Chapter 55

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The car ride to the Cooper's farm was in no doubt unbearable, from the constant bickering between Diego and Luther, to the slow and sickening speed of the vehicle that made the air stuffier and somehow, more humid. Y/N was lucky, at the least, as she was in the front with more space while the four who were squished in the back seat. Five's bloodlust and short patience radiated throughout the small space and was enough for everyone to listen to his snapping or, "if you don't shut the fuck up, I'll stuff my shoe down your throat" and on and on.

A dull throb had already began to form inside Y/N's head as themotion sickness began to sink into her skull. The blazing sunlight, the humid temp, the bumpy ride. Her endless complaints began to cloud over her judgement, just like the big fat storm cloud that was only on top of the Cooper's house. Wait what-

"Was that there before," Diego asked, popping his head out of the window to peer at the cloud that was hovering over the farmhouse.

"The weather was just fine before," Y/N muttered, shivering as a cold breeze suddenly whipped throught the air. "It's getting bigger..."

Vanya stopped the car and switched off the engine, stuffing the keys into her pocket before she shot out of the car and headed straight to the farmhouse door. Everyone else soon filed out of the car as well, after awkwardly banging on the car doors because she left it locked.

"You think whatever's going on inside is causing the cold front," Diego asked, strolling around to observe the one-sided storm.

"Well, the correlation is high," Five shrugged, slamming the car door shut.

Suddenly, the farm door slid open and a woman with thick, blonde hair and an aged faced struck with so much stress, it made her look a decade older than she probably was. The woman immediently caught sight of Vanya runnign toward her and her face fell in relief as she embraced her, but she then caught sight of the rest of them standing out of place and she pulled apart from Vanya to take out a long rifle, holding it up at the academy.

"Sissy! Sissy," Vanya called, holding her hands up in alarm.

"All of you, just get the hell back," Sissy yelled, pointing the gun. Everyone froze in their places, unsure of what to do as they glanced at Vanya warily.

"Hey! Hey, what's wrong," Vanya asked as Sissy redirected her rifle so it was pointing past Vanya's head and to her siblings.

"Carl," Sissy whispered, looking to Vanya.

Y/N watched as the two discussed of the situation, Vanya's and Sissy's faces red and pale from the cold and shock. Eventually, Sissy dropped the gun, still in her arms, just sorta off to the side. Vanya continued to convince Sissy, telling her of her powers and that she thought she might know of what happened to Harlan. Sissy was still on her guard, but she lended the academy an apologectic stare before a loud roar of energy ZAPPED and sent them all to the farmhous in a concerned frenzy.

Y/N pulled the farmdoor open to come face to face with a large shield of an intersecting white, blue, and yellow that rotated around the so-called Harlan. He seemed to be in great peril, from the sight of the tornado that circulated right above his head. He was just barley controlling his powers, which the Umbrella academy was astonsihed to see. Vanya had the ability of giving people powers?

Vanya, however, had no intention of discussing that detail with them as she was busy yelling over the heavy electric current, he voice barley audible over the noise of the zapping energy, but they need to communicate with him fast for Harlan was gasping for air. He didn't know how to control this new ability of his and it was clearly getting out of hand.

"Look, Harlan, I know you're scared but I really need you to listen o me, can you do that," Vanya asked, stressing as Harlan's hyperventilating continued.

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