
By XolosNiceWrists

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Jules and Xolo were best friends since childhood until they had a major fall out, They both are trying to go... More

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Announcement 2
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874 20 33
By XolosNiceWrists

Xolos POV
"Oh my gosh Xolo I hate you ! You fucking dick. You had me worried all day ! And you knew I knew about the message ?! You did this whole ignoring me and typing thing on purpose didn't you" Jules yelled as she threw a pillow at my face. I could tell by the look on her face she's so relieved.

"Thanks for that - I hate you more ! And Hahaha yes I know , I'm such a good actor aren't I. You completely fell for it. It's so fun messing with you but I felt so bad. You looked so sad , come here loser " I teased  with a frown as I walked to her bed and bent down. I wrapped my arms around the small of her back and pulled her into a bear hug. Squeezing her small self as tight as I could.

Back to Jules POV
"Stop - I hate you !" I repeated trying to hold back my laugh as I reluctantly wrapped my arms around the back of his neck.

I hate to admit it because I'm supposed to be mad right now but  It feels so good  to be in his arms and warm embrace . This man really had me stressing out I swear. I thought he was seriously going to go back to her and cut  me off again. I just feel so relieved.

" I hate  you more !"He  yelled as I all of a sudden felt him pick me up and quickly fling me over his shoulder.

"Xolo I swear !- " I began to yell as I automatically gripped his shirt. He's so tall so I'm so high off the ground.

"You swear what ?" He cut me off with a laugh as I felt him bend down to grab my phone. He better not drop me! He really is just continuously giving me a heart attack

"You better not -" I threatened

"What ?" He asked as if he couldn't hear , I felt my head jolt as he began speeding out of my room.

" I swear if you drop me down these stairs - I will kill you ! " I yelled as I felt my heart beat out of my chest looking down at the stairs. While the grip I had on his shirt became even tighter.

Looks like he's deaf  because he keeps quickly going down the steps  , completely ignoring me. Holding  me tight yet my head is freaking jolting up and down with every movement . Yup - I'm  gonna kill this man.

He raced towards the front door.

"Are you Gonna put me down now ?!" I yelled as I kicked Xolos leg impatiently.

"Not yet " I heard the smugness in his voice as he unlocked the door.

"Okay now you can be put down " he set me down with a smile on the side walk.

"Wow thanks " I sarcastically smiled as I straightened out my clothes.

"Of course it's the least I could do - you're so fun to mess with did you know that ?" Xolo questioned with a smirk as we started walking.

"Oh Yeah- Making  me stress  and over think  for hours is fun. I hate you ! Oh I gotta go - sorry I don't wanna be late" I mocked him as I rolled my eyes.

" hahaha I know - thats my favorite part . But I didn't quite do it like that you're missing... well you're missing a lot .you know what  why don't I just   gladly do you the favor of reenacting it again ? " a playful smirk lingering on his lips  as he laid a hand on my shoulder .

"God no - you literally made my heart drop in that moment . Never do that again ! and how did you even know that I knew about the message ? !I never even told you " I looked up at him as we stopped at a Curb , letting the cars pass. I don't even know where we're going.

" Jules - really ? You mean how could I not know . You were literally watching me as I picked up my phone. And then you kept staring at me and looking back down at it , asking if I was okay, I'm not stupid " he laughed as he searched my eyes.

"No - shut up that could've meant anything , I am not that obvious " I nonchalantly said as we were crossing the street.

"But you are. You may think you're good at hiding things but sorry to tell you , you never have been . your eyes and expressions give you out. I always know everything " he shook his head as his eyes gave off a sorry expression.

Little does he know he couldn't be more wrong. If he knew everything , If I was that obvious - he would have known I liked him back then for years. It kinda feels good to say back then , not now and hopefully it stays that way  so I can avoid the envitable heartbreak of finding  out he does not feel the same way. something tells me it will stay that way because its been so long , theres no way I can suddenly have feelings for him again.

"It's funny you say that because if you really know everything you would have known that I never did anything wrong 2 years ago -because my eyes and expressions give me out right ?" I challenged as I rose my eyebrows at him. Yep not gonna let him escape this for as long as he lives.

"Oh so we're going that route -okay yea I deserve that. You're right, I should have known better and I still very much regret that. That's why I'll be making up for it this summer and for as long as I live " His eyes gave me a reassuring look as he put his hands up.

"Yea well you're very much off to a bad start honey  - you really scared me with that prank today . I legit thought you were serious when you were about to walk out the door" I rolled my eyes. No but really I thought that just when I had him back in my life I was going to lose him again .

"I know I'm sorry , I just wanted to mess with you. I do feel bad tho you looked so sad"he frowned , his  eyes softening as he let out a laugh.

Haha so funny , I glared at him and rolled my eyes once again.

