Part 9 (S3)

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"No..." I repeated the word to myself, applying in to different facts in my head that I wished would go away. "No..." Perhaps by saying them enough times, they would go away. "No... No... No..."
"She's growing too powerful! We must stop her!" Strickler yelled at Blinky. I turned my gaze to them.
"How would you suggest we do that?!" The four-armed troll hissed. The changeling looked down for a moment before pulling out a dagger. It was poisoned with something; most likely Creeper's Sun poison. "Don't you dare!" Strickler stood.
"We must! We've already lost two! How many more deaths would be on our hands?!" Blinky stood as well. "Don't you get it?! Claire's gone! They're not coming back!"
"We don't know that!" Blinkous screamed, gesturing to me.
"This is Morgana! The Morgana!" The changeling roared.
"We mustn't! We can't!" The mens' voices cracked whilst yelling. Morgana-Claire's face twisted in different expressions.
"My niece! Help me!" The woman yelled. "I know you still carry some compassion for me! The girl grows stronger as we speak!"
"Maybe that's a good thing!" I called back. "You had your turn! You failed!"
"Enough!" She snarled, shooting a burst of golden energy. The woman was struggling to hold her possession of the girl. "Get out of my head, child!"
"Forgive me, Claire," Strickler tried to lunge, but was only grabbed by Blinky.
"No!" The troll screamed.
"But it must be done." While the changeling spoke, Claire's body began to phase. Over and over, losing shape then regaining it once more.
"You dare wield a weapon of my power?! My Skathe Hrün will be your end!" Morgana fought. The woman screamed. Pain ripped through her vocal chords. She fought. She fought, and she fought. She proved to be too weak. Her golden aura burst through the room and quickly disappeared. The loud struggles came to a deafening silence. I heard a strange noise come from my left, and when I looked, I saw Jim and Toby fall to the ground.
"We're alive! We're alive!" Toby yelled out triumphantly.
"Jim!" I called, quickly tackling him in a hug. I flinched when Claire suddenly yelled out in fear. We diverted our attention to her, and saw Strickler and Blinky holding the dagger above her head.
"Claire!" The four-armed troll observed.
"Were you gonna stab me with that thing?!" She asked in surprise.
"No!" Blinky said at the same time as Strickler said, "yes!"
"Obviously, we were--" The changeling was cut off.
"Going to break your chains!" The troll snatched the dagger, cutting the girl's restraints. I got off of Jim, the two of us following Toby over to see her.
"Claire, that was--" The Trollhunter started.
"We were around the world in zero seconds!" Toby shouted, "and you, you out-witched a witch!"
"Is she still.. there?" Jim asked. I clutched his hand, still feeling a bit shocked.
"No, she's... gone. But while she was under my skin, I was in her head. I remember things." She held out her hand, and the shadow staff flew straight into it. "That's new.."
"Curious," Blinky studied it. "Not only did you overcome a twelfth-century sorceress, but it appears you've picked up a few of her tricks!"
"I don't know if it's enough to stop her.." Jim remarked.
"Plus Morgana told Gunmar how to bring the Eternal Night," Toby added.
"And if he does, I've got a bad feeling this won't be the last we see of her. (Y/n)..." Claire turned to me. "She's.. related to you, isn't she? I felt a connection. Some kind of tie to your lifeline."
"I've come to understand she's my aunt," I said out loud, finally starting to get a grip on myself.
"Like, your great-great aunt? Or.." Toby questioned.
"No." I sat cross-legged on the floor. "Just my aunt." I flicked my attention to Blinky. "I saw something. When I fell back onto Claire's bed." Everyone's eyes were on me. "Some man named Arthur, and some wizard. With a staff!" I got up, unable to sit still, and began pacing. "It was like I was in a dream, watching something happen. Only it was a memory!"
"Great Gorgus! (Y/n)! I remember you!" Blinky's eyes widened. "Princess (Y/n) Pendragon, later known as Lady (Y/n) the beauty."

(Time Change)

"So.. Princess, huh?" Jim asked. We were sitting in his living room, the moonlight shining through the window behind us.
"Apparently. There's still so much I don't remember.." I held my head, trying to think. "If my father was the King, then who is the man I've come to know now?"
"I don't know... Maybe you should ask him." Jim replied, laying his head into my lap. I chuckled.
"It's not that easy, Jim..." I sighed.
"Why not?" He asked confusedly.
"Because my father... he's not someone I can just talk to." I yawned, patting his head. "We should get some sleep."

(Time Change)

"Whoo! C-minus!" Toby announced as we all biked to Jim's house.
"C-plus..." Claire groaned. "What did you get, Jim?"
"D... and probably summer school..." The three of them looked at me. "What did you get, (Y/n)?" Jim asked me.
"I don't take Spanish, but Madame Simone said I got an A-minus for my French test, if you wanted to know," I answered proudly.
"So I'm the only one who's failing..." Jim grumbled.
"Don't worry, Jim," I assured him, "I'm sure you'll do great on the retake!"
"Señor Uhl said that next week's Spanish final counts for twenty percent of our grade," Claire added. "If you ace that.."
"Yeah, Jimbo!" Toby exclaimed, "twenty percent is a difference between life and death! I mean, academically speaking." We stopped at the boy's front door and entered.
"Yeah, let's bring our books to training.. Cramming couldn't hurt.." Jim's eyes fell on his mother's purse which was hanging on their banister. "Mom? Are you home?" He called.
"In here, kids," Barbara answered in a slightly agitated manner. We rounded the corner to see the woman standing in their livingroom, arms crossed. I glanced around to see Claire's parents, Toby's Nana, and the last person I wanted to see. My 'father' was sitting on the couch, staring angrily at me, a beer in hand.
"Oh, hello!" Toby's Nana spoke happily.
"We need to talk." Barbara furrowed her brows, dropping her voice.
"Well those four words are never good," Toby stated nervously.
"Barbara, what's going on?" Mrs. Nuñez asked fearfully. "On the phone you said our children's lives were in trouble?"
"What's that brat done now?" My father rolled his eyes.
"My Toby Pie would never be in trouble! He's an angel!" Toby's Nana chirped.
"Actually, Mrs. Domzalski, I'm afraid they're in serious danger. But I think it'd be best if they explain," Barbara stated coldly.
"Why don't you just say it now, Mrs..." my father began.
"Lake. But call me Barbara."
"Right. Barbara.. if there's one thing I've learned, it's that that ungrateful bitch is a liar!" My father's voice boomed, filled with hate.
"Mr. (L/n), please. Don't call her that!" Jim's mother tried to request.
"She's my daughter, and I'll talk to her how I want!" He turned his gaze on me, standing up. I froze in fear. "It's drugs, isn't it?!"
"What? No. It's not drugs, it's trolls!" Barbara corrected.
"The internet. I knew it!" Mr. Nuñez stood next to my father.
"Not internet trolls! Real trolls!" There was a pause before the adults laughed. All except for my father, who never took his intense glare off of me.
"Trolls? Barbara...! Are you on the drugs?" Toby's Nana asked, taking a sip of tea.
"No! There are these creatures who live beneath us!" Barbara protested, "It's not entirely clear in my head, but our kids are helping them. And fighting them!" My father sat down, scowling at the floor.
"Oh no.. it is the drugs," Mr. Nuñez whispered to his wife.
"I believe you, Barbara." She stood up.
"You do?" Jim's mother asked.
"I, too, have dealt with stress and anxiety, and have the number to and excellent therapist."
"It's not stress, Ophelia," Barbara snapped. Toby laughed nervously.
"Trolls living beneath us? That's crazy town banana pants fosters!" He said while Claire joined in.
"With extra nuts," she added.
"Jim. Tell them! Please..." Barbara began to get desperate. The room fell silent. All eyes landed on the trollhunter as he searched for an excuse.
"The hospital asked her to take some time off.." he finally answered. There were scattered gasps.
"What?" The woman asked, surprised. She suddenly grew cross, grabbing our backpacks. "Look in their bags! Search them! I'm sure you'll find a few surprises!" She pulled out the amulet of daylight and threw it onto the coffee table.
"That's an invasion of my privacy," Claire stated as I looked up at my father. He eyed me suspiciously, taking a sip of his beer before setting it down. I knew he wouldn't find anything in my bag, so I wasn't worried about that.
"I don't know what's going on... but what do you call this?!" Mr. Nuñez interrogated, thrusting a purple object in his daughter's direction. I snickered.
"That's a protractor, Dad," she said obviously.
"I think he means this." Councilwoman Nuñez pulled out the collapsed Skathe Hrün. "Isn't it clear? Your son stole these artifacts from the museum." She turned to Barbara.
"It was in your daughter's bag," Jim's mom shot back.
"How dare you accuse my daughter-" the adults' voices all blurred together. My father stood up suddenly, slamming his fist on the coffee table.
"Enough!" He screamed, stomping over to me.

Trollhunters - Jim x [Female] Reader (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora