
By XolosNiceWrists

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Jules and Xolo were best friends since childhood until they had a major fall out, They both are trying to go... More

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Announcement 2
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1.5K 35 26
By XolosNiceWrists

Taylor and I arrived in front of our high school, oh how much I won't miss this place, I thought to myself as I smiled at the torturous building.

"Feels good to be able to say I will not ever see this place again after today " Taylor sighed a sigh of relief .

"Or any of the people in it " I added on. I took out my phone and looked down at the time, we are an hour and 20 minutes early.. no one is lined up outside the school or inside. Completely empty.

"How about you guys go take one last stroll inside the school huh? It'll be fun go and take in the last time you'll ever be in high school " My mom suggested as she put her arms around our shoulders .

Taylor and I exchanged a disgusted look at the suggestion. Who would wanna do that , I'm not going to miss the place. Not at all.

"Mmm I mean sure ?" Taylor questioned as she looked at me.

" I guess so " I shrugged my shoulders. I don't really care but sure. Taylor and I entered the school and were met by the empty halls and blue lockers.

"Ah yes , the halls where  I get lightly pushed into the lockers in between periods " I looked around at them .

"That's because you're short " Taylor laughed.

"Okay yeah I may be short but since when does that mean people are blind ? you gotta look out for the little people ya know ?" I argued.

"You're right , my people apologize to yours " Taylor joked.

"Not all " I rolled my eyes as we kept strolling down the hall.

"What do you mean ?" Taylor rose her eyebrow

"Oh you know , a certain tall dirty blonde made sure she would push me extra hard onto a locker when ever she got the chance " I shook my head as I rolled my eyes at the childishness that is Madison Baker , better known as Xolo's girlfriend.

"I don't know why , I mean even though we weren't so close at the time from what I saw you've always been nice to her. There was literally never a time where you were mean even when she deserved it " Taylor retorted.

"Yes thank you , exactly . I don't know what I ever did to her . I was always nothing but nice because she seemed cool and she's Xolo's girlfriend" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I would never be mean to anyone let alone my best friends girlfriend.

Even when she would be a bitch to me when me and her were left alone , I held back my tongue and continued to be nice to her for him.

"Exactly so I don't get why she wanted to ruin your friendship so badly it doesn't make sense . You did nothing to make her jealous " Taylor said as she  crossed her arms.

"Yeah and the worst part is she succeeded. She actually succeeded. Xolo fell right for it . He didn't  even giving me a chance to say my side of things. He completely just disregarded me, my feelings , and all the years of friendship we had . He left just like that , ha you know what -I don't even know why i care . Its obvious our friendship never mattered to him anyways if he leaves right at the snap of her little painted  fingers " I ranted. 

"I know that freaking sucks but wait I'm tired of walking around let's just go to the field and talk . Is that okay ?" Taylor suggested.

"Yeah , yeah let's go " I tried to compose myself. I really just went on a rant over a stranger who never cared for me our friendship in the first place how pathetic can I be.

Taylor and I walked out onto the empty field and went to go sit on the bleachers. It was really nice out. L.A. always has nice weather but it was less humid than usual which I love because my curly hair does not do well with humidity.

"Okay my darling , let's continue. I know that sucks and it's really weird how your bestest friend in the world since you were 5 did not think for one second about hearing you out and dropping you just like that. I don't know how someone could do that but what exactly happened tho ? You never really told me , Like what was the argument about that you guys had and what exactly did Madison do or say ?" Taylor asked in concern.

The answer to that question is something that brings me back to a moment that I don't want to get into , remember, or talk about. It's just horrible , my heart just sinks thinking about it and it kinda makes my blood boil at the same time and most days after that day sucked too.

"You know , maybe I'll tell you another time. I really don't want to talk about it right now. I just want to move past this , start this new chapter in my life , forget it and leave it behind" I sighed.

" Yeah I get it , it's a tough subject for you . Just know I'm here for you babes whenever for whatever " Taylor pulled me in for a hug.

"Thank you and you know that I'm here for you too " I hugged her back.

"Ya know , the only thing that doesn't suck about this school ? The vending machines . Will you put a smile on this distressed face and go with me to get something ?"i pleaded with a growing smile.

"Why yes darling let's go " Taylor laughed as we stood up. My fav is definitely sour patch kids , Reese's , salt &Vinegar chips ,cool ranch , and Takis.

We walked back into the hallway and headed towards the vending machine.

