Part 18 (S3)

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Just letting you all know that unless it's said in the show, I'm using spells from Harry Potter because I'm too dumb to come up with new ones.

I made my way down to the dungeon, heels clacking against the stone staircase. I had to hold the front of my dress to keep from stepping on it. When I came into view, some of the trolls that were being held there cowered in fear; others stared in shame and curiosity. I found the red troll with green fur in a cell across from a lime-colored female in which I had come to know as Callista.
"Are you alright?" I asked him, gently putting my hands on the bars. He flinched at my movement and sank backwards in the corner. "You can trust me, I won't hurt you.. I do hope they didn't rough you up too much. It's a shame how barbaric my father can be sometimes.." As I talked, the troll slowly crawled forward and inhaled my scent.
"You saved me," he spoke finally. I jumped at the sudden rocky voice. "Why did you save me?"
"Because I know you're not a beast at heart. Something my father doesn't understand in the slightest." I answered, my (y/e/c) eyes meeting his chartreuse ones. They matched different shades in his mossy fur.
"Hey," Callista piped up. "Princess."
"Yes?" I asked, turning to her.
"If you understand so much, why can't you get us out?" She questioned.
"As much as I would like to, I cannot. Going against my father's wishes is ordering treason upon the kingdom." I sighed sadly. "I don't even know who the guard that holds the keys is."
"I do," a boy's voice cracked. I gasped at the sight of Hisirdoux and Archibald making their way to us. "I can help."
"Why would you do that?" I furrowed my brows.
"I'm going to tell her," Archie spoke.
"Don't you dare!" Hisirdoux scolded. I placed my hands on my hips, waiting for an answer. "I... um..." The bit scratched the back of his neck, kicking at some loose pebbles on the floor.
"No matter." I was sick of waiting. "How well are you at pickpocketing?" I asked sternly.
"W-what?" Hisirdoux stepped back.
"You heard me," I put my hand on the bars of the cage next to me once more.
"That won't be necessary," Archie kicked at Hisirdoux's ankle.
"Oh! Right..." The boy began to scroll through a small, metal bracelet to find a spell. "Alohomora." He pressed his palm against the lock on Callista's cell, and the door creaked open. I face palmed myself.
"Why did I not think of that?" I whined. I then shut the cage before she could get out.
"Hey! Why'd you do that?!" She fearfully asked.
"If you go now, Callista, you will most certainly be killed. The sun is still up!" I told her.
"Oh.." she sat back down.
"Come on, Hisirdoux, before we get caught. I must speak with my aunt." I grabbed his hand and rushed out of the dungeon.

"Auntie?" I cautiously stepped into her quarters, receiving no answer from her. Hisirdoux stayed behind me as the two of us crept into the room.
"Maybe she isn't here?" He asked.
"Then we shall wait," I said as my eyes landed on her collapsed Skathe Hrün. I picked it up, studying the intricate details on it.
"Aren't you curious?" Morgana entered, lighting all of the surrounding torches at once. Hisirdoux jumped towards me, letting out a small yelp. "Arthur tells me you stood against him to save a troll." She tapped her gauntlet, holding out her hand. The Skathe Hrün flew into it, out of my grasp. "A magical creature, like us. So, tell me. Who have you been acquainted with?" I stood silent for a moment before answering.
"The female in the dungeons... Her human name is Callista."
"But?" My aunt asked, seeing right through me.
"But... I am also acquainted with... one that is highly frowned upon." I looked down at the ground.
"And who might that be?" I could sense the tension growing in the air.
"Bular.. the Butcher..." I swallowed hard, trying to hold back my shame.
"What?!" Hisirdoux gasped. "H-how'd you even-- what?!"
"Do you realize the danger he brings?!" Morgana grabbed my shoulders, throwing her staff to the side. "How have you not been eaten?!"
"I do not know!" I moved her arms, taking a few steps back. "He is quite good company.. And he has never harmed me.."
"Bular is a ruthless assassin who shows no mercy. You should not risk your life over something that is yet to be determined!" My aunt cried.
"You do not understand!" I protested. "He stood against his own father to save me!" There was a silence.
"W-what..?" My aunt reluctantly asked. "Is this true?" She turned to Hisirdoux, who shrugged.
"Auntie, I must confess something else to you.." My voice was barely a whisper.
"What else am I unaware of?" She pinched the bridge of her nose.
"I looked into the eyes of the troll in which Father almost killed." I blinked back tears. "I saw fear, and innocence.. He--" I took a shaky breath before continuing. "I cannot bear to see another one of these creatures become slaughtered due to Father's inability to see good from evil."
"You are.. right. Though your affiliation with Bular may be troublesome in the future.."
"That does not matter now! I must act; put an end to my father's mindless destruction!"
"Fine." A small smile spread across Morgana's face. "One way or another, Arthur's bloodshed ends today."
"What is this... treason you speak?" The King appeared in the doorway.
"Brother! We only meant--"
"I've heard enough!" My father growled. "I do not know whose affiliation is with Bular, and I do not care! Your sympathies blind you." The three of us followed the King out of the room. "These beasts never cease to attack us on sight!"
"Because you drive them from their homes, imprison them in the dungeons below, and don't expect them to come for us?" Morgana protested as my father stopped to look over the railing at the citizens in our kingdom. He thought for a moment.
"You're right. I've lost enough to them.. I will not endanger my people by keeping enemies within these walls!"
"Yes!" I set a hand on my father's arm before realizing what he meant. "Wait!" I cried as he began to walk down the stairs. "No, you wouldn't--"
"We destroy those monsters at dawn," the King ordered.
"No.." I whispered, mostly to myself as he left.

