You're Noteworthy


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Isabella Brooks. A strong-headed, loud, intersex, fearless woman. Olivia Harper. A closed-off, intelligent... More



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Olivias POV


"But why?"

"Like I said, we need to discuss our feelings"

She looks at me with a pout, it's cute but she needs to know. We finish up breakfast and I help with the washing up. I feel Izzy brush my shoulder, "You have something on your nose" I watch as she puts bubbles on my face. I put some on hers laughing, "Hey! I was only trying to help" She pouts.

I wipe it off and look up at her to see she still has hers on her face. "You can't take it off yourself?" I say with amusement. She shakes her head with a pout. "Too bad" I try to walk off but feel her arms wrap around my waist. She rubs her face on the crook of my neck making the shirt slightly wet. "Izzy!!"

"What? It's my shirt! Not my fault your in it" I can hear the teasing in her voice making me laugh. We both turn around when we hear someone clearing their throat. It's her parents looking at us with amusement.

"Would you like to have dinner with us today Olivia?" Her dad asks me.

I think it over, "I shouldn't, I don't want to impose"

"Seriously it won't be a big deal" Her mum says. I nod in response and they smile widely. Her mum looks at Izzy then at her face, "Honey you have bubbles in your hair"

I turn around to look at her and see it, she looks at me with a smirk. I take the bubbles off and we end up staring into each other's eyes. "Well before you two decide to have a round two, we are going back upstairs" Her dad says.

"What are you guys doing so fun upstairs?! You keep going up there" I elbow Izzy and she looks at me confused then she finally clocks on. "Ewww! Off you go!" I burst out laughing. Her parents run back upstairs laughing.


I was going to go home but ended up staying here, Izzy and I have been in the library. She taught me how to play chess and showed me some of her favourite books. We went upstairs and played some video games then watched some shows. In that short time I learnt a lot more about her. The girls a genius, she doesn't know what she wants to do in the future though. She said she may work in her mums or aunts company as it's the Chelten company. She says that she likes what they both do. She showed me a picture of her brother, the two look like twins. The only difference is the eyes and some facial features.

I can tell she really loves her brother. "DINNERS READY!" I hear from downstairs, we both look at each other then walk downstairs. I see the dining table and her parents sitting and waiting. Her mum and dad sitting together on one side, as I and Izzy are opposite them.

The food smells amazing, it's lasagna with garlic bread. I take a bite and it's honestly heavenly, "This is amazing!" I say with full honesty, her mum laughs lightly.

"So Olivia, tell us about yourself?"

"Well I'm twenty two, I love English literature so I chose to do a course on it. Got into uni and got my degree pretty fast then went into teaching"

"That's really good, I'm sure your parents must be proud"

I feel a pang in my heart, "Um my um parents, they passed away when I was quite young. Five to be exact" The entire rooms silent.

"I'm sorry honey" Her mum says, I see the sorrow in her eyes.

"It's fine, I mean that's what the orphanage told me but they said that to everyone there. Maybe one day I'll know the truth" I say with a weak smile, then look at Izzy who gives me a reassuring look.

"If you don't mind me asking, do you remember anything?" Her dad asks.

"No it's fine, I don't remember much. But I do remember the night before my parents were arguing. Then I woke up in the arms of a police officer, ended up in the system till I was sixteen. I made sure to work hard so I can get a good life...being in the system doesn't give a lot of us hope"

"You know if you ever want to find your parents or real answers we can help you" Her dad says sternly.

"Yeah, seriously" Izzy says with a smile. I nod and we continue on with the food and occasional conversation. I'm happy they didn't drag it on, the subject of my parents is something I fear. They weren't the best from memory but sometimes we had good times. I was so young that I only remember glimpses of them.

"You know Izzy used to bully her brother when she was only three"

"No I didn't!" I laugh as she looks at her dad glaring.

Her mum starts laughing, "You used to steal his books, he would get so upset. Eli barely cries but after that stunt he was crying the house down!"

"The little punk deserved it!"

"Bully" I say but she just looks at me smirking.

"Didn't last long though. As soon as Izzy was around seven or eight, Eli would fight back. You'd see them pranking each other all the time. One time I came back home from work and Izzy was handcuffed to the banister" Her dad says while laughing.

Izzy frowns, "Eli convinced me to play cops and robbers with him, which as weird as this kid prefers intellectual games. But I did it anyway and he handcuffed me saying that he will come back in a minute...I was like there for over an hour"

I burst out laughing, her parents joining. "It's worse now though, they are both big and strong so instead of those innocent pranks, it's now full on physical fights. I've had to take them to the hospital many times"

I look at her shocked as she just looks down trying to hold her smile. "It's her dads fault, he used to have physical fights with Izzy's grandfather as a game"

"Not my fault it's fun! Hey Iz you want to go have one now!" I see their eyes lit up.

"No way in hell!" Her mum scolds them and they both groan. I look at her and she smiles at me winking with amusement.

For the rest of the evening we ate more and spoke, then cleaned up. I said my goodbyes to her parents as they headed off to bed leaving me with Izzy.

"We should talk shouldn't we?" Izzy says as we sit on the sofa.


She clears her throat and holds my hands, "I like you...a lot. I don't tend to like people. It's usually just sex or attractiveness but I genuinely like you and want to try it out. There's something about you that's different I guess."

