Part 7 (S2)

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"Unfortunately, fleshbag, I have to attend another meeting with the Tribunal. I suggest some reading in the mean time, however," Vendel answered, pointing to a book with his staff before leaving. I sighed, not knowing what to do. My feet dragged against the ground as I exited the library with the book in hand.

Draal was in the Hero's Forge staring at his father's statue. He did this often.
"Am I interrupting something?" I asked, startling him.
"Uh-- no.." he answered, turning his attention on me.
"Great." I grabbed his arm and pulled him to a sitting position on the ground. I then crawled into his lap and layed my head on his shoulder.
"Uh.. (Y/n).. are you alright?" He asked hesitantly.
"I'm fine, it's just.. do you ever feel like you have absolutely no purpose? Like, you're constantly dragging everyone down, and will inevitably lead your team to failure?" I asked, sinking into his large arm.
"Come to think of it, yes."

(Time Change)

We arrived at an empty white building with a red roof and door, looking for some supposed blood goblins. Toby jiggled the doorknob, but it was locked. Aaarrrgghh stepped in to open it, but Blinky stopped him.
"Hush!" He demanded, "we must be silent, lest we alert them." Jim found a window, but Claire made a portal inside instead. I felt bad for Jim, but this was clearly the better way in. There were boxes everywhere. I stuck with Toby, who opened one of them to reveal fun time explosives.
"Dude!" I whispered. He gasped.
"We're in a fireworks warehouse?! So cool!" He whisper-yelled. I fist bumped him as Claire cut in.
"Toby, focus," she stated coldly, "we're here to save Chompsky."
"You're right," Toby replied, shutting the lid to the box, "but we're coming back here later." I peeped my head around the corner with Jim and gasped at the sight of two blood goblins roasting the gnome on a fire.
"Looks like there's two of them," the trollhunter observed, "I'll flank right, you take left."
"There should be more," I replied.
"But should there be more?" Toby asked in fear. Suddenly, a blood goblin jumped onto Blinky's head, causing us all to scream.
"Off me, you foul beast!" The four armed troll shouted, desperately swatting at it. This alerted the other goblins, who started attacking. I blasted one straight into Claire by accident, making my way over to Chompsky. After untying the gnome, I was saved my Jim as he hit a goblin away from me.
"Thanks," I told him, pecking him on the lips before making my way over to help Toby up. Suddenly, a flame ignited, lighting one of the boxes.
"Oh, boy! fireworks fire!" The boy shouted, "Do we put it out? Or do we see what happens? Do we put it out? Do we put it out?! Or should we see what happens?! Uh..." Aaarrrgghh inhaled.
"Wait, Aaarrrgghh, no--" he blew in the fire, causing it to grow.
"Uhh.. see what happens," he stated, eyes widening. Tobias threw a firework into it.
"Toby, what the fuck?!" I shouted as blue sparks erupted.
"Oh, cool! Terrible, but cool!" He observed.
"Stand back!" Claire warned, taking out a fire extinguisher. "Ugh.. useless!" She observed when nothing happened. The girl smacked a goblin out of the air with it. "Or not..!" We continued to fight, looking for an escape as the fire spread and more and more fireworks went off.
"Jim? Jim, where are you?!" I yelled into the growing flames.
"(Y/n), we must leave, now! Master Jim will make it!" Blinky shouted. I leaped through the fire before the troll could grab me.
"Did anything else escape the Darklands?!" The trollhunter shouted angrily at one of the goblins. It nodded.
"Yes.." it's raspy voice spoke.
What the fuck?! since when do goblins talk?!
"Jim!" I yelled. He glanced at me before turning back to the creature.
"Who else got out? Gunmar?!" The goblin didn't answer. It just smiled at him. "Did Gunmar escape?!"
"Jim, look out!" I pushed him out of the path of a firework as the blood goblin waved. The box it was standing on exploded, and Jim and I ran towards the rest of our friends, choking on smoke, jumping through Claire's portal to escape.

"Fireworks.. so much nicer from a distance, huh?" Claire remarked as we stood far away from the building, watching the colorful explosions in the sky. I held Jim's hand, and he gasped, looking down.
"What?" I asked.
"Look!" He whispered. We all turned our attention to Gnome Chompsky, who was proposing to his girlfriend. Well, not another gnome or anything. It was a Sally-Go-Back doll. As strange as it was to watch, it was still kind of adorable.
"I'm not sure it's official, but it's sweet," Blinky observed.
"Looks like some good came out of the Darklands after all," Jim stated casually.
"What do you mean, you butt?" I questioned, elbowing his arm and laughing.
"Yeah," Claire joined in, "my brother is back because of you."
"Some great came out of it. We don't want to go back and change that," I told him.
"That's true," he replied, "we okay T.P.?"
"We awesome sauce," Toby chirped, "although I hate that T.P. is catching on."
"T.P.?" I asked.
"Toby Pie," Claire answered.
"So, we shall not return to the past," Blinky began, "but shall we return to Trollmarket? I feel uncomfortable with the gnome's delusions."
"Yeah, this is getting awkward.." Toby agreed.
"Um, yeah. You guys go ahead," I requested, "I'm going to take a walk."
"You sure?" Jim asked, looking into my eyes.
"Yep, just need some time with my thoughts." I kissed him on the lips before walking down the sidewalk.

Trollhunters - Jim x [Female] Reader (COMPLETED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