Chapter 26

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Y/N hit the concrete floor face-first as she groaned and held her forehead, stumbling over her feet as she stood up to check her surroundings.

She seemed to have landed in an alleyway, none of her siblings were in sight, and it was daytime. But the most essential detail, the world was still intact. It seemed like a normal day in their city.

There was a click and from the corner of her eyes, Y/N could see a woman standing by the window with a box camera in a small building.

When the woman saw Y/N watching her, she quickly closed the blinds and curtains behind her, disappearing in an instant.

What was that all about?

"Hey! Five? Allison? Klaus? Is anyone there," Y/N yelled out, turning a full circle around the alleyway.

Suddenly, something was thrown her way and Y/N frowned as she looked over her shoulder to see what it was. A newspaper.

Bending down to pick it up, Y/N let her eyes trail over the newspaper to find the date, and once she did, she had dropped it in surprise.

It was November 7th, 1935.


Y/N rapped her knuckles on the door a few times before she stood back and crossed her arms, tapping her foot impatiently as she waited for it to be answered.

She was investigating the woman she had seen snap a picture of her retreating from Five's vortex only some time ago. Maybe she knew something, and if she did or did not, Y/N didn't know.

It was better to just try than to waste such a chance.

The door opened after some crashes from inside he room, and Y/N was face to face with a petite woman who seemed to be in her early fifties, splotches of gray hair lining the back of her head as the woman looked up to meet Y/N's eyes, her rounded glasses slipping off her nose slightly in the action.

"May I help you?"

"Yes. You can. I'd like to ask you about what you just saw down the alleyway not too long ago. It's important."

The woman shrunk back and she sighed as she walked back to let Y/N in.

"Quickly, we wouldn't want anyone to find out, do we?"

Y/N furrowed her brows but listened to the elder's directions as she stood inside the room, ignoring the crashing of the woman bumping into objects as she adjusted the glasses on her face.

"Sorry about that. My name is Violet Gussman. I've been studying electromagnetic waves for quite some time now, and today was the time I found that opening. I apologize if I alarmed you, but I've been seeing small clusters of these throughout the years and I've never gotten the chance to investigate them. May I ask...of your knowledge on these?"

Y/N blinking before she scoffed and looked over to the stacks of books and papers that littered the spacious room.

"It depends. Have you told anyone else about this?"

"A few, but they never believed me, those bastards. My son is the only one who'd ever set close to that, and he's eleven."

"Good, it needs to stay that way."

Violet gave a firm nod on acknowledgement. "Alright."

"The wave you just experienced is a spatial jump. I come from the future, 2019."

Violet's jaw dropped at Y/N's words and she quickly grabbed a notepad, jotting her words down.

"What...are you doing?"

"I'm recording my conversation with you, of course. From the future...dear, I'll treasure these words and take them with me to hell," Violet gasped, a twinkle in her eyes as her skin crinkled from the wide smile she sent Y/N's way.

Even Y/N herself couldn't help but send back a smirk in her direction at the cheery aura she displayed, showing the simplicity she held.

"That's nice to hear, but I don't need you dying on me here. We had an emergency back at home and were forced to leave our dimension. But, that didn't go as planned and we ended up being scattered through time, at least that's what I think."


"Me and my siblings."

"Oh. Okay. How did you generate the jump?"

"Five Hargreeves. He has the power to jump through space and time. A fifty eight year old in a thirteen year old body."

Violet Gussman stared at Y/N in awe, holding onto every world that exited her mouth in amazement at the situation in front of her.

But soon, that amazement turned to shock once she saw the blonde haired boy standing in the doorway of the room.

"Elliot, how was school?"

"Forget about school, that sucks. Who's she," the young boy asked, pointing a finger to Y/N. "She's pretty."

Violet pushed up her glasses and sighed at the bluntness of her son while Y/N only watched in amusement.

"Dear, this is...what is your name?"

"Y/N. My name's Y/N. It's nice to meet you Elliot, but I'm afraid I'm a little too old for you."

Violet smiled. "You're in grade school, are you not?"

"No. I'm thirty. Stuck in my teenage body. You're a little off."

Violet covered her mouth with her hand to hide her gasp.

"Thirty? You look like a child."

"I do, I guess. It's a little sad. It restricts me from doing a lot of things."

Y/N gave a sheepish shrug and Violet sighed. Alright, alright. I guess. Do you have a place to stay?

Y/N shook her head.

"That's fine. We have an extra room down the hall, it used to be my husband's. Make yourself at home."


Sarcasm-Five Hargreeves x Reader (The Umbrella Academy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora