
By Melon1294

676K 38.7K 9.1K

Vampire are a well known species in the world. They overpowered the humans and now all humans must obey by th... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty- Two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter Thirty- Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter forty-nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-one
Chapter Fifty-two
Chapter Fifty-three
Chapter Fifty-four
Chapter Fifty-five
Chapter Fifty-six
Chapter Fifty-seven
Chapter Fifty-eight
Chapter Fifty-nine
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six

Chapter eight

13.6K 720 323
By Melon1294


Here we go again, out the house but this time spent the last hour or so in a limousine with all the other seven vampires that apparently own my ass. I didn't understand why we had to take this long ass car but it was quite entertaining to sit inside one for the first time.

I was told to sit on the very far end of the limo just to be sat between Taehyung and Yoongi. I was actually relieved to sit beside Yoongi since last night with him wasn't actually that bad and I enjoyed his company a lot. Just talking to him about anything but to a point. I wasn't that comfortable just to reveal everything to him the first time but right now I am thankful to be sitting beside him than the others even if I do have to sit beside Taehyung who remains to keep a distance between us thank god.

The whole car journey was quiet, barely anyone spoke on the way to my dreaded doctors appointment that I do not want to go to. Although I was a little curious as to why the wife Haru wasn't coming with us but I didn't really care that much in all honesty. I just feel for Jaemin who might just be with her right now.

Eventually the car came to a stop and Taehyung beside me didn't waste anytime in ripping off his seat belt to get out the door as fast as he possibly could. It seems he doesn't like to be near me but I'm not complaining, I'm not that fond of him either so the feeling is mutual.

Stepping out the car I was met with Jin's hand which he held out for me to assist me as I stepped out and I just took it since there was people around us entering this large building that I recognise straight away. It's the base I was taken to when I was first captured.

"Let's go we're late as it is." Namjoon

I heard him say close by and Jin looked over his shoulder just to nod and then pass me a small smile which I forced back in return to follow him after he let go of my hand. Behind me Yoongi closed the door just to take my arm and begin walking beside me which made me frown because I'm not suppose to but he didn't say anything as we continued to the main entrance of the building all eight of us strolling in at our own pace but Namjoon being in front.

As soon as we entered the building a tall woman dressed in all white with a red cross badge on the left side of her chest bowed towards the men that I was accompanied with and Namjoon made the first move towards her just to stare her down.

"We're late for our appointment with Dr Chu." Namjoon

Oh fuck no, not that asshole."

"Yes, right this way." Nurse

She bows again and spun on her heels just to begin walking down this long thin corridor. Everyone followed and this time Yoongi let go of my arm so I could walk behind him finally but every now and then to look over his shoulder to me as if checking I was still there.

Everyone single one of us were walking in single file, turning on last corner to the right before we came to a stop and the nurse to open the door and step to the side. Namjoon being the first to walk inside the dreaded office that I hate so much all because of that one doctor I can't stand.

Before I even entered the room I averted my eyes from the nurse that gave me dirty looks but I couldn't help but roll my eyes when I first seen Dr Chu for the first time standing beside his desk and shaking hands with Jungkook.

Just get me out of here already.

"Ah, Miss Lee it's a pleasure to see you again." Dr Chu

I nodded with a grunt towards the man that held a wide grin on his face as his red eyes scanned me up and down as if checking me out yet again.

"Dr Chu, do you mind not staring at our surrogate and start with this appointment. We have things to do." Namjoon

Thankful for Namjoon's interruption I finally was able to breath when Dr Chu chuckled with a nod, breaking his trance he once had.

"My apologies Mr Kim, Shall we get started with the examination?" Dr Chu

I knew what this entailed and just as expected Dr Chu picked up this white gown from the back of his chair and threw it towards me but half way threw the air Jimin caught it, scowling at Dr Chu and kindly passed it to me without even so much as a glance my way.

"A civil pass on would of been more appropriate Dr Chu." Jimin

With the gown in my hands I mumbled a small thank you towards Jimin but he didn't react to it, instead Dr Chu was his main focus right now. But I took it upon myself to walk passed him and all the men in the room just to walk towards the opposite end of the room and pull over a white curtain to separate us and change into the gown and fold my clothes neatly in a pile and set on the near by chair and hung up my white cloak on the hanger attached to the wall and then settled myself onto the examination chair.

"I'm ready."

I breathed out, balling my fists up on my lap waiting for some sort of response back. What I wasn't expecting was Yoongi to pop his head through a small gap he made between the wall and the curtain as if he was double checking but he smiled towards me and yet nodded as if confirming I was indeed changed and then pushed it open for Dr Chu to come towards me, pulling along his monitor that was already hooked up to the wall.

Taking a quick glance around the room I noticed Jungkook, Hoseok and Jimin were all sitting down in chairs that were spaced out around the room. Taehyung stood beside the door doing something on his phone, his eyes glued to it with a frown on his face and yet Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi were the only three that came forward to stand beside me but Yoongi being the closed beside my head.

