Profiling Love (A Derek Morga...

By LokillA4

542K 12.6K 2.2K

"You work this case like you work any other" I tell him as I look up at his tall frame from my sitting positi... More

A/N & Cast
North Mammon Pt. 1
North Mammon Pt. 2
The Club
Empty Planet Pt. 1
Empty Planet Pt. 2
Sex, Birth, Death
Profiler, Profiled Pt. 1
Profiler, Profiled Pt. 2
The Big Game
Revelations Pt. 1
Revelations Pt. 2
Home Pt. 1
Home Pt. 2
Children of the Dark Pt. 1
Children of the Dark Pt. 2
Coming Clean
Cant Take My Eyes Off of You
Foster Care
Lucky Pt. 1
Lucky Pt. 2
Lucky Pt. 3
Here Comes the Sun
Hallow's Eve
About Face
Mr. Scratch
Brain Wash
Seeing Things
Scared Of Losing You
Not Again
Run Boy Run
Strangers to, Friends into Lovers...
5 More Minuites
Alone Again
Aternative Ending!


8.8K 193 41
By LokillA4

Sun shines through my wooden blinds causing me to groan and shift my head. A heavy warm arm is draped around me, limiting my air supply. I peak an eye open to see Derek attached to me. I smile slightly and lay back down taking in a deep breath.

"Morning baby girl." Derek speaks aloud, his voice being extremely deep and tired.

"Morning." I say yawning and snuggling closer to him.

"As much as I'd like to, we have work." He reminds and I groan angrily. He laughs and flings the blanket off ourselves, letting the brisk morning air hit my practically bare body. "Come on." He urges as he gets off the bed. When I don't answer he slaps his hand on my rear causing me to give him a small glare.

"Just go shower, when you get out I'll wake up." I explain as I cover myself with the sill warm blanket. He sighs and goes to my bathroom. After a while, sleep wouldn't take so I sadly get up and make my bed. Once done I stretch and begin my treck to the bathroom to see if Morgan was done. The door opens and fog comes out, hitting me in the face. My eyes trail up his body starting at his toned legs. Next one of my towels was wrapped lowly on his waist, exposing his deep 'V' and a few veins peeking through. His toned stomach and chest still wet from the shower make my eyes linger for a little longer until I reach his face. A smirk lays on it and his eyebrows are raised.

"Last time I checked I could check out my boyfriend." I put emphasis on the word.

"Hm, I like the sound of that." He says playfully, leaning down to peck my lips. I smile into the kiss before pulling away. He walks to my bedside and goes through his go go bag only to be left with close from yesterday.

"Here gimme. I'll put them in the washer and drier machine for a quick wash." I tell him. He flings the clothes at me and I open my bedroom door.

"Morning luv." Leo sings as he makes coffee in my kitchen.

"Someone's acquainted themselves." I joke as I plant Morgan's clothes in the washing machine next to Leo.

"What can I say, I know my way around." He says winking at me. I roll my eyes and put the soap in the washer. "So where's loverboy?" Hey asks sipping his coffee. As I was about to answer Morgan walks out still only wearing a towel.

"Isla. Clothes. Now." He demands pointing at my bare body only wearing a sports bra and underwear.

"Do you want clean clothes or not." I tell him as I press the button for the machine to start.

Morgan rolls his eyes annoyed before sitting on a bar stool. Leo slides a cup of coffee towards Morgan, who grabs it thankfully.

"Ok Ima go take a shower." I announce before leaving. I wash my hair and body in the span of 30 minuites than exit. I shrug on a pair of jeans and a white button up. Placing my wet hair in a bun, not trying to look good today.

"Your coffee luv." Leo tells me as he places a warm cup in my hands. I thank him and sit next to Morgan.

"So how long are you staying at my place this time?" I ask as I sip the scolding coffee.

"Not long. I'll be leaving for England again in a few days." He informs casing me to set my cup down.

"Isn't it a bit early? You just came back." I ask concerned.

"They want Joshua in custody and I'm the only one who can do it." He explains causing me to frown.

"Fine, but don't expect to like this." I tell him and he chuckles.

