Chapter 221

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Matt's POV: As me and Gabby got out of the car to start making our way into the restaurant with the kids, I was confused when I saw that the lights were off. "Gabby, you sure that it's even open today? I mean the lights are only off if the restaurant is closed." Gabby then turned to look at me as she went to grab the stroller for me. "Matt, we own the place. We can go in regardless." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when I got Matteo out before grabbing Ella. "Matteo, stay there." He agreed and nodded while standing next to the car. 

Once I had Ella out of the car, I watched as Gabby walked over to me with Wally. "Let's put them in and then we can head into the restaurant." I nodded and agreed as I went to put Ella in the lower seat while Gabby went to put Wally int he upper position. Once that was done, Gabby looked at Matteo with her hand extended. "Matteo, hand please." Matteo nodded and agreed as he went to grab her hand. Meanwhile, I grabbed her other hand and intertwined our fingers while we started to cross the street to head into Molly's.

"We still heading to the park after lunch?" Gabby shrugged. "I know, we keep changing plans but...I am glad that we are going to start the day here. We haven't been here with all the kids yet and I am positive that it will be fun." I nodded and agreed with her as we made our way accross the street and up to the door. Opening it for me, Gabby then went to let me in when I saw all the lights were off. "Okay, this is weird. Why are the lights off in here too babe?"

Pushing the stroller in with Gabby and Matteo, I was about to turn the lights on when they all came on and I heard a whole bunch of people yell. "SURPRISE!!" I was shocked when I looked at everybody. "What?" Turning to look at Gabby, she smiled at me before wrapping her arm around me and going to kiss me softly. "Happy birthday baby." Wrapping my arm around her, I smiled as I kissed her slowly. "This was a nice surprise. Who in the world set this up?" Severide then walked over to me. "Oh, this was all her idea. She wanted you to be with your friends on your birthday for the first time in a couple years."

I then turned to look at her. "But, I am." Gabby shook her head. "I mean, in a non-work setting where you are their equal. Here, you are not chief Casey. Instead, you are just Matt. Now, where is the booth that I reserved for me and Matt?" Hermann then pointed at a booth. "Matteo, go to the booth uncle Hermann is pointing at." He nodded and agreed as I turned to look at Gabby. "Gabby, mind just taking care of the kids and I will make my rounds and say hi to everybody?" Gabby smiled and nodded as she walked away with the kids.

Walking over to everybody, I smiled as I went to take off my jacket. "Here Gabby, can you take this for me?" I then walked over to the booth and gave her my jacket. Grabbing it, Gabby smiled. "Go say hi to everybody." Walking over to Mrs. Goodwin first, I was shocked she was here. "I am surprised to see you here Mrs. Goodwin." Mrs. Goodwin then went to hug me. "Wanted to be here for my equivalent at Firehouse 51. I am the hospital administrator after all and you are the head of the firehouse." I agreed and nodded when she said that.

I then went to walk over to my best friend. "Severide, you played a part in this didn't you?" He nodded and smiled. "Of course I did." Hugging him, I then went to hug Stella. "Wow, you are looking good Stella for someone who just gave birth 4 months ago." Stella nodded and smiled at me. "Watch it buddy. I am married to your best friend." I laughed when she said that. "And I am happily married with 3 kids to the love of my life." Gabby then smiled when I said that. "Who just so happens to be your best friend." Stella nodded and agreed.

I then went to walk over to Hermann and shook his hand when I saw Will there. "Okay, now I need to do you. Will, how are you and what are you doing in Chicago?" Will then went to give me a bag of clothes. "Refund...and I am here for a meeting with Mrs. Goodwin tomorrow." Mrs. Goodwin then went to sit next to him. "Do you mind?" Will shook his head. "Of course not. Are we still on for tomorrow?" Goodwin then smiled. "If you want, we can do it here?" Will shook his head. "No, I need a night to sleep still. And I have to meet with my lawyer first."

Goodwin nodded and understood. "Of course. Tomorrow then. But lawyers, really?" Will sighed. "Just a formality. It's a big deal considering we are using the money we are getting in our exit package as part of our downpayment." Goodwin nodded and smiled at him. I then went to interrupt. "Okay, you guys have fun." I then looked at Jay and Erin. "Glad you could come. I promise Erin, he is not getting any alcohol today. He's sober for you." Jay laughed and nodded when I said that. "Of course."

I then looked at Hermann. "If anybody here has a pregnant or breastfeeding wife...they are dry. So, that would be me, Jay and Severide." Will then lifted his hand up and smiled. "I am in the dry category too." I was confused when he said that. He smiled before going to look at Mrs. Goodwin. "We are expecting twins." Goodwin was shocked. "Well, congratulations to the two of you." She then hugged him and smiled. "That is great news Will. Congrats." I then went to shake his hand. "Clothes are going back soon."

I then looked at Maggie. "Hey Maggie, you are in recovery on March 2nd okay? Gabby's surgery is that day and I would like our nurse there." She laughed and understood. "You have to talk to Goodwin about it." Goodwin nodded and agreed. "Anything for family." I then smiled while walking over to everybody else to hug them and say hi since this was a great surprise.

Chief Casey Season 2: Balancing Work, Family and FriendshipsWhere stories live. Discover now