"Stop -You're not going to lose me , not again and I hope I won't lose you . So stop worrying . Speaking of that we have to do something very important later. Remind me. For now tho let's go get some boba ?" He smiled.

"Uh yes - let's go " My expression and mood changed to one of instant excitement. I freaking love boba , brown sugar is the best.

"Knew that would work " Xolo muffled  under his breath with a lingering smile.

"Mmm hmm - Yea just like You know everything " I mocked.

"Never gonna let that one go are you " He turned to me as we headed down the street. The boba place should be on the next block.

"Hey -finally You're right about something " I congratulated him with a smile.

"Glad to have you back Jules " he laughed.

"Glad to have you back too " I smiled.

We continued to walk down the block , passing some kids riding bikes and buses honking at cars to move out of the way.

"You know- why didn't we take our bikes or the bus instead of walking ? " I questioned as I turned to Xolo.

"That's a really good question ..We can take the bus to our next destination" he smirked.

"Ooooh there's a next destination ? Where ?!" I quickly asked.

"Yes indeed there is remember , the Mexican restaurant and then after that I was thinking we go to that street fair ? " he said as he opened up the door of the boba place for me.

"Thank you sir and oooh you really got this planned  out don't you ? sounds fun, I like  "I smiled and nodded in approval. 

"This is one of the many plans I'll be making this summer . We're gonna make up for these 2 years " He rose his eyebrows , pointing at me before walking up to the counter.

Aww ,I like the sound of that , this summer is going to be so fun with him back. Thank the lord for Taylor because I never expected this happening and if it weren't for her it really wouldn't have.

"Hi, 2 medium brown sugar bobas please " Xolo smiled at the man at the register.

"Alright will that be all ?" The man questioned as he rang up the price.

"You want anything else loser ?" Xolo turned to me.

"Nope -  I'm good, I'm gonna go find us a booth. Oh wait - here's some money for mine " I took some money out of my back pocket and put my hand out.

"No , I'm not taking that. It's fine , I've got it " he laughed as pushed my hand towards my chest.

"Aww how sweet, thanks loser " I smiled before I headed towards the booths. Okay , ones by the bathroom -nope.  That's self explanatory.

All the other ones were filled with groups of friends  or cute couples sharing a boba. I would never share my boba I don't care how much I love you or if we're dating . What's mine is mine and what's his is mine. No I'm kidding- I'm not selfish ,  just no sharing of the bobas.

I spotted a booth at the back , okay perfect. I went to sit and texted Xolo telling him where I was. I proceeded to pull out my phone and go on to  tik Tok ,just watching   some while waiting for him.

"Here you are , madam " I heard Xolo's voice as I saw him set down my precious boba before me.

"Look at this cute dog !" I exclaimed as I turned my phone to him.

"Awww . It reminds me of blue " Xolos smile grew as he examined the video while taking his boba and sitting down. Sigh yea Blue , she passed away when I was 13 . I still miss her she was a Yorkie. Xolo and I loved her.

"Yeah , Blue was so cute . Thank you for this by the way " I happily grabbed my boba and took a sip.

"Of course ,I mean I guess it's the least I could do after making you stress all morning . You really care about me huh?" He pretended to flip his hair as his eyes gazed  up at the ceiling.

"Shut up - okay maybe a little. I guess there is a part of my heart that cares but only because I was worried I was going to lose my opportunity of getting spoiled like this - this summer " I smiled

Obviously that's a joke I care so much about him. Everyone knows that. I couldn't  care less about being taken places and him buying me things . I just like spending time with him he's my bestfriend.

"Please- I saw you freaking out , are you kidding me Xolo ?" He mocked me as he mimicked my sad eyes.

"Stop it - shut the fuck up ! " I laughed as I instantly kicked his leg from beneath the table. It's so embarrassing when people bring up things you've said before like yes I was super sad and didn't wanna lose him and may have been panicking but we don't need to talk about that.

"You shut the fuck up - you love to act all chill but I know you and you do care about me, you're not slick. and You do know that , that doesn't hurt right " Xolo laughed as he took a sip of his boba , referring to me kicking him.

" your leg literally kicked up so yes it did actually. And whenever me and you would fight , I would always win so " I argued as I innocently smiled.

"Because I let you win ! What the fuck would I look like beating you up Jules, so sorry to tell you , you win by default not because you actually won " he shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah sure , whatever helps you sleep at night Xolito . Anyways what's that important thingy thing you wanted to talk about ?" I questioned , looking up at him as I drank my boba.

"Oh yea , you're gonna have to come sit next to me for this one " he mischievously smiled.

"Okay .. why ?" I asked in confusion as I stood up and slid in next to him.

He just took out his phone and pulled up the messages with Madison...

