Station 19 one shots

De 181007aw

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Station 19 one shots. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING Please note I am British so please call me out if there's anythi... Mai multe

A second family
What If
A Secret Is A Secret
The Past That Haunts Me Is Called Elsie
From The Beginning
Oceaniana to 19
High Queen Andrea The Just-part 1/3
Surrera/Vipley - That darn probie
USS Balamory
Authors note
A few tears
My Wife
Andy Herrera - Rangers Lead The Way
April 14th
Dear Diary - Maya Bishop
Reach - Maya Bishop
High Queen Andrea The Just-part 2/3
C at 19
Herrera Part 2/3
Marina-Shower boundaries
Authors note
Herrera Part 3/3
Andy Herrera - Rangers Lead The Way 2/3
9-1-1, 9-1-1 Lonestar and Station 19 crossover
High Queen Andrea The Just-part 3/3
Andy Herrera - Twinning
Vipley - Dam It Vic!
Andy Herrera - Rangers Lead The Way 3/3
Holy cow!
Vipley - It's Show Time!
Untold Stories 1/2
Surrera (my first wattpad story)
Andy Herrera - Life Before 19
Maya Bishop - But Still I rise (re-write)
Untold Stories 2/2
Vandy - kiss you on the dance floor
European Football Final
Dreams Of The Past
Evangeline Katherine Bishop
Surrera - I Love You Andrea Herrera
Marina - I Love You Bambia
Authors note
Jack Gibson-Crystal Ridge Mountains (discontinued)
Surrera - Gold Eyes
Surrera - Open evening
Vic Hughes - My Past Does Not Define Me
Andy Herrera - New Start ft. 126 and 118
Andy Herrera - Who I Am
Andy Herrera - Silence
Surrera - Babies 1/2
Surrera - Babies 2/2
More than you bargained for
HM: Queen Elizabeth II
Big Dreams
New Years Eve 2007 (discontinued)
Andy and Ryan - Limitless
Surrera - 1950s
Andy, not Andrea

Maya Bishop- But still I rise (original)

523 9 0
De 181007aw

This was an original version of this story, on it's own it's to good not to share but the re-write in my opinion is much better.

Warning: mentions of a difficult labour and pregnancy.

Maya's POV (Set 2019/early 2020)

This is it the end of my first month as captain and it has been very typical of 19, they think of me as a monster going behind Andy's back for the promotion but if they knew my reasons they would understand. What Sullivan said when I applied for Lieutenant 'it's time for you to stop being a cheerleader and step up to become the leader,' that guy got under my skin. It would also mean less risk, as much as I enjoy running into fires if anything happens to me Ashleigh would have no one. Jack and I originally met not long after I won gold in 2012 (AN: given my age I remember the London Olympics well and I remember being the preschoolers we were being allowed into the primary school we shared grounds with and with all the big kids to do an Olympics themed sports day. Given we're only two hours South from London made that day amazing) at a party we both were attending, we dated from September to January but he broke it off to join the academy. A week later I found out I was pregnant and he was indefinitely the farther. I had Ashleigh September 1st of the following year, I never told anyone at 19, I never pushed Jack for child support and I don't intend to tell him of my child any time soon. Good thing she looks more like me than him!

I sat behind a mountain of almost finished paperwork watching my daughter on FaceTime, while I was at work and she couldn't go to school my grandma had her. "Look mummy it's a boat!" She said excitedly showing me one of her drawings, "Where's it's captain?" "I'm the captain but you can be the first mate," "What about me?" Grandma asked, I chuckled knowing exactly what she was going to say, "You can be the probie," definitely a firefighters child, "Ashy I'm gonna say good bye to you as mummy's firefighter friends don't know how to untwist there knickers and you missy have school," she laughed wildly, "Bye bye, love you so much." I ended the call as I signed the last bit of paperwork. I glanced across at my top draw, I never kept a photo of Ashleigh in clear view as 19 enjoy snooping so I keep her school photo framed in there.

