52 stories

By mloulou298

201 15 0

I heard about this writing challenge from a youtuber I'm following and I wanted to do it too! Writing one sma... More

Author's note
The familiar (Week 0)
All the prompts
Week 1 : Ocs Visit
Week 2: The hoodie
Week 3: The bus
Week 4: The Circus
Heroes and Villains
Week 6: Ghosts and Haunting
Week 7: Ghosts and Haunting part 2
Week 8: The Perfect Dress
Week 9: What is going on?
Week 10: Murder!
Week 11: It was just here!
Week 12: Music for the soul
Week 13: An Arduous Journey
Week 14: Mermaids
Week 15: Heroes and Villains Part 2
Week 16: Writer's block
Week 17: Guardian Angel
Week 18: CAT!
Week 19: The knight in shining armor
Week 20: The secret
Week 21: Pickpocket (part 2)
Week 22: Writer's block, the sequel
Week 23: The training
Week 24: No mourners
Week 26: Waiting
Author's note
Week 27: Piano
Week 28: Taxi!
Week 29: Backstory
Week 30: Let's talk
Week 31: The incident
Week 32: Backpack
Week 33: Optimistic brainstorm
Week 34: A story to write
Week 35: On the run
Week 36: Sparrow
Week 37: Scroll
Week 38: Back story
Week 39: Mailbox
Week 40: 'tis the season
Week 41: Camp fire
Week 42: Phone call
Week 43: Enchanted World
Week 44: Sandwich
Week 45: Like cats and dogs
Week 46: Time
Week 47: One last time
Week 48: The stars
Week 49: Tradition
Week 50: Last minute shopping
Week 51: I have to go!
Week 52: Flower
Final Author's note

Week 25: The lighthouse

1 0 0
By mloulou298

Prompt:Write a story about an abandonned lighthouse.

A/N: This prompt is from a tiktok by ''dungeonmastersdiary''. Here's what it says "I know this sounds crazy and I know no one will believe me. That lighthouse is abandonned, I'm aware. But the beam from it shines every night on the rocks at the bay. Same spot. And everytime we've gone to investigate. Nothing. No one. I need your help. People are scared."


(Small info here, this is going to be a story about a DnD game. So everything that is in italic are what the players are saying or doing. And everything in normal font are the characters doing.)

The tavern is almost empty, but it's understandable since it's still really early in the afternoon. But there is a bunch a miss matched adventurers in front of one of the regulars. The old sailor man rubs his hands and says in is raspy voice ''I know this sounds crazy and I know no one will believe me. That lighthouse is abandonned, I'm aware. But the beam from it shines every night on the rocks at the bay. Same spot. And everytime we've gone to investigate. Nothing. No one. I need your help. People are scared.''

Faecerys stand tall and proud and says in her most reassuring voice ''Don't fear any longer, we are really competent champions. We helped and saved many people before. We will vanquish whatever seems to trouble your lighthouse!''

The sailor nods his head and swear he will lead them to said lighthouse when they will be ready. And now the question is:

''What do you do?'' Valerie asks from behind her DM 's screen.


''Nooo!''Mick says while rubbing his face with his hand. ''You can't throw the dwarf.''

''Why not?'' Simon asks ''It's funny when she throws me around!'' 

Mick lets out a big sigh ''We are still in the tavern and.... Just let me do the talking and planning ok?''

Faecerys looks back at her teammates, they are a weird bunch, but not a so uncommon group among other aventurers: a half-orc that decided to turn his life around and do some goods in the world. A dwarf that likes to put up a fight with anyone and anything. And finally herself, a healer that had the 'really great' idea to join them to assist them... They both gave her good money so she would agree to join them, but sometimes, she wondered if this was her best choice for a living. She raises a hand to catch their attention''Let's get some rest, so we can be ready for tonight.'' And without waiting for an answer, she head for her room on the tavern's second floor and lock the door behind her. Zark and Admur Evenbranch looks at each other and give each other a small nods, they still have a few hours to spare before going back to their room. They order a beer and asks the few customers if they want to play any card game. But once every single one of the customers either ignored or shushed them away (it seems like their reputations are growing around town) they don't have anyting else to do and they head upstairs for their room.

''I don't know why nobody wants to play with us!'' Helen says.

''Oh really?'' Valerie asks with her DM's eyes.

''Okay, just because... sometimes... our games end up in a bar fight doesn't mean that.... Oh come on! It's funny!'' Helen still try to argue, but Valerie only shakes her head while trying to hide her smile. ''So you sleep for a few hours until the sun goes completly down. You wake up and go back downstairs....''

