Chapter 327

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Antonio's POV:
When Gabby asked me whether I was going to get my spot back as Deputy, I just shook my head. "May I remind you that I already have a new position that deals specifically with the justice department. I am now DHI for Case Management and Liaison to the Dept. of Justice." Gabby then nodded and agreed. "And that's federal?" I nodded. "And state and local. Basically, it's another version of my role as chief investigator in the DA's office but, it's with the CPD instead. I actually like it because I just get to claim credit at the end. I can be home more often."

Matt nodded and agreed. "You still work with Jay and Erin?" I sighed. "Not as much with Erin anymore but with Jay, yeah. Hank's been in less and less. Honestly, I am thinking he is going to retire soon. So, I am not sure what that means for the unit. I just hope that he stays around for a while. It's too soon for Chicago to loose another titan leader. I mean, Boden at 51. And now Voight at intelligence." Matt nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Sorry but, I can't believe I am going to say this but...I agreed with you.  And I would have to be at the funeral."

That's when I felt my phone vibrate. Seeing it was an e-mail, I knew to ignore it. "Antonio, if you have to check that...then go ahead. Matt does it all the time." I then sighed when she said that. "Does that bother you?" Gabby shook her head. "No, he does a good job managing it. He separates family and work time pretty well. Most of the time, he does his work when the kids are taking their naps." I laughed when she said that. "You sure that's good with you? You must want him with you during those times now?" Gabby then shook her head. "I get him at night."

I then looked at her and just shook my head. "Okay, that's enough. Don't need to talk about your sex life with my brother-in-law." That's when I heard Matt come in. "Nor do I want you to talk about it." He then went to grab some water. "You aren't talking about that now are you Gabby?" Gabby then turned to look at him. "Yeah, because I am going to talk about my sex life with my brother. Yeah, totally a great idea." Matt then bit his lip and looked at her. "Love you." Gabby just shook her head. "Can you check if we have bottles for the kids? Tell me if I need to pump."

Matt noded and agreed with her before going to walk up to her. Giving her a quick kiss, Matt then walked away to the living room to go check whether they had bottles in the cooler. Turning to look at Gabby, I smiled. "If you want to go feed the can go upstairs and use our room okay? I have supper. I promise." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. "Thanks. Want me to send Matt in?" I then shook my head. "No, it'll be nice to have a bit of alone time." Gabby was confused when I said that. "I'm either with Sylvie, Jay or the babies."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "Okay then." Walking away, she went to go find Matt so that she could go feed the babies.

Gabby's POV:
As I made my way out to the living room, I looked at Matt as he held Gabriel in his arms. "He need a feeding?" Turning to look at me, Matt nodded. "Shouldn't you be cooking in the kitchen with Antonio?" I shook my head. "Antonio wants a bit of alone time. Says between work, the kids and Sylvie...he rarely gets alone time." That's when I heard Antonio yell from the kitchen. "THANKS FOR CALLING ME OUT GABBY. SYLVIE, I LOVE YOU AND OUR TIME TOGETHER. DON'T FORGET THAT!"

I laughed when he said that. "Just get back to cooking Antonio." I then looked at Gabriel and smiled at Matt. "I am going to go feed him. Hey Sylvie, how about you grab Hannah? We can head upstairs and have a bit of girl time while we feed the kids before lunch." Sylvie nodded and agreed, liking the idea. "Eva, you are in charge of your brother while I am gone." Eva nodded and agreed with Sylvie when she said that. Once that was done, we made our way upstairs so we could feed our kids.

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