I was suddenly alerted by a loud crash from outside. Frantic I raced outside to see a hilarious sight, Travis was carrying the newly fixed beanery chairs upstairs with the help of the others he missed a step fell backwards and like dominoes the others followed suit. They were laughing till they saw me, I wasn't forgiven yet.

A little while lated alarms rang for a medical emergency that also required ladder to a primary school. My face drained of all life as I heard the address Fleetlands Primary School, I forced everyone into double time preying that it wasn't my Ashy. We weren't even stopped in the car park before I jumped out and began barking orders to get the med kits. "Captain Bishop didn't expect your house to be responding but rest assured it's not," "My team don't know," I changed my tone from our quiet whisper to my formal captains voice, "What happened?" "Well one of the children in year one decided it was a good idea to see what would happen if he snuck under the barrier and run into fast dry industrial glue and nails. He's stuck good and tight," I see what they meant. "Cap pulse and BP are steady," "Hello there what's your name kid?" "Micheal," he whimpered, I nodded to Travis before turning back to the boy, "Micheal to get you to the hospital we're going to have to cut you free, your going to here a lot of noise but I need you to stay calm, still and keep your eyes shut."

The sparks from the drill just happened to go astray and set a small grass patch on fire, give them there due 19 leapt into action and quickly got that spark out as well as dampening down the surrounding grass so it wouldn't get any ideas of re-sparking. We were still there packing up when the bell for the end of school rang. Parents tricked through to get there kids but the ones I spoke to quite a bit kept there distance knowing that haven't told my team about Ashleigh yet expect one. Rebecca. She's a text book entitled parent and goes out of her way to make life awkward for anyone and everyone. "Hey Maya!" She announced over the car park, "Oh hi Rebecca," "Who's that?" Dean asked, "Oh Rebecca I was in the same school year as her little sister." Close. Far to close.

I knew that Rebecca was having Ashy after school for a play date with her twins, those three get along well enough so to speak. As much as I don't like Rebecca's rudeness sometimes she's great company and our three loon bags entertain themselves. I walked into the beanery and something smelt good, "Mmh Travis what you cooking?" "Cheese and bacon turnovers there'll be done in a sec," "Hi Maya," I had forgotten Pruitt popped by. He knew about Ashleigh and would enjoy the occasional time he had to watch her. "Hey cap what brings you here? Not that I'm trying to get rid of you it's just. I am going to stop talking," "I came by to speak to Andrea but I best be off now have fun y'all."

Third Person

Pruitt climbed down the stairs and into the reception when someone burgundy catches his eye, "Ashleigh?" He asked peering round the corner to see her still in her burgundy school jumper, white polo shirt and grey skirt, "Grandpa Pru!" She exclaimed over the moon, "What are you doing here mija?" "Rebecca told me to wait here till mummy comes and gets me, she said that I don't like how I don't have a daddy," "Why are you so bruised and scraped up?" "Tony and Tina pushed me over," "Oh, how long have you been here mija?" Ash climbed off the chair and pointed out the hands on his watch, "An hour. Come with me Ash." He led Ash into Maya's office before hurriedly climbing the stairs.

Maya's POV

I watched Cap appear at the top of the stairs, he beckoned me over to him. "Maya go down into your office," he said it in a commanding tone that implied it was a statement not a suggestion. Curiously I agreed and headed down into my office. I swung my door open for something burgundy to fly at my legs, I look down to see Ashleigh clinging to me saying, "Mummy, mummy, mummy!" "Hello baby girl what are you doing here, not like I didn't miss you," "Rebecca told me to wait here till you come and get me, she said that she don't like how I don't have a daddy and that you were a whore," anger boiled in my blood and had to physically stop myself from cussing in front of her, "Why are you so bruised and scraped up?" "Tony and Tina pushed me over while we were playing tag." I ceased my chance, "What we gonna do with you?!" I blew raspberries on her stomach before giving her a good tickle.

