Part 19

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**Trigger Warning: Language and sexual scenarios may be uncomfortable for some readers**

Jim looked up as I approached him, a smile formed on his face.
Oh shit.. this just got a lot harder..
"Hey," I forced a smile, trying desperately not to think of my previous actions. The Wumpa trolls were playing music in the background. "You want to dance?" I asked, extending my hand. He took it hesitantly before following me.
The two of us began to dance, gently swaying to the rythm at first before adding in some awkward hand motions, laughing along the way. I could feel Angor Rot's eyes on me from afar, which made my heart race; I craved his attention, fantasizing about what could have happened if I hadn't stopped.
"So.." Jim brought me back to reality.
"Yeah?" I asked hopefully.
"The school dance.."
"Yes?" I blurted.
"Uhhhh..." He was about to say something when a loud voice called out.
"What manner mischief this be?!" A crowned giant stomped his way through the crowd.
Ugh seriously, dude? Grammar.
When his 'subjects' tried reasoning with him, the troll lifted Tobias into the air. Fear struck me as I stared up at the enormous troll.
At least this one isn't as big as Gatto...
"Let him go!" I screamed unintentionally. My hand flew to my mouth when the thing turned to look down on me. It stepped forward, right as Angor Rot landed on him, eyes pointed at me.
"Augh..!" The large troll grunted, "who you now?!"
"Death!" Angor exclaimed, stabbing the creature, turning it to stone in seconds.
"Angor Rot!" Jim yelled, shifting into his armor.
"Jim, no!" I called to him, but it was too late.
"Boora Nazulra Char Sha!" The troll spoke an incantation, causing the sword of daylight to fly into his grasp, and the mark to glow on Jim's face.
The next hour was spent with the two of them fighting, and the rest of us trying to save the Wumpa trolls. A tree was turned to stone and fell, nearly crushing a female. Just as the fighting came to an end, Angor having retrieved the killstone, he opened a portal, about to go through it.
"Angor!" I yelled frantically, hoping he would turn. He did. He turned his face towards me, giving Claire the opportunity to grab onto him in an attempt to free the stone. The force she used to pull the troll's hand open resulted in the both of them falling into the portal.
She returned a few moments after, clutching his staff tightly to her chest. After seeing that she was alright, we left using the gyre. However, not before Toby advising the female Wumpa he had saved to become queen.

"What was that?" Jim asked with a hand on my wrist when we arrived to Trollmarket.
"What was what?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"I saw the way he looked at you." His cold voice hit me like a brick wall.
"Who?" I swallowed.
"You know who." He replied sharply, stepping closer until his body was inches from mine.
"Angor?" I scoffed, "Jim, he's a troll," I replied laughing.
"That still doesn't give him the right to look at you like that.."
"Wha.." I gasped, tearing my wrist from his grip to touch my face. "Oh my gosh, you're so jealous!"
"Am not!" He protested, crossing his arms, face growing red, "I just.. I just-- don't like how it makes me feel." I couldn't contain my laughter.

(Time Change)

I was laying  in my bed staring up at the ceiling. I jumped when something hit my window. Picking myself up, I made my way over to it, seeing Jim outside.
What the hell...
I lifted the window and sat on the sill, slowly making my way onto the roof. The trollhunter waited until I was on the ground before taking my hand.
"Come on," he urged awkwardly. I raised an eyebrow before following him.
"Where are we going?" I asked as I was led to a secluded area I didn't recognize. "...Jim?"
"No.." Strickler came out of nowhere.
What the fuck?!
My attention turned back on Jim, who shifted into the man I saw in the principal's office.
"Okay.. what's going on here?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.
"Why have you done this?" Angor Rot emerged from the shadows.
Is he talking to me?
Strickler took a step back, staring at the troll who continued on his path, acting as a barrier between the impure and I.
"Angor... I see you've returned," the changeling's voice cracked. "Come on, Otto.." he gestured to the other man, straightened his jacket, and left.
"What's going on?" I asked once more. Angor turned towards me, extending his hand.
"I do not know," he answered as I took it, "but I want my ring." I glanced up at him.
"What's so important about this ring anyway?" I asked tightly.
"It is my soul within it that I want.."
"Your soul?"
"Yes." With that, I dropped the conversation. The two of us walked in the direction of my house, stopping before the edge of the forest.
"A-angor?" I stuttered, looking down. The troll turned his head towards me.
What are you even going to ask?
"...Yes?" He asked when I said nothing.
"I don't know..." I trailed off. He came toward me, as I backed up into another tree.
You get pushed into trees a lot, don't you? I guess this is going to be a reoccurring event.
His hand cupped my face as his thumb slid across my lips. My heart skipped a beat just thinking about it and I didn't stop him when he leaned over me.
"Make up your mind already," his smoky voice growled in my ear. I found myself grabbing ahold of one of the vines on his chest before he kissed me with force.
"We shouldn't be doing this..." I whispered when he pulled away.
"But you--" he didn't get to finish. My lips landed on his again, and my face grew hot as his tounge entered my mouth. The action continued to progress; It was intoxicating.
Why do I like this?
I didn't care. He was much less hesitant than Jim, and there were no awkward silences. I was falling for this troll, and I couldn't stop.

I cursed myself for what happened within the next few moments. I mean, what I was doing wasn't exactly right, but it wasn't wrong either. Jim and I weren't dating.
You know what? I'm tired of feeling guilty about it. Jim just needs to grow a pair of balls and ask me out already. Until then, it shouldn't matter.
Angor had helped me return to my room through the window. Just as he was about to leave, I grabbed his wrist, causing him to turn back.
"I'll get your ring." I told him sternly. With that, he nodded and leaped off my roof.

(Time Change)

I woke up the next morning, gently touching my lips with a slight smile, thinking about the previous night.

School went by kind of slow. I caught up to Jim, Toby, and Claire at the beginning. Jim shot me a look while the other two argued.
"What's going on?" I nervously asked.
"Ugh.. they've been at it since last night." Jim replied, "Ever since Claire got that staff.."
"Ah," I took note, not realizing that wasn't the real reason they were fighting about.

Aaaaaaaggghhhhh omggg I absolutely enjoy these I might have to start a new story just for Angor or something because I want to write more about this😂
Anyway, jealous Jim is about to become more visible!

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