"Hmmm oooh so many choices what should I get ?" I twiddled with my fingers.

"You could never go wrong with any one of them girl " Taylor said as she began taking coins out of her purse.

"Agreed , hm I'll take some sour patch kids " I smiled.

"I don't know how you like those , they're too bitter "Taylor looked taken aback as she got her boring tortilla chips.

"Do not disrespect my kids like that , I don't know how you eat tortilla chips without sauce " I snapped back.

"I like the saltiness Alright " Taylor tried to defend herself.

"And I like the sour -ness okay ?" I smiled as I took my favorite blue sour patch and bit it's head off.

"Sour -ness ? Is that even a word , high school graduate " Taylor laughed

"Wow my almost first day out of high school and I have already created a new word . I'm impressed with myself " I happily smiled and continued eating my sour patch kids.

Suddenly we heard the sound of heels tapping against the floor , continuously . God please the only person I know that wears heels to school is Madison. I automatically turned my back towards the entrance of the school . I'm really not trying to see her or deal with her today especially if Xolo is walking right next to her.

Taylor quickly and nonchalantly looked up to see who was coming our way.

"You can relax now it's just your mom " Taylor looked down at me. A look of relief instantly took over my face.

"Heyyyy mom " I instantly turned around and gave her a smile. I'm so relieved it was her.

"Hey Miss C" Taylor greeted

"A-Are you two eating sweets right now ? You guys we are going to eat after . Leave the sweets for later Alright ?"My mom lectured as she walked up to us.

"Don't lecture me , she bought me them " I pointed to Taylor as I continued stuffing my face with sour patch kids with the other hand.

"It was your idea " Taylor pointed back at me.

"A real good one " I smiled.

"A good one huh ? anyways let's go back outside , students are already lining up to go inside. I save you guys a spot at the front of the line " My mom began to shoo us away.

Taylor and I walked outside, the sun hitting our face.  I made sure not to make eye contact with anyone. You know how you know the person you're avoiding is not close to you in distance at all but you're  just scared to make eye contact with them so much so that you just avoid everyone to make sure you avoid that one person.

Taylor and I stood at the front of line. We were greeted by a couple of professors. They gave us that head nod and fake smile. When we all really know what they're thinking is oh I can't wait to get this graduation over with and be rid of you , making us professors waste a perfectly good weekend just to see you graduate.

The doors of the school opened and we were led to the auditorium. Taylor and I were in the first row since we were the first people on line.

"This is actually perfect , We only have the stage in front of us , no students . So I won't have to worry about seeing anyone " I smiled as Taylor and I sat down.

"Who knows , would it be the worst thing if you saw Xolo today . Maybe you guys could see this as a day to talk or for closure at least ?" Taylor explained to me as she searched my eyes in comfort.

"I don't know " I shrugged my shoulders. I just looked ahead towards the teachers on stage. I couldn't help but start wondering what if she is right. What if this could be a day for official closure before starting this new chapter in our life and moving on.

Or what if it could be a day for putting what happened in high school in the past and finally talking things through and hopefully deciding that we do want to be apart of eachothers life and going into this new chapter together...

I hope it's that second option but I'm scared to even talk to him or look at him because it's so weird. We haven't spoken in 2 years , someone who I was never apart from since the day we met , suddenly becomes a stranger how Can that not be awkward how can you come back from that.

Plus to be honest I'm not going to be all going up to him all up on him trying to talk to him when he so easily dropped me . I'm still mad , sure I'm more sad than anything but he freaking left so easily without hearing me out . He had no problem with doing any of that he obviously didn't care . Sorry if I'm mad about that . God it kind of pisses me off.

"Madison Baker " I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when the principal called out her name. Oh great , it's his girlfriend. Make my blood boil more why don't you.

She walked up on to the stage clacking her heels and swaying her hips. She's wearing a red fitted dress and red lips . Her long dirty blonde hair falling just by her mid back. I'm not going to lie she is really pretty, I can see why Xolo would like her...

"Thank you all so much " She obnoxiously grabbed the microphone from the principal , looking out into the audience with a bright fake smile , her pearly whites showing.  Her personality on the other hand .. not so pretty but Xolo never saw that . She only showed that side when she was alone with me.

"I didn't know she was winning an award " Taylor scoffed into my ear.

