Chapter 323

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Antonio's POV:
As I made my way to the front door, I smiled when I saw Diego. "I wondered what was taking so long." Diego smiled and nodded as he looked at his girlfriend. "Hope you don't mind that I brought Maddy along." I shook my head. "Of course not, how are you Maddy?" I then went to hug her and smiled. "I am great Mr. Dawson." I then looked at Diego and went to hug him before kissing his head. "Your aunt and uncle are here. So, no smouching and keep it PG please." Diego then looked at me. "Dad..." 

Looking at him, I went to give him my signature glare. "You know, your boss in just in dthe other room. If you want to work tonight too...I am positive that Maddy would totally be okay with you delaying your Valentine's day date again." I then smirked as I walked away to go see Gabby. Meanwhile, Maddy agreed with me. "Sorry Diego, have to agree with the cop. Last time I checked, he wasn't as strict when it comes to us being in the same room at night."

Going to sit with Sylvie, I looked at her. "That's because I know my son won't do anything stupid. That and I know he is scared of your father." Diego then walked over to me. "Am not." I laughed when he said that. "Sure, because that's why you always come to me for advice on how to deal with her strict father. Diego, I am just as strict with him when it comes to Eva and boys. Heck, I am more strict than him. He doesn't run background checks on his daughter's dates."

Gabby was shocked when I said that. "You don't!" I nodded and smiled. "If my daughter is getting into a car with a boy, he better have a clean driving record and no DUIs." Gabby shrugged and agreed with me. "Matt's probably going to do the same when Ella...." Matt just stopped her from talking. "Okay, may I remind you that she is only 4 months old. Sorry but, I am not ready to think about Ella and dating. Oh by the way Diego, your dad tell you about the name change?"

Diego was confused when Matt said that. "What are you talking about?" I then looked at him. "Your aunt and uncle have decided to change Wally's name. It reminds them too much of their mentor that recently died. You recember Chief Boden right?" Diego nodded and agreed as he went to look at the pops. "Coke or Pepsi babe?" Maddy then looked up at him. "Pepsi please. Gotta support the blue." I laughed when she said that because it was a bit funny.

However Sylvie didn't get it. "What's so funny?" I then smiled at her. "The black and blue is another term they use to mean police officers. It's how politicians say it when they are speaking about getting endorcements from the police associations. I however do not endorse politicians. Well, unless it was my brother-in-law. I think I petitioned for the CPD to support you instead of your opponent." Matt laughed when I said that. "Yeah, that didn't happen. The politician I was trying to unseat was almost as crooked as Voight once was."

I nodded and understood what he meant. "Oh by the rule with it comes to him. Whatever I say to you about him, doesn't leave our conversations. Understood Antonio?" I was confused when he said that. "Why exactly?" Matt then laughed. "Yeah, I would rather have a good working relationship with the head of intelligence if they ever need our help. I get I said that I would try and deal with you or Jay's inevitable that I am going to have to deal with him eventually." I nodded and agreed with him.

Diego then came back over with some drinks for him and Maddy. "Okay, enough about that. Since I am here, I want to talk to uncle Matt. Any stories from your first couple weeks as Chief of Firehouse 51 that you can share?" Matt looked at him and smiled. "I think I already discovered my first fire-related crime. You hear about that big expensive mansion that burned down?" Diego nodded and agreed. "Oh, it was news even on FaceBook and Twitter." Matt nodded and agreed. "Well, it's an active crime scene. Insurance fraud." I was shocked when he said that. "What makes you so certain about that?" 

Matt's POV:
When Antonio asked me why I was so certain that it was insurane fraud, I turned to look at Gabby. "I haven't even told you this story have I?" Gabby shook her head. "Can you tell me it now?" I nodded and agreed. "Okay, so this is the scene. We arrive at this huge mansion. The place is worth over $10 million okay. Huge fire everywhere. But here's the thing...the owners were on scene." Antonio looked at me a bit confused. "Yeah, so would I if the house was that expensive."

I nodded and agreed with him. "Here's the thing though. First of all, they looked like they were fresh off a cruise from the Bahamas. Way too white to have been there for so long. Second, they looked at the place stone faced." Antonio shrugged and just listened. "And then this is where I really knew that I was dealing with arson. When I came downstairs and looked at the horrible wiring. Having a construction background, I just knew something was off."

Antonio nodded. "Keep going." I smiled when he said that. "For somebody that rich to have such poor electrical work done ont heir house is just insane. And the house didn't look like it was under renovation. There was no signs up front and everything. Everything was just too fishy. I just couldn't help but wonder if it was arson. And I made sure to check all of this even before I left the scene. CPD is the one in charge of the scene now. But, I made sure that I wasn't alone. We had Chief Patterson there too. We did a walk through with Severide and agreed it was arson."

Gabby turned to look at me and nodded. "You should show it to me. I used to investigate arson. If I can  help, I would love too. Gives me something to try and solve. I am really good at that." Antonio nodded and agreed with her. "You should try and join arson full time. You obsessing over cases would be a good distraction." Gabby then bit her lip and thought about it. "Maybe not yet but, in the future I might consider it. Depends if I can work from home or not. I am just not ready to put the kids in daycare if Matteo has special needs. I think I'm going to stay home."

I nodded when she said that before going to grab her hand. "And I am going to be there as much as I can. Plus, I know you aren't going to be able to resist bringing them into the firehouse." Gabby smiled and agreed with me. "I can help train the firefighters with new first aid. Sorry but, I keep saying this. All firefighter should know the basics of how to do simple things that doesn't require a paramedic. If they can patch people up quickly then...we can get out of there and respond to more calls." I nodded and agreed with her. "Maybe we need a Paramedic Chief at 51."

Gabby and Sylvie both laughed when I said that. "Maybe. We'll see. But, that actually wouldn't be that bad of an idea. Would take stuff off your plate. Right now, they are reporting to you." I nodded smiled. "Yeah, because of another one of my great ideas all those years ago. I was the one that suggested it to Boden. I mean, why report to a different chief when you have a full time chief at the firehouse?" We all agreed when I said that and nodded. 

Going to grab my water, I then kissed Gabby's head until I heard my phone ring. Going to check it, I saw it was Molly's. "It's the restaurant. By the way, still work at Molly's?" Diego nodded. "Yeah. Need the cash." Maddy chuckled. "Yeah, for dates. You better not be working tonight." Diego nodded. "I am sure that I am off. I work tomorrow." Looking at Gabby, I went to bite my lip. "Want me to take it or let it go to voicemail?" Gabby looked at me and smiled. "Take it." I nodded and agreed, getting up to take the call before walking away.

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