Chapter 343

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Matt's POV: After getting ready for bed and packing up my bag for the morning, I smiled as I watched as Gabby went to check on the kids one last time. Still wearing her clothes from early, I then saw that Gabby was in the midst of going to take off her shirt because Matteo was asleep in the little bed I set up for him in the corner of our room. It was his mattress from his bed downstairs with his sheets and blankets. We thought that he could just stay in here form now on. Not like we are going to have sex anytime soon. So, might just keep all the kids in here.

Making sure he was asleep, I walked around the bed and went to stand behind Gabby while wrapping my arms around her waist. "Here, turn around and let me give you a hand." Turning around to look at me, Gabby smiled when I said that. I then went to grab her shirt and undid it for her. Slowly taking it off, I went to kiss her softly while holding her close to me. Gabby smiled as I kissed her and I could tell she was liking it. "God, why must you do that. Give me pleasure." I laughed and smiled as I took off her shirt and went to put it to the side.

Going to get in bed once her shirt was off, Gabby smiled at me and moved over so that I could join her. Getting in bed with her on my side, I smiled as I went to move her close to my chest and closed the covers. Slipping her legs in between mine, Gabby put her hand on my chest and whispered to me. "I think today we made some great decisions that are really doing to help both me and our family as a whole. The amount of stress has already gone down in my opinion." I nodded when she said that and smiled at her. "I am glad to hear that. It's what I want."

Gabby smiled when I said that. "Listen, I just want to ask this again. About our plan when it comes to Matteo. You are positive that you are okay with taking care of both babies while I am driving him to Antonio's in the Tesla? I just want to have two cars in case you decide to go somewhere for a bit. You can come home earlier than me if you want or something. I don't want to trap you at the firehouse when the kids have to sleep." Gabby smiled at me when I said that. "That sounds good. Anyways, I am going to stop by Antonio's place anyways."

I agreed with her. "So, you want me to keep Matteo here?" Gabby shook her head. "No, you are still going to drive him because you promised that. I am just glad we have a car seat for him in both cars. Not so much for the other two." I nodded and agreed with her. "I am just glad I got the Model Y. It has enough space for all of the kids and us." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Yeah, thank you to me. You were going to get the Tesla Model X." I nodded and agreed as I went to kiss her softly. "That's because my wife is a genius." 

Gabby smiled again when I said that. Moving my arm across her body, I felt Gabby get close to me once again and wrap her arms around me. Kissing the top of her head, I smiled while whispering to her. "I am glad we chose to go ahead with me becoming chief. I don't think we would have had this much fun or time together had we stayed in Puerto Rico." Turning to look at me, Gabby bit her lip and nodded. "I hate to say this but, I agree. We were working in circles around each other. And that wasn't healthy." I sighed and went to kiss her softly. "Now, we are working together somewhat, sometimes at least."

I nodded and agreed with her when I heard Matteo. "Papa, isn't it bedtime." I then laughed when he said that. "You're right Matteo it is. Sorry." Matteo then looked at Gabby. "Goodnight mommy." Gabby smiled when he said that. "Goodnight Matteo. Make sure you say goodbye to me before you leave to go to uncle Tonio's with daddy." Matteo nodded and agreed as he rolled over in bed to go fall back asleep. Meanwhile, me and Gabby shared on last quick kiss before falling asleep in each other's arms that night.

Chief Casey Season 2: Balancing Work, Family and FriendshipsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz