Part 12 (S3)

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"What do you mean?" Jim asked hesitantly. I took his hands in mine, lowering them from my face and shoulder.
"I think..." I took a deep breath. "I think we should break up." There was a pause before Jim dropped my hands.
"Why?" His brows slowly furrowed at the ground.
"I can't do this anymore, Jim. I don't think you understand how much it hurts me every time we fight. I can't take it anymore..." We both stared in different directions for a few minutes, completely silent. "I'm sorry." The two of us made eye contact before he took one step closer to me. I extended my hand to touch his chest. I felt the soft material of his sweater that hugged his pectorals. The boy's hand found itself on my chin as our lips met. I stayed there for a minute, drowning in his scent before we released. I watched as the Trollhunter turned his back to me, and walked into the house sadly.
"Jimbo, you okay?" I heard Toby ask before the door was shut. My feet trudged down the sidewalk as I began to walk away. I found myself calling Steve.
"What's up?" He asked flatly.
"Are you busy?" I blurted.

Steve met me at the forest, and we sat down on a park bench near the edge.
"So.." He broke the silence. "You broke up with him, huh?"
"Yeah... I couldn't take our constant bickering anymore. It's like what you were telling me before.." I said softly.
"Maybe it wasn't meant to be," he replied. "I guess that's how these things work out." My (y/e/c) eyes met his blue ones.
"Yeah..." I answered, not breaking eye contact. I felt myself being drawn into him as the muscular boy leaned in. Our faces were nearly touching, and I could feel his breath graze my lips directly before they touched. I pulled away.
"That didn't feel.." I put a hand to my mouth.
"I know.." Steve did the same.
"You know, that wasn't right.." I scooted away from him about an inch.
"Yeah.. It didn't feel.." he agreed.
"Okay, yeah.."
"Let's not.."
"Sorry." I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Sorry."
"No, I'm sorry.." Steve stood up, holding out a hand. "We should probably go."
"Yeah.." I took it, and we left.

(Time Change)

I got a call when I was nearly asleep that night.
"Hello?" I asked groggily.
"(Y/n), I know you probably don't want to come right now, but we have a little problem," Barbara said on the other line.
"Oh, don't be a bunch of daisies! Help me move the body!" I heard Toby's Nana chirp.

"What were you thinking?!" I asked, standing over Mr. Scott's unconscious body. The adults had moved him to the couch.
"I took decisive action. I have no regrets," Toby's Nana answered, a shovel in hand.
"Not you," I sighed.
"Though you did assault a police officer," Strickler added.
"I was talking to Dictatious. And why are you here?" I asked the changeling.
"I.. let's focus on the problem at hand.." he stated, gesturing to the four-armed troll. I rolled my eyes.
"You were supposed to stay upstairs, hidden, correct?" I growled.
"Exactly. And now our goose is cooked," Mr. Nuñez replied before Dictatious could answer.
"We have to focus!" Mrs. Nuñez blurted. "He's going to wake up eventually and we're going to have to explain what he saw."
"I have an idea--" Dictatious butt in.
"We're not going to kill him," Barbara shut him down.
"Oh. Well in that case, I don't have an idea.." I looked over just in time to see Nana Domzalski hide the shovel behind her back as the troll was saying this.
"What if we just pretend nothing happened?" The elderly woman suggested. "That he didn't actually see anything?"
"I don't think any of us can act that well, Nana," Barbara told her. Mrs. Nuñez gasped.
"That's it! Quick! I need paper and something to write with!" She demanded. While Barbara got her the paper and a pen, I turned to Toby's Nana.
"You seemed to know what you were doing.." I observed.
"Whatever do you mean, dear?" She asked, adjusting her glasses.
"I mean, not just any elderly woman can knock someone unconscious. Especially when it's a cop," I clarified.
"Oh, that." She leaned in close. "We all have our secrets, dear. I was a spy in World War 1. Shhh..." I gasped.
"Whaaaat?" My voice was a shocked whisper. The woman giggled before turning back to the group.

Trollhunters - Jim x [Female] Reader (COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang