Brass Knuckles (Lookism x rea...

By kpop_trash_boiii

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After a rough year of 7th grade [Name] Choi is sent to Korea to live with her Uncle and Cousin after countles... More

Lookism scenarios๏ฟผ
Not an update


961 54 2
By kpop_trash_boiii

Q&A is being written, go ask questions on the last chapter!
Same rules apply to text and language

Also thank you for 50 views!!

Location: J high

Time: 0936

It was Thursday, the day after Daniel came to school in the most expensive drip that Jay had given him.

Lunch had rolled around faster than most could anticipated and now [Name] was walking with Daniel and Jiho to their table.

" Ooh!"
" There's Daniel and [Name]!"

The two good looking students caught glimpse of a beat down between one of the lower leveled students and one of a higher level. The lower level student and high level student? Vin Jin and his classmate Duke Pyeon. They were both students in the Music and Vocal Department and to Vin Jin? Duke was a bug.

To most Little Daniel, Jiho, and Duke were destined to be at the bottom of the food chain- though [Name] would attempt to fight that destiny any day.

" That's Duke from the Vocal Department." Jiho commented as the male held trays of food for Vin Jin," I was just like him before I started eating with you two.. those bastards..."

" Hey Jiho?"

The short male in question turned to Daniel who spoke with a smile," Do you know him? Invite him over."

Jiho wasn't given much of a choice though as [Name] made her way to Duke first, making the shorter man follow after her to ask him to sit with them.

They officially because the oddest table in the cafeteria that way. Though it only caused positive rumors for the two of them.

" They're really nice."
" They take care of the weak."
" Great people."

[Name] turned to ask Duke something, right as she opened her mouth a metal cup came flying towards them at Duke that bounced off the table.

The person who threw it identified themself openly to the woman and man at the table.

" Hey, Duke."

Vin Jin leaned back in his mental chair leg crossed over the other as he was decked out in his PPP outfit," Get me some water."

But he didn't stop there, he continued to speak to the two gorgeous students next to the other two," So you're the transfer and [Name]. You're Handsome and Gorgeous, I like that. You want a cigarette? Let's go smoke. Although, I'm a bit hotter than you."

The two students glared over- well [Name] was. Daniel looked intimidatingly scared like always.

" Do you have a problem with me? What's with that look?"

" Don't you have two perfectly good legs of your own?" The girl questioned to him, looking up at him," I've met people with broken limbs able to get water for themselves."

Zack instantly butted in, adding onto [Name]'s comment," Get it yourself. Is your hand broken or some shit?"

" Wow? What's up with Zack these days?"
" He's not bullying anyone lately."

" You want to get fucking messed up?" Vin smirked threateningly as his goons came up behind him," Cheeky buggers."

" Can't you see anything with those glasses on?" Zack spoke, standing up as his own goons came up behind him," I bet you like stealing honey butter chips."

" Wow! They're gonna fight."
" Fashion and vocal..."
" Hey! It's Zack Lee and Vin Jin."

" Hey." Another voice interfered with the argument, finding Vasco standing with the Architecture Department men that consisted of his right hand men," Black Glasses. Pick up your cup."

" Vasco! Wow!"
" I heard he fought and then had to rest!"
" Did he fight hundreds of guys?"

" ..You can put your cup in the sink."
" What? Are you all trying to start something? Mind your own Business." Vin Jin growled at the man who slowly turned into a fighting position with Jace and his other right hand man behind him.

" Didn't your mom tell you not to throw things on the floor?" Vasco glared before the [Name] found herself standing.
" What? Get lost!"

[Name] smirked at the man who was slowly loosing his cool," What? You're not going to fight us, pussy?"
" The fuck you said bitch?"

" You haven't even been fully put through the trainee process at OK Entertainment and you want to get in a fight this early on?" [Name] laughed mockingly as the man in sunglasses became more angry," They'll terminate your contract the second they hear of your partaking in a fight. And I can guarantee they'll drop you before you can even practice in the studio with them."

The man thought over the words and hissed out, kicking trays of food before walking out. A colorful array of words leaving his lips as [Name] sat back down.

" No fight?"
" Why'd he just leave?"
" Too bad."
" Must have been scared."

Then after the fight girls crowded around Daniel and asked him about the festival. The mention reminded [Name] instantly what she was going to say to Duke," Oh yeah! Hey Duke?"

