Chapter 20

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A tense silence filled the car as Five drove down the road to Jenkins' cabin along with the rest of his siblings, a known three who were obviously missing.

Luther was biting his nails, Klaus was staring ahead, Five was driving, and Diego-

"Hey, can you go any faster," Luther asked impatiently.

"Ask me again, and I'll burn you with the cigarette lighter," Five stared at the road and Luther sat back onto his seat.

Five, however, also had his own worries, of course. Y/N and Allison were family, of course he cared. However, he didn't choose to show it.

He went even faster as the cabin came into view. In a rush, Five parked next to the mailbox and they all got out of the car, running up the porch and Luther slammed the door open, immediately seeing the bloodied body of Allison.

"Allison! No!"

Luther ran up to her and sat by the woman, bringing her into her arms, Diego and Klaus hovering over worriedly as Five looked around the house.

The inside was practically in ruins. The lights were all fused, the table was cracked from the weight of the chandelier, windows broken. But there was still one thing that didn't go right with him.

"Hey, where's Y/N? Didn't she go with Allison," Five asked, looking around.

Diego and Klaus also looked up, Luther still carrying Allison in his arms as he tried to clean up the blood.

Five continued to look around before his eyes laid on a display case in the corner and a familiar bush of H/C laying ontop of the case, cuts littered over her face as she breathed heavily.

Opening her eyes at the voices, Y/N shifted her position and Five immediately ran up to her, helping her up as he began to check for injuries, placing his hands on his shoulder as he asked if she was alright.

"Yeah, Yeah. I'm fine. Where's Allison, Vanya?"

Five furrowed his brows at the girl dismissing her injuries before he took his hands off her shoulders awkwardly, watching as she looked around the room.

"Come on, let's get back. We need to help Allison. And I have something I need to tell you."


The tires screeched loudly on the once again damp street as they stopped in front of the Umbrella Academy, and opened the door, taking Allison out of the car as they carried her into the house.

"Come on! Hurry up," Luther ushered, holding Allison in his arms as Klaus and Y/N opened the doors for him.

Y/N winced slightly as she but weight on her arms and legs, feeling her many cuts start to burn at the extra pressure. She could deal with it for a while longer.

"She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx," Grace said. "One of you will have to give blood."

"I will," all of them said at the same time.

"I'm doing it," Luther was already pulling up his sleeve when Pogo stopped him.

"I'm afraid that's not possible, my dear boy," Pogo said calmly. "Your blood is more compatible to mine."

"Hey, don't sweat it," Klaus stepped in. "I-I got this, big guy. I love needles."

"Master Klaus. Your blood is...How shall I say this? Too polluted," Pogo informed.

"Yeah, he's right. Out of my way," Y/N snapped as she looked to Allison the back at Grace. "I can do it."

"You're already loosing blood, moron," Five hissed.

Sarcasm-Five Hargreeves x Reader (The Umbrella Academy)Where stories live. Discover now