π“π‘πž πƒπ’πšπ«π²|| 𝐕.𝐇 (𝐄...

Por Elisabethhhh_

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" ... she has a body of a goddess.. she has the whole school drooling over her... isn't that what you wrote a... MΓ‘s



802 47 135
Por Elisabethhhh_

" He's so cute, oh my god! I wanna cry!" Liya shrieked giving Ryan's cheeks another kiss. She continued looking at him as Vinnie carefully placed him into her arms. " I didn't get enough of him last night, the boys took all of him, That's why I came back today," she whined once more. 

" It's okay, now he's all yours," Vinnie chuckled resting his hands on his hips, he's tired he's been taking care of Ryan and me for the past four days without taking any rest. 

" I'm sure you don't need a DNA test for this baby, he's all you!" she spoke once more looking at Vinnie causing him to blush, and her eyes watered as our little son slowly blinked his eyes up at her. " He has your rosy cheeks Jule, and definitely Vinnie's eyes and lips," 

" Baby, it's time for your medicines, I'll go and bring you water and something to eat," Vinnies said as he got up from his chair and kissed my forehead. " Do you want something to drink Liya?" he asked as he stood by the door. 

" No, thanks; I'd like to eat this little boy right here," she sweetly replied and he laughed. " Is it okay if I packed my stuff and moved into your house? I can't resist being away from this cuteness," she squealed as Vinnie disappeared out of the room. 

" You're more than welcome," I answered. 

" Heeeyyyyyyy," Chase and the boys yelled as they walked into the room. 

" Ughh, not you again, I want to have him to myself for a while," Liya rolled her eyes as Baron tried to take Ryan out of her hands.

" How are you doing today baby?" Chase asked as he stood by my hospital bed and gave me a forehead kiss totally ignoring Liya's comment. " I brought you clothes, and your charger," he added as he took one of my hands between his. 

" Thank you," I smiled as I kissed his cheek. 

Marshall then surprisingly took a hairbrush out of the bag Chase has placed next to the bed, and started to gently brush my hair, because he knows I don't like my hair when it's messy. " I know you hate hospital food, so we brought you food and snacks but don't tell your mom we did," he whispered.

" I'm so happy you're okay Jule!" Baron smiled as softly kissed my cheek and sat next to Chase.

" CHASE! he has your smile look," Liya smiled as she handed Ryan to my brother. He grinned and immediately and carefully held him up to his chest, and a weird look appeared on our faces as we saw Liya tightly massaging Chase's shoulder. 

" That's not fair," Baron pouted crossing his arms. 

" Where's Jordan?" 

" He-he's been busy too much lately. . . uh. . .you know he likes to work during summer," she awkwardly answered. I don't know if she's saying the truth or there's something else she doesn't want to tell us about but I'll believe her for now, just not to embarrass her in front of the guys. " He knows you gave birth, he'll come to visit I promise," she added as I noticed Chase rolling his eyes. 

is he still in love with her? 

" He smells so good," Marshall grunted as he kissed Ryan's tiny little hand and breaking the silence. 

" Here's your food and medicines bab- Hi boys," Vinnies tiredly spoke as he walked into the room. 

" How's fatherhood treating you so far?" Baron chuckled after Vinnie placed the plate in front of me. 

" Way too much better than I wished for," he answered before kissing my lips. We continued sitting there for the rest of the evening, with Mom checking in on me every time in a while, and the boys fighting over who's going to hold Ryan. But there were some unexplainable looks between Chase and Liya that made so many questions appear in my head. 


Chase's pov: 

" I have to go now, you know dad doesn't like staying home alone," I said as I stood up from my seat and held my four days old nephew up to my chest one more time before handing him to my mom. 

" Aww, why don't stay for a little more," Jule whined pouting her eyes and lips. 

" I'll come tomorrow morning, I promise!" I said as I kissed her forehead and hugged her. 

" No need for this, she's leaving tomorrow," My mom answered giving me the best news ever, starting from tomorrow there will be a beautiful little soul in our house. And something is telling me that this baby will run the happiness through our lives. 

" Ah, man you're leaving?" Vinnie asked as we met by the door, I nodded my head as I wrapped my arm around his obviously exhausted body, and we walked with me down the hallway," Are you okay, Vin!" I asked. 

" Yes, just a little tired, I haven't slept properly for four days," he sighed, and I felt bad for him and Jule, this is nothing compared to what is coming ahead of theirs. 

" It's okay man, eighteen years later he'll move out of the house and starts visiting you only for Christmas and special occasions," I sarcastically answered making him chuckle. we stood there talking for a while before I stormed out of the hospital front door to the parking lot.

" What are you doing here?" I asked as I saw Liya standing by herself, she's supposed to be home right now because she left us about twenty minutes ago. 

" I was waiting for Jordan to pick me up, but he's not coming, So here I am looking for a cap," she answered as I unlocked my car's doors. 

" You'd never find a cap now it's almost eight o'clock, come on I'll give you a ride," I offered and she immediately nodded. I opened the door for her and shut it right after she got in, I'm a gentleman Jules always tells me that. 

" So, Ryan is so cute? huh. . ." she asked breaking the silence that has been going on for the last few minutes of the drive. 

" Yes, he is. . . I can't believe that I'm an uncle now," I answered as I continued driving; she looks weird as if she had a lot to say but she didn't how to start saying it. . . I mean I have a lot of things to tell her too, but I don't think I can. 

" Can you like. . umm. . . drive around for a while, I don't feel like going home right now," she suddenly spoke. 

" Yeah, sure!" I awkwardly answered. 

"Do you guys still hang out at the same place we did before?" She inquired, recalling plenty of images from our dating days. I had no idea what to say or do. I simply nodded and smiled in a way that revealed that I remember every detail of our time together. " Can we go there?" she asked once more moving a strap of her hair behind her ear. 

" Like. . . Right now?" 

" Yes! come on it's not even nine yet, it's not like you're going to sleep that early," she said af she knew that my response would be that I want to sleep, which is true. . .  I didn't answer I just changed my direction and started driving to the place she wanted to go... 

After about thirty minutes of driving, I soon arrived at the place where Baron and Vinnie typically gather. It was also a secret dating place for Liya and me. Apparently, It  became now Jules and Vinnie's. 

" What do you think Ryan will be when he grows up," she asked out of the blue, trying to get us talking on anything. 

" I actually still don't know what I want to be when I grow up," I sneered giving her a side look as we dragged our seats to the back a little. 

" I guess, he'll be like his mother, a dreamer, he'll talk about a lot of stuff not caring if it makes sense or not, he'll love his friends and siblings. . . He'll also have a sexy look because of his dad's eyes and mom's cheeks and hair," She sweetly smiled after hitting me on my shoulder for my previous answer. 

" Yeah, you know sometimes it saddens me that she'll move out and take him someday, I just want to be with my sister and little nephew forever," I sighed. 

" I don't think you should feel that bad, I mean you'll be the one he'd come to you when he needs to talk about stuff he can't discuss it with his parents, you'll be the fun uncle that he'll call you whenever he feels something towards a girl or a guy, you'll be the sex expert, and the one he'd look forward to meeting every family occasion," she replied.

" That's cute, bu-" 

" Stop butting, Cole why do you always have something to complain about," she chuckled hitting my arm one more time. None ever calls me by my first name except for her, all my friends and family call me Chase

" It's sweet enough that they gave him your first name as a middle name," she added. 

" Yeah, Baron went crazy because of that," I laughed remembering how pissed off he's got when they told him that. 

" Yeah, also Marshall got mad." she giggled. 

We then got out of the car, I picked her up and helped her to sit on the hod of my car, and I stood there right next to her. we talked about some stuff, lots of them about Jules, her baby, and some random memories from the past. 

" I wanna drive your car," she suddenly said after almost forty minutes of us like that, I was surprised by her demand, none has ever driven my car except for the boys. . . " I don't think this is a good idea," I answered. 

"Why? I have a permit, "She snarled and stomped off the hod, seeking to swipe my keys from my pockets. But I was quicker than she was. I took them from her hands and yanked my hand away. "You don't understand, my truck is not used to your tenderness," I said, lifting my hand to keep her from reaching the keys. 

She suddenly stopped trying. And I could tell something was going to happen by the spark in her eyes. She began to lean closer to my face. While her hands traveled from my wrists to my neck, she glanced into my eyes. " Li-" I was going to say something when she pressed her lips on mine for the first time in two years.

What the hell is happening. . . . 

At first, I had no idea what to do. I didn't even kiss back.   I was simply standing there, making no distinction between myself and my car parked on the side. She swiftly pulled away with her hands still wrapped around my neck, and we exchanged glances for a few seconds. " Chase, I'm sorry—" she was tried to say when I hushed her.

I smashed my lips onto hers and held the back of her head just to pull her closer, meanwhile, she wrapped her arms around my neck and raised one of her legs to my hip as a sign for me to lift her into my arms. And I immediately did . . " I miss you, cole," she whined more like a moan between kisses. I missed her too, I missed everything and every detail about her. 

We soon were interrupted by her phone ringing, she ignored the first few times, but when it rang for the fifth time, she slightly took it out of her back pocket as I started to suck on her neck, I looked down at the screen of her phone, and saw that it was Jordan, and then when it hit me. . . 

She has a boyfriend. . . and what was happening was a mistake. a really big one. . . 

I got into my driver's seat and watched as she awkwardly talked to her boyfriend on the phone, she was nervous and shaking barely finding words to tell him. . . . A few seconds later she got into the car, and I immediately started driving, no words were coming out from both of us. I was concentrated on driving while she was nervously looking through the window. 

After thirty minutes, I finally parked in her house driveway, she unbuckled her seatbelt, and I wasn't even looking at her. . . " Listen, Cole. . . I wanna tell you that, I wasn't lying when I told you I miss you," she nervously spoke but I didn't answer. " You're important to me, and you know I would never hurt you. . . " she added. 