The male turned to the girl, expecting her to become disgusted that he locked eyes with hers but instead he watched her smile at the male geniunely," Because the festival is coming up I was wondering if you could write me a song to perform, if you're cool with it of course! I'll give credit and everything, I would just want to meet up to decide the notes and music composition of course. I would write my own song but I've been pretty busy lately doing other things."

" Really? You want me to write it? And you'll credit me?" Duke asked, shocked at the female.

" Yep! I wanted to perform something but as of late I've been a bit busy with other things to be able to write anything. I have my computer with the beginning of the song if you're interested in hearing it, most of the composition itself is done. I just need help lyrically." The girl spoke, making the male even more shocked that she knew what she was doing partially.

" You have the composition almost done?" Duke questioned before shaking off what she said," Um sure, do you want to come to my house after school?"
" Yeah! Sure. I'll wait for you at the gate then."

With that the girl went and threw out her garbage, going outside to smoke her electronic cigarette.


What [Name] hadn't expected when she got to Duke's home was Daniel joining them. What she also hadn't expected was the facts that Daniel dropped the moment they entered the house.

" Why are the lights on in the day? You'll have to pay more taxes."
" Collect water and use it for laundry!"
" First use a tissue to wash oily dishes, not water!"
" Put a brick in your toilet tank!"
" Do your dishes with the rice cleaning water!"

It wasn't until Daniel realized he was a bit out of pocket for a moment," S-sorry."

" Do you want to hear this? It's a song I wrote.." Duke spoke to move the conversation, clicking on his computer.
" Wow! You write songs?"
" I.. it's for the festival."

Soon the beat was bumping through the speakers, playing the beat and lyrics Duke wrote as [Name]'s head bumped with the music," How is it?"

" It's really good!" Daniel complemented,

" It's still in the Early stages so it may be not good enough. After improving and mastering, it'll be a lot better so don't worry." Duke flushed at the compliment as [Name] nodded on.

" It's very good for an unfinished draft, you need to add a Melody and maybe a bit more lyrics would help."

Duke nodded on and got shy as he spoke to Daniel," You get started on the melody then. You have a lot of appeal so it'll work well. If I start first, I don't want you to sound weak, because my tone is a bit strong."
" Okay.." It was clear Daniel hadn't had a clue as to what Duke was saying.
" You'll sing this melody at first. The beginning is important." Duke spoke as he wrote the lyrics quickly.

So with Daniel on his way to try and learn the lyrics Duke turned to [Name] who had her computer pulled out.

" Alright, so play to me what you got." Duke spoke out, sitting next to the girl as she played from the files of drafts- this one labeled 'performance'.

The song came out the computer rather loudly, though it just made the experience of listening better as the orchestra played out for them depressing like. The effect only added onto by an instrument that sounded like falling rain on the listener. Then, right as the orchestra ended the sound of thunder came as the beat changed to into whistling with a drum and electronic beat, at times the sound of a picture being taken on an old camera sounded. Then the sound of lighting a match that was supposed to be where the lyrics were.

Duke was in awe by how beautiful the music sounded together, how the slight sounds added to the song's instrumentals while he tried to think," How about a romantic song? I couldn't help but think of the words 'so beautiful' listening to it."

The girl nodded on, thinking about it," If we put 'so beautiful' in it I'd prefer a build up to the words and have it be said delicately. Like... Pardon me-" she cleared her throat and thought of how to sing it," So beautiful~" She song the word beautiful longer, dragging out the word delicately as Duke and Daniel watched her in awe.

" What?"
" Where did you learn English? And how to sing?" Duke questioned while [Name] scratched the back of her neck.

" Well I was born in America and I'm kind of under a label." [Name] admitted," I don't know why no one knows really... That's why I knew Vin Jin would get kicked out. Trainees aren't allowed to get into fights."

" That's so cool!" Daniel called out, making the girl giggle and nod on.
" Thanks."

" Let's write this soon then!" Duke spoke, making the girl nod as they wrote the lyrics together.

By the time the three had finished the sun was setting. Daniel, Duke, and [Name] were beginning to walk off to go home while Daniel coughed from singing so much.

" Does your throat hurt? You can't practice too long because of your vocal cords." Duke spoke, getting worried instantly," Take care of your voice or you'll lose it."

