Chapter 27

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28 years later

Y/N had taken Violet's words to heart and continued to stay with her and Elliot for the next years. Sadly, Violet had passed to cancer about five years before. Her work, however, was continued by Elliot.

But Y/N had given up not too long ago, settling on the belief that her siblings were either dead or somewhere else else in the world. Maybe they also lost hope in rejoicing after the scatter from the spatial jump.

Besides, compared to the resources they had in 2019, 1963 was a complete blowoff. Y/N had hired a private detective to find her siblings but it turned out that it wasn't possible for them, and that was what punched a nail in her heart to this day.

But, Y/N made a new life. It went from placing bets on what would happen in the timeline with Elliot, to running the television shop that was just downstairs.

"Y/N, are you sure you don't want to do this with me," Elliot asked as he held up his sales papers. "You're a pro at it."

"Please, you're just lazy," Y/N shook her head, but she took the papers from him anyway.

"Got a few more customers today. Took in my offer."

"That's nice."

"But the thing is, the other two from up main took off their offer on the Angela," Elliot continued. "Had to pay a fine, but still ain't enough for the paperwork I went through," he shuddered.

"Sad. Here you go."

"Thanks, you're a life saver. Hey, can you fold up the telescope over there? It interferes with the camera," Elliot asked, stuffing a bagel in his mouth as he signed the papers Y/N handed to him.

"Sorry, but I need that there. It's important."

"What's so important 'bout the moon? You see it everyday," Elliot inquired, taking off his shoes.

Y/N smirked and tilted her head to the side. "You never know what might happen."

Elliot gave her a weird look. "You're living in a world of your own, Y/N."

The girl only smiled back at him and filled the kettle with water as she prepared a cup of coffee.

"Maybe it's just that the real world isn't what it seems."


Five landed on the hard concrete floor of the smelly alley with a grunt, face-first as he held his jaw in pain, standing up on his feet.

"Luther? Diego," Five yelled, looking back up at the blue vortex.

It closed with a zap before he could do anything and Five covered his face as the wind blew in his face before it disappeared. There were gunshots coming from behind him, which diverted Five's attention as he went to investigate.

There were burning buildings and people yelling all over the place. A man ran forward with a flag as the rest of the soldiers trailed behind him, holding up their guns.

He ducked as shots from the opposite direction were fired and some of the men fell. There was a zoom and two fighter jets tore through the dust filled sky, dropping bombs around the town.

Five ran forward to a newspaper that was lying on rubble.

"The Soviet attacks US," he read.

He looked up as someone yelled to him, telling him to duck as he shot at their enemy. A man fell down and blood started to poor out of his Lund but Five ignored him.

"This can't be right," he said to himself. "What the hell did we do now?"

He was literally standing in a full out war zone.

"Hey kid, get down!"

There was a huge blast that went off, the energy sending Five back. Meanwhile, the bomb was sent forward but immediately crushed up and crinkled as Vanya stopped in with her powers.

Y/N took the fire from the blast and sent it into the sky while Klaus summoned a whole army of dead soldiers and sent them forward.

From the sky, Luther yelled as he jumped down on the ground, right next to Klaus, blocking a blast of fire from hitting him.

On top of the roof, tentacles sprayed the streets as Ben used them to grab Soviets and choke them to death.

"Hey," Allison yelled.

The army men turned to her as she gave a mischievous smirk. "I heard a rumor...that I blew your minds."

Y/N looked away disgusted as the exact thing happened to the three men, skin tearing apart and blood sprouting out.

Diego stood on top of an overturned police car and he flipped over, dodging the many bullets that was sent at him. All at once, he sent out knives that pieced his opponents in the chest.

"Five! Where the hell have you been," Diego yelled.

Five was about to answer before a hand came on his shoulder and he turned to see a Hazel. An old Hazel.

"If you wanna live, come with me," he said bluntly.

"Hazel,What the hell is going on here," Five asked.

"There's no time to explain," Hazel said as he pointed to the sky. "Those are nukes, old-timer."

The air around them whistled as all the nukes came down in one place, only a split second from touching the ground.

"What about my family," Five asked.

"Can't save 'em if you're dead," Hazel replied.

Five bought for a moment before skating Hazel's hand, while he opened his briefcase and zapped them off to another time.

The siblings all watched as the nukes hit ground and a great rumbled filled their ears as flames covered them, and everything else.

Sarcasm-Five Hargreeves x Reader (The Umbrella Academy)Where stories live. Discover now