Part 24

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**Possible Trigger Warning: Language and verbal abuse occur in this episode**

"You're not going to, um.. tell anyone about.." Blinky asked as we made our way to my domicile.
"Of course not," I let him know, "that's not my place." He sighed in relief.
"The very thought of keeping this from Master Jim seems to disgruntle me.." The troll admitted, "but, I am unsure of how to relay this information."
"I feel you, man," I said, checking to see if my father was home before coming inside.
"What do you mean?" Blinky asked, following me.
"Well.. I don't like to talk about it." The two of us went upstairs to my room. I grabbed a towel that was folded in my closet. "Hey, I have to take a shower, I'm good now if you want to go back." The troll nodded as he turned to leave, but the front door slammed.
Oh no... Not now!
"Blinkous," I hissed, pulling him back into my room.
"(Y/n)!" My father's agressive voice boomed.
"Coming!" I called. "Just stay in here. Draw the curtains and you'll be fine."
I cautiously made my way down the stairs.
"(Y/n)!" He screamed once more, "where's my beer?!"
Oh god, again.
"I'll get it.." I mumbled, walking to the basement. One of my worst fears came true as I saw that his beer was gone. Slowly, I brought myself up the stairs, my anxiety rising. "F-father?"
"What is it, bitch?" He snarled.
"Y-your beer is... gone.." I struggled to say.
"Well then.." he growled, "go and get me sommore!" He screamed, causing me to jump back.
"I-I can't," I protested, "I'm not old enough!"
"Don't you raise your voice at me! You are my daughter!" His voice echoed throughout the house as he leaned in close to my face. His stench burned my nostrils, "I am forty-seven years old! I don't need a teenager telling me how to live my life!" With that remark, the man stormed out of the house. I heard his car start as he sped away.
I made my way up the stairs shaking, fighting back tears. My hand grasped the doorknob as I slowly turned it. I had forgotten Blinky was there. He watched in horror as I broke down right then and there.
"(Y/n), are.. are you alright?" The troll asked, approaching me. Before he could touch my shoulder, my hand shot up, grabbing his wrist. He jumped.
"Well.. now you know my secret," I muttered. "But if one word ever slips your lips," I growled, looking up at him, "I'll use this ring on you myself." He gasped at my remark. My face twisted in fear as I realized what I was doing. My grasp quickly dissipated, "I'm.. sorry, I-I don't know what came over me!" I ran to my bathroom, locking myself inside.

(Time Change)

I walked through Trollmarket with Jim, Toby, and Claire. A horn sounded in the distance. All power shut off except for glowing gemstones that lined the walls. Jim shifted into his armor and I clung to his arm. We noticed every creature standing at attention as Bagdwella appeared next to us.
"Put that thing away," she told Jim sternly, "don't you know our guests are sensitive to light?"
"Guests?" I asked as a female troll was brought through with larger males who looked like Aaarrrgghh. She wielded a blue staff that remined me of Vendel's, and wore a crown that matched.
"Queen Usurna, of the Krubera," Blinky explained, appearing next to me yet staying cautious in my presence. "They reside in the deepest caverns under the Earth's mantle. Rarely do they venture this close to the surface."
"Deepest caverns?" Jim asked, "you don't think that--"
"It's plausible, if not convenient." Blinky finished.
"Your visit is an unexpected honor," Vendel stated warmly.
"Vendel." The queen spoke. Her voice gave me bad vibes. Jim and Toby began to ramble questions until Blinkous shushed them. "Aarghaumont, my kinstroll," the female continued, turning her attention to Aaarrrgghh. The two put their foreheads together, his markings glowing in her presence. "Centuries pass, yet you remain forever in our hearts."
"My queen," the brute replied softly. Usurna made her way over to us, her eyes landing on me, who was still clinging to Jim's arm.
"Allow me to introduce you to our trollhunter," Blinky started, gently pulling me towards himself, "the slayer of Gunmar's son."
"Uhh.. James Lake Junior, your Queen-ness--" He struggled to communicate.
"Highness." I corrected.
"The human trollhunter," she ignored his words, grabbing his face. It took everything in me not to stop her then and there. "I heard stories, but didn't believe."
"Ask her about the stone," Toby whispered.
"Your highness... lady?" Jim began. I face palmed myself. "I recently heard a story about the deep caverns, and a magical stone."
"A stone?" She asked.
"From a trilogy of sorts? One might say of the Triumbric variety?"
Vendel's staff came crashing in front of Toby and Jim, "that is not how you speak to a queen." He growled at them. Usurna chuckled.
"Their informality is amusing," she was enjoying their embarrassment, and I was not happy with her attitude. "No, trollhunter, we do not have it. Though I am familiar of that which you speak. It was once in our possession, but stolen years ago." I removed myself from the situation, as her atmosphere seemed to threaten me.

Sorry I'm cutting this episode short, I've been so tired... You know the drill, longer chapter tomorrow!

Trollhunters - Jim x [Female] Reader (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora