Withhold [H.S]

By nashlycam23

28.2K 466 199

With•hold: Verb- Refuse to give (something that is due to, or desired by another) Synonyms: hold back, keep... More

[Chapter 1]
[Chapter 2]
[Chapter 3]
[Chapter 4]
[Chapter 5]
[Chapter 6]
[Chapter 7]
[Chapter 8]
[Chapter 9]
[Chapter 10]
[Chapter 11]
[Chapter 12]
[Chapter 13]
[Chapter 14]
[Chapter 15]
[Chapter 16]
[Chapter 17]
[Chapter 18]
[Chapter 19]
[Chapter 20]
[Chapter 21]
[Chapter 22]
[Chapter 23]
[Chapter 24]
[Chapter 25]
[Chapter 26]
[Chapter 27]
[Chapter 28]
[Chapter 29]
[Chapter 30]
[Chapter 31]
[Chapter 32]
[Chapter 33]
[Chapter 34]
[Chapter 35]
[Chapter 36]
[Chapter 37]
[Chapter 38]
[Chapter 39]
[Chapter 40]
[Chapter 41]
[Chapter 42]
[Chapter 43]
[Chapter 44]
[Chapter 45]
[Chapter 46]
[Chapter 47]
[Chapter 48]
[Chapter 49]
[Chapter 51]
[Chapter 52]
[Chapter 53]
[Chapter 54]
[Chapter 55]
[Chapter 56]

[Chapter 50]

247 4 1
By nashlycam23

Payton's POV

"We're finally here!" Lisa cheered as she raised her hands in the air and clapped them swiftly, feeling overly excited about going out.

"Man when's the last time we went to a club?" Claire asked as we all began walking towards the building in high heels.

I haven't worn heels in so long that I was struggling just to strut in them. "I don't know, it's been ages for me." I chuckled as I moved a curly strand of my hair out of the way.

It's been about two weeks since my last encounter with Harry. I haven't seen him anywhere ever since and I somewhat liked it that way. Although I found myself thinking and dreaming about him a lot, I knew it was healthier for me if I let him go too. I had to do whatever it took to get him out of my brain. It wasn't good for my mentality to constantly think about him and what we shared.

Did we really have an unspoken thing? Or was it just because we were lonely? I was honestly afraid of the answer myself. But whatever it was, it doesn't matter anymore, we both moved on. I'm going back to my college life and he's going back to his gang life. I just hope wherever he is, he's happy.

Tonight us girls decided we needed to celebrate on passing our exams so we all got dolled up and got an Uber to a very popular bar/club. I was wearing a form fitting black dress with silver sparkles all over it, going all the way down to my mid thigh. It was a spaghetti strap so it showed off my shoulders and arms completely.

And as for shoes, I decided on wearing black heels although my feet weren't quite agreeing with me. I was already in pain just walking in them.

We soon all entered inside the building, widening our eyes with excitement at all the disco lights and party music.

"Man, it's so loud in here." Casey scrunched her face up as she plugged her ears, staring up at everyone in disgust.

"Stick close girls. Don't let any creeps talk to you." Lisa warned, huddling us all together as we linked arms.

"What should we do first?" Claire asked, eyeing the crowd ahead of us.

"Let's get some drinks and start dancing!" I suggested as they all smiled at me.

"Now there's a thought!" Lisa grinned before we all made our way towards the bar, ignoring all the glances we got from others.

"Hi! We'd like to order four drinks please." Lisa smirked as I began looking behind us, watching a few dancers.

"Sure what kind?" The bartender smiled as he wiped a glass cup with a towel.

I suddenly became distracted by the loud music, slowly snapping my fingers to the beat while moving my hips.

"You take care of the drinks for me, I'm gonna go dance." I said to Lisa as Claire beamed at me.

"I'll join!" She cheered as I chuckled and grabbed her hand.

"Let's go let loose!" I said before we squealed and ran towards the dance floor.

As soon as I got close enough to the floor, I almost fell face first, causing Claire to quickly grab me. I gasped as she pulled me up, causing her to look at me with worry as my heart raced.

"You okay?" She asked before I started to laugh.

