Chapter 245

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Matt's POV: As I walked around the home, I decided to go downstairs and join Severide since I knew exactly where he was...the electrical panel. Being an electrician, I knew that I could help out. Making my way down, I saw he had his flashlight and just looked at the panel confused. "This thing is a mess." I agreed as I walked up to him. "It sure is." Severide nodded and agreed. "It chief right now or Matt?" I smiled at him. "Matt. Thanks for doing this. I just had this bad feeling that this couldn't be a coincidence. It's February at there's a fire here or all places? Those people also look like they just got back from the Bahamas with their tans. Something's up."

Severide nodded and agreed with me. "Hey, you made the right call." I sighed. "I just hope this doesn't get me in trouble with the commissioner. Accusing some of the richest people in Chicago of arson isn't going to be great publicity. But, I've seen their pocket books. They pay some of the biggest taxes when it comes to property tax. Think it's a coincidence it's around now when property taxes comes due?" Severide laughed. "God, now I know they made the right choice for chief. Between you being a former Alderman and former contruction worker...that's a great background."

I then walked over to a place in the wall where I saw an opening. "Okay, does this place look under construction to you?" Severide turned to look at me and shook his head. "Nope." I then went to walk over to a part of the basement that was under construction. Looking up the wall that was already framed, I smelt something really bad. "Oh god, I think we found our source of the fire." Walking over to me, Severide looked at what I was looking at. "God, what the hell is that smell?" I turned to look at him. "It's supposed to be what you wrap around the wires to protect them against water damage."

I then shined my flashlight on the wires. "Looks like it was damaged or improperly installed. There's a water pipe right next to it and there's light. I think if you put a pole up, you could definitely reach outside from down here." Severide then looked at it and agreed with me. "Oh definitely. That's grass around the edge I think." I nodded. "Okay, so take into account that the homeowners were here during the fire....there's a hole were you can easily access a wire that is connected directly to the panel and this is an electrical fire."

I then turned to look at Severide. "And there is no legal reason that the house would be like this because I didn't see any construction permit outside. Nor did I see any construction tape or advertising outside. Believe me, if a construction company was working on this house...they would have a huge sign outside that made sure everybody in the neighborhood knew who was doing the construction. At least, that's what I would do since this is probably a million dollar contract. To get more business would be incredible."

Severide agreed with me before going to walk back over to the panel. "And this panel just doesn't look up to code when it comes to how new this house is. Unless there was a huge expansion on the house and there's another panel somewhere that we don't see or know about...I am not sure if this is the only place where this could start." I agreed with him when I heard Cruz come downstairs. "Hey Chief, I think you want to come see the garage. I just walked in there and found something that looked really fishy."

I then agreed with Cruz. "Show me man. I am thinking that this is arson." Cruz laughed as he led us away. "Well, I think I just found your hint that this is arson. You see, the garage was a bit detached from the house. I think the homeowners got it fireproofed to protect their prized car collection. They have some Mercedes and vintage cars in there. I mean, Severide's car nice." Severide laughed when he said that before following Cruz upstairs. Looking at the chandelier that was above us. "Hey Severide, how much you think this Chandelier costs?"

Severide then looked up at it. "Depends what type of stones those are. But, based on how many there are...this could be a million dollar chandelier. And this can't be their only one here in the house. They probably have a similar one in the dinning room, living room and maybe some in the washroom." I agreed. "So that's 5-10 chandeliers. Insurance probably 1 million each. That's already between $5-10 million in insurance. The cars could be another $2 million. TVs, rare furniture and clothes. Probably another $2 million. We are talking more than $15 million here."

Cruz laughed. "You're forgetting about the rare carpets and things they have insured. These people seem to have gone everywhere." Walking through the halls, I walked past some pictures of the man killing some wild tigers. "Oh, tiger fur and stuff. Dang, we are talking money here. Oh and don't forget the designer kitchen. That's another $1 million." I laughed and agreed with him. "Dang, if I was that rich...I would just sell it. Don't need it here in Chicago? Move it to Bermuda or something." We all agreed when I said that before making our way to the garage.

Walking into the garage together, we all stared at the cars. "Dang, these are rare cars and really expensive." Severide then looked at some of them. "The one at the end, easily half a million. Severide, can you check the panel in here and make sure that it's not going to go off? See if they tampered with it too. If so, I can figure this out." He agreed and went to check it out before seeing it was just like the basement one. "These guys can't be that stupid can they?" That's when I heard somebody walk in. "I am the Owner's Lawyer. I am here to get you to leave."

I then turned to look at him and laughed. "You can't do that. This is a crime scene now. The office of fire investigations will be in contact with you and so will the CFD. So, if you are a criminal might want to get out there quickly. Or tell your clients to get a lawyer. This ain't no accident." The lawyer then looked at me as I walked past him to head back outside. That's when I saw Jay getting attention from the much younger wife. "Hey Halstead, how about you stop flirting before you get in shit with your father-in-law."

Jay then turned to look at me while he was on the phone. "Oh." He nodded as I walked over to him. I then went to look at the wife. "Ma'am. I recommend that you go speak with your lawyer." She then got scared when I said that before walking away. Jay then looked at me. "What's up? And I saw she was flirting man. Just didn't pay attention. That was Voigt and he heard everything." I then sighed. "You may have a $16 million arson-insurance fraud case on your hands. There is no way this fire was naturally started. Wiring is shit."

He nodded and agreed. "That in your personal or professional opinion?" I sighed. "Both. Dude, I am a contractor. I can see faulty wiring. For a house this nice, the wiring was horrible. And think about how they were on scene. With their lawyer already here? I am sorry to say this but...I am going to have to ask you to tape up this scene and I am going to report it to OFI. Jay agreed and nodded when I said that. "Of course. You done here?" I nodded. "I will leave once you guys tape it up. Once my trucks are gone, this is your scene and it needs to be taped up."

He agreed and then turned to look at Voight whom he called to the scene. "Called him because I knew I would need him." Voight then walked over to us. "What's up Halstead?" I then looked at him. "You might have a $16 million arson-insurance fraud case on your hands. This was not a natural fire. It was started on purpose. Oh and the much younger wife was trying to distract your son-in-law from his work. She flirted with him but, he didn't flirt back. He wasn't doing it back." Hank then turned to look at Jay and he nodded. "Voight, I am married."

Hank nodded and agreed. "I know. Just go talk to witnesses. I will take care of the wife and make sure she knows you are married to my daughter." We all agreed and nodded. "Good luck Voight." Voight agreed as he went to shake my hand. "Thanks for the tip." I nodded and agreed. "Hey, I take this personally. You want to start a fire for money? You do not get away with it. When they do it, they are putting my men at risk for nothing. So, it's not just a's revenge. Now listen, I will send you my report and you can figure it out. Oh and one last thing."

They both then looked up at me. "What's up?" I then looked at them. "What are these people doing here in the middle of winter? You really expect those rich people to be here on purpose? Think about that. If I had that type of money...I would be drinking martinis in Cabo in the middle of winter. I would not be in Chicago where I can freeze my ass off. Just think about that." They both agreed and nodded. "Good point. Now, get going. It's our scene now." I agreed and nodded as I went to walk over to the trucks and saw Stella get in Engine 51.

Walking up to the trucks, I looked at them. "Firehouse 51, when we are at the house...briefing room immediately. Understood?" Everybody nodded and agreed as we prepared to head back to the firehouse.

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