"It's time we officially block her , you ready ?" Xolo smirked as he turned to me , waiting for my answer.

"Uh yes - let's do it !" My eyes widened in joy as I looked up at him and back down at the screen.I never thought this day would come.

I watched as he pressed on her contact info and pressed block caller with no hesitation. He then went on to WhatsApp and did the same.

"Wow That felt good, now would you like to do the Honors of blocking her on Instagram and snap ?" He  smiled.

"I thought you'd never ask , gimmie that !" I snatched his phone and instantly slid up onto the Home Screen and found Instagram. I clicked on her profile and felt satisfaction take over me as I pressed block user. Yuh take that little miss bitchy bitch !

"The excitement you have on your face right now " Xolo laughed as he watched me completely focused on the phone. 

"I've been waiting for this moment for forever Xolo , of course I'm excited " I  retorted  as my eyes stayed on the phone.  I pulled up snap chat and pressed block.

"Alright sir , you can have your phone back now. Thank you for that . I feel very much satisfied " I smiled as I handed him back his phone.

"Good because -I just wanted to show you that I'm really not going back to her..Ever, you're my witness . I blocked her , I'm done and you mean way more to me than her,than someone who could treat you like that.I'm really sorry for everything... we are officially done with that now tho and I definitely learned my lesson. Never believe anyone more than your own bestfriend and just don't be a dick and cut her off for 2 years straight. I really shouldn't have treated you like that " xolo sighed as he looked at me with soft eyes.

"Thank you , that means a lot. You have no clue how much I've been wanting to hear  that and how much I wanted to be done with all of this. I'm also glad that you're not being manipulated or lied to anymore .. you deserved better than that. She was one way in your face and completely different behind your back. Finally you're done with that and I swear if I ever hear the name Julie Jules again ,I will commit . May that be the last time " I laid back on the booth.

"Yeah I know you've just been looking out for me this whole time.. thank you and I swear to you - I will never let some girl or anyone come between us again. I don't plan on losing you again " he searched my eyes in reassurance.

"You swear swear ?" I rose my eyebrows.

"Please - All of our swears have been swear swears. We're always serious about them . Don't you remember " he said in a duh tone.

"Good because I don't plan on losing you again either " I crossed my arms.

"Good because you're stuck for life. Now how bout we head to that Mexican restaurant?" He smiled. Wow .. I like the sound of that. Not sure if I think of it in a platonic best friend kind of way or not but I just like the sound of that, for life . That doesn't sound too bad. And Besides he probably means it in a platonic way anyways..

"Yes , let's be on our way "I smiled back. We stood up and headed towards the exit. The streets were so crowded with families walking past us while others were riding bikes.  we stayed close together , Xolo periodically looking back at me making sure I was still behind him as we made our way to the bus stop.

"We've made it out alive "I jokingly sighed as we safely made it onto the bus. 

"Did you see those freaking kids on those bikes , they were about to crash into us " Xolo laughed as we sat down.
We are now seated at the Mexican restaurant , waiting for our food. Xolo is sitting right across from me.

"It's funny they still give us these menus , we've been here a million times . We already know what we want " he chuckled.

" yeah , I'm pretty sure we've memorized the whole menu by now " I laughed as I looked down at it.

"Oh yea ?what's the first combo  on the list under specials ?" Xolo smirked as he snatched my menu.

Wow he really wants to challenge me , okay I've got this.

" Arroz con leche " I smugly stated as I stared directly into his eyes.

"Whatever " he squinted.

"Yuh , mmm hmmm. See I got that right " I cheered as a smile of victory grew on my face.

"Yeah , yeah you got that right. Congrats Jules "he sarcastically said as he laid back in his seat.

"Thank you "I smiled.

"Hi , are you guys ready to order ? What would you like today ?" A brunette waitress walked up to us ,
A notepad in her hands.

"Hi , yes 2 bandeja paísas please " Xolo instantly answered.

"Alright , and for drinks ?" She questioned as she continued writing in her notepad.

"She'll have water and I'll take a coke please " He smiled as he handed her our menus.

"Okay coming right up " she gave us  a smile and started walking away.

That's what Xolo and I always get when we come here. It's our favorite meal , we never eat anything else from here.

"You're so weird for liking water.You have no sense  of taste "Xolo furrowed his eyebrows at me  in disgust.

"And you're so weird period , besides water is amazing. it's refreshing and tastes so good okay. Not like fattening Coke " I snapped back . It's true I love water it's literally so good. Especially ice water ugh that's the best.

"Please - At least coke has flavor " he scoffed.

"Yeah , it also has diabetes " I whispered as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Shut up " he laughed as his eyes gazed into mine, shaking his head.

"Thank you , I win" I grinned.

"Sure loser , anyways so what are your plans for after high school  , miss graduate. You know like What are you planning on doing  " he laid his chin in his hand , slightly smiling as he waited for my answer.

