Chief Casey Season 2: Balanci...

By OneChicagobyA

4.5K 11 0

Sequel to Chief Casey: Chicago's Newest Chief. For the past 9 days, Matt Casey has been learning the ropes on... More

Quick Note Re: Formatting
February 9, 2022
Chapter 183
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
February 10, 2022
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190
Chapter 191
Chapter 192
Chapter 193
Chapter 194
Chapter 195
Chapter 197
Chapter 198
Chapter 199
Chapter 200
Chapter 201
Chapter 202
Chapter 203
Chapter 204
Chapter 205
Chapter 206
Chapter 207
Chapter 208
Chapter 209
Chapter 210
Chapter 211
February 11, 2022
Chapter 213
Chapter 214
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
Chapter 217
Note re: Chapter 217
Chapter 218
Chapter 219
Chapter 220
Chapter 221
Chapter 222
Chapter 223
Chapter 224
Chapter 225
Chapter 226
Chapter 227
Chapter 228
Chapter 229
Chapter 230
Chapter 231
Chapter 232
Chapter 233
Happy Birthday Matt - February 12, 2022
Chapter 235
Chapter 236
Chapter 237
Chapter 238
Chapter 239
Chapter 240
Chapter 241
Chapter 242
Chapter 243
Chapter 244
Chapter 245
Chapter 246
Chapter 247
Chapter 248
Chapter 249
Chapter 250
Chapter 251
Chapter 252
Chapter 253
Chapter 254
Chapter 255
Chapter 256
Chapter 257
Note to Readers
Chapter 258
Chapter 259
Chapter 260
Chapter 261
Chapter 262
Chapter 263
Chapter 264
Chapter 265
Chapter 266
Chapter 267
Chapter 268
Chapter 269
Chapter 270
Chapter 271
Chapter 272
February 13, 2022
Chapter 274
Chapter 275
Chapter 276
Chapter 277
Chapter 278
Chapter 279
Chapter 280
Chapter 281
Chapter 282
Chapter 283
Chapter 284
Chapter 285
Chapter 286
Chapter 287
Chapter 288
Chapter 289
Chapter 290
Chapter 291
Chapter 292
Chapter 293
Chapter 294
Valentine's Day
Chapter 296
Chapter 297
Chapter 298
Chapter 299
Chapter 300
Chapter 301
Chapter 302
Chapter 303
Chapter 304
Quick Note Re: Name Change
Chapter 305
Chapter 307
Chapter 308
Chapter 309
Chapter 310
Chapter 311
Chapter 312
Quick Note/Time Jump
Chapter 313
Chapter 314
Chapter 315
February 15, 2022
Chapter 317
Chapter 318
Chapter 319
Chapter 320
Chapter 321
Chapter 322
Chapter 323
Chapter 324
Chapter 325
Chapter 326
Chapter 327
Chapter 328
Chapter 329
Chapter 330
Chapter 331
Chapter 332
Chapter 333
Chapter 334
Chapter 335
Chapter 336
Chapter 337
Chapter 338
Chapter 339
Chapter 340
Chapter 341
Chapter 342
Chapter 343
Chief Casey #3

Chapter 196

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By OneChicagobyA

Matt's POV: When Christie asked me about how my grieving was going, I sighed because I hadn't really put much thought into actually going through the process of grieving. My life was so busy and even though, I knew I had to...I had 3 kids to help take care of, as well as a full-time job which was also our sole source of income. Looking at my sister, I sighed. "Well, I have a lot on my plate right now and it's hard. I try to grieve but then I get busy because I am currently the sole source of income right now. I have to talk to the CFD if they care hire Gabby and put her maternity leave so that we can get at least a little bit of extra income through that."

Christie sighed when I said that. "Listen Matt, I get we all grieve in our own way but...we both know that's not healthy. You need to take the time to grieve so that you aren't distracted at work. Being there must make it hard." I then nodded and agreed with her. "Of course it's hard Christie. But that's going to always be there. And I am never going to forget that because of Wally. He died within a week of Gabby giving birth to him. That's why we named him after Boden remember? To honor him and have a piece of him in our life."

Christie somewhat understood what I meant. "I just hope that you aren't holding it all in." I shook my head when she said that. "Of course not Christie. I am taking my time to grieve whenever I talk with my co-workers/staff at the firehouse. We talk about him and I learned recently that he knew it was coming. Something told him that he didn't have much time. He was the one who actually suggested me as his replacement. It was in his will. That's why I was so hellbent on coming back to take this job. I felt like I had a duty to honor his final wishes. Does that make any sense?"

Christie nodded and understood. "Of course that makes sense Matt. We all grieve in our own ways and that's how you grieve. Sorry if I am questioning how you've been grieving." I nodded and smiled at her before turning to look at Gabby and grabbing her hand. Intertwining our fingers, I smiled as I went to kiss her hand. "This one here has been a big help though. Just knowing she is on my side and was fully supportive about our choice to move here again and letting me take over the house...that was very helpful."

Gabby then smiled when I said that. "Matt, I haven't told you this but...learning it was in his will was really what convinced me the most. I factored in how great you would be at the job of course. But, his will just solidified my decision. I mean, as much as I hated the fact that you would be going back to the firehouse and putting your life on the line...I couldn't disrespect Boden that way. I just didn't have the heart to do that. And god, being there at the dedication you did was hard. I just didn't know how hard it would be."

Christie nodded and smiled at me. "But, you did a great job." I smiled when she said that before turning to look at Violet. "Okay, now enough tears on my birthday. I want to ask Violet something." Violet then looked at me. "Go ahead uncle Matt." I then smirked at her. "Who's Dylan McDunn who's in all your pictures on FaceBook?" Violet then blushed and looked at me. "You look at my FaceBook?" I then nodded. "Violet, I was in Puerto Rico for the past year. Who is this guy and do I need to give him a good talking to?"

Violet laughed when I said that. "Like I am going to be able to stop you. We both know you are very protective of me. And he's my boyfriend. We started dating about 3 months ago in October." I nodded and understood. "You met him obviously Christie. How is he?" Christie laughed. "Trust me, I put him through the test. I asked him all the questions that I should've asked Jim when I thought he was doing shady stuff. Didn't want that for Violet." I nodded and agreed. "By the way, heard he got divorced again? Not surprised considering his personality."

Violet then looked at me. "Uncle Matt, can you please note do this here? Remember, he's my dad and his ex is the mother of my half-sister." I then agreed. "Sorry, just recently learned that he's under investigation by OFI. One of Boden's last fires was at a building his company owned." Christie sighed when I said that. "That mean he can go to jail?" I shook my head. "No, he can't. They can fine him though." Gabby then looked at me. "Oh, he can go to jail Matt if it's serious enough. By the way, did Matt ever tell you how he said goodbye to me in 2017? In the fire?"

Christie then shook her head. "What are you talking about?" I sighed when she asked. "I was stuck in a fire and thought I was a gonner. I said goodbye to Gabby over the radio because she was on scene. Obviously I survived." Christie smiled and agreed. "But, we recently had a fire there again. It brought back all those memories and it was horrible. I actually said a prayer while I was there because I was scared out of my mind. I didn't want to repeat that situation. Emotion filled calls like that are hard because it distracts me a bit. I am just glad I have help."

Christie smiled when I said that. "Let me guess, Gabby helps a lot?" I nodded and agreed. "She's my biggest supporter and honestly, I could never do this without her. Now, I want to ask this. There's some rumors that I have a niece who is thinking of going into Paramedic?" Violet then laughed. "Yeah, I am really looking into it. This family is so into service...I thought it was just right to follow in your lead. Didn't want to be a firefighter though so...I thought being a paramedic was the next best thing. Why, is there a spot at Firehouse 51?"

I then shook my head. "We are full. But, when you graduate...we'll see. Depends what Gabby does when the kids are older. Just let me know what you do and promise me that you will not go into the private sector. I refuse to allow you to become a paramedic for them. They are horrible. Making money over people who are dying and/or are seriously's disgusting." Gabby nodded and agreed. "Yet I actually considered joining them. Glad I didn't after that scene I saw. They literally abandoned a patient because he didn't have insurance."

Christie just shook her head and was disgusted when Gabby said that. "Well, that's just wrong. I am glad that fire crews don't have that option." I then looked at her. "Not that you would ever think I would do it." Christie then looked at me too. "Of course Matt. I know you. You will always save the day if you can." I laughed and agreed. "Now, onto other topics. What you guys want for a snack and/or an early lunch. I know that Gabby needs to have something quick becuase she has to do a feeding soon." Gabby then smiled. "Can you get a bowl of yogurt with cereal?"

I nodded and agreed with her while getting up. Christie then looked at me. "I am fine Matt. We had breakfast right before we came. Now, go get it so we can keep talking." I agreed and smiled while walking away so that I could get Gabby a snack.

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