"I mean I'm not that surprised. The world revolves around her remember?" I sarcastically whispered back as Madison walked off the stage

"Juliana Chamberlain " My principal called out. I quickly got up and started making my way to the stage.  Jules , don't fall ,don't fall , don't fall. You've got this you're not used to wearing heels but you've got this. I'm always clumsy and I'm not trying embarrass myself here today ya know. I walked up the steps and made it safely onto the stage. Wow I'm proud of myself.

"Congrats " My principal handed me the diploma with a smile and I shook his hand. I made sure to  turn my head and smile because I just know my moms taking pictures right now.

I slowly walked down the steps and went to sit back down in my seat.

"Congrats! Little high school graduate "Taylor quickly pulled me in for a hug.

"Thank you babes " I hugged her back.

"And did you see I didn't trip , I feel very much proud " I smiled.

"Yea I saw that wow I'm impressed " She laughed.

"Xolo Maridueña" my principal called out , My smile dropped at the sound of his name. Don't look Jules do not look just don't do it , you're gonna feel upset all over again just don- I turned my head over to the stage to see him walking up.

My heart instantly sunk a bit , he looks good though . Classic black suit , his black long hair and matching beard . His hair never really needed any styling it was just that perfect. His smile grew as he grabbed his diploma. I couldn't help but smile too , I'm so proud of him. No Matter what I have always wanted the best for him and we have always talked about what it would be like to finally graduate highschool and be out .. all the things we would do after.

He got what he wanted , he's graduating he cutt off all plans with me but I'm still proud of him and really hope the best for whatever he does next , tears of joy and sadness started filling my eyes. Joy because my once bestfriend who I grew up with ,I get to see graduating . I'm so proud and sadness because I don't get to share this important moment and day with him . I just want to hug him and say congrats but I can't and I don't even think I will see him after this ..

I put both of my fingers under my eyes and looked up to clean up any masacra lying underneath them from small tears as he walked off the stage.

"Hey , hey are you okay?" Taylor rubbed her hand on my back.

If I were to answer this right now I know I would just burst out in tears like a little baby so I'm just not going to. I just nodded.

"Taylor Miller " My principal called out . Perfect timing. Taylor and her beautiful self got up and walked up to the stage with no problem. I'm telling you she's a model.

She shook the principals hand and took her diploma , coming back down and sitting next to me.

"Congrats to you ,I'm so proud of you " I quickly pulled her in for a hug.

"Thank you , thank you " She said gracefully. After some more names it finally came the time for us to throw up our caps.

"Class of 2020 please stand, congrats to all of you who have put in the work to graduate . I am so proud and can't wait to see what you all do next. You may now flip your tassels and on the count of 3 you will throw up your caps " My principal spoke into the mic.

"You ready ? This is the fun part " My eyes grew with excitement as I looked at Taylor.

"3,2,1!" My principal yelled.

We instantly threw up our caps. I saw Taylor jump up with excitement. I looked up at all the caps in the air. Of course I'm happy but I expected to feel more excitement and content in this  very moment . I mean it's the end of a chapter and I get to start a new one.

Taylor hugged me once again and I hugged her back.

I felt another hug on top of us .

"Congrats my ladies !" I heard my moms voice yell as she squeezed us.

"Thank you mami " I said in between breaths.

"Let's take some pictures "My mom smiled as she let go of us. Ugh not again.

Taylor and I put our arms around eachother and started doing silly faces.

"Adorable " my mom commented behind the camera.

"You know I just noticed I haven't taken a picture with you guys " My mom frowned as she started looking through the pictures on her phone.

"Let's go find Carmelita and Xolo they can take pics for us and we can also take pictures with them" My mom instantly smiled as she started looking for them through the crowd.

Oh God no , Carmelita is Xolo's mom .. I'm really not ready to see him and he's probably with his girlfriend right now. it'll be the first time we're actually facing eachother in 2 years.. I just know it's going set me back . I'm supposed to be beginning a new chapter without him , not spend it crying again and remembering him when he never cared. But I don't know then again like Taylor said maybe it'll be good to face him maybe there's a chance he doesn't hate me anymore and we can talk things out ? I can only hope.

"Oooh , I found them let's go guys" My mom grabbed me by the arm and started dragging me. I instantly looked down at the ground I don't wanna make eye contact. I could feel my heart start beating with every step I took. I'm literally so nervous right now.

Authors note:  Thank you guys for reading , don't forget to Vote it really motivates me to write more and upload more:) .
Let me know what you guys think of this book so far :)💖- Ash

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