I went into my bunk and pulled out the bag I kept in there for when she stopped by, I gave her a pair of leggings and a tinkerbell t-shirt. "Want to help me with all this boring paperwork?" I said playfully, she surprisingly said yes. How many people can say there reading practice was helping there mum with fire house paperwork, I also taught her how to speak in full sentences by counting five words at a time on her fingers. I admired her scar on the side of her head as she brought her fingers to say something, "Mummy, what are you looking at?" "Your scar I love it," I reply using my fingers.

Suddenly the door to my office swung open as Travis burst in with presumably my cheese and bacon turnovers, "Maya I've brought, who is that? And why do you have a small child," "Travis shut up and get in here now!" He did as told and leapt into my office. "Travis meet Ashleigh, Ashleigh," once she had my attention I brought my fingers into view, "This is Travis mummy's friend, want to go say hi," she nodded happily and went proudly to introduce herself. "Who's kid is she?" "Mine, her dad doesn't know she exists. Could of needed a shoulder to lean on these last couple of years," Ashleigh climbed onto my knees and snuggled into my shoulder quickly falling asleep. "Who's her dad?" "You've known him longer than I have," his face went blank as the pieces fell into place, Ashleigh bore a strong resemblance to both Maya AND Jack, "Jack?!" "Yeah, we met not long after I came back from London 2012. Dated from September to January, we left on mutual terms and a week later I found out I was pregnant. It was a rough pregnancy to say the least, mum, Mason and I hid if from my dad to for both my safety and Ashleigh's. I had awful morning sickness that lasted the whole pregnancy and labour to say the least was horrific. My water broke at 11pm 30th August though active labour didn't start until 1am 31st. I wasn't dilating in 24 hours I was only 4 centimetres, it was decided that if I didn't progress in 18 hours I would be taken for a C-section. I got an injection that to this day I still haven't been told what it is and I dilated quickly in the last 5 hours. Ashleigh got stuck in the birth canal with the cord around her neck, it ended up being a forceps delivery and I had to have 25 stitches. Ashleigh still has the scar from the forceps. I still feel guilty that I couldn't breastfeed but it physically hurt, sorry about the rambling I just have to tell someone. Mason was sober enough to be my rock but the nurse kicked him out when I needed him most when dad found out. He came storming in yelling and screaming."

6 years, 5 months and 13 days ago

"Maya, Maya you've been in labour for to long your to exhausted, nurse prepare the forceps," Mason gripped my hand as I looked up at him, "I'm so darn lucky to have you before a brother Mason," "Same here little sis," "Maya on the next contraction we're gonna do a little bit of teamwork, you push and I pull okay?" I nodded to exhausted for words. A beautiful feeling of peace swept across my body as the pain stopped but I heard no crying, "Come on sweetpea you've gotta wake up to see your mum," the nurse there kept sending me worried glances before a sudden sharp cry erupted through the tension, "There we go. You have a little girl Maya," I was to overjoyed to care about anything else only my little girl who was placed in my arms.

While I was on my own I was given help on breastfeeding but nothing helped, it physically hurt to do so so I was on hospital orders not to do so. I was still physically exhausted when dad came in, at first he was polite accepting that Ashleigh was just single hours old and I had no energy whatsoever. "Can I meet my first grandchild?" "Okay," "She's adorable, good on her side as she would be snapped up quickly, so have you decided what orphanage is going to take her," "Dad I'm keeping my daughter," I say pulling Ashleigh from his grasp and laying back with her on her chest, "No Maya you are not I am not having a bastard in my family, it's not my fault her slut of a mother couldn't keep her legs shut!" "Dad don't you dare call my daughter a bastard or me a slut, get out," excuse me he yelled grabbing my wrist, "You heard me," I tried to pull away but he had the upper hand. He tightened his grip to the point it was hurting, thank god my doctor walked in and tackled my dad out till security dragged his sorry but out of the building.

Present day

"Wow, looking at you from our perspective you are an entirely different person," "Yeah I try and leave the Captain's bars at the door. The thing is I don't know how or if I can tell 19. If I tell 19," "Then Jack would put the pieces together, does your hot doctor friend know?" He was referring to Carina who was cool with it, "Oh she loves Ashy," "Okay. Shifts over in 5 so I'll see you in a sec." Travis sounded to calm for what he just heard. Ashy was stirring anyway so I had to act first, I told her to play in my bunk and not to leave my office and that I would be write back. I snatched the stack of papers from my desk before racing up to give them to Sullivan.

I was doing my part of the dishes when Sullivan asked from behind me, "Maya why is there a crayon drawing amongst the incident reports, in fact on the back of an incident report?" "Shoot leave her unsupervised for 2 seconds and she draws this. I'll have a replacement next shift," "Why are you so desperate to get out of here?" Jack asked, "No reason I just have prior arrangements for after shift." I eventually got Ashy home without hinderance from 19 and the entire evening to ourselves.

We were sat on the balcony playing picnic when someone knocked on the door. Like a lightning bolt Ashy was up and by the door, she opened it just as I yelled, "Ashy wait for mummy if your gonna do this, sorry about that my daughter can be," I came face to face with Travis, Dean, Vic, Andy and Jack with beer cases in hand presumably coming over for a party. "Looks like I have a lot of explaining to do," I had told Ashy that I worked with her dad and she full well knew Jack was her farther and even had seen photos of him, before I could stop her she ran at Jack's legs shouting, "Daddy your finally home!" I leapt into action saying, "Ashy go put your pj's on and get ready for bed I'll be in a sec I just need to talk to my friends. Ask questions later just not in front of her."

I slowly shut the door to her room and entered the living room. God I needed a beer for this story, "I think we should let Jack go first," Travis said meekly, "Okay plain and simple, is Ashleigh my daughter?" "Yes," "Why haven't you told me of her existence?" "Because the day I was going to tell you was the day you dumped me and blocked me everywhere, I tried to get in contact but it was you shutting me out, shutting us out. Seeing you these last few years have further proved my decision to keep you out of her life but if you are willing I am to but this is a conversation that needs to be held at a later date," Vic spoke up asking, "Why didn't you tell us," Travis got there before I did, "Simple Vic if we all knew Jack would find out and put all the pieces together," "How about I make it square you invited me on the camping trip that hopefully won't end in disaster I'll bring her along as well?" "Yeah, we want to see more of the little sweetheart." "So that scar, how did she get it?" Maya took another huge gulp of beer, "That is an extremely personal story and I will tell you. Ashleigh was delivered by forceps and the scar never faded on her right side. You've haven't met my dad, can you imagine his reaction that when he found out that when I disappeared I was actually pregnant. He was so mad, the police were called and I was offered the option to press charges against him. Turns out assaulting a newborn is a criminal charge."

Too obvious Maya dial it back. "Anything else," the bedroom door to our left caught our attention as it creaked open. Ashy slipped our her rabbit clutched tightly in her arms, "I couldn't sleep," "Come here baby," I called out to her, I made sure to get comfy as I wouldn't be moving for a while. Ashy curled up on my lap and quickly fell asleep on my shoulder, I put my beer down as I don't want Ashy to smell it on me. "Sorry about this," "No it's fine. But dam she's adorable," Andy added, the team just continued the party like nothing was there. We laughed our way through some of the night till 19 accidentally woke Ashy, "Oops morning Ashy sorry did we wake you?" "Yeah you did mum," "Ashy this is my team Andy, Ben, Jack, Vic, Travis, Dean," "Is Jack my dad?" I was stumped in what to say, I mouthed a help to Jack who leapt in, "Yeah I am," Ashy leapt at him climbing up onto his lap to presumably start a secret conversation with him. I know this because I know my daughter so well.

Jack was surprisingly chill with suddenly having a daughter and was extremely excited (as was the rest of 19) to spend more time with her. I'd done it on my own up until now but now I know why they say it takes a village to raise a child and I have found my village.

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