Brass Knuckles (Lookism x rea...

By kpop_trash_boiii

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After a rough year of 7th grade [Name] Choi is sent to Korea to live with her Uncle and Cousin after countles... More

Lookism scenarios
Not an update


865 43 7
By kpop_trash_boiii

Welcome to the performances. Same rules apply to languages!
Underlined text is voice on another side of a phone call this chapter!

Location: Backstage of Stage

Time: 17:34

" You remember everything?" Namjoon confirmed, making sure the girl was actually ready to go. They ended up putting Vin Jin due to technical difficulties with [Name]'s mic. It was also a rush due to the CEO of OK Entertainment showing up with an idol he had under his label.

" Yes, I'm good! I got this, alright?" [Name] said as she turned to Vernon and Taeyong," Go find Daniel and you'll find Duke. You remember what he looked like?"
" How could we not?"
" Man was a Greek god."

The girl giggled as they called for [Name] to join the stage on the mic, letting the girl walk out in her performance outfit. Her top was black, draped over one shoulder with a long sleeve coming down over her fingers. Her bottoms consisted of a black and white skort, styled to show the short part on her left thigh. Her shoes of course we're the standard white Gucchi sneakers that squeaked as she made her way center of the stage.

" Hello! I'm [Name] [Last Name], a freshman in the Fashion department and an idol under PTJ. I would like to start off saying that Duke Pyeon from the Vocal and Dance wrote the lyrics of this song. I hope you enjoy it."

With that the girl got into position, sitting down with her head in her hands while the music played.

The sound of Thunder came through the speakers, shocking the crowd due to there being no clouds. Slowly the sound of a out of tune guitar came, the girl starting the dance with a more erratic kind. It envisioned being able to feel pain while she listened, hearing something in her head as she seemed to fight with the pain and slowly with one final thunderstrike it shifted.

The orchestra Duke knew from the beginning played, the girl dancing more elegantly across the stage. Her hands outlining her body while she did the ballet like dances choreographed. The story of the dance shifted to the visual of love, the feeling of something falling in love and as the whistle came in her danced stopped. She turned around, looking over her shoulder before smiling and walking forwards the center again and lighting a match in her hands while the sound of it happening came on in the music's background. It going out the instant she started singing.

" I think I got my sight for you. I don't mean to let it brew. I thought I thought it through... Now come on you know I just get confused." Her singing was in an Alto range but the moment she got to the next verse she was in a higher Alto range," Come get your funky love story. I love it when the skies can't sleep. I left a message incase in me. So bye bye~ A flawless ending." Her tone instantly went back to the lower tone, but she drew out the second word more like she told Duke she prefered," So beautiful... You're so..."

The music picked up again as [Name] danced around the stage playfully, going over to the fake mic in the middle of the stage at the end and pretends to sing into it," Let's take a trip down a dark place baby. Look for me now I'm not that crazy. Let's talk about what makes you happy... Because I know." She shifted from Alto to Soprano by each word while going into the chorus again," I'm calling for you. Come get your funky love story. I love it when the skies can't sleep. I left a message encased in me so bye bye. A flawless ending. So beautiful..."

Then the tone changed a bit darker as [Name] sang," My love is turning kinda grey. My heart is looking the other way. My love is turning kinda grey. My heart is looking the other way." The musical break came allowing [Name] to dance freely with the microphone stand, having fun as she performed with the improvised choreography," Come get your funky love story. I love it when the skies can't sleep. I left a message encased in me. So bye bye. A flawless ending. Come get your funky love story. I love it when the skies can't sleep. I felt a message encased in me. So bye bye. A flawless ending. So beautiful...." It finished as she panted softly, earning loud cheers as she bowed a thanks and went backstage.

The moment [Name] came backstage her members jumped into her, making the oxygen leave her lungs as she was in a bear hug from every direction.

" Yah! Air! I need air!" The girl complained as Duke and Daniel went out next. When she was finally let go she smiled at the group," Thank you all for the congratulations though. Did you like it?"

" Like it?!" San questioned.
" We loved it!" Dokyeom claimed while smiling widely.
" Everyone else did too." Jaemin confirmed, talking about the huge crowd that formed due to the girl's performance.


That day Daniel and Duke's performance went viral on social media along with [Name] and her group's performances. Despite the growing fame of both videos she couldn't help but feel bad after watching multiple 'fan cams' and videos of the performances. She wanted to get Duke out in the public more after seeing how he was edited out of posts, putting her a bit of a piss poor mood.

The feelings [Name] harbored were shown in plain black and white to Gun who sat across her at a ramen restaurant that the two had hit up when they first met and did their assignments together with Goo. But the male clearly wasn't too happy with her attitude due to feeling like her behavior made him a bit bitter.

" The fuck is wrong with you? Get off your phone." Gun barked out before slurping some noodles. His intimidation not as effective as the loud slurp broke into the silence.
" How long has it been since you left to take Crystal to the airport?" [Name] questioned out of the blue, not putting her phone down to look at the posts.
" I don't know, you think I time everything she does?" Gun fires back as [Name] rolled her eyes at him," Now what's wrong?"

The two stared at each other for a moment, speaking in Jay's language silently.
' Do you really want to know?' The girl questioned with raised eyebrows,' You won't have fun.'
' Yes, I do. When have I ever had fun with you?' Gun shot back while crossing his arms and leaning back, making [Name] flourish.
" You asshole, we have fun together. Like remember that time in the Netherlands? Cambodia? Russia? America? Mexico was fun." The girl listed thinking over the countries they went to," And let's be honest, Japan 2017. Best year of your life, you can not convince me otherwise. Especially after being there live and in concert when you screamed-"
" Could we stop thinking about this. People around us are going to think we're in the cartel or some shit." Gun scolds," Now tell me or I make you pay."
With a mumbled 'douche' leaving her lips she explained her dilemma," Well, first off-"
" Oh no-"
" You asked for this don't cut me off asswipe." [Name] glares before speaking again," First off, how you and Crystal treated Daniel was cunty, I would like a written apology for that to get rid of my anger on that. Secondly, after you and Crystal left- when the performances started- Daniel and another student, Duke, performed together and Duke worked really hard for this performance and do you want to know what Pacebook and all onlookers do?"
" You'll get that apology over my dead body, I was following orders. You of all people should understand that statement.'' Gun states before playing into her question," What did they do?"
" I don't care- but!" The girl rushed her words to get back to topic," They cropped, ignored, and tried to erase Duke's part of the performance because they all got the hots for Daniel. They were even more cunty than Crystal and that's a miracle."

Gun chuckled at what [Name] said, not finding a lie behind the statement and that meant a lot to Gun and [Name]. Especially, when they're talking about the girl while she's out of the country. But Gun genuinely took the girls feelings on the situation and offered his two cents.

" If you find an issue with it, fix it." Gun spoke, making the girl look up at him confused as she ate some noodles," I wasn't supposed to say this but... Soon, you'll be able to do something about it. Charles is looking for a successor."
The words would have made her spit out her water if she was drinking, but sadly for her she was eating food and almost choked on the long, slippery noodle," Charles is stepping down?!"
" The dude is old, what can I say. He's built this empire slowly, having to halt it for Crystal when she was born before getting all his pieces into play." Gun explained before handing her," Of course, the fucker won't just leave. He'll continue running everything, just behind his successor until his final dying breath. He made that fact clear after destroying those officers a few years back."
" So is he looking for one in the wild or..?" [Name] questioned before earning a hearty laugh from Gun," What? It's a serious question."
Gun went through his fit of uncharacteristic laughter as he physically held onto his stomach.
" Okay, you're literally being so overdramatic, my question wasn't even that funny."
" I know, it's just I find it hilarious you'd think he'd find someone new." Gun stated before lowering his tone," The big guy himself said he was thinking closer, like family wise."
" Crystal?!" [Name] questioned making Gun sigh out.
" Technically. She'll be taking the business side but Charles wants someone to take over the more, illegal things." Gun says," Charles is basically a Mafia leader, the reason why I want my successor to make the four crews unite is to help strengthen that title."
" How is he a mafia leader though? The crews and gangs he collects from don't follow orders from him, only pay." [Name] says confused," Oh, wait! If your successor unites them then Charles' successor will have control over a while city!"
" Exactly, look at you. Such a smart cookie." Gun teased before continuing on with her moment of eureka," Now, who else is related to Charles that already knows everything, is close with the gangs already, and would probably make the most kick ass Mafia leader?"
It genuinely took [Name] a moment but once she realized who he was talking about her eyes widened," Hold on... Where did you hear that from?"
" If I wasn't supposed to tell you in general why would I be able to say my sources?"

