Part 8

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*Possible Trigger Warning: Violence, verbal abuse, and self harm occur in this episode*

I returned to trollmarket the next day, still feeling a bit of hatred for Jim. After what I heard previously, I wasn't so sure he actually liked me. There was a tap on my shoulder. Whipping around, I saw that it was Jim.
"Hey," he started, "h-how are you feeling?" I glared at him, remembering the conversation once more.
"Oh, I don't know," I said sarcastically, "how's your stupid girlfriend doing?" A look of confusion took over his face.
Wow. I said it.
"I heard the conversation." I continued. His mouth hung open and he furled his brows. "You're a real jerk, you know that? You can't just confess to someone and then go and kiss someone else!" I was fuming, and felt my face turning red. He seemed to figure out what I was talking about.
"It's not like that!" He insisted.
"Then what's it like, James?!" I was yelling now, tears stung my eyes. Trolls were looking at us.
"It's the school play!" He desperately called.
"I can't believe this."
"No, wait, I can prove it!" He said suddenly, taking a folded piece of paper out of his pocket. He thrusted it at me and I took it, still glaring at him. Opening up the paper, I saw that it was a poster for the school play. The poster that I had ignored so many times at school.
Romeo and Juliet: Starring James Lake Jr. & Claire Nuñez
I felt so stupid. My hand rested on my mouth. Jim took my other hand, his blue eyes gazing into my (y/e/c) ones.
"I'm sorry," I whispered.
"It's fine," he replied, "you didn't know."

(Time Change)

Once again, I found myself laying in my bed, staring up at the ceiling.
How could I have been so stupid?!
I sat up and went to my shelf. I took out a book, Fahrenheit 451*. I opened it. Carefully tucked in the cover, was a blade. My hand gripped it tightly, tears falling from my face.
You're so stupid. You're such a dumbass. How could you have messed up this badly?!
The metal was cold against my skin. I winced at the pain, which faded almost instantly, and kept myself steady. I watched the blood begin to seep out of the wound. I made another cut, deeper this time, and hated myself even more because of it.

The front door slammed.
Shit. He's home.
My father could be heard downstairs. The fridge slammed.
"(Y/n)!" He screamed, "where's my beer?!" I gathered my courage and answered.
"You drank it all!" The man grunted. Something else slammed.
"Well go get me sommore!" He slurred. I did as I was told, leaving the safety of my room, and going down the stairs. I passed through the kitchen and went down to the basement, grabbing six-pack of beer that rested on a shelf.

Taking the drink from my hands, my father ripped off the cap and swallowed. I turned to go back upstairs.
"Where do you think you're going?" The drunk slurred. I turned back. "Go make me somethin' ta eat. I'm hungry." This time I stood my ground; I didn't know what I was doing.
"No." I heard myself say.
"S'cuse me?" My father replied.
"I s-said.. no." My voice wavered. The man got up and staggered towards me, his smell of intoxication filled my nostrils. My father came inches from my face.
"I said, go make me somethin' ta eat, bitch! When I was your age, women did what they're told!"  To prove his point, he raised the bottle he was holding and smashed it on the floor. I jumped. "Clean that up!" I followed the directions. Immediately after, I ran up to my room, sobbing into my pillow.

*Fahrenheit 451 is an actual book written by Ray Bradbury, incase anyone was wondering.

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