Chapter 30

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Y/N stood outside the door to the building as she watched the door "patiently", looking back every 3 seconds to see if Diego was able to exit the asylum, only to find out he had been against Five's idea when the 13 year old (looking) boy joined her outside, squinting from the sun coming in his eyes.

"I take it the last few minutes didn't go well?"

Five shook his head. "No. It did not. He ended up being sedated and dragged back with everyone else."

"Then who should we go to next? Vanya? Maybe we could get a head start in avoiding the apocalypse if she is the trigger this time."

Five shook his head. "We need to get Luther first. He's going to be the one causing the real trouble if we don't take him under our wing as soon as possible. Besides, I think I already know where he might be."


"A bar?"

Y/N and Five stood in front of the lively room, dimly lit with half-fused bulbs on every pillar and small round tables scattered around the room, plenty of space between the dining area and the small stage, where a pretty blonde was performing on a jazz duet.

"Yeah, see. Luther's in the back," Five said.

Y/N held back a sigh in relief as she spotted the man who was considered "larger than an average ape" around the Umbrella Academy. Luther was chatting with a short haired brunette, the same one who had came over to her and Five saying minors weren't allowed. And so, they had to talk their way out of that.

"Come on, let's go sit down," Five said, holding onto Y/N's upper arms as he shoved through the large crowed and made his way to the front.

Y/N rolled her eyes as Five sat on an armchair on the corner right of the stage crossing her arms sassily. "You're attracting unwanted attention. We're gonna get kicked out."

"I agree," a familiar voice drawled out as a figure leant across Five's left shoulder. "She's too young for you. What do you two want," Luther spat.

"For you to stop hovering over me live an ambitious stripper and sit down," Five replied cooly.

Luther looked away annoyed before pulling up a chair and sitting next to Five.

"So, how long have you been here," Five asked.

"Almost a year, thanks to you," Luther spat.

Five scoffed and shook his head. "Y/N's been here for 28 years. Got anything to add to that?"

"I thought everybody was dead," Luther muttered.

There were arguing voices from the corner of the room where Luther kept on glancing at nervously. Eventually, he got up from his seat and sighed.

"I got to go."

"Luther! Wait," Five pulled on his brother's beefy arm and turned him around to face him and Y/N. "I get it, okay? I know what it's like to be stuck in time. Thinking this is how you're gonna live out the rest of your life...On the run. Not knowing if you're ever going to see the people you love again. To be in an unfamiliar world, Luther you're not alone," Five finished.

Luther stared down at Five in shock while Y/N was wide eyed in astonishment. Five was never really that emotionally engaged in a conversation that was with her siblings, or at least not very often.

"The world ends again in ten days, Luther. We need to find the others, cause we have no idea how to stop it. Five saw the whole thing right before his eyes this time," Y/N said softly.

Luther straightened his back at the two of them and though for a moment before clenching his fists.

"I don't care."

Y/N uncrossed her arms and her eyes trailed after Luther as he disappeared back into the crowd, going to sit at the bar.

"I'll go talk to him," Five said, moving to walk over to Luther.

"Well, try," Y/N shrugged.

Five nodded and made his way over to his brother, arguing over what was right and what was wrong. However, this was a very opinionated debate so eventually, Five gave up and sat at the bar table, watching Luther go up to a drunk man who was blabbering to a rich dude in black.

Everyone around them laughed as the greasy looking drunk guy swung at Luther but failed, sending him into Luther's arms. Y/N let out a puff of air while Five looked equally as annoyed.

"Dad should have left him on the moon," he muttered to her as she gave out a snort.

He began to walk over to her but the man who Luther was fighting with was thrown over to a stool next to Five, causing the boy to trip and land on the guard, his only cover was Y/N who had jumped in at last minute.

"Thanks," Five groaned, Y/N's removing her arm from his waist.

"You need to be more careful. You can't use you're powers out in the public here. It'll cause panic."

Five nodded and shifted his weight, ready to reply but he stopped when he felt something in his pocket after he rearranged his blazer, pulling the plastic piece out to reveal a tape.

"What that?"

"...Hazel gave it to me before he died. 'Franklin Footage'," he read, training his thumb over the label.

"We have a record player back at Morty's. It's a television shop. Let's go."


Sarcasm-Five Hargreeves x Reader (The Umbrella Academy)Where stories live. Discover now