[Name] groaned from the secrecy but dealt with it as she put her phone away and continued to eat with Gun until they finished their ramen bowls. Of course Gun had to leave with his mango mochi that he got from the restaurant every time they went. The little desert was crack to Gun, as much as he refused to admit it.

When the girl had arrived home she was expecting to be able to walk into bed to sleep but much to her dismay someone she knew was in her living room using as many of her utilities as possible.

" You know, when someone breaks into an expensive apartment they'd typically steal shit." [Name] spoke, making the male on her couch look up at her and roll his eyes.
" You have nothing I want. Your wifi and computer are shit."

The child sized male looked back at [Name] with a bratty look, making her roll her eyes and sigh out. The male was Kouji, one of the adoptive children of Charles. Kouji clearly revolved around technology, Charles grew him into one of the most intelligent people in Korea- maybe even in the world. He glared daggers at the tired woman, upset over things he chose specifically for her.

" That means a lot coming from you. Rich too seeing as how you chose every electronic in my home." [Name] says before going into her fridge to pull out milk," Why are you even here?"
" I think one of Gun's successors is doing illegal things." Kouji says plainly while typing on his computer, making the girl nod along and ruffle his hair," Yah! Just 'cuz you look like shit doesn't mean I do too!"
" Yeah yeah, insult me all you want, at least I don't look like you." The girl said, opening her milk carton as she walked into her room.

A yell was directed towards the girl as she walked into the space known as her own before situating herself before going into her warm, comfortable bed.


Yui Kim was known in Jae high as the top streamer on Paprika TV, a live streaming site that [Name] had experienced a few times due to Kouji, DG, and others in her life. Now typically, [Name] strayed away from using the site but it continuously made way into her life. Especially now that she was in an officially debuted group who needed a way to connect with fans.

The streams on Paprika TV started becoming more known to Jae High after the festival, mainly being Duke's rap room. A stream both little Daniel and Duke decided to do together with a bit of help from [Name] and her two bandmates who seemed to love Duke and his talents more than anyone in the world.

Vernon and Felix preferred to stay off the camera and offered some help technically and musically when Duke became confused- especially with little Daniel kept asking questions with no stop.

" How's that? Is it connected? Is it all done?" Daniel asked, practically hovering over Vernon and Felix who hooked up the webcam to Duke's computer.

Duke of course understood how technology didn't always work the first try so with a focused reply from the male Daniel received a 'maybe' as he told Vernon the connection symbol wasn't on his computer.

It took ten minutes into little Daniel's time before work for the four tech-savvy teens to complete the task of hooking up a camera, mic, and account through Paprika TV to the computer. Of course, they tried to be quick with it in hopes to show Duke's talents to the world- with the fact Daniel had work soon also fueling them. So when it finally worked Duke made a cry of happiness.

" My broadcast is set up! Will people come watch?" Duke questioned as he went live, his active amount of viewers being labelled as 'new' while the person under him has 5,860 viewers.
" You put the words 'rap room' in the title, of course people will join. Now, no offense, this is just from being in the music industry, but they may leave as soon as they come or show automatic hate." [Name] says, recalling what happened when the boys forced her onto the stream and the flood of comments," But you'll peak interest and people will most likely speak about it and slowly the number of haters and fans should even out."

Duke had only absent-mindedly nodded to the woman as him and Daniel sat in front of the camera rather flustered and stiffly. Felix automatically called their posture into account due to a rap room being more free and loose- the opposite of what the other two were doing.

The three in the room off camera pulled up the stream and watched the comments go by, watching as the comments made piggy jokes amongst each other. It took everything in [Name] to not let her explode in anger and that was obvious to Vernon and Felix as they wrapped their arms in between her elbows incase she tried to run forward but much to their surprise [Name] was able to keep her cool.