(Time Change)

"Alohomora." Hisirdoux and I used the spell on every cage until every creature was free.
"What about the guards?" Callista asked, pointing above us.
"Don't worry, I've taken care of them," I assured the woman. "Quietly, now!" I instructed, leading them all to the exit of the dungeons. My father's voice suddenly echoed from outside.
"Men! We've but less than an hour until sunrise! Draw your swords.. For it is time we rid Camelot of its enemies once and for all, come dawn!"
"I advise you all to stay calm--" I tried reasoning.
"We're all gonna die!" One of the trolls cried from the back. They all began to panic, rushing out the exit. I was grabbed by the red troll I had saved earlier and held above the crowd to avoid getting trampled. He set me off to the side once we were out, and I pressed myself against the wall after the group had dispersed.
"Galahad! Go fetch Merlin!" My father called, tripping the red troll, causing him to fall. "I've got you now, foul beast!" He raised the sword of Excalibur above the troll's head.
"Relashio!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, causing the weapon to fall from the King's grasp. I saw the troll staring in wonderment at me. "What are you doing? Go, go!" He got up and ran out of the area in pursuit of his freedom.

I found myself in the stables, looking for a horse. I picked the only black one, with a white streak running down its snout. I mounted it, seeing that the saddle and such had already been equipped to it. I raised my legs and kicked it's sides, hard. The horse took off, causing me to lean backwards, nearly falling before I caught myself.
"Alright.. let us find my father before he does something else impulsive... Oh, I do hope that Hisirdoux is holding them back for now!"

"Onward! Faster, men! Faster!" The King desperately ordered. I followed them on my horse, easily catching up to him.
"Father! What are you doing?! Cease this madness!" I cried.
"(Y/n)! This is dangerous!" He looked up right in time to see that we were close to the border. "Do not let them get to the trees!" One of the knights bounded ahead. I saw the red troll fall to the ground, attempting to crawl away. The knight drew their sword, reeling back to strike. Suddenly, a giant fist knocked them off of their horse.
"Who wanders into my woods?!" Gunmar roared, trapping the knight under his paw.
"Hold, men! Hold!" My father held a fist in the air.
"Little King, these wild woods are my domain. I command the souls of all under its shade. And I decide who lives.." he threw the knight in front of a crowd of his own servants, "..or dies." They killed the man just as Bular the Butcher joined the scene. He and I made eye contact and, to my surprise, he didn't look away.
"Hello there, Princess," his gruff voice sounded.
"Greetings, Butcher," I answered politely. I felt my father's eyes on me as the troll chuckled.
"(Y/n)." The King said my name sternly. "Enough of your games. You cannot befriend these.. creatures."
"Ugh.. I grow tired of your rules, Father." I turned my attention to Bular. "I look forward to your company once more, Butcher." I smiled warmly.
"As do I, Princess." Bular gave me a nod.
"Stay away from my daughter," I heard my father snarl.
"I care not about your daughter, Arthur. More so that she trespassed in my forest.."
"You did what? I shall hear no more of this!" My father angrily turned his horse around. "This isn't over!" He yelled over his shoulder.
"You can only push us so far, human!" Gunmar called, "War is coming.."
"(Y/n)," the King stated firmly. "You are to find Merlin, and he shall deal with your punishment for your impulsivity." I scoffed, becoming overwhelmed by anger.

I stomped into Merlin's tower, seeing him gesturing to a chair.
"Come, (Y/n). Sit." I did as I was told. Once I sat, the wizard raised his hand, a green aura radiating from it. "Wake up, (Y/n)."

*scroll slowly for dramatic effect*

"Guys, she's waking up!" Toby's voice rang through my ears. I opened my eyes to see him standing over me in worry. My gaze shifted to a strange troll lying unconscious on the couch. I furrowed my brows, thinking nothing of it until I realized he had the eclipse armor on. I gasped, fear overtaking my body.
"Who is that?!" I cried, hoping Jim wasn't dead.

Trollhunters - Jim x [Female] Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now