"Okay mum." He teases. The washing machine dings causing Morgan to get up and place his clothes in the dryer.

Once Morgan's back is turned Leo leans down over the desk and whispers.

"Any luck finding your parents?" He asks and I shake my head 'no'.

"I'll try and use some of my resources." He whispers and I smile. Morgan turns around causing Leo and I to spring apart.

He sits back down licking his teeth, trying to ignore the how close Leo and I's faces were. His arm slides behind me, resting on the back of my chair.

"When do you have to go to work?" Leo asks as he awkwardly sips his coffee.

"7am." I answer and he nods.

"Well than we have some time." Leo states obviously not thrilled about it. I mutter a small 'yep' as I watch Morgan look at Leo and I with suspicion.

We sit there having small talk, waiting for the dreadful machine to finish drying Morgan's clothes. Once that heavenly sounding alarm rang Morgan got up from his seat and went to go change. In the meantime Leo and I washed our dirty dishes.

"Keep my place clean. I don't want teacups scattered around." I make a joke about him being from England.

"Oy! I don't drink tea." He try's to lie to me. I raise an eyebrow at him causing him to roll his eyes. "I don't like American tea anyways." He gives in. I chuckle and slap his back causing yell.

"Ow!" He yells at me. I laugh and grab my purse on the couch. Morgan walks out looking at Leo who is trying to caress his back, but failing.

"You good man?" He asks, laughing a little.

"Your girlfriend is the devils spawn." He seethes pointing a finger at me. I roll my eyes and walk up to him.

"Yes but you love me Hendrick." I tease using his middle name. I kiss his cheek goodbye and walk towards the door with Morgan following behind me. I hear Leo mimick what I said before I close my front door.

Kicking my foot twice on the door I yell at Leo.

"Remember to lock the door!" I yell before hearing him yell back.

"I know luv!" Satisfied with the answer we make our way down the 13 flights of stairs and get into my car, driving to work.


Once we arrive we slip into the elevator and press the button for our floor. Morgan's tapping foot anxiously on the floor catches my attention. I slip my hand into his and squeeze. He looks down and gives me a thankful smile. Once the heavy metal doors slide open we both walk out, not separating our hands.

"Hey guys." Reid says as he walks past us.

"Hey pretty boy." Morgan tells him. We silently walk and go to Human resources. We sit in their leather black seats and wait for whoever runs this office to come in. A short blonde woman comes in making my throat go dry.

"Good morning SES Strauss." I tell her firmly, Morgan repeating the same.

"Good morning." She vocalizes before sitting down at the big desk. "So you two want to be together non professionally." She asks but it sounds more like an angry statement.

"Yes ma'am." Morgan tells her.

"Do you realize how this could jeopardizedize how you work. Are you willing to ruin your workplace?" She asks negatively. I roll my lips into my mouth and bite down, trying not to say anything disrespectful towards her.

"With all due respect, I don't think we are jeopardizing anything here." Morgan adds. At this Strauss sits up and folds her hands together.

"Really? What if you two split? Than what?" She asks and this time I answer.

"Than we work together as a team. We are both adults, we can work professionally." I answer.

"I do not want to lose two of my most talented agents." She says looking at both of us.

"We understand that but you will not lose us. We both love our jobs, a relationship won't ruin that." Morgan answers. Strauss stares at us before nodding.

"Fine. Here's the paperwork." She tells us as she pushes a stack of papers our way. I grab them and pull it towards the both of us.

"You two look good together, don't make me change my mind." She adds as she gets up from her chair, pushing her pencil skirt down. I smile slightly and nod towards her.

"We won't."

"Good." She finalizes before leaving the room. Once she fully leaves I smile largely and look at Morgan.

"Well that went better than I thought." He tells me, a smile etching his way on his lips. He turns his body at the door before looking back at me. He pulls my chin towards him, kissing me passionately on the lips. When we break apart he chuckles.

"No more hiding." He states happily.

"Finally." I groan before handing him a pen. He grabs it and looks at the large amount of paperwork in front of us.

"Can you read as fast as Reid?" He asks and I laugh sarcastically.

"There's no one who reads as fast as Spencey." I add before staring at the first dreadful page. His hand loops into mine making me smile.


