Chapter 223

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10 Minutes Later when Matt & Gabby's Salad has arrived:
Gabby's POV: As I sat down next to Matt in the booth, I smiled as he wrapped his arm around me and looked at Wally after I finished feeding him. Moving to rub his cheek, Matt smiled as he looked at her. "You know, with Wally being here with kinda feels like Boden is here with us too." I smiled when he said that before turning to look at me. "Yeah, it does." I then went to kiss him softly. "You like your surprise party so far?" Matt nodded and smiled. "Of course I do. You are the one that planned it. And for you to go over's a lot to do Gabby. Thank you so much."

I smiled when he said that before seeing Hermann set our salad down on the table. "Here guys, a Caesar plus some cheese bread for Matteo. I know he likes it." Turning to look at him, I smiled. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask Hermann. How's Lee Henry doing in his recovery?" Hermann smiled when I asked. "He's doing much better. He's just on bedrest for now. Next week, he's back at the academy. And he should be ready to join us in June or July depending on when he graduates. Thanks for speaking to the academy and getting him an extension for the semester."

Matt nodded and agreed. "Make sure you take time with him tomorrow okay? Don't worry about shift. We have someone to cover you." Hermann smiled. "Sounds good. Who you got anyways?" I then looked at him. "Cordova." That's when I saw him walk in with his wife Melanie and their son David. Matt must've seen him too as he waved to him. "Hey Cordova." Cordova then walked over to us and smiled. "Happy birthday chief." Matt smiled as he looked at him and shook his hand. "How old is your little guy now?" Cordova smiled. "5 months." Matt agreed. 

I then looked at Cordova. "So, you back at Firehouse 90 or are you sticking around 51?" Matt then turned to look at me. "I've asked him to stay until Hermann is back on Truck. I mean, if that's okay." I nodded and agreed. "Babe, we are both married. No need to ask me if I am okay with my ex working at the firehouse with us. Plus, you are the only one I want." Matt nodded and agreed as he went to grab some salad. "Listen, I'll see you tomorrow Chief." Matt nodded and smiled as he walked away before turning his attention back to Hermann. "So, you and work?" Hermann then sighed. "One or two more shifts out. That okay?"

Matt's POV: When Hermann asked me to take one or two more shifts out, I nodded and smiled. "I have his chief's blessing to keep him around until you are back. So, take the weekend with your family. Come back on the 16th okay?" Hermann nodded and smiled before walking away. I then turned my attention back to the conversation I was having with Gabby, Antonio and Sylvie. "So, summer plans just the Dawson family. What are we thinking?" Antonio smiled as he turned to look at Sylvie. "We were actually hoping you could babysit. I want to take Sylvie to Mexico as a honeymoon. I mean sure, we went to Puerto Rico but...not a honeymoon."

Grabbing some more salad and putting it on my plate, I turned to look at Matteo who was sitting in my lap. "Here Matteo, want some of daddy's yummy salad?" Matteo then went to take a bite and liked it. "More please." I nodded and agreed as I went to give him salad. Meanwhile, Antonio just stared at me. "Wow, he's very polite. Wish my older kids were that way." I laughed when he said that. "Called training them to say please and thank you." That's when I heard Severide walk over. "Just like you are going to say when you are going to take this from me."

I then looked at him and shook my head. "No, I can't man. Not in the middle of the day." I then looked at Antonio to try and give Kelly the message that he's an alcoholic. But, he took it the wrong way and instead decided to offer it to Antonio. "Here Antonio, I think Matt wants you to have it instead of him?" I then looked at the table and sighed. "Gabby, can I just put Wally on the table?" Gabby nodded and agreed. "Go ahead."

Getting up, I looked at my family. "Guys, I will be right back." Grabbing the bottle of beer from Severide, I went to carry it to the bar before grabbing his arm and dragging him to the back of the restaurant so I could speak to my captain alone.

Chief Casey Season 2: Balancing Work, Family and FriendshipsWhere stories live. Discover now