She then got closer to me and held my face forcing me to look at her, " Liya. . . get out of the car," I demanded yanking my face out of her hands. 

" I don't want to get out of the car, I wanna talk about it," she protested. 

" Liya what do you exactly want to talk about? you have a boyfriend. . and I will never be that guy who'd take advantage of a girl because her boyfriend is not giving her enough attention," I hissed. 

" Chase, you're not like that. . . listen we were together and we had feelings for each other, we can't deny them- You can't hide it. . . I obviously can't hide it!" 

" Yes I do have feelings for you, I loved you and I still do, You've been in my head for the past two years and I couldn't forget about you no matter how many girls I've talked to or went out with. . . But still can't do this. Jordan is not my friend! but he doesn't deserve that," I snapped. 

" Jordan doesn't even care about me these days," she yelled. 

" So that's why you're coming back to me?" I offendedly asked. 

" No, no. . . chase, listen It's good with Jordan, he's sweet... he loves me, I know he does-" 

" But you have to figure it out, either to see if the problems you're going through right now would be the end of it, or you guys can work it out. . . and till then we'll move on in our lives, I'll never talk about what happened today ever again, and you better not to. . . And I'll wait for you! Because that's what I've been doing for the past two years." I said looking into her eyes. 

" But-"

" That's what I had to say Liya!" I said looking away from her. she released a couple of sighs before getting out of my truck and walking over to her house. 

I'm not gonna lie, I miss her, I miss her so much! But I would never be that guy. 

End of Pov. 


Next day: 

" I got him, baby!" Vinnie said he buckled Ryan into his car seat. 

" Make sure you buckle him tight, baby," I said as heavily walked towards the car, Even though I gave birth four days ago, my body is still sore and I'm hardly standing on my feet. " Wait!! I want to open the door for my baby mama," he yelled as he carefully closed the door making sure he doesn't wake our baby son up. 

" Here, My lady!" he said opening the door for me, he then buckled the seat belt for me, Because you know I always have a problem with doing it to myself. . . " Thank you, baby," I said kissing his pink plump lips that have been well copied on our son's face. 

This time Vinnie was the one driving slowly and carefully just like Marshall does, His hand was on my thigh and his eyes were concentrated on the road, our baby and me at the same time. . . to be honest I feel bad when I see how tired he is. . I hope when we get home he gets the amount of sleep he needs. 

" Why don't we go to your house baby?" I asked. His parents and brother came so many times to the hospital. But They didn't got too much time with Ryan and that's not fair.

" I want you to be comfortable baby, especially that I still don't have a crib or a bed for our baby," He answered.

" Yes, you're right! I just wanted our son to spend more time with your family," I pouted.

" He will, I just need to get my room ready for him,,, and don't worry about mom! she's coming to see you later in the evening she told me yesterday!" he said before giving my hand a kiss.

" I love you." I smiled.

" I love you more!"

Finally, after almost an hour of driving in, he pulled over into my driveway. He immediately got out of the car and opened the back door to free our baby. . . And before we could even carry his car seat into the house, Chase and my father rushed out of the front door. 

" Let me see my grandson," My dad excitedly yelled taking Ryan away from me. I smiled as he happily carried him into the house, while Vinnie and Chase took the bags out of the car. I then walked into the house and immediately sat on the couch of the living room. . . 

" Are you okay, babe?" Vinnie asked, I simply nodded as I watched my dad taking Ryan out of his car seat and held him up to his chest. 

" Dad, you're late for work, give me my nephew," Chase said before carefully taking Ryan out of dad's grip.

 "Yeah, right but be careful while holding him., Chase he's still too little!! . . . Jule you should see your room. I redecorated it for you!" My dad answered before standing up from his seat. 

The idea of dad redecorating my room made me wanna cry, I don't my room to be designed as if I was married with four kids, he then patted Vinnie's shoulder before taking his keys and walking out of the door. 

" Baby, go get some sleep," I whispered to Vinnie as he laid his head on my chest. 

" Both of you need to get some sleep, don't worry about him. . . if he woke up or cried I'll wake you guys up!" Chase said without taking his eyes off of Ryan. 

After a lot of arguing, Chase convinced us to get upstairs and get some sleep, " Don't worry, I did all the work, he didn't do anything," my brother spoke as we walked towards the stairs making me feel better about my room. . . 


" baby, didn't you notice something weird about Chase?" I asked as we finally reached the second floor, Actually, I didn't stop thinking about him and Liya since last night, they were exchanging some looks and this made me worry because Liya has a boyfriend. and I know that my brother still in love with her. 

" I don't know, baby maybe he's too happy and that's why he looks weird!" he answered kissing my cheek. 

I don't want him to get hurt, because when they broke up two years ago he was heartbroken and I'd rather die than see him in the same situation again. 


This chapter was too long! I'm sorry🤷‍♀️❤

What do you think about this part guys!? I personally liked it because I enjoyed writing Chase's pov! So tell me what do you think. ♥



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