Once we finished we leave and join the rest of the team.

"Is that the lovebirds I see?" Emily jokes playfully. I smile and walk up to the group.

"Yes ma'am, but don't worry. I'd leave him in a heartbeat for you." I tell her winking. She slams her hand on her heart and feigns a swoon.

"Oh to be a priority." She says causing me to laugh and hug her.

"And I thought I was special." Derek says.

"So how does it feel to not sneak around?" Reid asks pushing a strand of hair behind his ear.

"Less of a worry." I answer truthfully. We all speak for a little before Hotch leaves his office and makes his way towards us.

"May I speak with you Del la Cruz and Morgan?" Hotch motions to us. We furrow our brows in confusion and nod. We walk to his office and sit.

"I was able to pull some strings and the children will be moved to Virginia in a month." Hotch informs us. I smile and cover it with my hand not believing him.

"Seriously?" Morgan ask and Hotch nods, a small smile playing on his lips. I get up and hug Hotch, he stays standing before he slowly wraps his arms around me.

"Thank you." I murmur into his tall frame. Once we let go he nods slightly towards me and gives Morgan a handshake. Once we begin to leave Hotch asks me to stay for a moment. Morgan leaves and returns to the others. Hotch closes the blinds which he never does and locks the door.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"Haylee and I are getting divorced. I saw Jack last night and explained to him that I wouldn't be living at home anymore." He tells me as we sit back down.

"What did he say?" I ask.

"He said that he loves me." Hotch answers looking at his framed photo of him on his desk.

"I've said this before and I'll always say it. You are an amazing father, Jacks lucky to have a father like you." I tell him. He nods and smiles at me.

"Thank you for being here." He tells me. I smile and pat his hand.

"Of course Hotch. You, me, this team....we're a family." I explain.

"We wouldn't be the same without you. I'm glad I hired you a year ago." He tells me and I smile.

"Has it really been a year?" I ask and he chuckles.

"Wow felt like a few months." I admit.

"This job messes with our minds." He comments.

"Yes it does."


"You ready to go?" Derek asks as he slides onto my desk. I look up at him then glance at my clock that reads '9pm'.

"Yea let me just go say goodnight to Garcia." He nods and grabs my car keys.

"I'll be in the car." He says twirling my keys. I peck his lips and walk to Garcia's lair. Once I get there I knock on the door.

"Come in" She voices and I walk in. "Hello my pretty." She says spinning in her chair.

"Hey Penelope." I say sitting in a desk next to her.

"What can I do for you today Is?" She asks using my nickname.

"Can you look into two names for me?" I ask.

"Your sister again?" She asks and I shake my head.

"My biological parents." I answer.

"Oh...yeah I can do that. What's their names?"

"Maria Del la Cruz and Julio Del la Cruz." I utter their names, as I trace my scar on my neck.

"Okay looks like they still like in New York. Brooklyn to be more specific. They have a son named Roberto Juan Del la Cruz. He's 15." She speaks and my mouth goes dry.

"What...they have a son?" I ask not believing it.

"Looks like it. He goes to high school, a few clubs, good grades, pretty normal life." She says and I shake my head.

"I doubt that." I mutter.

"Why?" She asks pushing her glasses up her nose.

"Because once an abuser always an abuser." I whisper. Her fingers stop typing, frozen over her keyboard. She swivels around in her chair and looks at me. Tears well in her eyes, causing me to bite my lip.

"What?" She asks.

"It's okay Penelope. It was a long time ago." I answer trying not to relive the memories.

"Oh my god. My pretty I'm so sorry." She cried hugging me. I wrap my arms around her as a tear runs down my face.

"It's okay you didn't know." I whisper as we let go.

"Does Derek know?" She asks as she takes off her glasses to wipe her under eyes.

"I haven't told him yet" I answer honestly.

"Oh no, no, no. You have to tell him!" She begs and I nod.

"I know....I was planning on doing it when we got home. I came to check in on what my parents were doing than tell him about that part of my life." I remark. She nods before facing her computer.

"I can check for any domestic abuse reports..." She trails off as she gets to work.

"Thank you." I sigh as I rub my face.