" Why don't you too play some music? I can hook up to your bluetooth?" [Name] offered, making Duke nod stiffly.

[Name] walked over to Duke, showing her music app's bluetooth to the male as they worked on getting music to play. After a moment Drunken Tiger was playing through the speakers and [Name] whispered advice to Duke- mainly just to loosen up and introduce himself. When she walked back between the two men they smiled at her while Duke introduced himself and who the girl was.

The broadcast had ended in harsh results for Duke and Daniel when Duke finally decided to turn off the stream so Daniel could head to work.

" Let's stop for now. I got 50 balloons. Must've been making fun of me.. fourty of those balloons was to get [Name] back on stream..."
" Balloons? What are those?"
" A balloon is worth 100 won." Felix states," Fans give it to make their message known to broadcasters without having to search through and read it in the comments. But sometimes it can be used to target a broadcaster."
" What?! They're worth money?!" Daniel yelped.
" You realize we live in a capitalist country, right?" Vernon questioned, earning [Name] to cut in.
" Actually, Korea's a mix between capitalism, socialism, and communism. Not entirely capitalist." [Name] said," Socialism is more persistent in our capitalism."

Duke was the one to shift the conversation to less intellectual topics that the two could have ranted off on," If you collect 1,000, you can exchange them for money with a 40% fee. I'm not interested in balloons but the top streamers earn major cash. They also only have to pay a 30% fee."
" But in idol's cases they don't pay any interest, that's mainly thanks to me being a shareholder of Paprika TV thanks to my adoptive father." [Name] says, making the two behind her nod.

" Jiho said there's a top streamer in the fashion dept." Duke claims," Besides [Name] of course but that was expected seeing as she just debuted."
" Really? When he's at the store I'll have to ask him."


" Daniel~" A tall girl with long black hair and an unreasonably short skirt walked up to the tall man, clearly trying to flirt with him. The tall girl was Yui Kim, and she was standing at his desk trying to show off her fronter assets seeing as on the back she was as flat as a board," I loved your performance. The song was really great~"
" Huh?"

Not only had the girl complimented Daniel she also gave him a Gucchi wallet that she thought would 'suit him'. Of course, not realizing the boy's background he declined it knowing it was expensive as hell.

It was half way into the class period when [Name] barged into the classroom, clearly disheveled as she wore work out styled clothes rather than her usual expensive price tag. On top of that the girl was clearly sweaty as she spoke with the teacher as to why she was late. Of course, rather than let her change into something less smelly the teacher told her to sit and wait until lunch to change and wash herself in the locker room.

So as she was talking down the aisle to sit besides Jay she slapped Zack's sleeping head as he sat up with a loud yell that instantly disrupted the class and in turn shifted Daniel's attention to the once sleeping man who blamed him for waking him.

By the time class had ended [Name] was clean and dressed in some new expensive get up that the class wasn't even sure if she could actually afford or wear in school seeing as how the school would prefer students in uniform on campus.

That statement though didn't matter right now, especially while Zoe practically yelled in the room to her friends," Girls~ Shall we go to do karaoke?"
" Sure! Why not?"
" Big bang's new single is banging~"
" [Name]'s new song and her band's debut song was pretty fire."

" The only way you can get me to a karaoke room in this day and age is by paying me, Zoe." [Name] stated while going through her phone," I practice all day long, I'm not doing that shit for free anymore."
Zoe giggled at [Name] who instantly teased her," Is that why you came all sweaty this morning? Poor [Name] can never get a break."
" I don't think you understand that the statement you just said was literally the story of my life."

" I'm not into singing..." Yui says, her eyes a bit puppy dog like to get others to agree with her," I wanna go shopping."
" Oh? Yeah? Okay~ ...Let's go!"
" O..okay, Yui! I prefer shopping."
" OKay! Coffee is on me~"

While Zoe froze from the room's change of decision [Name] looked over at her slowly growing onto her friend," If you really want to go do Karaoke we can do it a different night? My band is free next week, as long as you don't go whore mode we're chill. Plus, I'll take free coffee any day of the week."
Zoe gave [Name] a soft thankful smile as she agreed, joining the girls on their trip to the shopping district that was bustling with people.

It took a five minute conversation before [Name] convinced the girls to get coffee last, and in those five minutes the girls wandered into stores and looked at anything in them from accessories to clothing. In Zoe's case, a cute blue wallet with a little girl in a blue dress like Alice from Alice in Wonderland and a stuffed white rabbit in her arms.

" Guys.. should I buy this pouch? It's so cute!" Zoe smiled and showed off to the girls, trying to get opinions while [Name] smiled softly at Zoe's joy.
" It's so cute, the design kinda looks like you." [Name] hummed while ruffling Zoe's hair who instantly whined at the girl for messing with.

There was a bit of silence from the two girls following Yui, glancing over at the girl who instantly brought her puppy look back just to talk about the pouch," Goodness. It's kinda ugly. It doesn't really suit you."
" Yeah... Yui is right."
" Look for something else~"
" Really?" Zoe asked sullenly, sliding the pouch back as the girls turned their attention to another thing.

[Name] on the other hand grabbed Zoe's wrist before she could put the pouch back," Don't listen to them. If you like it, you like it. Even if it doesn't 'suit you'. If it makes you happy and feel cuter then get it."

Zoe in turn smiled to [Name], claiming it was fine before dropping it back in the basket. Once Zoe had walked away though a hand had grabbed the pouch and bought it themselves.

" Hey, do you think we can stop here?" [Name] asked, pointing to a store across the street with the words "BIRD SPACE" written on the building," I can go in and out if you guys think you'll be here longer."
" No! Let's all go in!"
" Yeah! What do they sell though?"
" Is it cute?"
" Sure... cute is the word." [Name] said before pulling out her phone and texting her bandmates for some information.
" We'll head over when we're done!"

While the four girls went through the store [Name]'s attention was on her phone, specifically seeing that she was getting a call from San. She exited the store with a 'I'll be outside' before answering the call," Yo, is this about my text in the chat?"
" Yeah, where are you going? Like that you need to know the info."
" I'm outside of a shop called Bird Space and I wanted to get us all matching shirts or something. I asked for color options to see what everyone would want as a first choice." [Name] says, looking up at the building before her
" Aww look at our maknae thinking about her Oppas and being closer to them." San teased with a baby voice.
" I'll remember what you just said when I walk into the store." [Name] rolled her eyes while watching people walk by and stare at her.
" Nooo come on~ Play nice. We're all relatively the same size so I'll tell you mine and you can go play dress up. Alright? Most of the guys are okay with white and black, and don't go blowing a ton of cash on us. We'd be fine in rags." San said trying to make [Name] get him a shirt too
" Really?" She raised her eyebrow at the info.
" Fuck no bitch, get us some riches. Get medium to large, you're coming soon right?"
[Name] laughed at his words before replying," Yeah, when I'm with some classmates shopping so I'll be at the dorms in like an hour or two, give or take. I'm with women, they'll make sure to touch every article of clothing before they leave the shop."
" They can't be that bad." San tried to make the girl not think the way she was.
" Two of them listen to this fake ass bitch like she's the prophet. The other girl is fine, I can stand her but the other three are cunts."
" You always complain though, makes you sound like a fake pansexual." San stated.
" I think you forgot the fact you thought I physically fucked pans when I told that to you." [Name] reminded him who instantly tried to turn the conversation somewhere else.
" Yeah yeah, whatever. We'll see you later- oh wait Dokyeom and Jaemin are here. They want to say something." San says, the door opening behind him audible through the phone.
" What do my sweet Dokyeom and Jaemin want to say?" [Name] joked before having her ear blown out
" [NAME]! WE MISS YOU! COME BACK! YOU RAN OUT OF PRACTICE THIS MORNING AND LEFT US TO DIE WITH HOSEOK!" Dokyeom's voice screamed into the phone, making [Name] cringe.
" Please, calm down. I'll be home soon with a surprise to show you how bad I feel, but Hoseok wanted to keep me there until tonight, I rather get a tardy then an absence."
" We understand that but he worked us until we dropped, he's so serious for no reason." Jaemin spoke through the phone, clearly fighting with Dokyeom for custody of the phone while San yells worried for the electronic device.
" OUR PRECIOUS [NAME], COME BACK SOO-" Dokyeom's scream was interrupted as the phone was yanked from his hand," Please don't leave me with him, you're the only other young person here in this group of grandpas."

