Athena x Nike

By Athena_9909

42.5K 1.5K 272

Ever wondered what it would be like if the ancient Greek wisdom goddess would fall in love with the ancient G... More

#1 * Bright And Early
#2 * The Loyal Guard
#3 * Through Hell And Back
#4 * The Escort
#5 * Dark Dreams
#6 * On Time Is Late
#7 * That One Bloody Party
#8 * Love Like A Battlefield
#9 * Lazy Mornings
#10 * Belated Victory
#11 * You Always Have A Choice
#12 * Still Waters Run Deep
#13 * "I Am Never Shy"
#14 * How It All Began
#15 * Out And Proud
#16 * Checkmate
#17 * Until I Found You
#18 * Falling Slowly
#19 * Dinner Date
#20 * That Kind Of Special
#21 * The Skatergirl
#22 * Fate Is Cruel
#23 * Jared
#24 * The Skatergirl (Part 2)
#25 * Under The Light Of The Moon
#26 * The Floor Is Lava
Just A Thought
#27 * End Game
#28 * Rain
#29 * The Guitarist
#30 - First Comes Love Than Comes Marriage (1K Special)
#31 * Gatedrop
#32 * The Sting Of War
#33 * Golden Appels Are A Curse
#34 * Winter Bets
Just Another Thought
#35 * Tough Love
#36 * Like Old Times
#37 * Losing Game
#38 * Duty Calls
#39 * Challenge Accepted
#40 * CHB (part 1)
#40 * CHB (part 2)
#41 * Story Time
#42 * Night Out?
#43 * Celebrations
#44 * Matching Onesies
#45 * Because Of You...
#46 * Fallen Angel
#47 * Whose Side Are You On?
#48 * Sunny Dreams
#49 * Matching Tattoos
#50 * Visit The Past
#51 * Crimson Vow
#52 * That Day By The Lake
#53 * 'I Promise'
#54 * Lost Without You
#55 * That One Night..
#56 * Down By The River
Not A Chapter * Life Update?
#57 * Subtle Magic
#58 * No Surrender
#59 * Beyond Her Eyes
#60 * Watching From Afar
#61 * In The Dead Of Night
#62 * The Virus
#63 * Pets
#64 * Victory
#65 * Pets (part 2)
#66 * Mental Prison
#66 * Mental Prison (Part 2)
#67 * Siblings
#68 * Heda
#69 * Lilac Sheets Of Satin
#70 * Like Mother Like Daughter
#71 * Siblings (part 2)
72 * Brighter Than Gold
#73 * Soldier On
#74 * Young Gods
#75 * Bribe The Pet
#76 * Owlsitter
77 * Meet the mother
#78 * Rough Day
#79 * Not Prepared
#80 * Savior
#81 * Not prepared (Part 2)
#82 * Poetry
#83 * Calculated victory
#84 * Shattered mind
#85 * Young Winner
#86 * Rightful heir
#87 * Don't think just run
#88 * Don't Tell the kids (part 1)
#89 * Don't tell the kids (part 2)
#90 * Little sister
#91 * Little sister (part 2)
#92 * Better late than never
#93 * I bet
#94 * Man down
#95 * Drunken night
#96 * Victory in the palm of my hand

#7 * That One Bloody Party (part 2)

711 29 1
By Athena_9909

Athena walked aimlessly through the streets of Olympus. This was not at all how she expected her night to go.

She wanted to yell out in rage, but she knew it would do little to help her aside from blowing of some steam.

These things just always made her so angry. Why couldn't people just let her be who she was? Without constantly trying to tell her what she could and couldn't do.

Her throbbing hand pulled her from her thoughts. For the first time in fifteen minutes she stopped to look at it. Ichor was dripping down from the wound as pieces of glass still stuck out.

The wisdom goddess sighed. She needed to take care of this, otherwise it would take quite a bit longer to heal. She didn't exactly feel patient right now.

She was wondering where she should go when she saw a young girl on the other side of the street.

The girl waved her over. Athena looked around, but saw no one else. For a moment she pondered whether or not she should follow a stranger she'd never met, but the girl waved again.

The grey eyed goddess crossed the street. However when she got there the girl was gone. Was this some sick trick?

She looked around and saw a white robe dissappear around a corner.

"Hey, wait!" Athena called out.

The person didn't listen, so she decided to follow them. Her night was already ruined anyway.


After the sater got told of by a bunch of Olympians he ran off. Nike chuckled as she saw him wobble away, nearly tripping every few steps.

Good, his homophobic a** was terrified. The Olympians started mingling with the crowd again. All of them except Hestia, Hermes and the twins.

"We should go find Athena." Hermes said.

"Agreed." Hestia replied.