"I'm noteworthy right?" She smiles and nods, "Izzy I do like you but I'm just scared. This could go horribly wrong and mess up both our lives. Listen Iz, just give me some time okay?"

She nods slowly. "I'll walk you out" I smile in response and we both leave.


Isabella's POV

I've had no texts or calls, and the cold shoulder all morning. I saw Liv in the parking lot and she completely ignored me which pissed me off. So now I'm pissed and in Art with Kristen, my mums friend. As I start drawing I hear small snickers, I turn around to see the boys laughing at something. "What you guys laughing about?"

"Look" Davin one of them shows me their phone. My eyes go wide as I see it's someone who was recording themselves in the girls locker room. I look closer to see that they are jerking themselves off. I'm disgusted alone but it gets worse. Once he finishes I see he approaches one of the girls, I recognise the volleyball outfit as our schools one. The girl has her back to him. Then he slaps her ass, but I immediately recognise the tattoo on the girls ankle.

I stand up, "WHO SENT YOU THAT?!"

They all look scared as I'm on the verge of killing them, "Aaron...Aaron Barkley" my jaw clenches and I walk towards the door.

Kristen stops me and looks me in the eyes, "I need to go. Right now!"

"I'm coming with you" I scoff and walk out with Kristen following shortly after telling the class that she's leaving for a bit. She tries to talk to me but I'm on rage mode. I storm into the locker room to see Emma, Ally and Vanessa arguing with Aaron. The first thing on my mind was death.

I grabbed him and pushed him up the wall. "You think that was funny?! Doing that disgusting shit! Laying your hands on these girls?!" He looks at me with fear. I throw him to the ground, ready to punch him but Em steps in the way. Kristen pushing me away. I push them both away and drew my fist back, before I could punch him I hear a familiar voice. "Izzy don't!"

I turn around to look at the familiar blue eyes, then stood up. Kris pulls Aaron up and I watch as Em punches him on the face. I look at her in shock, "That's why I didn't want you to go for him..." she says with a smile.

Aaron spits the blood out and smiles, "Was worth it though"

I look at Olivia, "Sorry" I say then throw a punch, connecting my fist with his cheek. He stumbles back and I punch him again, on his side. He tries to throw one back but I grab his arm and spin him, so his arm was pinned behind his back. I push him against the wall. His face coming in contact to it first. "Ever touch any of these girls again, and I'll break every bone in your body. For now I'll just do one" I break his finger, he screams in pain. I walk backwards, Emma, Ally and Vanessa looking at me with shock.

I look at Em, "Are you okay?" Then the other two, "Are you guys okay?"

"We're fine..." Emma says.

"I know he touched you" I say to Ally, as she's the one with the tattoo. Ally looks at me and hugs me.

"Thank you both" Then she hugs Emma. We nod, I turn around and see Olivia looking at me pissed. Kris has a small smirk on her lips as she walks Aaron out the room.

"I'm going to go, text me both later. I'll take you guys home" All three of them nod. I walk off hearing heels behind me, I go back into the art classroom and grab bag then when I leave I'm faced with Olivia waiting. "Not now" I say sternly and walked away. Once I got outside I went straight to my car and leant against it. Throwing my bag in my car, I won't be leaving as I know my uncle will call me any second.

And I was right. I groan as I see him looking at me with anger. Rolling my eyes, I walk towards him and he doesn't say a word. He just walks and I follow, once we get to his office, he points at the chair. Silence for the next twenty minutes then Aaron walks in with two people. I can tell they are his parents, they look at me with hatred as if I am the one in the wrong. A couple minutes later I see my parents walk in.

Aarons parents look at mine in shock, I could laugh but I'm too pissed. Marco sits back in his seat. "That girl broke my sons finger, we will have to go to the hospital now! My poor baby!"

"Your sons no angel" I say earning myself a smack on the head from my dad. I look at Marco, "He was doing inappropriate things in the girls locker room...then he touched Ally" I look back at Aaron, "Your lucky it wasn't Jacob who saw it first"

"That's a threat!" He shouts, Marco rolls his eyes.

"Aaron what you did was highly inappropriate and I will be reporting it to the police. I've been sent the proof and it's disgusting" He turns his laptop around and plays the video, I look down avoiding it. I can hear his parents and mine gasping. "Izzy you shouldn't have gone to violence, I understand the circumstances but it wasn't needed. You will be suspended for the rest of the week. As for you Aaron, you will be suspended for the rest of the week and next week. This is unacceptable behaviour!"

"That's it?! He should be excluded or something!"

"Izzy stop" I hear my mum say, I keep my mouth shut. Marco talks for a little bit more and then dismisses Aaron and his family. Once they leave my parents look at me with a smile. "You did very good kid" My dad says with a wink. I hear Marco laughing.

My mum glares at the two, "Izzy I'm proud of you for sticking up for your friends, but please don't result to violence"

"Yeah izzy you could have told me instead"

"Yeah I get it...I should have broken more bones though" I mumble.

"Definitely" I look up to see Kristen has came in with a smirk. "What he did was nasty, I would have flat footed him"

"Kris, you do understand as a teacher you shouldn't say that"

"I'm not on teacher mode though. I know for a fact we would have all done what Izzy did, especially you Ty" She says with my dad who laughs.

Marco looks at me, "Enjoy suspension" He winks.

I stick my tongue out earning me a laugh from everyone.

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