Chapter 202

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15 Minutes Later as Matt finishes getting dressed to go to Molly's
Matt's POV: As I prepare to leave to go get our food, I watch as Gabby comes downstairs with my wallet. "You forgot this." I then smiled at her. "Thanks, the kids still asleep?" Gabby nodded and smiled as she walked up to me and put her hands on my chest. Kissing me softly, I moved my hands to her hips and smiled. "Tonight, I want to take a bath. It's the closest you are going to get to sex for a while." I smiled and agreed with her before moving my arms around her to hold her.

"Gabby, I am fine with that. We already have 3 kids that I love. And I can love you without needing intimacy." Rubbing her arms, I went to kiss Gabby softly and smiled as we just held each other close for a minute. Leaning my forehead against hers, I put my hands on her arms and just whispered to her. "You understand why I am going a bit earlier right? I just want to be there so I can maybe talk to someone while the food is being cooked. Oh and you can rest." Gabby agreed.

"I also want you to stop at Target. I was going to wait until another day but...there's a sale on Tampons." I then stared at her. "Seriously? There's a drugstore down the street. I will get you some when you need them babe. You are too close from birth to need them." Gabby laughed. "Oh, is someone scared to get his wife Tampons?" I shook my head. "Of course not. It's just...we don't need them right now and I would rather put that money towards food or formula."

Gabby was confused. "Matt, we have income. Why are you so worried?" I sighed and went to rub her arm. "Because I haven't got my first paycheck yet. We are still in our savings." Gabby then looked at me. "But you are okay with going to Molly's?" I nodded. "Because it's free. We don't pay when we are there. That's why I like going there." Gabby laughed and smiled as she went to kiss me softly. "Not on Valentine's Day. I expect a real restaurant where you pay."

I nodded and agreed before smiling at Gabby. "I expected nothing less. Now listen, I need to get going. If you think of anything we need then I can definitely pick it up on my way home." Grabbing the Tesla keys, I looked at Gabby and smiled. "Make sure you breath and relax okay? You've got this." Gabby then sighed when I said that. "Matt, you are going to be gone for 30 minutes. Please don't worry about me. I have been alone for longer than that under more stressful situations." Turning to look at her, I was confused.

"Matt, you've been gone for over 2 hours before. And I was at the firehouse while you were out putting a fire out. You going to Molly's to get food is nothing compared to that. We are talking about you not coming home to us compared to you going for 30 minutes." I nodded and understood while walking up to her. Putting my hands on her hips, I then looked at her. "Gabby, I promise that I am not going anywhere. So please relax." Gabby nodded and understood. "Okay."

Giving her a quick kiss, I smiled at her. "I am going to Target then, I will go get the food. I will be 30-45 minutes okay? Just relax and don't worry about me." Gabby smiled and agreed. "You go ahead. I got the door." I nodded and smiled while walking out of the house and making my way to the Tesla. Meanwhile, Gabby closed the door behind me before locking it as she went to relax for a bit.

Chief Casey Season 2: Balancing Work, Family and FriendshipsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