Chapter 262

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Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Junior Suite - 2 Hours Later
Matt's POV: As me and Gabby arrive in our hotel suite with the babies, I smile as I go to close the door while carrying my suit and rolling my suitcase in. Gabby then turned to look at me and smiled. "This is gorgeous Matt. Not sure if I like the wall that will separate us from the babies though." I then went to wrap my arm around her and kissed her head. "I never said the cribs were going on that side of the wall." Gabby nodded and agreed with me.

"By the way, who is going to come and watch them on Valentine's Day?" I looked at her. "About that. I was thinking they could go back home with Antonio for that night. I want you alone that night because I might have made reservations at a nice restaurant for us. This is really our first Valentine's Day since we got back together." Gabby then turned to look at me when I said that. "What?" I sighed. "Gabby, this is our second one back together but the first one where we can go out. Last year was still a pandemic Valentine's Day. We are going out."

Gabby smiled when I said that. "That's why you brought that nice suite of yours didn't you?" I nodded and smiled. "But right now, I want to put the kids in their cribs...." I then turned Gabby around in my arms as we stood close to one another. Holding her from behind, I kissed her shoulder softly. "Then, I want to take off his dress before getting in bed together. I will make you forget everything that happened today. I promise." Gabby smiled when I said that before nodding as she turned around. "And yes, the babies can go back with Antonio."

I smiled when she said that before getting close to her and moving to kiss her softly. I then smiled as I went to take off her dress for her. "What do you want to do right now? Get ijn bed or spend time with the babies?" Gabby smiled when I asked her that. "Let's put them in the cribs remember?" I nodded before walking over to the stroller and going to pick Ella up in my arms. Kissing the top of her head as I cuddled up to her. "Be a good girl for daddy and have a nice rest okay sweetheart? Mommy and daddy want a bit of time together."

Gabby smirked when I said that before going to grab Wally. "Thank god I fed them before we left." I then agreed before going to walk over to Ella's bed. Laying her down, I smiled when I went to grab her blanket from the stroller and then put it on her. Rolling over in the crib, Ella stayed asleep which was perfect for me and Gabby. Watching her carry Wally over...I decided to grab his blanket for her too before going to move the stroller towards the door so it was out of the way. Making my way back over to the crib, I went to give Wally's blanket to Gabby.

Once both of the babies were in bed, Gabby turned to look at me and smiled as she wrapped her arms around my waist and then leaned up to kiss me softly. "You know, this is the first time we have been alone on Valentine's Day for a while. Well, if you exclude the babies." I smiled and nodded before going to follow her to bed. Wrapping my arms around her, I grabbed her butt before going to kiss her softly. "Want me now or later?" I thought about it and then moved to grab her dress to take it off. "Now, I need to relieve some of your stress."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me as she watched me start to take off her dress so that I could get her undressed. Letting it fall to the ground, I smiled when I started to kiss her shoulder before bringing her against my chest. I then watched her move her hands up my shirt to take it off. Throwing it away for her. I smirked as I looked at the lingerie she was wearing. "Holy shit." Gabby smirked when I said that. "What did I tell you? I promised you would like your birthday gift." Moving to play with her lingerie, I smiled. "Get in bed, you are mine."

Gabby nodded and smiled as she went to get in bed. Moving to get myself undressed, I smirked as I went to set my clothes down at the end of the bed before quickly taking off my pants. Once I was in my boxers, I went to shut off my phone. "You okay with my phone off or do you want me to keep it on just in case?" Gabby then nodded. "Just in case. But make sure that you only answer for Antonio." I nodded and smiled when I finished getting undressed. Climbing into bed with Gabby, I laid down next to her before starieng at the lingerie she was wearing.

Slipping close to me, Gabby could tell I liked what she was wearing. I then brought her close to me before going to grab her neck and staring into her eyes. "I want to just clarify something. While what you are wearing is incredibly sexy...what I am staring at right now is my beautiful wife. This is just a sexy gift which you are giving me." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. Bending down to kiss her softly, I smiled as I moved my hand to her hip to keep her against me. "I love you Gabriela Casey." Gabby smiled when I said that and moved her hand to my neck.

"And I love you Matthew Casey." Taking it slow with her that afternoon, I smiled as I took advantage of the extra alone time we have been blessed with to start my birthday celebrations with the love of my life a little earlier than expected.

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