Instantly yells were on the other side of the phone from the two older men, making [Name] giggle before watching the girls come out of the store. Yui came out first, two bags being held on on her right elbow as she looked at [Name].
" Ready to go?"

[Name] looked back and nodded before speaking into the phone again," I gotta go, see you when I get there." With a final goodbye she hung up the phone before noticing the looks the girls were giving her," What?"
" Who were you on the phone with?"
" Was it your boyfriend?"
" Yeah! Tell us [Name]!" Yui pressed, making [Name] grimace.

" Please, I would never date them. We're colleagues. On top of that PTJ has a no dating agreement for the first year and a half of debuting. I was lucky enough to have that contract start when I was still a trainee. I have a month or so left on the agreement." [Name] says, pocketing her phone as she led the women to the store across the street," Plus, what makes you assume I only go for men?"

The question left the group silent, completely ignoring that she mentioned she was a trainee once as they realizing the meaning behind it as they all blushed embarrassed at how she was willing to just spill that information. But [Name] ignored the group and walked over to the men's section to find some shirt design her and the band could get together.

The four girls looked around the shop, trying to find something they deemed cute but the girls were shocked to find the price tags of the nicer outfits being so high and the styling was mainly unisex- something not their style. But when they witnessed [Name] pick up clothes easily they actually went looking through the clothes- though it was more like pretending to be into the clothes.

[Name] made her way to the women's section after ten minutes, holding a basket to walk around with the clothes she had chosen from the men's section.

" Ooh~ [Name]! What do you have?" Yui questioned, trying to act cute to [Name] who 'unintentionally' didn't hear her and turn to Zoe, showing off a white shirt with the words 'Last Days' written in black where the shoulderblades would be along with a bit written down the back in smaller black text.
" What do you think about this?" [Name] questioned, showing Zoe the white and black version of the shirts as she 'oohed'.
" Are they for your bandmates? I like the black version the best but it my not go with some of their style like that one guy... I think he had Silver hair?" Zoe says, trying to visualize his hair style with her hands which made [Name] burst out laughing," YA! Don't laugh! I don't know his name!"

Yui stood frozen in shock she was ignored, especially someone also attracted to women. She watched as the two girls thought over the clothes for her members, deciding on the tee she brought over before showing off a white San Francisco hoodie that she lined up to her body to show off for herself. Seeing the opportunity to insert herself in Yui tried to look cute," Are you going to buy that? It's so cute!"

It was quiet for a moment before a smirk played onto [Name]'s lips as she looked at Yui," So cute that you'd start falling for me?"
The words rendered Yui to a flustered, blushing mess as [Name] walked over to the unisex section to get some more clothes with Zoe.

When [Name] finally decided she was done she ended up buying two pairs of pants, two hoodies, eight tees, and two button up shirts. The other girls deciding they wanted to get their coffee and leave by the time [Name] got her four shopping bags.

Yui, as she said she would, payed for the drinks for the four girls. But she didn't expect [Name] to buy coffee separately also, let alone 9 different kinds she had to read from her phone.

" So why so much coffee [Name]? Are you an insomniac or something?" Yui tried joking as her goons spoke after her.
" Yeah! Why nine different kinds too?"
" They're gonna get cold if you save them!"
" I'm literally an insomniac." [Name] spoke blandly," But they're not for me. After I leave here I'm going to work. My manager wants us to live stream together before we start our individual streams."
" Us?"
" Manager?"

" [Name]'s an idol. She and her group performed before and after Daniel." Zoe said, boasting for [Name] who inturned coughed out," And Duke."
" Wah! Really?!"
" So all those guys are in a band with you?"

Yui noticed the attention going to [Name] rather than her so she quickly tried to turn the conversation," Look! Coffee's done!"