"My god I can't run in heels to save my life." I giggled as she smiled.

"Or walk in them for that matter." She teased as my eyes widened.

"Hey!" I laughed as I slapped her shoulder.

We then both began dancing to the music, swaying our hips and singing along, enjoying our girl time together. I felt so relaxed and so pleased to be back where I belonged, not feeling out of place anymore. I finally felt free again and happy knowing I could do whatever I wanted without someone holding me back.
I could finally have my life back in order.


"Ugh all this dancing has me dehydrated." I groaned as I sat on a bar stool next to Lisa and Claire.

I began waving my hand in my face, airing the sweat that was on my temples. "Have a drink." Lisa grinned as she slid over a beer.

"No. I prefer water." I rejected as I looked around in hopes for a water bottle.

"Boo you whore." She teased as I chuckled.

"I already had a drink. I need to hydrate." I stated before I waved over a bartender.

"What can I get for you my lady?" He charmed as I blushed.

"Can I please have a water." I asked as I batted my eyes.

"For sure! Coming right up!" He smiled before he ducked down swiftly and pulled out a bottle.

"Here you go." He said as he handed it to me.

"Thank you!" I replied before I opened it and began chugging half of it down.

"Ooo, you got a looker." Lisa grinned as she kept her eyes on something behind me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as I knitted my eyebrows together and put the cap back on.

"Behind you, six o'clock. He's been staring at you almost from the minute you walked in." Lisa informed as she slightly nodded her head behind me.

I scrunched my face up in confusion before I looked to my right very slowly, being cautious not to make a scene. I then started to search for who she was talking about as the music blasted through the speakers, slightly distracting my mind.

My heart then stopped as I saw a familiar figure sitting alone in the dark, on a couch with a drink in his hand. He quickly sipped his drink as his eyes met mine, sending chills down my spine before I looked away.

My heart began racing as I looked down at the table, cupping the water bottle in my hands as I began squishing it anxiously.

"He's quite attractive actually. I bet if he stepped in some light he'd be a real hot shot." Lisa smirked as I felt sick to my stomach.

"Maybe you should-"

"I'll go talk to him." I quickly interrupted as I looked up at her, realizing I needed to get him out of here before anything happens.

She flinched from my outburst before she grinned and took a swig of her beer. "Go get him tiger. Someone's awfully confident today." She smirked as I rolled my eyes.

"I won't be long. Go have fun." I assured her as I got off my seat.

"Yeah uh huh. I'm gonna keep an eye on you." She said as I gave her a thumbs up before I turned towards him.

I let out a deep sigh before I pulled on a straight face, marching my way towards him as confidently as I could. He raised his eyebrow as I walked up to him, not looking away for a second.

As soon as I approached him I eyed him from head to toe, noticing he was in a casual outfit and not in his normal disguise.

"Are you following me now? I thought I told you to leave me alone." I asked as Harry didn't bother blinking at me.

"I just wanted to enjoy a night out." He shrugged, making me scoff.

"Please, you don't come to these places to enjoy a night out. You go to mountains and valleys to eat burgers." I said as he slightly grinned.

"You remember." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"What are you doing here Harry?" I asked as I crossed my arms, leaning on one hip.

"I wanted to check up on you." He said before he eyed me, keeping one arm wrapped around the top part of the couch.

"How come? You scared I'm gonna tell on you?" I sassed.

"No, I just wanted to be sure you were safe." He answered before he took another swig of his drink.

"Well I am. So you can leave now. You're not my guardian you know." I said before I turned around but he quickly got up and snatched my wrist.

"What are you doing coming to a club like this dressing up like that?" He questioned in my ear as I widened my eyes and looked at him.

"Dressing like what?" I bit back as I faced him.

"All sexy like that. You're gonna get unwanted attention from creeps who don't deserve you." He said as I scoffed.

"Please. I'm not here to get hit on." I said.

"Well you wouldn't cuz I'd kill them." He replied as I groaned.

"See, this is why you can't be here. You need to leave. I can't have you constantly wanting to kill everyone who comes near me." I said as I pushed him away from me slightly.

