Chapter 311

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Matt's POV: After calling Antonio, I sighed as I went to grab my Bluetooth headphone so that I could talk to him while I kept working. These are the times where I am glad we have such an odd relationship. I see him as both my friend and brother/father-in-law. Yet, he gives it to me straight. Hearing him answer the phone, I just prayed that he wasn't busy with Sylvie or the kids right now. "Please tell me that the kids are napping and Sylvie is resting" Antonio laughed when I said that and agreed. "Yeah, they're all down for a nap. What can I do for you?"

I then took a deep breath and proceeded to talk to him. "Right now, I need advice on how to approach a situation. Yet, I don't want you to get mad. Can you agree with me on that?" Antonio understood what I meant. He was the only other person who was completely in the loop when it came to Gabby's medical situation. We did that so that I could talk to him in times like these. 

Antonio: Okay, so what's the situation? And what the hell did you do? 
Matt: Honestly, I thought it was going to be completely innocent...until it wasn't.
Antonio: Matt, I can't help you until you tell me what the hell you did. So, spit it out.
Matt: I have to update my health insurance policy and will with the Chicago Fire Department.
Antonio: Both at the same time? And why exactly?

Matt: Right now, on the form and says Wally Bode Casey. Need to change the name.
Antonio: Okay, I get that. That's all it is isn't it?
Matt: Yeah. And Gabby comes in and she's like...I don't need to think about you dying.
Antonio: Well, she doesn't....
Matt: Antonio, that's not the point. I am doing what I need to do for legal purposes.

Antonio: Matt, I hate to say this...but you have to remember who your wife is.
Matt: Okay, you lost me when you said that. What exactly do you mean by that?
Antonio: Remember that she is someone who has anxiety and OCD. Also, she's scared.
Matt: (Sighs and Understands) I get that but, already knew I had to do this. I did it with Matteo.
Antonio: Yeah, but you didn't have to do it yourself. Boden took care of it for you.

Matt: (Understands) Right, I forgot about that. Oh boy, that is much harder to change. Nice, I am even going to have to update my wife's will if she has hers through the CFD still.
Antonio: I think that she does. I know that Sylvie still has hers through the CFD. By the way, can you update hers. I don't think she's done it since we had Theo. And can you add Hannah Sylvia?
Matt: Can you ask me when my wife isn't upstairs....freaking out over something that isn't going to happen? Antonio, not really the best time. Plus, she's not my department anymore.
Antonio: What? But she works at Firehouse 51. You promised.
Matt: Right now, she's on maternity leave. That's human resources at headquarters.

Antonio: How exactly do you know all of this stuff?
Matt: Well, I am chief now and I had to do it when we had Matteo. I went on paternity leave.
Antonio: Are you going to do another paternity leave for the kids?
Matt: I am taking it when Gabby has surgery. My leave starts in less than 2 weeks.
Antonio: Well, that's good. Maybe by then, you guys won't be in a fight.
Matt: Not really the time Antonio. Can you just help me out and tell me what to do?

Antonio: I would just sit with her and talk to her calmly. Doesn't that work for you guys?
Matt: It does. But, not as much when she's scared. You should've seen her when we heard your dad did something. Not sure, maybe it was break out of jail or something. She was scared out of her mind when I had to tell her. Oh wait, weren't you there when we told her?
Antonio: I forget and honestly, I don't have the brainpower to remember. Last time I checked, we were both running on pure adrenalyne right now since we both have 2 kids under 10 months.
Matt: I would normally laugh if Hannah hadn't been born a bit premature. Or, was she on time?

Antonio: Apparently, we were a lot further along. She was tiny compared to normal babies. Bue, she was healthy enough to come home with us. And for that, we are forever grateful.
Matt: Same here man, that's our niece you are talking about.
Antonio (Laughs): Hey, but just keep doing what you're doing and don't sweat about this last problem. She's just scared. Matt, I had to do the same thing when we had our kids and Sylvie reacted the same way. It's the fear.
Matt: Well, you also have to remember that Sylvie reacting to fear and Gabby reacting to fear are two very different things Antonio.

Antonio (Confused): And why is that the case exactly?
Matt: Last time I checked, Sylvie didn't have anxiety or OCD. 
Antonio: Right, that makes sense that you would say that now. I am so sorry I forgot about that.
Matt: It's forgotten already. Now listen, I need to get some work done regarding the firehouse.
Antonio: Of course. Have a good day and talk soon. Don't forget what day it is.
Matt: (Laughs) Oh trust me, I already have this plan set up. A nice, soothing bath together before a private, intimate massage in bed. 
Antonio: God, my sister is going to love that.

Matt: That's if I can get her to continue with our plans. Listen, I am going to go try and talk to her okay? I will let you know how it goes.
Antonio: (Agrees) Good luck and just remember to stay calm.
Matt: (Agrees and hangs up)

Now, to head upstairs so that I can convince Gabby to let me get in bed with her so that we can talk this out. And honestly, screw work today. Gabby, the kids and our marriage is morning important than work. Always will be. Time to go fix the mess I made.

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