"And soon too." Artemis pointed at a trail of Ichor drops.

"I'm sure she'll be alright. She's a soldier right? She won't be bothered by a wound like this." Apollo tried to ease everyone.

"That's what worries me..." Nike said, suddenly very serious.

The five of them agreed to go look. If they couldn't find her within an hour they'd meet back here and ask the others for help.


The wisdom goddess had been chasing the girl for a few blocks now. Where was she going?

Suddenly the girl appeared right in front of her. Athena let out a yelp in surprise. The girl raised a her finger in front of her lips, a sign to be quiet.

The grey eyed goddess did as told. She took a good look at the girl. White robes, white veil on her head. All of it spotless.

"Wait, I know who you are." Athena said.

The girl nodded for her to continue.

"You're Hygiea aren't you?"

Hygiea nodded. She took the wisdom goddesses' non-injured hand and lead her towards a house near the edge of the main city.

Athena looked behind her for a moment. Had they really gone that far? Hygiea kept pulling her along, inside the house. Inside it was spotless as well.

A young man was seated at a table. In the living area they had just entered. The whole tabled was filled with books and scrolls. About what, Athena couldn't see.

The young man seemed to notice their prescense and turned to them.

"Ah Hygiea, you found her. Thank you my dear. Could you please grab my stuff and get it ready?" He asked.

Hygiea gave a slight bow and dissappeared into another room.

"Can I see your hand please?" He turned to Athena.

The latter seemed hesitant. Until something clicked.

"What you mean you didn't recognize me? Asclepius, son of Apollo? Ring a bell?"

A bright smile appeared on Asclepius' face. A slight bow followed.

"I'm sorry. It's been a while. I had trouble recognizing Hygiea as well." Athena admitted with a small chuckle.

"Well, it has been well over a thousand years so I don't blame you. Now can I please see your hand?"

The wisdom goddess nodded and raised her injured hand towards him. He took it in his own and studied it.

"Anger issue?" Alsclepius asked.

"Yes." Was the simple answer he received.

"You know Athena. You shouldn't keep it bottled up like that."

"Excuse me?"

"You're body is all tense. You're anger is practically radiating off of you. You should let it out." He proceeded.

"I'm not Ares." The grey eyed goddess grumbled.

"That is far from what I meant. Ares could do with some botteling up. But that's besides the point. I suggest once your hand has healed you go find a punching bag and work out your issues. But for now, why don't you tell me why you have glass all over your hand?"

Asclepius looked up when Hygiea tapped his shoulder. She presented him a box.

"Great thank you. Put it on the table please. Athena if you would take a seat then I'll take care of it." Asclepius gestured towards a chair at the table.

He snapped his fingers and the books and scrolls dissappeared.

Athena did as was asked of her and sat down. Hygiea opened the box on the table.

"The tweezers please." The god held out his hand.

After a quick disinfection Hygiea handed them over. One by one Asclepius started picking out the pieces of glass. Starting with the biggest ones.

"So are you going to tell me or not?" Asclepius asked.

Athena sighed. She let her mind go over what happened. Was she pathetic for the way she reacted? Shouldn't she have stayed to prove he couldn't get to her? But that's just it. He did get to her and it hurt.

"Some homophobic little satyr. He told me that what I and Nike have is wrong. Not only because we are two women, but because he suspects Nike will become biased by being my girlfriend. He made it clear he didn't approve. I was holding a glass and gripped it a bit too tight. It-"

"Shattered in your hand because of it." The god of healing finished her sentence.

"But back up for a moment. You and Nike?" He asked.

A blush crept on the cheeks of the goddess. Right, he couldn't have known. Hygiea turned her head towards her as well, a curious look in her eyes.

"Well, about... urm... a century ago me and Nike started seeing each other." The wisdom goddess explained.

"That's it? No details for your favorite nephew?" Asclepius said with faked hurt.

Athena chuckled.

"You're just like your father."

"I get that a lot." The god raised his shoulders.

"Now please, tell us. We'll be here for another while anyway."



Celebratory cheers were heard everywhere on the battlefield as a truce had finally found its way to them.

The last shots had been fired and slowly soldiers crawled from their trenches.

Athena looked around her on the battle field and saw soldiers hugging, cheering and sharing a laugh.

Nothing made her more proud than to see the men she fought beside smiling and shaking hands with some enemy soldiers.

She looked up as a chariot flew over her head. She knew it all too well. The Golden color reflected in the sun.

The chariot landed in front of her. Out stepped her father and another figure. A figure Athena had been waiting to see the past 4 years.

Nike. Her wings were folded on her back and her dress was simple, yet elegant. Her blonde hair was weaved around her laurel crown. She looked simply breath taking.

"You have done it once again my daughter. You outsmarted those that stand against you." Zeus said proudly.

In truth Athena had little to do with all the things that happened. Sure, she may have whispered in the ears of some politicians, but no major strategic changes.

The king of the gods nodded at the angel. The latter stepped forwards towards Athena. In her hands a crown of laurels appeared. A symbol for the winner.

The wisdom goddess would protest that she wasn't the one behind it all, but then again, Nike was already walking up to her. She couldn't possibly deny her now could she?

Athena bowed forward slightly, so that the smaller victory goddess could put the laurel on her head. During that gesture their eyes never broke apart. When she returned to her full length Nike took a step closer.

Without speaking words she kissed the wisdom goddess on the cheek.

Everything around Athena seemed to slow down. Her heart was beating out of her chest and she got all warm inside.

"Congratulations on your victory." Was all the angel said, taking a step back.

Athena blushed and was sure she had a golden color on her cheeks. What did Nike do to her?

Zeus returned to the chariot and stepped in.

"Nike?" He asked, a sign that they were leaving.

"Will I see you at the feast tonight?" Nike asked Athena.

The latter could only nod and smile.

"Good. Until then, brave warrior." The victory goddess winked.


The angel found the wisdom goddess later that night outside on a balcony. Away from the cheers of happiness inside.

Away from the crowded rooms and loud family. Instead choosing for the comfort of the night and the company of the moon, overlooking the city below her.

Athena's armor glistened in the light of the moon. It gave of a radiating vibe of power. It sort of intimidated Nike, but she didn't mind. She always looked so proud and strong when she wore it. As if nothing would ever harm her.

In silence Nike walked up to Athena and stood beside her. The angel could swear she saw the grey eyes following her.

"Shouldn't you be inside victory goddess? This is your scene of worship is it not?" Athena asked out of the blue.

Nike smiled to herself.

"I could ask you the same. You've fought 4 long years for these cheers to errupt. Why do you evade them?" She replied.

Now it was Athena's turn to smile. Clever response.

"At a loss for words?" Nike questioned with a raised brow and a cocky smirk.

"I admit. I am." Athena answered.

"Well, well, well. Athena of all at a loss for words. By me? Who'd have thought?"

The angel turned so she could lean against the railing of the balcony. The wisdom goddess turned her head towards her.


Athena turned back to the city.

"You missed it didn't you?" Nike asked.

"Yes. But I also miss the simplicity of the trenches. Don't get me wrong. I do not wish to go back to the horrors that happened in there. But at least there you don't have to deal with the complicated game that is aristocracy."

A deep feeling of slight hate shimmered through in Athena's voice. At least that's what Nike thought it was.

"Then why dotn we go there now?" Nike said out of nowhere.

"The trenches?" Athena questioned with a raised brow.

"Yes. Perhaps you could show me. It's quiet there now and it's not like they'll miss us here."

The goddess turned towards the angel.

"You drive?"

"Always." The charioteer grinned.

"Come on don't stop there! That can't be the end!" Asclepius whined as he wrapped up Athena's hand.

"Who said it was the end?" Athena grinned.

Hygiea stomped a foot on the ground, asking for attention. She had her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. It seemed like she wanted to know more as well.

The wisdom goddess let out a chuckle.

"Okay okay. We walked around the battlefield for a while. It was still littered with soldiers. Not exactly a romantic place. But everywhere there was still camps of soldiers celebrating and waiting for their ride home. We joined my men at one of those parties and celebrated like everybody else."

A deep gold blush stained Athena's cheeks.

"Aaaannddd???" The healer urged.

"She urm... She made me... Hers that night." The grey eyed goddess cleared her throat.

A laugh erupted from Asclepius' mouth.

"So if I understand correctly the maiden goddess isn't a maiden anymore?"

"You understand correctly doc." The daughter of Zeus chuckled.

"How does that work with your oath?" He questioned.

"I made an oath to never marry a man or you know share a bed with them. I never said anything about women." Athena smirked.

Asclepius laughed again.

"My gods, you do have a plan for everything don't you?"

"I certainly do, but another thing that played a part is that maiden back when I made my oath held a diffrent meaning then it does now. But of course, that doesn't stop me."

"I'm sure it doesn't." Asclepius said.

"But dear aunt, I fear our time together is spent. They're starting to miss you I think."

The god of healers made an iris image appear. It showed Nike, Artemis, Hestia, Apollo and Hermes contemplating what to do, since neither had found the wisdom goddess. They seemed very worried.

"Perhaps I should. I assume I'll need to come back for this soon?" Athena gestured at her hand.

"If you insist." Asclepius winked.

After some goodbye hugs Athena flashed herself right outside the group of gods. She cleared her troath, making them all look up.

"Did you miss me?"

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