"You can't stop me Payton." He said as I clenched my jaw.

"Yes I can." I denied.

"I'd like to see you try." He grinned, suddenly finding this amusing.

I groaned before I shook my head. "I'm not having this conversation with you. Please leave! Before my friends get a good look at you and remember what you look like. You're at risk just by being here." I informed as he licked his bottom lip.

"You're at risk by not being with me." He replied as I rolled my eyes.

"Harry, drop the act and leave. I'm here with my friends." I said as I faced my back towards him.

"Yes I can see that. You put on quite a show. I might have to throw some money on you so that you can dance for me." He smirked as I gasped and faced him.

"Kidding! I'm kidding." He said as he held his hands up in defense.

"What is with you?" I asked as he shrugged.

"Do you really have no life other than constantly barging in mine?" I snapped as he smirked again.

"Can I at least have one dance with you?" He asked as I narrowed my eyebrows at him, not understanding him at all.

"Why?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"Just one dance, then I'll leave. I promise." He offered as he held out his hand for me to take.

"Seriously? Come on." I sighed as he looked up at me innocently. Harry was acting so strange. He wasn't all tough and serious like he use to be. He's acting more childish and giddy. I didn't understand this side of him at all.

"One dance. And I'll leave you alone." He said as I looked down at his hand, not knowing what to do at this point.

"I swear if this is your plan to kidnap me-"

"No, I promise. I won't kidnap you ever again." He said as he moved his hand closer, hoping I'd take it.

I eyed him suspiciously before I sighed heavily and grabbed his hand, giving in.

He then smirked as he pulled me to the dance floor, wrapping his arm around me securely as the next song started playing. "You know, you can't walk in heels for sh*t." He commented as I gasped and looked at him.

"That's mean! I do too!" I said as I looked into his eyes while he laughed.

"You almost face planted tonight if your friend didn't save you." Harry chuckled as I narrowed my eyebrows.

"You saw that?" I asked.

"I see everything." He answered as I sighed.

"You're right, I can't walk in heels. Let alone dance in them." I said as he grinned and began moving me along with him.

"Well you do just fine with me." He said as my heart fluttered, causing my eyes to innocently stare into his.

"You know, as strange as it is being in your world right now with you, it feels quite alright." He said as my heart began racing.

"Harry, what is this?" I asked, wondering where this conversation was heading.

"Payton I can't think straight when you're not around. I haven't been the same ever since you left. I haven't done a job in weeks and I've been avoiding everyone. I don't understand my behavior but I always feel better every time I see you." He explained as my eyes widened.

"What do you mean? You've been spying on me?" I asked.

"Um..." He suddenly swallowed as I gasped, wondering how long he's been keeping an eye on me.

"Harry.. I thought I told you to let me go." I sighed as he spun me around.

"I know... but Payton... it's the hardest thing I've ever had to do." He sighed as our eyes slowly locked.

"Why is it so hard to let me go? I hardly did anything to make you care for me." I said as my eyes saddened.

"You really don't get it do you?" He asked as he looked deep into my eyes.

"No... I guess I don't. You never tell me why you kept me." I replied as he exhaled deeply.

"Payton I miss you." He whispered as I stopped, causing both of us to pause on the dance floor.

"You can't miss me. You shouldn't miss me. What happened between us was a been there done that. It's not to be brought up ever again." I said as I shook my head.

"So what, am I just supposed to forget about you completely? Erase everything out of my mind?" He asked.

"That's what I've been trying to do!" I replied as he widened his eyes slightly.

"You think about me?" He asked, causing my heart to race.

I quickly looked away, no longer wanting to stare into his eyes as I exhaled.

"Payton, tell me the truth. Do you often think about me?" He asked as he tugged me closer, trying to gain my full attention.

My heart was racing a million miles an hour as our eyes locked, feeling as if I was back in Harry's room when he kissed me. I tried to erase that moment from my head but it kept coming back. It didn't want to leave.

I looked at the floor as I scattered my brain for an answer, wondering if I wanted to be honest or not.

I then looked back up at him before I began fiddling with my fingers, feeling my hands shake. "More than I want to." I whispered as his eyes flickered.

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