"Well , I'm going to a college here in LA , USC . I officially got in and my major is gonna be you already know , forensic psychology" I smiled. Xolo knows I've always loved studying  and learning about psychological disorders.

"Oh my gosh no way , I'm so proud of you ! I'm so proud that you got in and you're going for that. I remember all the times you used to make me watch criminal minds with you or law and order " he laughed with a growing smile.

"Yup , yup now I'm gonna be one of those and they're gonna want me on the show for professional reference just you wait. And see forcing you to watch criminal minds with me is finally going to pay off. So you can't be mad at me for that But thank you I'm so proud of you that you graduated too ! What are your plans for after high school , what college are you going to mr.graduate " I questioned with a smile.

"Actually - I'm not going to college " he awkwardly responded.

"What ?! ... Xolo why . You need to , these days they don't give  good paying jobs to people with just a high school diploma. It's okay look - you still have time to apply I'll help -" I began to worry

"No , no Jules. I'm not going because I'm actually going to pursue acting. I have a agent and everything and I just went to an audition for a show called Cobra Kai !" a huge smile appeared on his face , and his eyes lit up just talking about it.

"Oh my gosh !!! wait - you're gonna continue acting ?! I mean I know you were on the show parent hood when you were you like 12 but I didn't know you wanted to continue ! That's amazing ahhh !! And wait - did you just say Cobra Kai ?! As in karate kid cobra Kai ?! " I exclaimed in excitement , my eyes widening.

I Remember being on the set of parenthood with xolo when we were 12 . He auditioned for the role of victor and he got the part ! I was so excited for him and also extremely happy that whenever I went on set with him I would get free food. I remember that he loved paying the role and we have been in acting classes since we were 8 , he was always better at it than me tho. While I was better at dance than him. but since that show he didn't continue acting or going for auditions.. So I thought he stopped but in so happy he's back at it because he's amazing !

"Thank you! Yes I know - I decided I wanted to continue acting. When thinking of my future I really couldn't think of anything else that I was interested in being... I just found everything boring but acting being an actor is a dream and it's what I wanna do. I remember playing victor and how much fun I was having . I wanna go back to that. So I got an agent " he explained , reminiscing on it all.

"Yes ! I remember how fun it was for you ! And you were so good too. I'm so happy you're going to be doing it again. I believe in you that you'll get something. and oooh shit look at you having an agent and hello ?! You still didn't answer the most important question ! Do you mean cobra Kai as in karate kid cobra Kai ?! " i pushed his shoulder.

I freaking love karate kid so much I've watched at least 50 times or more , it's a classic and it's amazing.

"I don't know - all I know is that it's called Cobra Kai but it's supposed to be a spin-off of two old karate rivals... Some guys named Johnny and Daniel ?" He explained in confusion.

"Johnny and Daniel !! Yes yes - thats karate kid ! C'mon xolo how do you not know this. I'm so disappointed ! you don't remember that my mom used to put us to watch that all the time when we were little ?! You don't remember that karate movie ?!" I yelled at him in disbelief. This man has the Chance to be on an amazing tv show and he doesn't even remember karate kid ?!

"Hey - hey don't attack me ! You know my attention span as a kid was terrible , okay ! I honestly don't remember it at all " he tried to defend himself as he put his hands up

"I am so disappointed in you ! It's a freaking classic ! Youre sleeping over tonight and we are binging all 3 movies ! I don't care how long it takes, if you're gonna get this role , you better know the history and the movies are amazing so why not " I yelled in excitement.

"Okay fine ! You're right I should know the history - so yes we can watch them tonight " he agreed with a smile.

"Yayyyy ! You're Gonna love it ! And please tell me the actual actors From the karate kid are gonna be in the show and not some random ass men " I rolled my eyes.

"Uh - if I can remember the actors for them are Ralph and William I think " His eyes wandering trying to remember.

"Oh my gosh ! Yes that's them ! So wait if you get this role you're gonna meet them ?!" I freaked out

"Um yes - I think that's how it works Jules . Ya  know -if you get the role you get to work with the actors " he teased with a laugh.

"Okay yeah - shut up ! Im just excited " my eyes grew wide with excitement. I mean this a huge deal.

"Here you are " the  brunette waitress walked up to us , setting down our food at the table.  Ugh I can't wait to watch the movies with him tonight after the fair.

Authors note : Hey guys !!! I finally updated !! Sorry I took so damn long 😭I promise next time it won't be like This ! I was just super busy. I hope you liked it we have officially entered the COBRA KAI ERA 😏 Jacob , Mary Peyton, Hannah ,Gianni , and Tanner  here we come at least 3 or 4 chapters from now or less not telling you !
Vote if you liked and want more -Ash

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