Especially when papa is working. Pe-yew." I then looked at him and went to tickle him. "Take that back! Daddy doesn't stink." Matteo then smiled as he went to cuddle up to me more. "What book did you bring little man?" I then went to grab it and smiled. "Oh, this is a good one. It's about a little hispanic boy like you who lives in a big city like Chicago." Matteo smiled when I said that. "Can you use my name...mama always does that."

I nodded and smiled as I went to kiss the top of his head. "Of course buddy, whatever you want." Going to open the book, I smiled as I went to start reading to him. While I didn't do this often enough...I knew that I had to do it more because it was good quality time that me and Matteo could have together. Wrapping my arm around him, I smiled while kissing the top of his head and just reading to him. That's when I heard my phone start to ring.

Matteo looked at me and then cuddled up to me more. I understood what that meant and nodded. "I promise buddy, I am on daddy time right now. Being chief can wait." Matteo smiled when I said that and nodded as I held him close benfore going to grab the book and reading to him. And this was exactly what I needed right now. Sure, I could be doing chief stuff right now. But honestly, nothing can beat spending quality time with my family.

Reading to Matteo, I could tell he was enjoying it because he continued to get closer and closer to me. "You want to get under the covers buddy? That might be even more comfortable." Matteo nodded and agreed with me. Getting up, I went to open the covers for him and then smiled. "Actually buddy, how about you come with me for a quick second? We are going to go do something that will get you even more comfortable." Matteo was confused. "What?"

I smiled when he asked me that. "How about we go put your PJs on? We are done leaving for the day. So, let's get all comfy cozy in your PJs." Matteo nodded and agreed as he went to set his book down. "Can you read to me after?" I nodded and agreed. "Yes. But right now, let's go get your PJs on. That way, you can be just as comfortable as me and mommy are going to be while we sit together as a family in our bed." Matteo nodded and smiled as he put his arms out.

I laughed when he di that before going to pick him up in my arms. Cuddling up to me, Matteo smiled as I held him close. "You are getting to be such a big boy. Not sure how much longer I am going to be able to do this." Matteo just nodded as I kissed his forehead, not caring what I just said because right now, he was enjoying me carrying him downstairs to his room to put his PJs on as we prepared to cuddle as a family in our bed.

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