"How long with this take Dr Chu?" Jin

"No more than ten minutes to say the least." Dr Chu

Jin nodded and I laid back when Dr Chu gave me that raised brow look. I've done this many time before and now I have to do it again with an extra seven pair of eyes on me in the room. Just embarrassing if you ask me that I have to lay here and spread my legs for Dr Chu to shove an invasive device up my vagina to see what's going on inside.

No one said a word in the room, all remaining quiet but as soon as that long thin device was pushed inside me I winced in pain and whipped my head to the side, eyes squeezed tight and my fingers to dig into the table I'm laying on.

"Y/n try to relax a little more." Dr Chu

Hearing his calming voice that I hated I tried to stop tensing so much but I couldn't help it, it hurts and it always has done since the first time he did this. So much for being a virgin when every few weeks I have this object shoved inside me.

"Well it clearly hurts her so take it out." Yoongi

"But I-" Dr Chu

"Now." Yoongi

Dr Chu sighed heavily and the probe was removed from me and I relaxed immediately but felt that odd sensation between my legs that was now soaked with gel.

"So, what did you see?" Namjoon

I sat back up with the help of Yoongi holding my hand and another hand of his behind my lower back for support all the while Dr Chu eyeing up Yoongi's behaviour towards me.

"I would say Y/n is due for ovulation in the next one or two days. Her uterine lining had thickened which is a good sign so I would suggest either tonight or tomorrow for intercourse if conception were to take place fairly soon depending on how quick you wish to conceive." Dr Chu

"As soon as possible Dr Chu, our wife is desperate." Jin

I cringed towards Jin, remembering our conversation but Jin sensing my eyes on him just glanced at me with an blank expression and then turned away to ignore me which only made me scoff at him.

"Then like I suggested, tonight or tomorrow would be best." Dr Chu

"Great now that we know, can we go now?" Taehyung

Everyone in the room turned their attention to him, already waiting and one hand on the door, eager to leave.

"Just go wait in the limo Tae, we'll be there soon." Hoseok

He nodded with a grunt and Taehyung left the room quickly to be followed by Jungkook and Jimin, slamming the door behind them.

"It's not what you think Y/n." Yoongi

He whispered in my ear but I had no idea what he was referring to. If they wanted to go then they were more than welcome to go. They all didn't have to come but I guess it's some kind of rule or something isn't it?

I ignored Yoongi's comment and slid off the table.

"We'll leave you to change Y/n. Dr Chu I would like to have a private word with you once Y/n is dressed if you don't mind?" Namjoon

Namjoon raised his chin to the doctor, arms folded across his chest but Dr Chu nodded and packed up his monitor just to wheel it away and Yoongi closed the white curtain back up for me.

On the other side no one spoke but I sensed some type of tension there which didn't give off good vibes but either way I changed quickly and came out of the curtain now just wanting to get out of here.

"Yoongi, Jin and Hoseok you three take Y/n back to the limo. I'll be there shortly." Namjoon

The all nodded and I was quickly pulled by the arm and not from Yoongi this time but Hoseok. I was confused as to why we were rushing out but I didn't get to say a word since the door shut on us after we left but the last thing I saw was Dr Chu standing beside his desk and Namjoon stepping up to him dangerously close with an unreadable expression upon his face.

I thought given the urgency to leave I didn't say a word and allowed Hoseok to drag me towards the limo outside the building and Jin to open the door for us. Again taking up seats where I once sat before but this time Yoongi and Hoseok sat on either side of us.

Yoongi strapped in my seat belt for me and I just so happened to glance toward the opposite end of the limo see be met with three more pair of red eyes glaring back at me. But I just looked away when Jin finally stepped inside the car to take a seat and pull out his phone from his pocket but leaving the door wide open.

"What's going on?"

I finally asked, whispering close to Yoongi who just leaned in closer to me his lips almost touched my ear.

"Don't worry about it." Yoongi

Frowning I wasn't satisfied with that answer but that thought went flying out the window when Namjoon suddenly showed up again, angrily slamming the door shut after he stepped inside and crouched down to rush over to sit beside Jin and slouch down beside him, a heavy sigh leaving him as he had done so.

I took the moment to take in his appearance as he began to whisper with Jin. His hair was messy, tie loosened and I noticed the already healing cuts on his knuckles and a little dry blood on the corner of his lips. What the fuck did he do?

"Joon did you fix the problem?" Taehyung

Namjoon flickered his eyes towards him and nodded, one hand running through his hair but didn't say anything but lick his lips and push himself up to a more straightened position, fixing his tie as he hand down so.

"Y/n I know this is short notice but if you could prepare yourself for tonight that would be great. I'll send Yoongi to come and get you." Namjoon

I nodded and said nothing more. I actually for once had nothing to say back about it but I was inside bundled with nerves and fear as I thought about the activities that were set to take place tonight.

I'm not looking forward to this at all.

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