[Name] on the other hand waved off Duke's anxiety as she smiled," I have a special drink blend I drink when I have to practice a lot so I can give you some? It soothes your throat and loosens your vocal cords."
" Sure, that'd help a lot."

" Oh Duke." An elderly voice called out, making the three look over.

A woman stood at a stand, cooking food clearly to sell as the smiled- showing off her missing tooth," Our Dukey has so many friends. You two should eat something."

" Grandma!" Duke called out as the woman started coughing," You should stay home.. you're sick."

" ...Grandma." Daniel spoke politely to the elder woman," We already ate. Thanks for thinking of us, even though you have a business to run."

[Name] smiled on that note before walking up to the lady and bowing," Hello, I just met Duke today so I don't think you can consider us friends really but I hope to call him that sometime soon. I would like some but due to me an Duke being more of acquaintances I would prefer to pay you for your services. Morally, I would feel better paying for food." So the girl went through her bag and pulled out her wallet," Can I order 10 fried snacks? I have work late tonight and I want to be able to give some to my coworkers too."

Slowly the elder nodded, finding it hard to say no to the beautiful girl as she handed the older lady two 50,000 won bills. But before she could say something against the amount she spoke again," Duke is very talented and helpful, I want to be able to pay back my gratitude for helping me and for you to help raise someone so nice."

Reluctantly the woman took it and packed up the food for her, allowing [Name] to eat one of the fried snacks now. Once they couldn't see the lady anymore, [Name] handed Daniel one," It's been a while since I had fried food like this, it's so good!"


" Ya! Duke? You home?" [Name] knocked on the door while standing next to her bandmate Vernon who was probably in the drippiest outfit yet. He looked like a walking stoner but it was clear he had never touched drugs in his life- he was already high on living.

The girl stood with the man for a moment as she scratched her head before turning to the male," Guess he's not home?"

" Why did we come in the first place?" Vernon asked, looking up the street.

" Because Duke wrote the song I'm performing and I wanted to show him the final product." The girl spoke as she turned to her bandmate," Why? This reminds you of New York too much? I can bring you somewhere crawling with gangsters- this ain't shit."

Vernon rolled his eyes at the girl but watched as the door opened to reveal the short, heavy man. This surprised Vernon as he bowed politely," Oh! Hello."

Duke looked up at the two confused, but the moment he saw the girl he understood," Oh! [Name] did you finish the song? I mean I know it was mostly done to begin with but-"
" Yeah, I wanted to show it to you before me and my Choreographer go over it tomorrow. Oh and I thought you and Vernon would get along. You both being god lyricists and rappers."

Vernon was shocked for a moment but shook it off as Duke welcomed them in, bringing them to his office studio.

" I didn't see you at school?"
" Ah, I stayed at work overnight. They have dorms for us to sleep in but we don't actually use them."
" Wow, PTJ thinks about you guys a lot!"
" Sure, we'll say that."

[Name] took out her computer and started playing the song from the true beginning, Duke's eyes widening at the start while waiting for the actual lyrics to come. When they did play he was shocked, she completed this in 12 hours?

" So? What do you think?" [Name] smiled cheekily before pointing to Vernon," He helped me with changing the language to be as close as possible. He changed a few bits of the song also, like with pre-chorus and the vocalizations."

" Yeah I preferred 'Funky love story' over the original part. I also found a little music break was called for." Vernon boasted, looking over at Duke who was completely enchanted by Vernon's lyrical talents in English.

" Do you think you can help me out with this rap then? I thought utilizing English would be cool but I don't really take it.."
" For sure! Play that shit on blast!"


Friday rolled around faster than anyone anticipated- that mainly because the group was practicing every day. Well, [Name] was.

The boys joined for moral support every day of hard cardio she did with the choreographer. From this though, the members became closer faster than anticipated. They also became close with DG without even trying due to the man popping in at random.

So when the time they could relax came they jumped at the opportunity. [Name] brought the boys to the festival a bit early for their performance, telling them all to stay close to her so no one got lost.

There was club music playing from the back of a pickup truck, a man known as DJ Roofy playing on his turn table on the back of the truck. The male was a senior from the practical music Department who managed to make a big name for him in the club industry. The driver of the van was a friend of his, DJ Chatty. A girl who graduated the year prior.


