Chapter 246

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Matt's POV: After making my way back to the firehouse with everybody, I got out of the Jeep and smiled as I looked at my crew. "Okay guys, before you head inside. Hudle up. I want to talk before some of you go and relax somewhere or get rest after that long fire." Everybody nodded and agreed as they walked over to me. Looking at them, I smiled. "Okay listen. I want to say that I know I am changing a lot of stuff around but...I want to just do one last change. As you saw on last call, I asked Stella to take charge of Engine 51 today on scene."

Everybody nodded and agreed. "Since we already have a captain on both Truck 81 and Squad 3...I want to have an officer on Engine 51. So, I want to ask Stella to take over as head of Engine 51." Stella nodded and agreed. "Of course Chief, I will gladly do it." I then smiled as I walked over to her before going to shake her hand. I then went back to where I was and looked at them. "Now, about why we stayed longer than normal. I want to let you know that scene might be a crime scene." Everybody nodded and agreed when Tony made a comment.

"Yeah, because the cops didn't make that clear to us." I then looked at him. "Capp, my office when we are done. Severide, please join us." They both nodded and agreed before I continued. "So, what I want to say is that...if the CPD contacts any of you for questions, you are to answer them. You are not in trouble. However, I also want to say that you are not to co-ordinate stories. Officers, I want reports on my desk. Please make 2 copies. I will send them to the CPD."

Everybody nodded and agreed. "Dismissed." Everybody (except Severide and Capp walked away). Walking up to me, Severide looked at me. "Can we just do it here?" I nodded and agreed before turning to look at Capp. "Capp, the comment you just made while I was talking was not appropriate. When I am speaking to the house...I am doing it as your chief. I was trying to say that the fire is being investigated as a crime. Please do not make comments like that when I am speaking. I only speak to you when it's something serious. If not, I let your supervisors do it."

Capp nodded and understood. "You will submit your report to your captain and then you will also clean the bunk room. I want it tidy. And I don't care if you aren't the candidate. You do not undermine my authority in this house when I am speaking. You are dismissed." Tony nodded and agreed as he walked away to do his report and clean the bunk room. Severide meanwhile laughed when I did that. "Dang, you got him in trouble." I then looked at him. "Severide, this is no laughing matter. I am a young Chief and I need your men to respect my authority."

Severide sighed and nodded. "When I am speaking, you are to make sure that they understand. Now, I am speaking to you right now as your chief and not your friend...understood?" Severide nodded, knowing that I had to do it sometimes. "If any of your men question my authority over them as Firehouse 51's are to put them in line. If not, they are to be benched until they respect my authority. The timing was horrible and I know you spoke to them in the truck, telling them it was a crime scene. For him to suggest that I didn't have to say it is wrong..."

Severide agreed. "I will speak to him again Chief." I nodded and sighed before shaking his hand. "Sorry about that. It's just...sometimes I need to go into Chief mode while speaking to you. It's going to get hard but...I just need you to understand." Severide smiled. "Dude, you made the right call. I will make sure to speak to Capp. But honestly, great call today and great call on the arson." I smiled. "Truth is, I know the guy. He doesn't remember me but, I remember him. He used to be shady and tried to buy some votes when I was an alderman."

Severide laughed before smiling. "Well, that's not good. But listen, you going to do a report too or just leave it to me?" I shook my head. "Later. I want to see your reports first. Right now, I am going to go talk to Gabby. We were talking about something before I left." Severide nodded and agreed. "Go ahead." I smiled and nodded as I prepared to go talk to Gabby wherever she was.

Chief Casey Season 2: Balancing Work, Family and FriendshipsWhere stories live. Discover now