
By Melon1294

675K 38.7K 9.1K

Vampire are a well known species in the world. They overpowered the humans and now all humans must obey by th... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty- Two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter Thirty- Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter forty-nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-one
Chapter Fifty-two
Chapter Fifty-three
Chapter Fifty-four
Chapter Fifty-five
Chapter Fifty-six
Chapter Fifty-seven
Chapter Fifty-eight
Chapter Fifty-nine
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Six

8.8K 593 68
By Melon1294


Again I was left alone in the house for the day. I'm not completely alone, Namjoon is wondering around somewhere but I haven't seen him at all this morning. We haven't really spoken since he came home but had meals at the table with everyone in a civil matter but that's about it.

Everyone had to work and Jae was lucky enough to go out to the park to see Seulgi and Wendy. I however have been told to stay at home because it's two days passed my due day and Dr Go has instructed at don't go out places for very long so here I am, at home and just chilling in the games room playing games all by myself.

I doubt Namjoon would play games with me, I don't really see that happening nor could I imagine it. Plus every time Namjoon and I have been left in a room together alone, it's awkward. I don't know who makes it that way but possibly it's both of us.

Maybe some time spent together wouldn't be so bad but he's been missing all day pretty much since every one left. Maybe he's hiding from me so I wouldn't be so scared about being left alone with him?

It's possible that we may be okay to hang out? Maybe.

Sitting with this controller in my hand and my game on the main menu Ive been debating whether to go ask Namjoon if he wants to play a game with me. I've only heard of the stories from the others about Namjoon's fun side that I haven't yet seen with my own two eyes so until I see it, its hard to imagine.

Tapping my finger lightly on the button I stay thinking to myself on the couch, should I ask or should I not?

Now scoffing to myself I threw the controller to the side and managed to push myself up to stand, it took me longer than I would of liked but I managed by myself. If I was sitting on the floor or on a bean bag that would of been a different story.

I waddled towards the door and stuck my head out looking in both directions up and down the corridor to find it empty and the whole house quiet. Not a peep, not a whisper it was like the dead only stayed in this house. I didn't like it. So..


I shouted at the top of my lungs as loud as I possibly could voice out his name.


I waited for a second and before you know it, loud thundering steps came from the main stair case. A smile of success stretched upon my lips as I waited just before Namjoon came charging from around the corner, a panicked look on his face.

"What? What is it? Are you okay? Is everything alright? Is the baby coming?!" Namjoon

The look of fear and terror all over his face was semi cute and funny.

I chuckled and walked away back in to the game room only to have him follow me inside but to stop by the doorway. When I turned around as I stood next to the sofa again, I smiled at him when I saw the look of uncertainly and confusion all over his face, when he formed a slight frown.

"What's the matter?"

"I thought something was wrong. It appears you seem to be okay?" Namjoon

I nodded, bending to the side as much as I can with my hand on my side and to help support my weight with this belly when it comes to bending. I picked up the controller into my hand and stood back up grinning at him.

"I'm fine and so is the baby. No sign of labour just yet."

He scratched the top of his head and looked out the door way as if nervous and came inside the game room only taking about two feet inside before stopping again.

"So why did you scream my name?" Namjoon

I shook the controller a little in my hand, still grinning and still feeling relaxed around him so far, no awkwardness between us.

"Because of this. I wanted to ask if you wanted to play a game with me? I'm bored and there's no one else here but you."

His eyes lit up and he nods as if understanding why I would ask him such a thing. Namjoon just walked over to me, taking the controller out of my hand gently and offered me a kind smile that was just enough to show off the dimples he has on his cheeks.

"Alright, I play a game with you. What do you have in mind?" Namjoon

Clapping my hands excitedly due to my success, I sat down picking up the extra controller I left there earlier and pointed towards the screen looking up at him.

"Mario Kart!"

Namjoon glanced towards the tv, chuckled and then sat down beside me but still keeping a good gap between us so we weren't touching and I didn't mind, I honestly was just happy that he actually said yes to playing a game with me. We haven't done anything like this before so I am curious to how well he can play this game. I've become quite good since Jungkook has been teaching me more on the game and the buttons to use.

I, Y/n have beat THE Jungkook in a game.

Now that's something to be proud of and so I am. Now its time see if Namjoon is any good.

We ended up playing four games and I have to be honest it was so much fun to play with him. We laughed, called each other funny names while teasing. At one point I even playing fully pushed him off the couch to distract him when I was going to loose but he still won that round. It was such good fun, more fun than I expected.

All in all out of four games I wont three and he won one.

The last game was my success and I cheered, throwing my controller to the ground and laughed in his face.

"HA! You loose Namjoon! I won!! In your face!"

Namjoon snickered at me, grinning but rolled his eyes too while looking to the side.

"I let you win." Namjoon

"That's bull crap and you know it. Don't lie Namjoon, it doesn't suit you."

I poked at his chest but he grabbed my hand while laughing and stared into my eyes.

"Who said I'm lying, huh?" Namjoon

He raised a brow as we kept eye contact and I ended up getting lost in his red eyes. My smile slowly fading from my lips as he also drops his the longer we stay in our own mind frame which is shared between us.

Only when I felt the baby kick hard in my ribs did I wince in pain and hiss a little bit. Rubbing my stomach I sat up straight and leaned a little away from Namjoon.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon

Hearing his concern gave me a little comfort but I nodded, offering him a small smile.

"Yes I'm fine. The baby just kicked me really hard and it hurt."

"Oh." Namjoon

Was all he said and he started to look around the room and that awkward atmosphere started to creep up again. I didn't want that as we were having so much fun to begin with so I did something I never thought I would do.

I took his hand from his lap and carefully placed it on my belly. The baby was still kicking but it took a moment before the baby actually kicked hard enough for Namjoon to feel and his eyes lit up, again staring back at me with shock but I couldn't miss the light of joy sparkle in his eyes. It made me smile.

"That's amazing Y/n." Namjoon

I nodded and looked down at his hand on my belly. I let go of his hand and allowed him to keep his hand there himself. He actually started to caress my stomach very softly and it actually felt nice. No one but myself has done this before but it was quite soothing.

Neither one of us said a word but his gaze was fully on my stomach as he felt every movement and kick from our child.

There was this painful twinge in my abdomen that lasted two seconds before it subsided but once that left a gush of liquid fell from between my legs. I gasped and flinched back, Namjoon seeing this stood up instantly but just stared down at me like a froze statue.

"Erm Y/n did you water just break or....?" Namjoon

Another twinge of pain came and I hitched a breath as I waded it out.

"Oh shit." Namjoon

My water just broke and now I'm in labour. No one else is home but Namjoon and I. This day is gonna be eventful.

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