A crowd quickly formed around the truck to dance to the music, hoping to get their chance to get a hello from the male in the crowd.

[Name] and the boys however continued into the festivals, finding the Photograph Department's stand quickly by the smell.

" Buy one get one?" [Name] questiones, looking at the senior on staff.
" Oh! It means one order equals one photo!"

The Senior was about to attempt to flirt with the girl but he noticed the group of men behind her. Everyone who walked past could see their beauty so the sight of them instantly made him bite his tongue," Buying 8 snacks? We can take a single photo and print out multiple copies?"

[Name] looked back at the group before nodding on at the idea, the man requesting for the cash as Taeyong payed- saying it was his duty to do it as the unofficial leader. Of course, little did the man know they all voted him to be the leader anyways due to his motherly instinct.

" Eomma-Taeyongie, you're too sweet to us!" [Name] teased as the boys behind her chuckle along.
" The only reason why I put up with that is because you're a freshman." Taeyong sighed, pinching her cheek as she whined.

Once everyone got their snack the senior [Name] spoke to previously caught their attention," Ah! Everyone look here and smile!"

The group took a moment but once they were all smiling they were blinded by the light's flash as they uploaded the photos," You go to school here right?"
" Yeah, why?" [Name] questioned as she looked at the male.
" Can I give them to you at the end of the festival then?"
" Yeah! Of course! I'll be back!"

While the group walked away eating, they found Zack's 'stand'. The male was so desperate to not do the slave auction he decided to make his own stand. Which was just him dodging fists left and right.

" You know this guy?" Jaemin asked, looking at Zack in his boxing gear.
" Sadly."

The eight of them watched someone give Zack a 5,000 won bill to participate.
" So... What is the stand?" San asked, tilting his head," What is he doing?"

" Well we have this thing called a Slave Auction. Basically a male student from each of the departments is chosen to be auctioned off." [Name] explained.
" So basically they're paying for a date because they can't ask for one themselves?" Seungkwan asked, earning a hit to the head from Taeyong.
" Some people are shy and nervous! Don't look down on others." Taeyong scolded.

Reluctantly Seungkwan dropped it, not without rolling his eyes.
" How long does he do this for?" Dokyeom asks as they watched the other participant enter the ring.
" A minute, he just can't get hit." [Name] claimed," He wouldn't last a minute against me."

" Oh yeah? Go do it then." Felix laughed at her, to which she scoffed at.
" If you pay."
" Yah, you're not making me loose my cash!" The Australian countered.
" If I win I get double, and I'll give you the other 5,000. Deal?"

Felix thought it over for a second before nodding on and fishing a bill out of his pocket while time was called.

[Name] waved the boys over to meet Zack, who saw [Name] and put out his gloved fist for a fist bump which the girl returned.

" If you're coming to try and beat me, at least put on a glove, my jaw hurts when I move it sometimes because of your cheap shot." Zack said before noticing the men behind her," What video does this remind me of.."

" Oh get your mind out of the gutter Muhammad!" [Name] scolded before turning to the boys," Guys, this is my classmate Zack Lee. Our Ace Boxer. Though.. you kind of lost that title haven't you?"

" Aish-" Zack cursed before growling," Shut the fuck up before I smack you the fuck up."

" Bitch, I haven't even fucking payed you yet, slow down." [Name] sighed before introducing Zack," Zack, these are by bandmates Felix, Seungkwan, Taeyong, Vernon, Dokyeom, San, and Jaemin. We're going to be performing later."

" How can you stand this bitch?" Was the first thing Zack asked as [Name] put the cash down," I really thought you were a talentless waste."

" How about you, shut the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up." [Name] said," I haven't put my gloves on yet, you're pushing it."

Her group chuckled and cheered a bit as [Name] wrapped the glove around her hand, punching them together to test if they felt right. When Zack met her eyes, she could feel the humiliation building behind his eyes. He knew the out come and he was willing to spare 10 dollars just so people could think they'd win.

" Wanna see a straight?" [Name] questioned, doing the motion before his eyes just far enough it could touch his face," Or wanna see a left-hook?" [Name] moved back from the position, showing him the motion for it too as he flinched back but she stop it where he previously was, " Relax, the timer hasn't even started."

The man blinked, it was true no one was keeping time and he nodded, relaxing a little," How about a move like the one you used on me?"
" Muay Thai? Really? I'm surprised. Alright then. Treat this like a real fight then." [Name] spoke, hopping on her shoes as she cracked her back.

" Start the timer... Now!"

[Name] went for a straight, Zack easily dodging it as she went into her next move almost instantly, surprising the man by using a back fist punch hard enough for him to yell out from it.

[Name] laughed as Zack grumbled, pulling out the 5,000 from his pocket and dropping it next to the other 5,000," Such a fucking cunt, you know that?"

" I'm well aware, that's why Mira likes me more." [Name] smiled as she took off the gloves before grabbing the cash.

" I'd make sure you don't have a concussion." [Name] spoke before going to the group who cheered her.

" Holy shit I didn't think you'd actually do it. Great fucking job." Vernon laughed, watching as Felix took his cash.

" What can I say, the great Zack Lee can't stand up to me."

" Yeah yeah, go away. You're ruining buisness."

The group laughed amongst themselves as they went through the festival more. They saw the beauty department's stand, the man Eli Jang stood asking customers to come over. It was known by the people who didn't view him just by looks that he wasn't actually very good at cutting hair at times. That was proven when the woman who got her hair cut by Eli calling her out from the crowd came out with her bangs looking like an absolute train wreck.

What was even worse was the amount of girls not having any customers due to people going only for Eli.

The group liked the baking department's stand more, but they wanted pretzels so they could sit and get water for a moment. [Name] agreed to go get the pretzels to let the boys sit," Do not to move and if anyone comes by, tell them... Literally anything to get them to go away. And no Dokyeom, that doesn't include the 'I'm Gay' theory."

The hand went down as fast as possible as the group talked while [Name] went to get the food. When the girl walked up though she didn't expect to find the representatives fighting.

" Ah... Excuse me!" [Name] called out, alerting the two men as they instantly flush at the sight of the girl," Hello, can I get eight pretzels and eight waters?"

The men nodded on, one of them bagging the pretzels as the other one took her money and put it in the register.

They blissfully give her the food as she smiled and bows," Thank you." They bowed back as she walked away, joining the men with the bag of food and waters.

" Yah! Isn't that heavy?" Seungkwan scolded [Name] as she came back, looking over at the male confused.
" But you told me to-"

The male immediately coughed for her silence as he took the bag, making [Name] notice the girls at the table as she bowed to them," Hello?"

[Name] joined them as Seungkwan passed out all the waters and pretzels as the girls leave grumbling insults.

When the girls were far enough away [Name] looked at the men," What did you say to them?"
" You could tell?" Dokyeom questioned.

" Of course I could tell are you joking?" [Name] questioned," Now out with it."
" We told them we were in a polygamous group." Jaemin spoke quietly as the girl almost choked on her food.

" What the fuck-"
" Actually! I don't think they believed us? Even then, people know who we are to you and we can say that they're crazy or some shit." San spoke, trying to make the situation better than what it actually was.

The girl shook her head, trying to forget about it as she drank her water," Never ever say shit like that again."

" Alright." They all said as they began to eat again. Vernon spoke out on a different topic," Hey, is Duke here? I want to introduce Taeyong."

" Wah.. you two are getting close." [Name] spoke, excited for Vernon's friendship," I'm so glad you two are becoming friends."
" I mean, you introduced us. It was bound to happen." Vernon chuckled," I want to help him with his rap, I think Taeyong would like him too and be helpful as well."

" Well I perform first so you can meet with him then." [Name] says while she finishes her pretzel.

Felix collects the trash and throws it out, stretching his legs to walk again with the rest of the group. They made it to the next stand, the guys chuckling at the newly invented stand for the Architecture Department.

" Who are they?" Jaemin asks, chuckling at the sight of them.
" That's our Architecture Department, everyone follows Vasco, he actually helped me get my tattoo. The whole Architecture Department is in a gang known as the Burnt Knuckles." [Name] says," Vasco gets disappointed when girls don't play so they changed their stand last minute."

" You know them?" Taeyong asks, making the girl nod.
Four of the boys from the architecture department sat hunched over with their heads in a wooden hole, showing their heads on other Characters for someone to throw water balloons at.
" Sadly I do again."