"What...what did they do?" She asks before looking at me with wide open eyes. "You don't have to answer that...I'm sorry. That was so rude, I shouldn't have-" She starts her frantic rant but I stop her.

"It's okay Penelope. It was a long time ago it shouldn't effect me." I answer and her face softens.

"It's okay if it does." She assures me. I take a deep breath and nod.

"It was the basic abuse really. Hitting, yelling, sometimes cutting." I answer showing her the back of my neck. She gasps and puts her hands over her purple covered lips. "When I got older we were running out of money. So he sold me to older men to rape me. Sometimes he did too." I say fumbling with my fingers as tears fall down my face. Garcia grabs my hands in hers causing me to look up at her.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that Is. No one should, especially not a little girl. God! Parents are supposed to protect their children. Not...not do this." She seethes. "What about your mom?" She asks.

I shrug and wipe my eyes, grateful I didn't wear makeup today. "She helped him. She ignored me, sold me off to men, starved me for days."

I chuckle and slap my hands on my thighs slightly. "She ruined me. I still have a hard time eating full meals without throwing up. They changed me. I had up to no friends because I couldn't trust anyone around me, until college." I finish.

"Well I'm so glad that you're here right now. You are here fighting the monsters. You could've ended up like any of the unsubs we catch, but you aren't. You're strong, I aspire to be like you." She cries, smudging her makeup. I laugh through a sob and smile.

"Thank you Garcia, means a lot." I tell her and she nods handing me a tissue.

"You know I love you right?" I tell her wiping my wet face.

"Not as much as I love you." She answers blowing her nose. I look at the clock on her computer and sigh.

"I should get back to Derek. He's waiting for me in the car." I tell her. She nods and let's me get up.

"Yeah get back. Wouldn't want to keep my parents." She jokes.

"Can you forward me anything you can find on my parents and their son?" I ask and she nods.

"Yeah, yeah. I can do that." She says mostly talking to herself.

"Good night Garcia. Thank you." I tell her before leaving and closing her door. I walk to the elevator and press the button.

"Keep it open!" I hear someone shout. I spring my hand through the metal door, hoping it wouldn't close.

"Thank you." A young out of breath man says as he makes it in.

"No problem." I answer and press the main floor. "What floor you going to?" I ask the short, dirty blonde haired man.

"Same as you." He answers in a strained voice. I nod and look away from him, having a feeling that I've seen him before. When we arrive to the ground floor he motions for me to go first.

"Ladies first." He motions. I look up at him and give him a fake smile.

"Thanks..." I trail off and leave the building. I make my way to my parking spot to see Morgan lounging  in the front seat. I open the passenger door and sit down. He sits up and looks at me.

"You should learn to lock the doors. What if I was a murderer?" I ask and he chuckles and starts the car.

"Than you would have found the unsub." He replies. I roll my eyes and look at him driving.

"What did you and Garcia talk about?" He asks, his eyes never leaving the road. My mouth goes dry causing me to roll my lips into my mouth.

"Actually I wanted to talk to you about something." I tell him. His head shifts to look at me for a second before looking back at the road.

"About?" He asks and I bite my lip.

"Can we talk about it at my place?" I ask and he nods.

"Is it serious?" He asks worried.

"I'm not sure how you'd react so..." I answer vaguely.

"You're not pregnant are you?" He asks trying to joke around. I chuckle and shake my head.

"No I'm not Morgan." I tell him and he chuckles.

"We're like 3 minutes away." He speaks before we drive there in a comfortable silence. I however was having a mini heart attack about the subject. Three minutes have never gone by so fast, before I know it we were exiting the car.

"So should I be excited or scared?" Morgan asks as we start going up the stairs. I give him a pointed look and dig for my house keys in my bag.

"Come on? Not even a hint?" He jokes. I look up at him about to answer until he stops walking. His face falls, and so does his hand on the railing.

"What?" I ask, looking to where he is. My heart drops causing me to drop my bag and keys, instead grabbing my gun thats in my holster. Derek doing the same.


Sorry for the cliffhanger. Next chapter will be out in a day or so for now.

Vote and comment!

Word count: 3333

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