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" He's so cute, oh my god! I wanna cry!" Liya shrieked giving Ryan's cheeks another kiss. She continued looking at him as Vinnie carefully placed him into her arms. " I didn't get enough of him last night, the boys took all of him, That's why I came back today," she whined once more. 

" It's okay, now he's all yours," Vinnie chuckled resting his hands on his hips, he's tired he's been taking care of Ryan and me for the past four days without taking any rest. 

" I'm sure you don't need a DNA test for this baby, he's all you!" she spoke once more looking at Vinnie causing him to blush, and her eyes watered as our little son slowly blinked his eyes up at her. " He has your rosy cheeks Jule, and definitely Vinnie's eyes and lips," 

" Baby, it's time for your medicines, I'll go and bring you water and something to eat," Vinnies said as he got up from his chair and kissed my forehead. " Do you want something to drink Liya?" he asked as he stood by the door. 

" No, thanks; I'd like to eat this little boy right here," she sweetly replied and he laughed. " Is it okay if I packed my stuff and moved into your house? I can't resist being away from this cuteness," she squealed as Vinnie disappeared out of the room. 

" You're more than welcome," I answered. 

" Heeeyyyyyyy," Chase and the boys yelled as they walked into the room. 

" Ughh, not you again, I want to have him to myself for a while," Liya rolled her eyes as Baron tried to take Ryan out of her hands.

" How are you doing today baby?" Chase asked as he stood by my hospital bed and gave me a forehead kiss totally ignoring Liya's comment. " I brought you clothes, and your charger," he added as he took one of my hands between his. 

" Thank you," I smiled as I kissed his cheek. 

Marshall then surprisingly took a hairbrush out of the bag Chase has placed next to the bed, and started to gently brush my hair, because he knows I don't like my hair when it's messy. " I know you hate hospital food, so we brought you food and snacks but don't tell your mom we did," he whispered.

" I'm so happy you're okay Jule!" Baron smiled as softly kissed my cheek and sat next to Chase.

" CHASE! he has your smile look," Liya smiled as she handed Ryan to my brother. He grinned and immediately and carefully held him up to his chest, and a weird look appeared on our faces as we saw Liya tightly massaging Chase's shoulder. 

" That's not fair," Baron pouted crossing his arms. 

" Where's Jordan?" 

" He-he's been busy too much lately. . . uh. . .you know he likes to work during summer," she awkwardly answered. I don't know if she's saying the truth or there's something else she doesn't want to tell us about but I'll believe her for now, just not to embarrass her in front of the guys. " He knows you gave birth, he'll come to visit I promise," she added as I noticed Chase rolling his eyes. 

is he still in love with her? 

" He smells so good," Marshall grunted as he kissed Ryan's tiny little hand and breaking the silence. 

" Here's your food and medicines bab- Hi boys," Vinnies tiredly spoke as he walked into the room. 

" How's fatherhood treating you so far?" Baron chuckled after Vinnie placed the plate in front of me. 

" Way too much better than I wished for," he answered before kissing my lips. We continued sitting there for the rest of the evening, with Mom checking in on me every time in a while, and the boys fighting over who's going to hold Ryan. But there were some unexplainable looks between Chase and Liya that made so many questions appear in my head. 

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