Part 11 (S2)

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I awoke in Trollmarket's medbay, Blinky sitting in a corner reading. I tried to sit up.
"Agh!" My ribs were bandaged, but still hurt, and there were different colored crystals lying next to me.
"No, no, no, (Y/n), you mustn't get up yet." Blinkous rushed to my side, helping me lay back down. "You need rest. It appears you've broken a few ribs."
"Where's.. Jim?" I managed to grunt. There was silence. "Blinky? Where is he?" Again, no answer. "Where is Jim?!" My voice boomed, my chest hurting once more at the impact. I shut my eyes.
"(Y/n), he's.." The troll trailed off.
"Dead?" I asked.
"Then why hesitate with your answer? I want him by my side, now." I demanded.
"I'm afraid that won't be happening," Usurna entered. I couldn't see her, but I recognized her voice. My eyes shot open.
"And why not?" I growled.
"He's been arrested for the release of Gunmar." I saw her standing next to Vendel, towering over the top of me. A smirk spread across her face. "How are you, (Y/n)?" she asked through gritted teeth. I rolled my eyes.
"Not good.." I answered as Vendel changed my position. I felt him rest a hand on my head and I drifted into darkness.

--This is when Jim gets the second chance from Unkar and is sent back in time--

I shut my alarm off.  My muscles ached from the previous workout Coach Lawrence had us do, and my wrists were begging me to cut them. I did my makeup, skipped breakfast, and pulled on a black over-sized hoodie. My feet tapped the stairs as I went down them and I opened the front door, keys jingling. I drove to school feeling absolutely empty.

"(Y/n)!" A hand flew to my shoulder as I went to grab one of my books out of my locker. I jumped, causing the book to fall to the ground. "(Y/n), I have to talk to you, Tobes is acting so weird!" A boy wearing a blue turtleneck jacket was standing in front of me. His black hair hung loosely over his forehead, just barely brushing his blue eyes.
"Um.. I'm sorry, have we met?" I asked the boy. He was surprisingly cute to be talking to someone like me.
"Uhhh... what are you talking about, I'm your boyfriend," he replied, furrowing his brows. I laughed.
"Okay, very funny!" I picked up my book from the ground. "Who put you up to this?" I looked around. The only person my eyes really were drawn to was the school 'bully,' Steve. "Was it Steve?" I asked, pointing to the tall blonde across the way.
"What? No! Oh! You don't know who I am yet!" He ran a hand through his hair.
"No, I mean, you do. I mean, you will!"
"If you're gonna make fun of me, just get it over with.." I shut my locker and began to walk away, but the boy grabbed my wrist. I yanked it away. "Dude! Hands off!"
"Wait! Your scars!"
"What?" I growled. This dude was starting to piss me off.
"Yeah, you're insecure, and-and your scars!" I set my bag down as he was saying this, balling my fists up.
"What are you talking about?" I snarled, "who told you?"
"No one! I saw them!" He said, beginning to smile and regain his confidence. People began to stare. I swung at him before he knew what I was doing, and hit him right in the nose.
"You were spying on me?!" More people gathered as the boy stumbled back. The popular girl, Mary Wang, came up to me in her group of two other girls.
"Is Jim bothering you, (Y/n)?" She asked, standing in a defensive pose in front of me.
"Not anymore.." I grabbed my bag and stormed off to class.

(Time Change)

I was driving home after school. A crazy thought crossed my mind for a split second and I had the overwhelming sense to go to the canals.
When I got there, my eyes fell on the boy from before. He was digging through a pile of rocks while another boy stood behind him. This boy was short, and had more of a pudgy figure. He spotted me.
"Hey, didn't you punch Jim?" He asked.
"I had a good reason," I growled. "What are you doing here?"
"Well, Jimbo, here, wanted to show me a pile of rocks," the short boy responded.
"No, Tobes, the amulet. It was right here!" The boy named Jim stood up. "Oh, hey, (Y/n). Ugh.. maybe someone else was chosen."
"Well, Jim, this has been memorable," the friend said, turning, "and since somebody forgot my lunch today, I'm going home to eat. I'll see you tomorrow." The boy got on his bike and left. On the way to my car, I heard the boy named Jim say something.
"You could have helped me out.." There was a silence. "But then who has the amulet now?" I decided that the boy was crazy and went on my way.

I watched Jim throughout the next couple of weeks and noticed he became depressed, like me. My curiosity got the best of me one night when I followed him to the canals.
I nearly missed my moment when he jumped in a cart that two things were pulling. When he emerged, I followed.
"Jim!" I grabbed his wrist, causing him to jump and yell out in shock. I forced him against a wall, clamping my hand over his mouth. "What are you doing here? What is this place?" I questioned. He moved my hand.
"We need to find Blinky. Something bad is going to happen." He took me by the hand and rushed into some sort of room.
"Perhaps you should try reading my books, rather than eating them.." A strange voice said.
"Blinky!" Jim called out. My eyes fell on a gigantic, rocky thing that towered over me. It was covered in green moss, and I nearly fell backwards. I clung to Jim's arm as the previous voice screamed. My eyes flew to a six-eyed, four-armed thing, shorter than the other one.
"Hi." The mossy brute waved.
"H-hi.." I made a slight wave, still sort of hiding behind Jim.
"A human! Be gone, fleshbag!" His six eyes fell on me, "another! It's an infestation! Leave at once! Or... or else, my sizable friend, here, will eat you!" Somehow, I didn't believe it.
"Uh, Aaarrrgghh's a pacifist," Jim informed.
"Pacifist," the giant pointed to himself, cocking an eyebrow.
"How did you.. know.. that?" The four armed thing asked, lowering the book he was holding. He looked in my direction.
"Don't look at me, bro, I just followed him," I pointed to Jim, stepping away.
"Unkar sent me back in time to give me a second chance," the boy explained.
"Who?" I asked. I felt a poke at my side.
"Tiny human," the one called Aaarrrgghh remarked, studying me. I giggled when he poked me again. The two of us began to circle each other, and he allowed me to climb on him while we played, ignoring the other conversation. Suddenly, the brute stopped and pulled me off of him. "Killahead?" He asked.
"Um, actually, we believe you, young human!" The one called Blinky stated.
"Ugh.. finally! Thank you," Jim sat down on a slab, gesturing for me to follow. I still didn't trust him that much, but obeyed anyway.
"Aaarrrgghh, go find the trollhunter, Draal," Blinky commanded.
"Draal is the trollhunter?" Jim asked.
"Have him bring... a gaggletack," the shorter monster whispered.
"What's a.. gaggle.. tack?" I asked. Jim gasped.
"We need to go, now," he demanded, suddenly making an escape. Before I could do anything, one of the creatures had grabbed ahold of me. Another one entered, this one in armor.
"This had better not be another one of your conspiracies, Blinkous--" he cut himself off, seeing me. "Um.." He had large set of horns and cerulean crystals that grew out of his back. His eyes were a scarlet red that faded to yellow towards the iris, dropping into pitch black. The level of awkwardness in the air reached a point where I broke the silence.
"You're pretty.." I thought aloud. My hand flew to my mouth. "Sorry, I don't know why I said that.."
"Ugh.." the armored one grunted and handed me a horseshoe. "Just take this." I took it. Nothing happened. "Well, you're.. a human." He observed.
"Did you figure that one out all by yourself?" I mocked.
"Enough of your games! Why are you here?!" He snarled.
"I followed that guy who just left! I have nothing to do with this whatsoever!" I protested, "here. Take your.. horseshoe back.." I shoved it at him.
"Why would you put such a precious thing on a horse's foot?!" the four-armed monster asked. I shrugged.
"I've been asking that since I was six years old."
"You're coming with me," the beautiful armored creature told me, carrying me out of the room on his shoulder.

Trollhunters - Jim x [Female] Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now