The old sailor are waiting for the adventurers to show them the way. They make sure they have everything that they will need and follow the old man down a small road. After a few minutes, they can see a sharp light piercing through the night ''This is as far as I go. Good luck.''

The three others stare at the ligthouse, the barbarian and the fighter barely able to keep calm over the battle that may happen soon. The cleric gives them a small glance ''No.'' She blurts out before slowly walking on the small road to the lighthouse. The two other sighs loudly ''We can't never do anything fun!'' but they still follow behind her. Once they reach the lighthouse, Faecerys closes her eyes and try to sense anything radiating from the abandonned building.

''You feel something really faint, but you are not sure what it is.'' Valerie explains.

''Can I throw the dwarf now?''

''I have small legs, stairs are hard for me you know...''

''Fine, whatever. But I am not healing you if you hurt yourself!''

Zark and Admur burst through the door and look up at top of the lighthouse. It's mostly open with the stairs spiralling around the side of the building. They both look at each other in glee. The half-orc gets into position and the dwarf puts his feet in his friend's hands ''1....2....3!''

''Ok....So you want to go all the way up?''

''YUP!'' They both shout in unison.

''So you need a DC of 15 to succeed since the lighthouse is 15 feet tall. So Helen roll an athletics check and Simon a Acrobatics please.''

''Is ee you did your reseach DM. I'm proud of you.'' Mick says whilet rying not to giggle too much.

''Yeah...I planned ahead this time!'' Helen and Simon both roll their dice and...

Zark push his friend perfectly in the air, in a perfect arch so his friend can land on the last steps safely. But when Admur lands, he slips and tumble down a few steps before finally coming to a stop ''Ouch..''

''You okay, bud!?''


And they both laugh and cheer at their success. The cleric is already on her way up, questionning her whole existence and pass by Admur, purposely ignoring the few bruises and cuts he got from his not so graceful landing. When they are finally all at the top of the lighthouse, they look around the circular room, trying to find some clues of what could turn on the light every night. They spend the next few minutes looking around not finding anything, until Faecerys feels something strange. Like an overwhelming feeling of sadness and fear. She turns around, alerting her friends at the same time and they all freeze at the sight of a translucent shape in the middle of the beam of light. The two warriors instinctively pulls out their weapons and wait to see what is going to happen next.

''What do you do?''

''Can we fight a ghost?'' Simon asks.

''Do it looks like... mean or something?'' Helen jumps in.

''No, it only looks scared.''

Simon and Helen both looks at Mick ''Well looks like it's time to do some talking, right?''

''Finally some common sense from both of you!''

Feacerys slowly gets closer to the shape, trying to sense them as she goes ''We are here to help you. What can we do for you?''

The shape seems to take a bit more substance and they can all see that a man is standing a few inchs off the ground. He points at where the light is shining with this urging look.

''That's where your body is, isn't it?'' The ghost only nods. Admur gets closer as he sees that the ghost is trying to say something but no sounds are coming out of his mouth ''I can read lips a bit... Can you repeat that?''

He focus on the lips of the ghost, but it's struggling to keep his shape. The only thing he can understand is 'Be careful'. And the ghost slowly fades away, he still manage to give a last glance at where the light is shining before disappearing completly. The three adventurers look at each other and agree without a word that they are going to find this man's body and bring it back to his family to get a proper funeral.

It was a struggle, but they made it to the location safely, only a few more bruises and cuts for the three of them, but nothing serious. As they step into the light, they can see a corpse behind a rock. He looks pretty much like the ghost they saw in the lighthouse. Faecerys steps closer to see what could have happened to him while the two warriors look around. As Faecerys notice some strange biting marks on the body, the two other notice a small treasure chest a bit farther away. They get closer and as they reach to open it, they can hear Faecerys shouting ''WAIT!''

''But as you hear your friend's shout, you also see the chest baring it's teeth at you.'' Valerie explains.

''OOoooohhhh no you didn't! Not a mimic!'' Helen whispers.

''Oh yes I did! Roll for initiative!''


A/n I wish I could describe the battle that is about to happen, but unfortunatly, I only played DnD like... 5 times. And I never encountered a mimic in those few games... Maybe one day! Or maybe not... I think it's better for me to never encounter a mimic... I hope it wasn't too hard to read. In my mind it was pretty clear, but sometimes it's hard to put in word what you have in mind.

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