Zoe and [Name] parted ways from Yui after they left the cafe. Zoe kept going on and on about 'needing' to walk [Name] to work to help her with the coffee but Zoe was stopped when a black tinted car pulled up beside them. The ravenette's fight or flight instincts kicked in almost instantly as she almost dropped the coffee to pull [Name] away so she wouldn't get kidnapped, though [Name] didn't budge like she didn't even feel Zoe pulling on her arm.

The window rolled down and the sight scared Zoe even more. A thug looking man with sunglasses and gelled back hair was sitting in the driver's seat but [Name] looked excited to see the male as [Name] spoke to him like he was a close friend. The theory was only proved when [Name] said," I got you coffee, but I didn't think you'd show up because I did."
" Yeah, my telepathy smelled it." The man said sarcastically before stating," I have a tracker on you idiot"
" Fucking Charles."

" Um, [Name]?" Zoe finally called out behind the girl, making both of the conversing people turn to her," You know him?"
" Who him?" [Name] questioned while pointing to Gun who looked confused at the sight of the girl," He's kind of like my adoptive brother. Though he acts more like an overprotective boyfriend."
Instantly Gun cut in," Don't tell people that, retard. They'll think we have a step-bro, step-sis relationship."
" What's wrong with that?" [Name] questioned," Not like we're actually related."
" Just shut the fuck up."
" So..!" Zoe's voice caught their attention again as they started to bicker," Is he taking you... or?"
" Oh! I don't know- are you?" [Name] asks while looking at the ravenette in the car.
" Yeah, you got me coffee after all." Gun says before unlocking the doors," Do I have to drive your friend home?"
Instantly the attention was back on Zoe who flourished and instantly refused countlessly as [Name] giggled at her embarrassment.
" Nah, she was just helping me take the coffee to PTJ. You caught us before we could fully leave the shopping district." [Name] says, making Zoe sigh out thankfully as [Name] took the coffee container from her hands to hand to Gun who easily identified his disgustingly hot, black coffee.

Once the coffee made it's way into the car securely [Name] turned to Zoe with a small plastic shopping bag, handing it to Zoe as she sighed out a bit," I got it when we went to that one shop across from Bird Space. I know we didn't get off on the right foot when we first started conversing but I don't take back the comment of you being sleazy... or a whore... or a slut... or-"
" Is this going to be insults or an actually nice conversation?"
" Let me get there woman, jheeze. Whatever-" [Name] skipped over the other comments but continued on," I hope this can be a sign of a blooming, growing- whatever you want to call it- friendship."

With a thinned-lipped smile [Name] handed Zoe the bag who looked inside and almost teared up at the gift, making her press her tits into [Name] to hug her. The whole hug she yelled out things like, "I knew you weren't mean!" and "You're so sweet in your own way!" [Name] awkwardly hugged the girl back, patting her back as Gun laughed like a mad man over how awkward [Name] was from a hug from another female- especially when she had came out to him only a week prior.

" I'll see you tomorrow!" Zoe yelled out once [Name] was situated in the car with the two coffee holders sitting on her lap.
" See ya!" [Name] replied as Gun shut the windows and drove off to PTJ.

The moment the car was quiet Gun turned to [Name] and wiggled his eyebrows while smirking," So Zoe?"
When she realized what he was implying she immediately blew up with blush as she physically had to cover her face with her hands and let out a flustered yelp," Shut up! You don't understand you- you ace- thing!"
" One, who said I was ace?" Gun questioned," Two, I didn't expect your ability to insult me would have been affected like this- should I tease you more?"
"One more word and I'll cut out your tongue."
" And she's back."


I fell into a rabbit-hole known as Sangwook Pyeon fanfictions and miraculously became a god tier preplanner overnight when I finally decided I need to write the whole plot out for my original story Mad Dog.

How'd you like the chapter? Do you want to see a blurb chapter to show [Name]'s thug life, idol life, or childhood with Charles? I'd use it only when it wouldn't spoil the character's background story ofc.

Also if anyone knows good Sangwook Pyeon fanfics that are done or like Sweet Home themed at all, please share. Feed a sister the good kush.

On the note of Kush, marijuana episode?

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