Chapter 215

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A Couple Hours Later - 8:30 AM
Matt's POV: After a couple more hours asleep in bed, I decided to get up when Wally woke up around 8. Having changed him, fed him and spent a bit of time with him on the couch, I was now in the middle of sitting in my office while he was relaxing in the crib I brought in there. Going to rub his stomach, I smiled at him. "You just relax there okay buddy? Daddy has to work on some chief things he didn't do yesterday while your mom is asleep." Going to turn on my laptop (after having already connected it to my external monitor), I went to grab my keyboard to get to work.

Loging into my laptop, I went to to open my e-mail to check the report I got last night. It was my first death since becoming Chief and I wanted to know what happened. Going to check the report, I read it and then went to see the details of the fire. That's when I heard Wally make a few noises and I smiled at him. "Hey buddy, what's up?" I then went to tickle him a bit. "You like just laying down there while daddy does a bit of work eh?" I then got up and went to kiss his forehead. Seeing there was a mobile on the little crib, I went to turn it on to keep him busy.

Reading about the house fire that happened overnight, I sighed when I saw that there was a note saying there was a death. Someone was unaccounted for at the end of the fire and my Lieutenant found it was unsafe to go into the fire. I then noticed that there was also a note by the overnight chief that was at the firehouse. Seeing it was chief Walker, I was shocked. What was my supervisor doing at the firehouse? Thinking something was wrong, I went to check when the e-mail was send and decided to call since it was sent an hour earlier by him.

After putting my phone to my ear, I wanted for him to answer. Answering, I could tell he didn't check the caller ID. "Firehouse 51, Chief Walker speaking." I then went to speak to him. "Hey Walker, it's Casey. I was just going over the calls. You stayed there overnight?" He laughed when I said that. "Yeah, I have decided to just be here to help out. All my other chiefs are busy and I don't have anybody else to cover your house at night."  I sighed when he said that. "I am so sorry Chief, had I known that...I would be in more often. Somebody there today?"

Walker sighed when I asked that. "We are still figuring this out. We didn't put much thought into the practicality of you negotiating this into your contract. But, we wanted you back so...we knew we had to tell you. Plus, you are doing it for a really good reason. We couldn't deprive you of the chance to be a big part of your kids' life." I agreed and appreciated that. "Listen, I guess I could always work on call from home at night. I just need to be here in case one of the kids needs help while Gabby is also taking care of another one of the kids or feeding them."

Chief Walker wasn't hearing any of it though. "Matt, are you really trying to get more work? Matt, enjoy this time. But don't expect it to be forever. I want you as 24 hour chief eventually. But just wait until at least the end of the year. I already know your wife...Gabby. Can I call her Gabby?" I laughed and agreed. "Of course you can Chief." He then continued. "I already know she is going in for surgery because you wrote it down on your request for time off. So, just wait until then. Once she is back...then you can do your 24 hour shifts. Enjoy the kids while they're young."

I laughed and agreed with him when I heard Wally cry because he dropped his blanket. "Oh, there there little man. Daddy's got it." I then went to grab his blanket and covered him up. Tickling him, I smiled while going back to work. "If you are busy right now..." I shook my head. "No, just one of the babies are awake and I have him in my office here with me as I am going through the reports. I do it every morning while trying to let Gabby sleep in a bit. But listen, I was going to do stuff with the family today. I hope that's okay. But if you're in a bind..."

Chief Walker laughed. "Casey, we are giving you a break okay? We dropped this on you and you are going to take the time you need to adjust. Please stop trying to get more work. It's not like you are on an hourly salary. You have a set salary that doesn't change. So please, don't ask for more. I would hate for you to get in trouble with your wife right before your birthday." I laughed when he said that. "Same here. Working on my birthday actually. It's tomorrow so, the family is going to come in. Just going to relax today though." He agreed with me. "Of course. Now, you just finish checking your e-mails and then relax Casey. It's your birthday celebration. I'll see you in the morning when you come for shift. Come with the family for breakfast on the house."

I laughed and agreed. "I am going to hold you to that Chief. If I don't have to make breakfast on my birthday, then I am not going to say no. Thanks again and see you in the morning." I then went to hang up when I heard Gabby come downstairs. "Who was that?" Turning to look at her, I smiled when I saw she had Ella. "It was Chief Walker. He was there last night. I thought I was seeing stuff while looking at the reports. Hopefully, he read the memo I like the trucks filled up overnight rather than first thing in the morning."

Gabby nodded and agreed. "Listen, we are going out today okay? I checked the hours of the skating rink and I want to go early this morning so we can skate. Antonio and Sylvie are going to join us so they can watch the babies. I want to skate with you and Matteo." Turning to look at her, I bit my lip. "Can Matteo even skate? He doesn't even have skates Gabby." Gabby sighed and agreed. "Right. Then what do you want to do?" I then smiled. "I want to go out and get lunch at a restaurant. Then, I want to take a walk by the water before coming home for the afternoon."

Gabby smiled when I said that and agreed. "Okay. Well you have eaten. What am I doing?" I then sighed. "I need to do a bit of Chief work. I can make you breakfast when I am done." Gabby then shook her head before going to rub my cheek. "Of course not. You finish up so that you can spend time with us. But first..." She then pushed my chin up and went to kiss me softly. "Get up. I can't bend down." I nodded and agreed as I got up and stepped close to her. Putting my hands on her hips, I smiled as I kissed her softly. "God, I love you." Gabby smiled when I said that.

"I love you too. Now call Antonio and tell him about the change of plans. I am going to go make breakfast before Matteo comes downstairs." I agreed and nodded as I went to sit back down so I could finish my work before giving Antonio a call to see if we could get together for my birthday.

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