Chapter 300

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Matt's POV: After making my way into the washroom with Gabby, I could tell that this was not going to be an easy conversation. Closing the door, a bit...I looked at Gabby as she leaned against the washroom counter. "Babe..." Gabby just shook her head. "Not now, you let me speak. Matt, you telling me what I can't do in front of the kids is unacceptable and I will NOT stand for it. Are we understood?" I was confused when she said that. "Hey, talk to me." Walking up to her, I went to grab her hands to try and understand what was going in with her.

Gabby then sighed as she looked at me. "Matt, we have a daughter." I nodded. "Yes, I am well aware of that." Gabby sighed again as I stepped close to her and went to push a strand of hair behind her ear. "Matt, I don't want to be a stay-at-home mom because this isn't the 20th Century. It's 2022! Matt, I understand not wanting me at the firehouse. But the bar...that was my creation. And I get it's going to be an adjustment can say no all you want but, you know me Matt. I am not going to take no for an answer when it comes to this."

I sighed and knew what she meant. "Can I speak now?" Gabby nodded as she looked at me. "I am not saying that you can't do it okay? I just don't want you doing it when I am on shift. Someday, the kids are going to have to get used to not being at the firehouse all the time. Matteo is going to have to make friends in the neighborhood and stuff. Until that happens, I am not ready to let him overwhelm you at home. That's why I want you at the firehouse. So that I am there, so I can help you not get overwhelmed."

Gabby nodded and understood as I went to grab her neck. "Gabby, right now Chicago is still foreign to him." Rubbing her cheek, I felt Gabby move her hand to my arm. "And right now, we are both still adjusting to this. We've only been here for a month and you are already talking about going back to work. Gabby, we still have a lot coming up. We have your surgery coming up at the end of the month. And then you are recovering the first week. And yes, I am going to be home for that time. No need to worry about that."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "But Gabby, when it comes to the bar...I am not ready to let you go back because of what it entails. We are talking about long hours. You could be on your feet for up to 6 hours. You barely get enough sleep as it is. To have you be away until 2 am in the morning, then be awake at 6 am to be with the kids...with only 3 hours of sleep, that's not practical Gabby. Gabby, I get it's your bar and I have no right to ask you this. But please at least wait a bit. Until stuff has settled down. Until I can be at home every night."

Kissing her forehead softly. "And Gabby, I get back there it sounded like I was being a controlling husband...but it's not that at all. It's me being a concerned husband who knows how hard it was for you to come back to work after Matteo. You don't think I saw you struggle? You were sleep deprived and recovering from giving birth. Now, you are sleep deprived even more, recovering from both giving birth and moving. Gabby, I love you so much. And for that...I need you to respect my wishes and just not worry about the bar yet. It's not important."

Gabby was about to say something when I went to finish. "Well, it is important. But, it's not more important than your health. Gabby, think about yourself. Think about the kids and think about how worried I already am whenever I leave you at home with the kids. Worried about you getting overwhelmed and me not being there to be the husband you need me to be...that I promised to be. It's already hard. I'm just scared." Gabby then agreed as she put her hand on my neck and went to kiss me softly. "Can I speak now?"

I nodded and agreed. "Matt, you are right okay. I am going too fast and I guess I didn't think about that. It's gets lonely when you are alone with 3 kids. And coming to the firehouse isn't practical. I am not comfortable there yet because it's hard not seeing Boden. It's helping but, it's strange. And I feel out of place because I am not working there. What if the commissioner comes and..." I then went to grab her neck and just held her close. "I already spoke to him and he's okay with it. Please, just relax."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "I am starting to wonder if coming here with the kids is a good idea. Us all being in the same room is hard. Matteo can't play with his toys and stuff. Is there anyway I can convince you to get us out of here and go home?" I then looked at her while stepping close to her. "Will it make it easier on you when it comes to your anxiety, etc?" Gabby nodded as she looked at me. "I think it will. I am so scared Matteo is going to..." I just went to stop her and agreed. "Then listen, let's pack up and leave okay?"

Gabby nodded and smiled as she gave me a hug. "I am just sorry that I am ruining this romantic stuff you planned." I then kissed the side of Gabby's head and just whispered to her. "You aren't. Gabby, I am your husband and need to respect your wishes just like you need to respect mine when it comes to the bar. Can we agree to that?" Gabby nodded and smiled as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and then kissed me softly. "Call the front desk, tell them we are checking out. Then help me pack okay?" I nodded and agreed, giving her one last kiss before letting her go so we could pack. "I want to talk at home okay?" Gabby nodded and agreed. "Yes, I think we need to." I smiled and nodded when she said that.

NOTE: I am going to have a little time skip in between this chapter and the next chapter. I am not going to be showing the packing, etc. I am going to skip right to when they are home from the hotel. Thanks again for reading and don't forget to like, review and send me ideas. I promise to try and include them!

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