" Vasco!" [Name] called out to the man who upon seeing the girl smiled and pulled his head out of the wooden hole.

He jogged over to the girl, his puppy dog smile on as he came over to the girl flushing slightly," Hey [Name], who are these guys?"
" Vasco this is my band." The girl introduced all the boys to each other before she questions," You guys should go back to your original stand quite frankly. If you do and let me go against you, it'll draw them in."

Vasco thought about the idea of no more women coming but he accepted the truth and made them reopen the stand. [Name] and Vasco wrestled, the girl paying the fee as she locked hands with Vasco and won after 5 minutes of pushing their arms back and forth. Her band screamed in shock along with the men who previously lost and immediately went to see if she was genuinely strong or not.


J high was known for three stage events. The first one being the Fashion Department's fashion show. The moment the models came out it was pure chaos.

A wave of laughter had rushed over the crowd as the seniors strutted off the outfits the Sophmores had made.

The first senior was dressed like a bull ring fighter, red cape and everything. The second senior was in a shark costume, dressed like a lifeguard with a shark coming off of his head.

The yelling from backstage was so loud that [Name] could hear it from where her and the boys were standing. They conversated while they waited for the next stage.

" Hello everyone." A man spoke on the stage, making the girls start piling in.

" What's happening?" San asks while the group turned to [Name].
" The Slave Auction is starting. My classmate is in this actually."

" I'm Kwan Kim from the baking department. I'm hosting the show this year. Last year I sold for the highest bid so this year I'm the MC!!"
" For this event girls bet on freshman guys until there is the highest bidder. The winner gets an eight hour date on the day of her choosing. Dates at night are not allowed so forget that!"
" But the girl can't treat the man like her slave! Okay the first slave is Beom Kim from the Practical Music Department!"

" Will you be participating [Name]?" Taeyong asks, making [Name] laugh out," Should I?"

The group chuckled at the question while the numbers were called around them.

" 50,000 won!"
" 60,000 won!"
" 65,000 won!"

" Okay!! Sold for 65,000 won! The second slave! Ho jeong from the baking department!"
" FYI, he will inherit my bread knife!"
" Shut up! Please!"

" 80,000 won!"

" Yes!! Sold for 80,000 won! Okay next! Eli Jang from the beauty department!! Wow! He's good-looking!"

" 50,000!"
" 100,000!"
" 500,000!"

" WOW! 500,000 won! Incredible! Who bid that?"

Then the beauty department fought over Eli, which they payed for Eli with.

" Looks like Beauty department put their money together!! Okay! Next, from the architecture department... Euntae Lee!"

" Oh my god is that Vasco?"
" Holy shit look at his body!"
" His shoulders are huge dude!"

Then his nervousness took over and he looked angry at everyone. It scared the girls in the crowd as [Name] yelled," 50,000!"

The group cheered the girl and laughed while the MC was shocked.
" 50,000 won for Euntae Lee!"

Vasco started crying from happiness on the stage, making Jace physically pull him away.

" OKAY! It's Yoo Nab from the Vocal and Dance Department."

" 50 cents!"
[Name] instantly yelled out," Nah! Make that bitch free, he ain't worth the cash!"
[Name]'s band and a few people laughed out while the male was sold for 50 cents.

" Were you talking about Vasco before?" Vernon asked, making [Name] shake her head," The guy I was talking about is next."

" Next up is.. oh! I saw this guy before and I was amazed!! Fashion Department's Daniel Park!"

" Holy shit! You know that dude?!" Seungkwan yelled as they looked at Daniel.
" Yeah I- oh hey Jay." [Name] says while the blonde walked over as he spoke in his own language," How much?"

" Alright, I got you." [Name] smiled before looking at the stage as the numbers went up," tell me when you wanna call, I'll do it higher by... 5,000? 10,000? You sure?"
The two conversated before they came to an agreement," Right fine."

" 50,000!"
" 70,000!"
" 300,000!"

It was silent for a moment on the bidding before the woman from before called out again," 500,000 won!"

Then Jay tapped her arm and whispered the number instead. Her eyes widened before she called out the number," 900,000!"

" 1,000,000!"

It was silent as everyone looked around, the call of 1,000,000 won about to be made before a familiar voice called out," 2,000,000 won!"

" 2,500,000!"
" 5,000,000" Big Crystal said, Gun standing behind her while making sure no one came close.

The woman attempted to give her bag as payment, but the MC disagreed before Daniel was called for 5,000,000 won. They started to conclude the auction as [Name] turned to the men and asked Jay for a favor," Hey, can you bring them backstage? Namjoon will be there so find him, I'll be right back."

The girl went to the parking lot where Gun and Crystal were. [Name] smiling at the two as she waved," You're not gonna stay for the performance?"

" No sorry, I have a flight to catch." Crystal says before turning to Gun," You'll be back to see her group perform right?"
" Yeah, I'm picking you up too. We can eat out or some shit."
" You spoil me so."

Then Daniel showed up, walking up to the three scratching the back of his head," Ah.. um. Thank you. That other girl almost won but..."

" Ya, what's wrong with her?" Crystal asked," You think you're so hot? I think you're deluded.. you think I bought you because I like you?!"

[Name] felt the horror Daniel felt as she knew Daniel wasn't thinking like that.

" Why the hell does he want me to keep an eye on him?" Crystal groaned out," Do not look down on others just because you're handsome. Let's go, see you later [Name]!"

Slowly the girl said goodbye but Daniel jumped forward towards Crystal," Just a sec!"

Instantly Gun grabbed Daniel's wrist and stopped him," Who do you think you're going to touch?"

Daniel snapped his arm away, shocking Gun and Crystal as Daniel shook his grip.

" This punk.." Gun went to kick him, Daniel going to dodge it didn't realize it was a Brazilian kick aimed for his neck," Goodbye, you're a strong guy."

" I think we should all stop fighting!" [Name spoke out shakily but she knew there was no way out," Gun! He didn't touch her calm down!"

" Hey glasses." The voice made [Name] sigh out," What do you think you're doing? I saw everything.. you punk."

" Who are you?" Gun asked," His friend?"
" Yeah, his friend." Vasco confirmed as Gun recognized him from when [Name] was drunk," So don't mess with him or you mess with me."

Then Gun's fist connected with Vasco's nose with a loud slam," Mess with you? Don't mind if I do."
" Gun! Stop it!" [Name] called out before Vasco spoke out," .. your glasses. Take them off."

Slowly Gun took his hand back, Vasco's nose left a bloody mess while Gun's knuckles were smeared with it too," Ah.. I'm surprised again. Didn't that hurt? This school is really fun."

Gun slid off his sunglasses, showing his scarred over demon eyes. [Name] and Crystal instantly jumped forwards, grabbing Gun's arms as he prepared to fight Vasco.
" Wait! He didn't lay a finger on me! Shall I tell him you've been fighting again? Shall I ask him to send you back to your original place? If you go back, Goo will really like that!" Crystal threatened, trying to get him to stop.

Reluctantly he turned to Daniel," ..You. I lost my reason. I haven't fought for ages. You can put your arms down now." Gun finished, looking at Vasco who was huffing.

[Name] instantly went and pulled Daniel up before going over to Vasco and pulling his arms down.

" I gotta tone it down now. I have to take the GED test." He said, putting on his sunglasses as [Name] called out," Good luck!"

" Don't worry about the big money. It's not my money and that's going to be donated anyways." Crystal says, alerting [Name] it was 100% Charle's money," Next time you see me say hi. Oh.. and.. sorry that he kicked you."

Then they left in the car. Once it had pulled out of the parking lot Vasco dropped down onto his ass, scaring [Name] and Daniel," who was that in the glasses?"
" His name is Gun. Not too sure on his last name..."
" I can beat you if we fight again.... But I can't defeat that guy." Vasco says defeatedly," I'm still too weak."

The look on his face made [Name] frown instantly, wanting to protect the cinnamon roll but she didn't know how to.

" Vasco. Thanks for helping me out." Daniel says with a smile before Vasco handed Daniel the milk carton," I found it on the street."

The exchange made [Name] laugh out before she turned to Vasco while the sun slowly set," Vasco. It's not that you're weak. Humans are social creatures and sometimes... To take out the prey or predator... They come together and do it. You need to find your group is all."

The male looked over at [Name] and flushed while she stood up," I have a performance soon, can I guarantee you two watch?"

The two nodded fastly as the girl smiled and ran towards the stage.


Are you guys ready for the performances?

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