February 9, 2022

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February 9, 2022 Post-Shift, Firehouse 51 Parking Lot:
Matt's POV: After making my way out to the van to join Gabby, I smiled when I saw that she already had all the kids on the van and ready to go. "You work fast." Gabby smiled and nodded as she walked up to me. Wrapping my arms around her, I felt her put her hand on my back and kiss me softly. "2 days with you is going to be great. I promise, we will do something just the 2 of us to celebrate your birthday tomorrow or the day after before you work on your birthday." I smiled and nodded when she said that. "I am going to hold you to that."

Gabby smiled as I just held her close for a bit when I went to kiss her forehead softly. "Listen, you are tired and I am ready to sit with you and have a glass of wine. It's early. So, let's put the kids to bed and just stay dressed. Like I said, we'll cuddle by the fire and have some wine if you pump." Gabby nodded and agreed. "Already done. I have a bunch of bottles made ahead of time." I smiled and then let her go. "You're driving okay? I haven't really stopped all day." Gabby agreed and nodded as she went to get into the driver's seat. Meanwhile, I walked around the van.

Opening the back door, I quietly set my laptop and night bags down near the foot of the seat before closing the door again. I then proceeded to get into the passenger seat where I was going to be riding home tonight. Buckling up so that we could leave, I smiled as Gabby went to close her door before pulling out of our spot and starting to drive home. That's when I heard Matteo speak to me. It scared me a bit considering he was so quiet. "Papa?" I then turned to look at him. "Yeah buddy?" Matteo then smiled. "Thanks for bringing me today."

I smiled when he said that. "Did you have fun at the firehouse?" Matteo nodded and smiled. "Can I come again next shift?" I turned to look at Gabby and smiled. "Sure. As long as it's okay with your mom. Depends on her buddy." Matteo nodded and agreed. "Do you have to work tomorrow?" I shook my head. "No, I am home with you. Maybe tomorrow we can snuggle in bed and have a movie marathon. It's daddy's birthday in a couple days so we are going to celebrate either tomorrow or the day after." Matteo then smiled. "Happy birthday daddy."

I smiled when he said that. "Thanks Matteo but, it's not my birthday yet. Now, how about you rest? Then, when we get home...I can tuck you into bed and you can go to sleep okay?" Matteo nodded and just went to lay back in his car seat. Meanwhile, I turned to look at Gabby and smiled. "What are the odds that he stays asleep?" Gabby laughed and smiled. "He's not going to sleep until we get home. But, you were adorable when you talked to him that way. But seriously though, we are going to sit in front of the fire. So put some sweats or something on."

I nodded and agreed with her. "Believe me, that was the plan. I think I might always start wearing sweats. I never know when Mr. Matteo is going to join us in bed in the middle of the night." Gabby laughed and agreed. "I know right?" I smiled when she said that. "I do not need him to see me in my boxers in the middle of the night. I mean, I know we did it when he was younger but...not anymore." Gabby smiled and nodded. "Listen Matt, just relax okay? It's been a long day filled with a lot of calls. Just lay your head back, close your eyes and take a breather."

I smiled and agreed with her, ready to do just that when we got home. And heck, I might even try to sleep if she lets me. As comfortable our mattress is at the firehouse, it just doesn't compare to the one we have at home in our bedroom.

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